from the cape to cairo cartoon analysis

The caption reads: The Stranger: How long have you been civilized? Xiang, Lanxin. Transatlantic dimensions of the American Anti-Imperialist Movement, 1899-1909.Journal of Transatlantic Studies. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University. Caption: Though the process be costly, the road to progress must be cut. But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will feel as glad to be here as they are! Louis Dalrymple,Puck, January 25, 1899. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1900. From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. Vol 172 (February 1901). A chained War Correspondent is forced to rewrite his reports under the direction of Major General Elwell Otis during the Philippine-American War. In one of the most lasting images of the conflict, the legation quarter in Beijingoverflowing with some 900 foreign diplomats, their families, and soldiers, along with some 2,800 Chinese Christianswas put to siege. Office hours: By appointment only. The Real Trouble Will Come with the Newly conquered populations, described in the opening stanza as your new-caught, sullen peoples, half-devil and half-child would need sustained commitments to serve your captives needs., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014 Visualizing Cultures. President McKinley at the Conference of Foreign Missions. The fallen man clasps the flag of the Philippine independence movement, inscribed with the words Give Us Liberty. His hat quotes the most famous phrase in the U.S. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, . Mott, Frank Luther. The conduct of foreign troops in China was targeted in a searing cartoon by the French artist Thophile Steinlen. Source:Library of Congress. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University, Left:Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade, Progress, Force if Necessary, Cotton Dry Goods Education, Right:Boxer, 400 Million Barbarians, China, Civilization and barbarism meet as the headlight of Uncle Sams gun-mounted Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade shines the light of Progress on China. Published during the Boxer uprisings against Westerners and Christians, the cartoon portrays China as a frenzied dragon under the control of a Boxer gripping a bloody sword and banner reading 400 Million Barbarians. In the balance of power between technological progress and primitive barbarians, the cartoon makes clear who must back up.. On May 1a month before the celebratory second magazine cover reproduced here was publishedCommodore George Dewey destroyed a Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines. Source:Library of Congress. Appelbaum, Stanley. Lucky Filipinos: the Philippine-American War. Explain your reasoning. Numbers 14-15 and 18-20 wanting. In this 1898 cartoon, Britannia (Great Britain) welcomes Columbia (the United States) as an estranged daughter and new imperialist partner. The larger objective, to gain control of the Boer territories, was part of Britains colonial scheme for Cape to Cairo hegemony in Africa. While grading a final exam a professor discovers that two students have virtually identical answers. Name: Grady Lentz Rhodes cartoon analysis Figure 1.4: Imperialist, explorer and businessman Rhodes as a. Pro-imperialist cartoons often depicted the West as literally shining the light of civilization and progress on barbaric peoples. The U.S. must govern its new territories with or without their consent until they can govern themselves. Veneration of Britains treatment of colonies as a positive model attests to the significant shift in the American world view given U.S. origins in relation to the mother country. Almost exactly eight years subsequent to this cartoon's publication, former president Theodore Roosevelt emerged from a long safari in Africa and, invited to speak in Cairo, Egypt, lectured the British about proper colonial administration -- "or leave Egypt. A more earthly approach is taken in the graphic Some One Must Back Up that heads this essay. The Forbidden Book: The Philippine-American War in Political Cartoons(San Francisco: TBoli Pub. Translated from Russian. Download this stock image: From the Cape to Cairo. Matthews, Roy T. Britannia and John Bull: From Birth to Maturity.The Historian,Vol. Three overlapping turn-of-the-century conflicts in particular stirred the righteous rhetoric of the white imperialists. Christian missionaries often led the way, followed by politicians, troops, andbringing up the rearbusinessmen. Smith, Arthur Henderson. Europeans, this reads, Pour the Blessings of Their Culture over the Globe., Der Europer giesst die Segnungen seiner Kultur ber den Erdball aus (The Europeans pour the blessings of its culture over the globe). Cartoonist Victor Gillam turns the tables on American missionary zeal and moral imperative to save the heathen by showing how the Chinese might view the foreign devils in vignettes of ignorance, racism, and extreme violence in the United States. Uncle Sam, armed and dangerous, cocks an eyebrow as he displays his handiwork: countless dead Filipino soldiers laid out in rows. England has governed her colonies whether they consented or not. School Begins. Uncle Sam (to his new class in Civilization): Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! It allows prisoners to enjoy the view from the outside and have the illusion of freedom (Official Report to the War Office. From the C - ER9554 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. A Red-Letter Day. These more critical graphics did not exist in a vacuum. U.S. in: Puck, v. 52, no. The artists of both "Conquest and Competition" (Visual . Skulls dot the landscape ahead in Lifes grim rendering. 'From the Cape to Cairo: Though the process be costly, the road of progress must be cut', cartoon depicting British colonialism as a civilising force - 1902 . Source:Library of Congress. In this activity, you will first analyze political cartoons about imperialism, and then create your own anti-imperialist cartoon. title not id. French Satirical Drawings from LAssiette au Beurre(New York: Dover Publications, 1978). The Life cartoon takes a different view of the barbarism in these events, focussing on Allied brutality against the Chinese. Twains most celebrated anti-imperialist essay, To the Person Sitting in Darkness, was published in the February, 1901 issue of the North American Review. Caption: Though the process be costly, the road to progress must be cut. Brown, Frederick. Long May It Wave. The violence applied to these aims both in bodily harm and cultural ruin was only part of the hypocrisy. Source: Library of Congress. In the rest of the continent, the Belgians brutally dealt with uprisings in the Congo; and the German government gobbled up what practically was the last "free" land for colonials in southwest Africa. No known restrictions on publication. American ships for American commerce!!. All this for politicsis civilization advancing? Victor Gillam,Judge, February 3, 1900. Save the republic : Anti-imperialist leaflet no. Civilization (to China). The noble rhetoric that buttressed overseas expansion, as Twain presented it, was largely for Home Consumption, and stood in sharp contrast to the Actual Thing that the Customer Sitting in Darkness buys with his blood and tears and land and liberty. Where the Philippine temptation in particular was concerned, he cited press reports of atrocities by American troops. Dominated by full-page graphics, many issues were thematic visual essays developed by a single artist. The burgeoning mass media helped promote jingoistic foreign policies by printing disparaging depictions of barbarous-looking natives from countries benevolently assimilated by the U.S. A brash Uncle Sam was shown coming under the wing of the older, more experienced empire builder, John Bull. (This coincided with the annexation of Hawaii as a U.S. territory in congressional votes in June and July of the same year.) Colonists--British--1900-1910. China peeps over the wall. Our Civilized Heathen. Around 1904 or 1905in another impassioned response to the American war in the Philippines (which officially ended in 1902 but in practice dragged on for many years thereafter)Twain penned a short essay titled The War Prayer. The essay is now regarded as an exemplary indictment of blind patriotism coupled with religious fanaticism. At the same time, Britain was fighting the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. Do the Access Advisory or Call Number fields above indicate that a non-digital surrogate exists, [Read Online], Vaughan, Christopher. Vebers series, Les Camps de Reconcentration au Transvaal, begins with the cover image Le Silence, in which a veiled woman holds her finger to her lips, standing over the remnants of what appears to be an electric fence and a plow that suggests the earth has been tilled to bury evidence. Lifes satire of the white mans burden mystique offers a procession of the supporters of the new imperialism beginning with missionaries and ending with the traveling salesman. By the spring of 1900, Boxer attacks were spreading toward the capital city of Beijing. 77-99 (2011). Source: Beinecke Rare Books & Manuscripts, Yale University, A white, feminine personification of Civilization (written on her cloak) radiates light over the aged figure of China (written on his hem) running away and shielding himself with a parasol. In the caption, Uncle Sam lectures: (to his new class in Civilization): Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! The aggressive quest for new marketsChinas millions being the most covetedwas justified as part of the benevolent and inevitable spread of progress. On the left, Minerva, goddess of wisdom and Western civilization, witnesses the debut. Heine used the pages of Simplicissimusto denounce the atrocious conduct of Prussian troops during the Allied intervention in China, where the German forces obviously took to heart Wilhelm IIs exhortation to show no mercy. In its final issue for 1899a time when the U.S. suppression of Filipino resistance was at its peakPuck turned to a feel-good holiday graphic to reaffirm this theme of the bounty promised to newly invaded countries and peoples. Progress was promoted as an unassailable value that would bring the worlds barbarians into modern times for their own good and the good of global commerce. In the United States, the most famous counter-voice to Kipling and his white mans burden rhetoric was the writer Mark Twain. Much of Africa would now be days rather than weeks away from London while Cecil Rhodes' old dream of a 'Cape to Cairo' connection had become a reality. The test of U.S. naval power came with the Spanish-American War. More about Copyright and other Restrictions. Militarily beneath notice by the major European powers, and able to resolve conflicts with Britain in the Western Hemisphere diplomatically, there was little pressure for a strong military in the U.S. With minimal military expenditures, the U.S. economy grew rapidly. The caption is ominous: War on Earth. American Imperialism (New York: Arno Press, 1970). On February 15, 1898, the battleship U.S.S. The following year, Life cartoonist William H. Walker evoked the horror of the Allied intervention in China in a graphic captioned, Almost thou persuadest me to be a ChristianActs xxvi, 28. A Chinese man falls off his chair, the Bible at his feet, laughing at Uncle Sams duplicity in preaching Christianity while showing a bloody panorama of Allied soldiers executing and marauding on a screen. The campaign was stepped up to target the civilian population that provided crucial support for guerrilla fighters in both the Transvaal and Orange Free State republics. Life published many graphics that showed the humanitarian costs inflicted by war and political aggressiondespoliation, looting, concentration camps, torture, and genocideoften awkwardly interspersed amongst humorous sketches and domestic scenes. For example, the light of civilization literally illuminated vicious, helpless, or clueless barbarians. Texas and U.S.S. As the American West was absorbed and the continent consolidated, the mandate of Manifest Destiny shifted from territorial to commercial expansion beyond contiguous borders. Here, perfectly mythologized, is yet another graphic rendering of the mystique of Western civilization., Japan Makes her Dbut Under Columbias Auspices. Udo Keppler,Puck, August 16, 1899. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade: the Asia Market. - [1] [2] The project was never completed. Heine provided Simplicissimus with what has become a justly famous image: an armed knight, representing the West, pours a torrent of blood over Asia, while his sword drips blood on Africa. [Read Online]. Allied troops departed Tianjin for Beijing on August 4. As Britain stepped up financial industries, shipping, and insurance to make up the deficit, global sea power took on additional significance. Civilization and progress are inseparable, a train and telegraph drawn in her robes. Missionary zeal extends to a threat unfurled in a banner carried by the choir of women, Come and be saved; if you dont , The Advance Agent of Modern Civilization. Udo Keppler,Puck, January 12, 1898. Citing Primary Sources. The dream reached its most audacious dimensions in Cecil Rhodes's ill-fated plans for a Cape-to-Cairo railway. Driven by competition with each other and economic pressures at home, the worlds major powers ventured to ever-distant lands to spread their religion, culture, power, and sources of profits. As you can see, he stands on the continent of Africa with one foot on the southern tip of Africa and the other at the northern coast. More about Copyright and other Restrictions. Ask A Librarian service or call the reading room between 8:30 and Long-standing personifications and visual symbols for countries were used by cartoonists to dramatize events to suit their message. S Summary is a official man just stand up over a land. Harpers Weekly later echoed the classroom scene with a cover captioned Uncle Sams New Class in the Art of Self-Government. The class is disrupted by revolutionaries from the new U.S. territories of the Philippines and Cuba, whose vicious fight brands them as barbarously unfit for self-rule. Vultures hover above the procession, and the artifacts of past civilization are trampled underfoot at the rear. The Boxer Uprising was a godsend for the righteous exponents of a world divided, between the civilized West and barbaric Others. LAC nsk 2021-10-04 create (1 card), Printed Ephemera Collection (Library of Congress) - Anti-Imperialist League (Washington, D.C.), Horrible nightmare of a worthy old gentleman. (1902) From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler. Source:Library of Congress, In this 1902 cartoon, Britains Boer War and goals on the African continent are identified with the march of civilization and progress against barbarism. Brewer, Susan. Few new vessels were commissioned until the 1880s when the first battleships were built, U.S.S. Though the Process Be Costly, The Road of Progress Must Be Cut," states that progress must be pursued despite suffering on both sides. This video provides an in depth analysis of a GCSE History cartoon from the event surrounding the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (after WW1). Ricard, Serge. Is the item digitized? Britains John Bull leads Uncle Sam uphill as the two imperialists take up the White Mans Burden in this detail from an overtly racist 1899 cartoon referencing Kiplings poem. hier encore nous avons pris un important commando. French artists, on the other hand, leveled charges of barbarism against Great Britain and other imperial powers, including their own country, in vivid graphics. 83-108 (2006). Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Generic names on the gravestones are coupled with places of origin, including England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Gibraltar, India, Ceylon, and Egypt, indicating the diversity of those recruited to fight and die for the British Empire. Their diverse identities, however, reflect the global reach and ethnic diversity of the British empireand the extent to which England relied on colonial subjects to fight its imperialist wars. Elle permet aux prisonniers de jouir de la vue du dehors et davoir ainsi lillusion de la libert (Rapport officiel au War Office. The U.S. follows Britains imperial lead carrying people from Barbarism at the base of the hill to Civilization at its summit. J. Ottmann Lith. Download Image of From the Cape to Cairo / Keppler.. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Study Resources. In a striking Judge graphic, an Auto-Truck of Civilization and Trade lights a pathway through the darkness, leading with a gun and the message: Force if Necessary. Overladen with manufactured goods and modern technology, the vehicle is driven by a resolute Uncle Sam. As a long-established world empire, Great Britain held sway over some 12 million square miles and a quarter of the worlds population. The Cape to Cairo trip is a thrilling, unpredictable journey of over 6,200 miles and it is not for the faint of heart. Duplication Services Web site. Nishi, Masao - Institut Mirovogo Khoziastva I Mirovo Politiki (Kommunisticheskaia Akademiia) - Varga, Eugen. Other materials require appointments for later the same day or in the future. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2014). In the centerfold of the August 16, 1899 issue of Puck, the not-so-cynical Keppler extended his feminization of global power politics to other great nations including a new arrival on the scene: Japan. This will help reinforce what you've already learned about imperialism and will give you more insight into both the minds of the imperialists as well as those who rejected this type of domination. Do those benighted wretches fail to realize what we have accomplished in their islands? Anticipated U.S. exports appear on signs that advertise the rich market awaiting American manufacturers. Miller, Bonnie M. The Image-Makers' Arsenal in an Age of War and Empire, 1898 1899: A Cartoon Essay, Featuring the Work of Charles Bartholomew (of theMinneapolis Journal)and Albert Wilbur Steele (of theDenver Post). Journal of American Studies, 45, pp 53-75 (Cambridge University Press). Every week on Mon, Wed, until Dec 13, 2021, 33 occurrence(s), Join Zoom Meeting The U.S. policy of benevolent neutrality supported Britain in the Boer War with large war loans, exports of military supplies, and diplomatic assistance for British POWs. Course Materials, Requirements, and Grading, The U.S. appears to be carried by the Philippines, Great Britain by India, and Germany by Africa. Please use: Dr. Beasleys Calendar to book appointment times. Numbers 14-15 and 18-20 wanting. Yet, the protagonists exchange encouraging looks, revealing the covert support behind their positions of benevolent neutrality., The Anglo-Saxon Christmas 1899. By the end of 1898, a succession of U.S. military successes and territorial acquisitions reinforced the image of the United States standing side by side with Great Britain in bringing civilization and peace to the world. Death to all Schools but Ours. The last marcher holds up Drummers Samples, referring to the traveling salesmen of business and commerce. On May 1, the U.S. Navy scored its first major victory in foreign watersfar from assured given the weakness of the American fleet at the timeby defeating Spanish warships defending their longtime Pacific colony in the Battle of Manila Bay. Name: From the Cape to Cairo Material: Color offset lithograph Size: Unknown Date: 1898 Place of Origin: New York City Location: Unknown Source and Registration#: Created by Joseph Keppler John Woods Professor of Iranian and Central Asian History and of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago Alexander Barna In the United States, the Boer War, conquest of the Philippines, and Boxer Uprising prompted large, detailed, sophisticated, full-color cartoons in Puck and Judge. As the U.S. moved into the Pacific, Chinas millions represented an enticing new market, but the eruption of the anti-Christian, anti-foreign Boxer movement threatened the civilizing mission there. Hurst and Blackett. What were the effects of Belgian imperialism? Many peasants vaguely suspected of being Boxers were executed. Rudyard Kiplings famous poem The White Mans Burden was published in 1899, during a high tide of British and American rhetoric about bringing the blessings of civilization and progress to barbaric non-Western, non-Christian, non-white peoples. Original publication of Rudyard Kiplings poem, The White Mans Burden.McClures Magazine, February, 1899 (Vol. Presence of a German fleet lent evidence to one of the justifications the U.S. gave for war with Spain, that is, to protect the Philippines from takeover by a rival major power. "To the Person Sitting in Darkness." wotever 'll become of my ship-building monopoly, if that there Yankee is going to turn out boats like that right along? Louis Dalrymple,Puck, July 24, 1895. Japan is introduced in this 1899 cartoon as the lone Asian nation in the imperialist circle of world powers. Source:Library of Congress. By not waiting for their consent she has greatly advanced the world's civilization. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1938). In an unprecedented alliance, the second expeditionary force was comprised of (from largest troop size to smallest) Japan, Russia, Great Britain, France, U.S., Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The satirical weekly, Simplicissimus, flourished from 1896 to 1967 with a hiatus from 1944 to 1954. All of the hastily organized camps, for whites and blacks alike, had inadequate accommodations, wretched sanitation, and unreliable food supplies, leading to tens of thousands of deaths from disease and starvation. She may be red-handed, and at times drunk, but she is there for business. 1 print : chromolithograph. In The Pigtail Has Got to Go, a white-robed goddess wears a star that radiates over a Chinese mandarin. No blow has been struck except for liberty and humanity, and none will be.William McKinley. W. A. Rogers,Harpers Weekly, July 28, 1900. Additionally, engaging in image analysis will continue to help you build this important analytical skill, and producing an image will help your visual presentation skills. Co., Puck Bldg. Verified questions. Sitemap From the Cape to Cairo Collection: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Description: Britannia, carrying a large white flag labeled "Civilization" with British soldiers and colonists behind her, advances on a horde of natives, one carrying a flag labeled "Barbarism." Caption: Though the process be costly, the road to progress must be cut. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, The British people had a long history of supporting imperial wars and as the conflict escalated, criticism in cartoon form declined and was supplanted by patriotic messages. Misery Loves Company;but they hope soon to be out of it. Louis Dalrymple, Puck, March 20, 1901. However, brutally repressive policies followed that included accusations of genocide. Despite several victories in the battle for Tianjin, chaotic Chinese forces melted away before the Allied advance. Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Porto Rico. A Native American reads a book upside down and a prospective Chinese pupil stands in the doorway. (Shannon: Irish University Press, 1972)(New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1972). Literature follows, holding the text of Kiplings poem, The White Mans Burden. Music plays an organ labeled Two Step SymphonyDollar Mark Forever. Behind Music comes Sculpture, holding up a monument to a war hero. Copyright 1902 by Keppler & Schwarzmann. Maine. Source:Bibliothque nationale de France. The caption, "From the Cape to Cairo. The addition of an exclamation point in the caption, The White (!) The caption, titled The First Duty, carries this subtitle: Civilization (to China)That dragon must be killed before our troubles can be adjusted. Civilization and barbarism were vividly portrayed in the visual record. China, shown gripping a schoolbook in the doorway, has not yet entered the scene. In some cases, a surrogate (substitute image) is The White Mans Burden was used by both pro- and anti-imperialist factions. Families were burned out of their homes and imprisoned in concentration camps. U.S. regiments were transported from the Philippines to join the Allied force. Scene The Congo Free State; artist: Linley Sambourne. Opposing viewpoints usually found expression in simpler but no less powerful black-and-white graphics in other publications. Embracing Technologies of Domination: The Rise of Popular Imperialism in the U.S., 1898-1904. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16, 2006. The message suggests that the indigenous man will be brought out of ignorance through the inescapable march of progress in the form of Western civilization. Cullinane, M. Patrick. (A thumbnail (small) image will be visible on the left.). - II. record ("About This Item") with your request. Terms of Use In this blatantly racist rendering, Americas newly subjugated people appear far more primitive and barbaric than the older empires load. Source:Library of Congress, Left: John Bull gapes at a new American steamer. Most viewers will probably agree that there is nothing really comparable in the contemporary world of political cartooning to the drafting skill and flamboyance of these single-panel graphics, which appeared in such popular periodicals as Puck and Judge. Illustrated by A. D. McCormick, with fold-out color map. How does the "Prelude to the Scramble" (Visual Source 18.1) differ from "From the Cape to Cairo" (Visual Source 18.3)?, 2. Phillips, Richard and Jones, Rhys. "MOJ 75-A 495": intended for microfilm. Think It Over: All this for politicsis civilization advancing?. What can an observer infer about the role of native Africans in French colonial conquests from "Conquest and Competition" (Visual Source 18.2)?, 3. Thophile Steinlen,LAssiette au Beurre, June 27, 1901. In the storm clouds on the left, the Eastern Question looms. Source: Houghton Library, Harvard University. 14 books12 followers. Uncle Sam and his English cousin have the world between them. Here, the United States has ingested Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. Wrapped in Kerosene-Soaked Cotton and Roasted to Death., In this same horrified mode, the July 28 cover of Harpers Weeklya publication that carried the subtitle A Journal of Civilizationdepicted demonic Boxers brandishing primitive weapons, carrying severed heads on pikes, and trampling a child wrapped in the American flag. Titled Dream of the Empress of China, the dream is an obvious nightmare, as the sardonic sub-caption makes clear. Published in Punch Magazine 28, November 1906. Whom or what did you include or leave out of the image? Commodore Deweys victory in Manila Bay in May not only paved the way for U.S. conquest of the Philippines, but also provided a valuable naval base for U.S. fleets in the Pacific. Although these magazines were affiliated with different political partiesthe Democratic Party and Republican Party respectivelyboth generally supported pro-expansionist policies. The full sardonic irony of the rendering, however, resides in the dead occupants of the graves. - The Boxers, China, and the World(Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007). With little opposition, Allied troops foraged for food and water in deserted villages, where the few who remainedoften servants left to protect propertyusually met with violence. "Major Grogan's Financial Analysis," EAS (6 August 1926), 1, 5, 7-8. ", From the Cape to Cairo. The graphics include pillage, rape, and wanton executions. Several of these graphics from Puck commented on Americas problems at home while accusing others of being barbarians. Source: Widener Library, Harvard University. He is greeted with open arms by a mandarin and Wanted signs articulating prodigious opportunities for business. In the U.S., despite spirited resistance from Anglophobic Irish immigrants and anti-imperialist leagues, overseas military campaigns gradually gained public support.

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