what does nora say about talking to the maids?

Though Offred sees losing her job as the turning point, we might suspect that the balance of power had never been equal, given that she was Lukes mistress, and she had to wait around for him. View full document. Torvald seems to need to feel manly in their relationship, and feels more so when Nora appears most weak, so men should be strong and women should be weak to be attractive and respected. What is Nora's attitude toward the porter who helps her with her purchases? 75. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket? Turning to go, Rank says good-bye with unmistakable finality. She says Krogstad writes for papers and could spread rumors and bad publicity. A lamp is burning on the table. Nora's actions reveal that she is a rather childlike, and even flippant character, very distracted, hiding outside her husband's office in case he hears his "little skylark" munching on. What is Mrs. Linde's plan to fix Nora's situation with Krogstad? He does not think that Torvald's love for her runs that thin. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Miss Forcible adds in when advising Coraline "or mention the Scottish play" to help keep her from danger. Gilead merely made her more aware of this implicit inequality. How is Dr. Rank an example of this? The letter box holds the truth, and symbolizes the revealing of secrets, She expects Torvald to take the blame for her own actions. This is a clever technique used by Ibsen as it shows a connection . It was the most difficult decision that had to be made so fast. He implies that her wedding vows give her a religious obligation to remain with him. How does Nora manages to pay the loan she took in order to save her Helmers life. 51. - Being worried over what Nora has bought, Torvald comes out from his study. death. The maid tries to bring the children back in to play. He's a little drunk, and he is hinting that he wants to make love with her. Nora about the law. 72. Why did Nora like talking to the maids when she lived at her father's house? 53. Who did Krogstad see walking with Torvald? Dr. Rank is ill with consumption of the spine, which he inherited from his disloyal father. What does Nora want Mrs. Linde's help with? Torvald is always concerned with appearances, and feels that embroidery is a more graceful activity than knitting. If so, what does it explain or resolve? b. little kitten. What does Torvald say are Nora's most sacred duties? She was not realizing fully the consequences of her action. She says that she is dancing for him then adds that she is also dancing for Torvald too, as a side note. Still a young woman, she is married to Torvald Helmer and has three children. While Torvald didn't know when he said it that Nora had lied to him, Christine knows all about what Krogstad has done, and knows that Nora and Torvald need to be equally honest with each other in order to have a healthy relationship. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. She is counting down the hours because it is when Krogstad returns to town and could ruin her life (she says "31 hours to live"), The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. What is Nora's attitude toward the porter who helps her with her purchases? What is Mrs. Christine Linde's advice to Nora about Dr. Rank? What does Nora's juggling of Torvald, Dr. Rank, and Krogstad foreshadow? What does Nora have to say about religion? This passage raises questions of self-preservation and blame. She just tries to save herself. Why did Nora like talking to the maids when she lived at her father's house? Unlike most parents, she gets to be the "fun" mom. She wants Torvald to fire someone else. 74. Who does Nora say she wants to come help her with the costumes? Torvald believes Nora's personality would infect the children with deceit, reflecting his earlier statement from Act II about deceitful mothers. Through the whole "future" section of the episode, we are often led to believe that we are watching a "parallel universe" or a "purgatory-like world": Mrs. Linde comes by Noras house asking for her and with some intention. Which of the following does Torvald NOT call Nora? What does Nora initially tell Torvald is her reason for her wrongdoing? How does Nora check if her husband is in? Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Where does Nora send her children so she can talk to Krogstad? What does Christine propose to Krogstad and why? He was too upstanding and thats why he didnt do that. d) Savings from his father. He doesn't want Torvald to see him in such a weak state because of his "refined nature", cites that Torvald is partial to fancy foods. 37. Though Nora is speaking of her costume when she mentions that "everything I [she] think of seems to silly and insignificant," do you think Torvald is only referring to the costume in his reply? What is Torvald's real reason for wanting to fire Krogstad? Struggling with distance learning? In addition, Krogstad would lose his job. Nora begs Torvald to call the maid back, but he refuses. What does Torvald believe happened to last year's presents? How was Nora's dance received by the guests at the party? 108. What does Nora ask for at first, when Torvald asks what he should get her? Do you think Christine is a good friend to Nora? He says he has given her new life, which is more literally true than he knows, since she is now maturing faster than he is. Dr. Rank's father's actions are what cause Rank to be sick. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. 79. Nora dances the tarantella violently and she pretends she is afraid of messing up at the ball. The nursemaid is an example of a woman in bad circumstances forced to do anything in order to survive. He would still expose her, and her family would still be disgraced, Ultimately, he wants Torvald's job, and revenge for years of humiliation. 41. 49. What foreshadowing occurs between Nora and Anne-Marie, the nurse, in Act II? What does this reveal about Torvald? Nora, fearing she will corrupt them, refuses to see them. -She gets the job which is to make Krogstad lose his job. She let men control her even when it was for love, even when it was her choice. What has Nora instructed the maid to tell Krogstad? They have never sat down and had a serious talk like two adults. Her poor dancing could also show that her stress about her loan and issues with Krogstad could be too much for her. 57. 36. Nora tells Torvald that she hasn't been eating macaroons, and he believes her--what does this reveal about Torvald? 9. Act I. Explain the argument between Torvald and Nora over Krogstad. 2. Which of the following does Torvald not call Nora? Wanting to prove wrong Christine's seeming low opinion of her, Nora is angry when Christine belittles her like Torvald does, and tells the tale of borrowing money to save Torvald's life. There is a line in the Bible about how the "sins of the father" affects the children. generous, pitying. Torvald fell ill, she explains, and the two of them were required to travel to Italy so that he could recover. She told Moira that she couldn't create a perfect life just by ignoring men. Mrs. Linde inadvertently put into Nora's head to ask Doctor Rank to help her pay off her debt. Instead, she hopes that Torvald will take the blame. What happens while Nora is dancing? Unlike Ofglen, she doesnt take part in an organized Resistanceeven though, before Gilead, she was an activist for womens rights. How does Torvald react to the second letter? 44. Pages 18 This preview shows page 10 - 13 out of 18 pages. Distinctive features of indian and western political thought. Also Torvald states that he is offended when Krogstad calls Torvald "Helmer" not Mr. Helmer. There are two things in Act II that Nora wants to rip up--what are they, and what do they symbolize? - Torvald describes Nora's spending as reckless. Where does Torvald believe Nora got Christmas presents the last year? LitCharts Teacher Editions. What characteristic of the present-day world economy emerged during the late 19th century and early 20th century? Mrs Linde is sitting at the table idly turning over the leaves of a book; she tries to read, but does not seem . What does Nora ask the maid to bring to her after Krogstad has left? She will take with her only the things that belong to her. Mrs. Linde remarks that Nora has changed since the previous day. Yet even these modest, agreeable shutdowns represent a loss of freedom. Why does Nora say she is sending Mrs. Linde away when Torvald comes back? From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. - Nora walks stealthily across and listens at her husbands study door to check that whether her Things were dull without her and this was Torvalds statement. Why does Mrs. Linde come by Nora's house? Be sure the children do not see it until this . A DOLL'S HOUSE ESSAY QUESTIONS 4. 153. 46. 77. 126. As he leaves, he leaves a note in the mailbox that would explain the whole situation to Torvald if he reads it. Act III. He doesn't believe it and refuses to leave. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When Nora first comes home, what does she ask her maid Helen to hide? Nurse: Little Nora, poor dear, had no other mother but me. does he say the only possible explanation can be? 78. - Torvald is carrying his pen in his hand when he exits the study. The nurse was Nora's nurse when she was young. Nora says she doesn't know much about the law, but there must be laws that allow her to have done as she has--why is this naive? What does Torvald like about his new job? Critics have suggested that there is nothing in "A Doll's House" which is not necessary to the action and development of the play--is that true? She learns that Dr. Rank has consumption of the spine because his father slept around. The text suggests that its better to have freedom and ugliness than neither. 86. 148. What does Nora say about talking to the maids? - Krogstad writes a letter exposing Nora's forgery to prevent Helmer from sacking him. 140. Where does Nora initially tell Mrs. Linde she got the money for the trip? Nora is defensive with Christine--why, and what does she tell her as part of her defense? 124. She assumes her reasons for borrowing the money at all are sufficient to defend herself for breaking the law, with obviously no idea how courts work, He tells her to pay him or he will tell Torvald what she has done. Which of the following does Torvald not call Nora? How does Rank say Nora and Torvald will respond to his death He says they will from ENGLISH HL at Monash University b) She asks money from Torvald. Nora's husband goes on to say that he can't stand being around such awful people. Her chattering reveals that she is worried that her crime has rendered her unable to raise her children without poisoning their character with her bad choices. Before she brings in the lamp, Nora and Dr. Rank are flirting a bit, but she asks him after she has brought in the lamp if he feels ashamed of himself "now the lamp has come," putting their relationship back on socially-acceptable footing. 141. She also states that she loves Torvald but she would almost rather be with Dr. Rank and she also says that she enjoys his company. Nora initially tells Mrs. Linde that she got the money for the trip from her father. Krogstad also says that he controls her final reputation. Torvald says he will give Christine a job. Anne, we've been through a lot together. Because of her violent dancing, Torvald believes Nora has forgotten everything he taught her about the dance and also thinks that Nora is having "childish anxiety". 76. What is suggested by the title of this play? They Maids spy on the Suitors for her, sometimes falling in love with or being raped by the men in the process. How does Nora check if her husband is in? Dear old Anne, you were a good mother to me when I was little. Why does Nora think they can spend more money? Because this was right after Nora let her hair loose, it could show that she is disobeying Torvald's strict rules because he banned her from eating macaroons. She addresses the maid in her first speech, saying, Hide the Christmas Tree carefully. She goes on to explain that the two of them had very little money and of how they had been forced to work long and tiring hours. 127 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Nostalgic Factory: MONDAY MADNESS AT THE NOSTALGIC FACTORY - BUY SPOTS. Why did Torvald leave his office when he married Nora? She wants Torvald to fire someone else. 116. Why do Krogstad and Christine meet in Act III? But one September day, when. What confuses Rank about Nora's behavior? Torvald thinks Nora has made a careless promise to the man. What does Nora say she will take with her? What does Torvald initially think is the reason Nora wants him to let Krogstad keep his job? 117. It symbolizes family happiness and unity, as well as the joy Nora takes in making her home pleasant and attractive. Nora tells Torvald that everything he does is right--does she mean it? Nora is too upset and desperate to keep her worries to herself. She tells Nora that she should stop talking to Dr. Rank because Nora tells Rank more of her secrets than her husband and Dr. Rank is wealthy and single. Christine and Krogstad discuss the value of being realistic rather than romantic--how is this reflected in the play as a whole? This preview shows page 8 - 13 out of 16 pages. d) it slipped out of Nora mind. Struggling with distance learning? When a poor girls been in trouble she must make the best of things. What does Nora say about the doll bed she's bought for her daughter, Emmy? What reason does Nora give the maid to keep Krogstad's visit secret? How does Torvald try to cheer up Nora? How much money does Krogstad say he will ask Torvald for? What is Nora going to the costume ball as? Why does Nora take Christine into her confidence? The passage echoes Offreds struggles with waiting in Chapter 13. 179. The cause is that Torvald hates to see dressmaking. The Gileadean leaders scapegoated one religion while planning to impose their own type of fanaticism, disguising their extremism as something familiar. We might fault Offred for being uninvolved in the struggle for womens rights, but Moiras radicalism hardly seems like the solution. In Act I, Nora remarks that she would like to be able to say "well, I'm damned!" But Gilead succeeded because of the selfishness and cowardice of human nature. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What does Nora lie about to Torvald after Krogstad leaves the note in the mailbox and she is panicking? She advises Nora to "make an end of it" with Dr. Rank, Dr. Rank likes to listen to Nora talk about her early life, while Torvald doesn't seem to want to hear about any time in which he did not know Nora. Krogstad asks Nora to influence her husband to let him keep his job at the bank. Nora tells her children to go to the, Nora repeats to herself its impossible. The, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. 146. Who does Nora say must have been tampering with the mailbox? Why is Christine surprised that Nora has borrowed money, and does this revelation change her opinion of Nora? What inconsistency did Mrs. Linde notice in what Doctor Rank said? What has Torvald say he has done for Nora in forgiving her, and why is this ironic? What does Nora ask Krogstad to think of, to beg him for mercy? When Torvald finds Nora even more attractive in her weakness, and she identifies that he would be humiliated to know that she saved his life with her act, what does this say about masculinity and femininity? - Torvald doesnt call Nora as little kitten. 107. Torvald doesn't want to "unfire" him because he doesn't want his decisions to be swayed by his wife. Torvald needed the possibility of advancement. What did Nora do for three weeks before last Christmas? What does the second letter from Krogstad say? What does nora pretend was ranks fathers sin 95 how. 114. Who does Krogstad intend to tell about the bond? 92. 161. Why didn't Torvald make money at his previous profession? He tells her that he has been dismissed from his job 92. Does she scorn the feminists for not being more combative when Gilead appeared? The realization that Torvald is not devoted to her but to the idea of her as someone who depends on him, and then her decision to leave him. [THE SAME Scene.--The table has been placed in the middle of the stage, with chairs around it. Krogstad has changed his mind, and he no longer wishes to destroy Torvald, now that he is happy with Christine. Krogstad says that he will keep it the bond. What does Torvald call Nora's explanation? . a Christmas tree. The maids didn't moralize and that was the fact for Noras liking to talk to the maids. Nora hints that she may commit suicide. When Nora first comes home, what does she ask her maid Helen to hide? What does Nora put on herself, when Torvald goes in to read the letters? What advice does Christine give Nora about Dr. Rank? Nora must discover her own truth and develop her own beliefs for herself. What is Torvald's attitude toward borrowing money? 112. 120. What is/are the characteristic(s) of cervicalization of occiput? She thinks it is better if Torvald know the secret-this could foreshadow Torvald finding out. She likes having people depend on her, and independence does not seem to fulfill her. What stops Torvald from coming into the room? At the beginning of A Doll's House, Nora seems completely happy. (20 Marks) The society in A Doll's House is one that has conventional codes that have a controlling effect on what . Until then, she will love them enough to . The boss acted just like Offred does now, following the rules to save his life. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character The nursemaid appears in, all go to leave. First she tells Nora that Krogstad used to gladly do anything for her. She wants to have champagne and macaroons until daybreak. Christine doesn't believe women can borrow money on their own, and seems not to trust Nora's judgment once the secret is revealed. Tonight, is my chance to give a speech in honor of a very special bride and her new husband. Nora wants Mrs. Lindes help for repairing her dress for the costume ball. 14. . She says that she was treated like a doll by her father, and her status remained the same when she was "simply transferred" to Torvald, Nora says she must "educate" herself because she is "not fit" to raise children as she is. Nora wants to know how the nurse could leave her child, and the nurse replies that she was "obliged to". 87. Why does Christine Linde come to visit Nora? 5. What does Torvald do with the letter and what does he say about his personality traits? What does Helmer find in the lock of the mailbox? She doesn't seem to really mean it, but Torvald takes her at her word. Since he was gone, she wrote him a note. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. 19. Nora says that she influenced her husband to give Mrs. Linde the job. Nora admits that she forged her father's signature on the loan. Why does Nora think they can spend more money? 88. 38. He says that that she doesn't love him anymore. After Mrs. Linde leaves Torvald says that she's a bore. He always refers to her with a diminutive term as though she is not human--she's not an equal partner or a thinking human being. 142. Gileads inoffensive, conservative shutdowns of the porn industry seem like something that Offreds mother and her feminist friends would agree to.

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