unctad digital divide

African and South Asian countries need `catching-up policies; Latin America and the transition economies need `keeping-up policies. Creative economy offers countries path to development, says new UNCTAD report This approach allowed the country to gradually narrow down the technological divide vis-a-vis more advanced economies. Other benefits include using artificial intelligence to help find a cure and a significant shift to e-commerce, benefitting small and big businesses alike. establishing business online, international e-payment, cross-border delivery and aftersales services. The downside and the digital divide The fast-paced shift towards digitalization is likely to strengthen the market positions of a few mega-digital platforms, the analysis finds. Inequality will worsen unless the so-called "digital divide" - the gap between under-connected and highly digitalized countries - is not addressed, warns a new report released on Wednesday by the UN trade body, UNCTAD. According to the analysis, the coronavirus crisis has accelerated the uptake of digital solutions, tools, and services, speeding up the global transition towards a digital economy. The digital divide is the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy training and those who do not. Digital Economy Policy in Developing Countries: Strategy Brief 2. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD Strengthening public and shared access to ICT could be a key policy tool for overcoming the digital divide. This Report offers valuable insights and analyses, and I commend it to a wide global audience as we strive to close the digital divide and ensure that no one is left behind in the fast-evolving, data-driven digital economy. A 10% increase in the share of employees using computers was associated with 3.5% higher labour productivity (compared with 1.8% in the case of Finnish firms). . UNCTADs measurements of technological inequality are intended to help in formulating policies for narrowing the digital divide. The event, which brought together tech innovators from around the world, was organized in partnership with CES, the world's largest and most influential technology event and cosponsor of our Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women. The Thai example confirms the hypothesis that enterprises in developing countries can benefit as much as businesses in developed countries from the use of ICT, the report says. UNCTAD (2021)21 estimates that CBAM will reduce global carbon emissions by not more than 0.1% but will decrease global real income by $3.4 billion, . The use of ICT for business can greatly contribute to income generation and can increase the productivity of enterprises. By improving information sharing with its suppliers, including through systems that allow for automatic replenishment, a business can maintain optimum inventory levels. According to the report, Amazon has invested some $10 billion in satellite broadband. While available data show that the number of broadband Internet subscribers has grown rapidly worldwide, developed countries still account for the predominant share of subscriptions, and the gap with developing countries in terms of broadband penetration has widened since 2002. Those with limited access continue to lag hindering their growth and development. Pacific Islands Forum joins UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative, How urban entrepreneurs can help build sustainable cities, UNCTAD assessment set to boost digital economy in Peru, Inequalities threaten wider divide as digital economy data flows surge, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. However, economic or other resource gaps, differences in cultural tastes and preferences of different social classes are factors contributing to disparities in internet use. There has been a leap in teleworking and online conferencing, amplifying the demand for online conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams, Skype, Ciscos Webex and Zoom, the analysis says. UNCTADs measurements of technological inequality are intended to help in formulating policies for narrowing the digital divide. Sweden proud core donor to UNCTAD's E-Commerce and Digital Economy Programme. health & socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19, climate change and food & energy crisis. According to Microsoft, the number of people using its software for online collaboration climbed nearly 40% in a week. Small companies, including those owned and operated by women, will be especially vulnerable to the changing business environment. The Thai study is part of a broader global initiative, the UNCTAD XI Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development. The pandemic has highlighted and accentuated some potential risks and critical issues already present in several educational contexts: the widening of educational poverty, the increase in the digital and cultural divide and the expansion of learning loss and of the implicit and explicit early school leaving. This issue is intensified by the lack of an ethical framework and the absence of a common holistic data policy that would promote cross-border data flows between countries. The data-driven digital economy is surging. One effort the Going Digital project, launched by the OECD in 2017 is helping countries seize opportunities and prepare for technological disruption. Ms Viridiana Garcia-Quiles (Programme Management Officer, UNCTAD) highlighted three elements to set the scene: 1) There is a need to increase the participation of female entrepreneurs in the digital space. Internet use and penetration continues to increase around the world, the report says, but developed countries still account for the majority of Internet users and have the highest penetration. Our new project will provide training to policymakers in 38 SIDS on: - Legal aspects of e-commerce; - Digital identity and digital authentication; and - Data collection and statistics for the digital economy. One of the biggest challenges countries face is establishing state-of-the-art digital architecture to enable digital divide flows and trade. A new international system to regulate data flows is needed so that associated benefits can be more equitably distributed, said Sirimanne. This thesis takes motivation in the digital divide between nations to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) investments on economic growth in poor and rich . The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called on countries to make digital data flow for the benefit of all. Seven of the top 10 countries in terms of broadband penetration were in Europe, and two (Republic of Korea and Hong Kong, China) are exceptions among developing countries in terms of their level of ICT diffusion. Inequalities in digital readiness hamper the ability of large parts of the world to take advantage of technologies that help us cope with the coronavirus pandemic by staying at home, said UNCTADs technology and logistics director, Shamika Sirimanne. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, DIGITAL DIVIDE WIDE, BUT NARROWING SLOWLY, UNCTAD FINDS. Most developing countries remain far behind industrialized nations in availability, use of information and communication technology. Several developing countries are taking active steps to expand Internet use through policies to improve ICT access and skills, regulatory reforms to increase competition and the availability of services at competitive prices, investments in ICT infrastructure, and encouragement of production in the ICT sector. The report also examines grassroots projects, such as Ugandas universal access funds and Egypts community access points, to identify key policy lessons emerging from the experience of developing countries. Elsewhere, billions of people lack bank accounts and credit cards, and in many developing countries, consumer-protection laws do not extend to goods purchased online. Stick to these simple guidelines to get United Nations Conference On Trade And Development Unctad 2005 The Digital Divide Ict Development completely ready for sending: Find the document you want in the collection of templates. This is also reflected by the growing literature on digitalization and E-commerce. Read the original article on www.project-syndicate.orgFollow them: @ProSyn on Twitter | Project Syndicate on Facebook, Boosting productive capacities is critical for Zambias graduation from least developed country status, A world in crisis needs both trade and aid, How marine bioprospecting can spur development in small island states, The digital divide is impeding development, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. Also, the average mobile broadband speed is about three times higher in developed countries than in LDCs. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 13% of the countrys population had broadband in 2016, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, spread the benefits of the digital transformation. And while up to eight out of 10 internet users shop online in several developed countries, only less than one out of 10 do so in many LDCs. qb. Its work should be multilateral, multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary. The World Bank recently hosted an online event on bridging the digital gender divide in time of social distancing. Only 20% of people in least developed countries (LDCs) use the internet, and when they do, its typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached, the report says. The digital divide has contributed to the segregation of individuals in the society including ethnicity, age, race, and gender. Technology creates new alignments among individuals with access to the internet and those without access. But e-commerce is only one facet of the evolving digital economy. But the data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances and divides, said UNCTADs director of technology and logistics, Shamika N. Sirimanne. However, wider adoption of ICT by developing country enterprises is still very limited: few firms have intranet or extranet, which are often the first steps towards the automated integration of business processes. Digitalization is allowing telemedicine, telework and online education to proliferate. It is a holistic approach that specialists in development cooperation should emulate. At the same time, the government adopted digital rights management software tools as a way to prevent digital theft through technical means. On the tiny South Pacific island of Tuvalu, for example, fewer than ten streets in the capital, Funafuti, are named, and only about 100 homes have a postal address. However not all technology companies are profiting and there are some serious consequences of the rush to online platforms. Digital transformation can speed up the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Interview with Taffere Tesfachew, Director of UNCTAD. Internet access and website presence were found to be correlated with higher sales per employee in Thailand, with a coefficient similar to those found in developed countries: an increase of from 4 to 6% for Internet use in Thailand, compared with an increase of 5% in the United States. International bandwidth use is geographically concentrated along two main routes: North America Europe and North America China. Countries with economies in transition had the highest compound annual growth rate in Internet penetration between 2002 and 2006. To thrive, people will need new skills and knowledge, and countries will require updated policies to protect online users. Gains in mobile connectivity and Internet use among developing countries are not being matched by gains in other technologies, such as Internet hosts and personal computers (PCs). One initiative, eTrade for all, is aimed at making it easier for developing countries to source financial and technical assistance. Yet the pandemic has raised the bar for the digital transition and underscores the need to close the digital . According to the analysis, the coronavirus crisis has accelerated the uptake of digital solutions, tools, and services, speeding up the global transition towards a digital economy. Digital Enterprises in Africa: A Synthesis of Current Evidence (Richard Boateng, Joseph Budu, Alfred Sekyere Mbrokoh, Eric Ansong, Sheena . The Digital Economy Report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) shows that China and the USA have done the most to harvest the digital economy and now dominate the rest of the world and leading to an unequal state of e-commerce. UNCTAD's Digital Economy Report 2021 takes a deep dive into the development and policy implications of cross-border flows of digital data. The notion of "Do Artifacts Have Politics?" The coronavirus pandemics ability to show fractures can, hopefully, be turned into an opportunity, said Ms. Sirimanne. Lowering digital gaps Though the country's world wide web penetration price reached 71% in 2021 according to the International Telecommunication Union, UNCTAD and its partners located that only 9% of rural Peruvian households had access to the world wide web. UNCTAD assessment set to boost digital economy in Peru The eTrade readiness assessment underway in Peru will help accelerate digital transformation and e-commerce development efforts. One important finding is that major gains have been made in access to mobile telephones and the Internet, measured by the degree of equality of the distribution of mobile phones and Internet users across countries. Levels of digitalization may even influence whether countries are able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set by the international community for tackling challenges like hunger, disease, and climate change. Geneva, Switzerland, 6 February 2008. Until 2011, Juan Delgado was the first-ever Chief Economist of the Spanish antitrust agency where he provided economic and econometric advice in antitrust cases and mergers and participated in the discussion . Data and cross-border data flows, and . Faster and more comprehensive communication enables firms to make more accurate production plans and sales forecasts in the short and long term. They are investing in data collection through user-facing platform services; data transmissions through submarine cables and satellites; data storage (data centres); and data analysis, processing and use, for instance through artificial intelligence (AI). The advancement of digitalization is gradually transforming the existing structure of the global economy. UNCTAD REPORT: WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IS STILL BROAD. The Digital Divide. Types of services have been identified as digitally deliverable, also referred to as "potentially ICT-enabled" per UNCTAD (2015), yet the share of services that are actually delivered digitally is not routinely distinguished. The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.. Even if everyone in Tuvalu had access to the Internet (which they dont; only 13% of the countrys population had broadband in 2016, according to the World Bank), delivery of goods purchased online would be difficult. This paper investigates information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) projects from around the world. A chief obstacle is lower rates of access to broadband Internet service, which allows forms of rapid communication, e-finance and e-banking that greatly increase business productivity and efficiency, the Information Economy Report 2007-2008 (1) notes. "As the digital economy grows, a data-related divide is compounding the digital divide." Developing countries in subordinate positions Fourth, there is bi-way causality between some growth variables and digitisation variables. DIODE Briefings 1. Low broadband quality hampers the ability to use teleconferencing tools. The term digital divide, which describes a gap in access to and use of ICT, came into formal usage in the early 21st century [ 2 ], but its underlying issues had been studied previously in the late 20th century. Yet, studies specifically focusing on E-commerce policy are scarce compared with other areas . The global crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us further into a digital world, and changes in behaviour are likely to have lasting effects when the economy starts to pick up. Belarus and Croatia have higher Internet penetration rates than several developed countries, at 57% and 35% respectively. In this regard, the case study developed in a period just prior to the pandemic, on . "M-commerce," the buying and selling of goods and services using wireless handheld devices, is expanding. As the digital economy grows, a data-related divide is compounding the digital divide.. New policies and regulations are needed to ensure a fair distribution of the gains from digital disruptions. The report warned that a data-related divide is . Unfortunately, only 1% of all funding provided by Aid for Trade an initiative by World Trade Organization members to help developing countries improve their trading infrastructure is currently being allocated to ICT solutions. A new analysis from UNCTAD maps the changing digital landscape since the last major global calamity, the 2008/09 financial crisis. UNCTAD/GDS/2022/1 Sales No. 3) We need to share hope and optimism about our progress. Broadband access to the Internet enables the adoption of applications that have beneficial impacts on business productivity, and because of the fast-changing technology it is important for developing countries to catch up, the report says. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft were the top acquirers of AI startups between 2016 and 2020. How that economy will develop is difficult to predict. Juan's expertise covers several industries including energy, climate, digital economy, media, payments, and industrial and consumer goods. The Partnership aims to improve ICT measurement and the quality of data on ICT uptake in developing countries. Measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic have seen more businesses and governments move their operations and services online to limit physical interaction to contain the spread of COVID-19. RT @AfDB_Group: "We must accelerate women's digital literacy as a matter of urgency given the enormous potential of e-commerce + digital finance. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, almost all cross-border transactions had a digital component in 2016. In the digital world, given the global digital divide, developing countries are latecomers to new technologies. Concerns were raised about a digital divide . The contents of this press release and the related Report must not be quoted or. UNCTAD is responsible for the substantive servicing of the Commission. More developing countries are exploring e-commerce and other digital solutions that can help build local resilience to future shocks, she said. The theme for the 2022 edition is 'Data and Digitalization for Development.'. The diffusion of information and communication technology (ICT) in developing countries is growing, but except for East Asian nations that straddle the line between "developed" and "developing" status -- notably the Republic of Korea and Singapore -- such countries lag far behind the industrialized world in the application of ICT and its use by businesses, a new UNCTAD report says. An inclusive DE requires persistent efforts and innovative mea-sures to address non-digital complementary factors (analog complements) and to over-come deep-rooted contributors to the digital divide (Hanna, 2017; World Bank, 2016).

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