templeton foundation prayer study

groups can range from those with no religious content, such as A.A. Agnostics of the San Francisco Bay Area, mentioned above, to those that have overt religious content such as closing with the Lords Prayer. Religiosity, peers, and adolescent drug use. were far more likely to stay sober than if they had received professional treatment alone. [3] After Mind Dynamics folded due to the death of its co-owner, William Penn Patrick, and due to investigations on its parent company, Holiday Magic, by the United States government on allegations of pyramid schemes, Everett formed another course called Inward Bound, which he taught in the United States, Europe and Asia. "There is no scriptural basis for segregation," Graham argued. "pure heart") is an extremist Jewish sect founded by Shlomo Helbrans in 1988. Moreover, Indians generally stick to their own religious group when it comes to their friends. Purvapaksa debate requires location in a particular place of argument. In: Peteet JR, Balboni MJ, editors. [133], Iain Murray, writing from a conservative Protestant standpoint, argues that "Graham's concessions are sad words from one who once spoke on the basis of biblical certainties. "[57] "The Cross" video is the main program in the My Hope America series, and was also broadcast the week of Graham's 95th birthday. "The U-Turn Theory",[24] as stated by Malhotra, the appropriation occurs in several stages:[27][28], Malhotra mentions a number of "U-Turners" from the scholarly fields of mind sciences, cognitive sciences and psychology:[28][note 5], In Vivekananda's Ideas and the Two Revolutions in Western Thought (2013), Malhotra claims that Vivekananda has deeply influenced modern western thought, but that this influence in some cases remains unacknowledged and uncredited. The BJP has attempted to financially compensate Sikhs for some of the violence that occurred in 1984 after Indira Gandhis assassination, but relatively few Sikh voters (19%) report having voted for the BJP in the 2019 parliamentary elections. A short-lived invasion of Byzantine Sicily by a small Arab and Berber force that landed in 652 was the prelude of a series of incursions; from the eighth century to the fifteenth, Muslims ruled parts of the Iberian Peninsula, southern Italy, southern France and, several Mediterranean islands,[17] while in the East, incursions into a much reduced in territory and weakened Byzantine Empire continued unabated. The Christian counter-offensive known as the Reconquista began in the early 8th century, when Muslim forces managed to temporarily push into southern France. For example, by a variety of measures, people in the South are somewhat less religious than those in other regions 69% say religion is very important in their lives, versus 92% in the Central part of the country. Slight declines in the importance of religion, by this measure, also are seen in the Western part of the country (Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra) and in the North, although large majorities in all regions of the country say religion is very important in their lives today. Davies, Caroline. Second, not all of these people would have died due to substance abuse. [21] He gave his support to various political candidates over the years. Johnson and Pagano (2014) found that spiritual support and religious involvement can be an integral part of dealing with substance abuse, pertaining to both prevention (i.e., young adults involved in religion are less likely to become addicted to drugs) and recovery (i.e., addicts in spiritual programs such as the 12-step fellowships pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) have a lower risk of relapse).2. Supportive of Johnson's domestic policies, and hoping to preserve his friendship with the president, Graham resisted pressure to endorse Goldwater and stayed neutral in the election. Billy Graham, "Billy Graham to Lie in Honor at the U.S. Capitol", "Fallen evangelist Jim Bakker and wife pay their respects to Billy Graham in Charlotte", "Fallen PTL pastor Jim Bakker recalls prison visit from Rev. Turnout in U.S. has soared in recent elections but by some measures still trails that of many other countries, 45% of Americans Say U.S. Should Be a Christian Nation, All survey respondents, regardless of religion, were asked, Are you from a General Category, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class? By contrast, in the 2011 census of India, only Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists could be enumerated as members of Scheduled Castes, while Scheduled Tribes could include followers of all religions. [43] This requirement was later overturned on appeal on March 26, allowing the group to stay without conditions for up to three months. In a secret letter from April 15, 1969, made public twenty years later, Graham encouraged Nixon to bomb the dikes in North Vietnam if the peace talks in Paris should fail. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. [40] On 17 March, a judge in Guatemala ruled that six children who had fled would be allowed to remain in Guatemala, provided that they check in with the Canadian Embassy within three days. [100] He did not completely ally himself with the later religious right, saying that Jesus did not have a political party. During the 12th-century Renaissance in Europe, Latin translations of Arabic texts were introduced. Reduced pain sensation and reduced BOLD signal in parietofrontal networks during religious prayer. [165] In addition, Televangelist Jim Bakker paid respect to Graham, stating he was the greatest preacher since Jesus. We then apply the relative mortality rate to people with alcohol use disorder, which is estimated to be 3.45 higher than that of sober people (Larame et al. [53] Most Western Yoga teachers, states Malhotra, mentions Pranayama, chanting Om or Asanas as health-related components of modern Yoga, yet this attitude is based, at best, a shallow or lack of understanding of Yoga'a Dharmic roots and philosophy. One woman said she was struck with a belt and a coat hanger, and a pregnant 17-year-old girl said she was beaten by her brother, sexually abused by her father, and married by force to a 30-year-old man when she was 15. The Foundation is a non-partisan charitable organization working with business people, academics, government officials, and community leaders from multiple faiths (or of none) to accomplish its mission. In the UK, 64% identify as "highly religious", 42% in Austria, 33% in France and 26% in Switzerland. More specifically, volunteering and helping others is found to be instrumental in addiction recovery (Lee et al. In 2016, 63,632 drug overdose deaths occurred in the USA, a 21.5% increase from 2015. The value of a statistical life: A critical review of market estimates throughout the world. As of 2021, there are roughly 70 dar-ul-qaza in India. of the European portion of what is now Russia and Ukraine came under the suzerainty of Muslim Tatars and Turks from the 13th to the 15th centuries. For instance, many Muslim, Sikh and Christian women in India say they wear a bindi (a forehead marking, often worn by married women), even though putting on a bindi has Hindu origins. The protective feature of religious engagement against alcohol abuse can have a lasting impact. Applying this additional condition means that 11,376 people are alive this year who otherwise would not have been without achieving sobriety. [28] In November 2021 a group of about 70 members reached Kurdistan in an attempt to make their way to Iran, but were detained by Iraqi officials and deported to Turkey. [18], While the foundation's own materials describe its purposes in terms of education and philanthropy, scholars of Hinduism and South Asia see it largely as an organization committed to the "surveillance of the Academy", and a senior U.S. scholar of Hinduism, Columbia University's Jack Hawley, has published a refutation of the foundation's characteristic charges against the study of Hinduism in North America. For example, while the rules of inheritance for most Indians are governed by the Indian Succession Act of 1925 and the Hindu Succession Act of 1956 (amended in 2005), Islamic inheritance practices differ in some ways, including who can be considered an heir and how much of the deceased persons property they can inherit. Assessing religion and spirituality in counseling: Some reflections and recommendations. Billy Graham Dead at 99", "The Rev. These courts are overseen by religious magistrates known as qazi and operate under Shariah principles. [62], A scholar-evangelist from the Anglican Church, Bishop Robert Caldwell (181491), pioneered what now flourishes as the "Dravidian" identity. In August 2014, a group of elders of the indigenous Tz'utujil population issued an edict stating that the group was not welcome to stay, citing a need to protect the local culture, which is protected under the Constitution of Guatemala. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. More than 70 years after India became free from colonial rule, Indians generally feel their country has lived up to one of its post-independence ideals: a society where followers of many religions can live and practice freely. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2010) found that up to 82% of clients who experienced a spiritual awakening during substance abuse treatment and recovery were completely abstinent at a 1-year follow-up compared with 55% of non-spiritually awakened clients. Everett stated that one of the goals of Mind Dynamics was to "get people to a higher dimension of mind". Indeed, one author has attributed the economic growth of the South largely to the flattening of caste hierarchies. [citation needed] In 1961, the West German Government invited first Gastarbeiters and similar contracts were offered by Switzerland; some of these migrant workers came from majority-Muslim countries such as Turkey. Near Palatka", "Profile: William (Billy) F. Graham, Jr., Evangelist and Chairman of the Board", Rev. [104][105] Observers have questioned whether the support of Republican and religious right politics on issues such as same-sex marriage coming from Graham who stopped speaking in public or to reporters in fact reflects the views of his son, Franklin, head of the BGEA. This and several other Muslim settlements were all destroyed and their inhabitants massacred during the 1241 Mongol invasion of Hungary. Across the major religious groups, most people say it is very important to respect all religions to be truly Indian. And tolerance is a religious as well as civic value: Indians are united in the view that respecting other religions is a very important part of what it means to be a member of their own religious community. Martin RA, Ellingsen VJ, Tzilos GK, Rohsenow DJ. The biggest exception is Christians, among whom those with higher education and those who reside in urban areas show somewhat lower levels of observance. The Arabs imposed Sharia, thus, the Latin- and Greek-speaking Christian communities, as well as a community of Jews, had limited freedom of religion under the Muslims as dhimmi (protected non-Muslims). [citation needed], Between 1354 (when the Ottomans crossed into Europe at Gallipoli) and 1526, the Empire had conquered the territory of present-day Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Hungary. A majority of Muslim women (61%) oppose triple talaq. The Alcoholics Anonymous survey: 11,355 A.A. members answer questions about themselves. (2015), 3.45 times higher, which would be 38,015 people. Grim, B. J., & Grim, M. E. (2016). [48], The Ottoman Empire began its expansion into Europe by taking the European portions of the Byzantine Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries up until the 1453 capture of Constantinople, establishing Islam as the state religion in the region. This therefore confirms that Johnsons (2016) argument for a higher valuation, mentioned above, is correct. The caste system is an ancient social hierarchy based on occupation and economic status. Tennessee also offers an example of a close working relationship between faith communities and a state government, aimed at addressing substance abuse. This is in contrast to philia, brotherly love, or philautia, self-love, as it embraces a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance. Religion and health: A synthesis. Our industry-leading, speech-to-text algorithms will convert audio & video files to text in minutes. [125] His alma mater, Wheaton College, has an archive of his papers at the Billy Graham Center. Kaskutas et al. Feelings of closeness for Lord Ram are especially strong in the Central region (27%), which includes what Hindus claim is his ancient birthplace, Ayodhya. Christians and Sikhs also overwhelmingly share this sentiment. "[148][149] Graham's obituary noted that his stated position was that he did not want to talk about homosexuality as a political issue. For example, Monty Burks, the Director of Faith-Based Initiatives at the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS), noted in our interview with him that across Tennessee there is a widespread use of Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step recovery assistance program adapted from A.A. and N.A. In December 2019, protests against the countrys new citizenship law broke out in several regions. In: Kaskutas L, Galanter M, editors. He then observed that patients maintained sobriety successfully through religious and spiritual experiences. William Franklin Graham Jr. (November 7, 1918 February 21, 2018) was an American evangelist and an ordained Southern Baptist minister who became well known internationally in the late 1940s. Using data from the census of fatal occupational injuries to estimate the value of a statistical life, October. According to Rambachan, Malhotra's understanding and representation of classical Advaita is incorrect, attributing doctrines to Shankara and Swami Dayananda which are rejected by them. Dividing this number by the 61,904 A.A. groups in the USA (Alcoholics Anonymous 2018b, May) indicates that 0.16 lives are saved per group each year. [21][109] Eisenhower asked for Graham while on his deathbed. 2 shows, they obtained similar results. [4], After Holiday Magic, Leadership Dynamics and Mind Dynamics ceased operating, Everett left the United States in 1974 and studied eastern religions and philosophies in Russia and India. Hindus are divided on whether beliefs and practices such as believing in God, praying and going to the temple are necessary to be a Hindu. Federal competitive funding to faith-based and secular non-profit fiscal year 2007. These factors may contribute to the BJPs lower popularity in the South, where more people prefer regional parties or the Indian National Congress party. Bahr SJ, Hoffmann JP. 2Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who want to resolve their drinking problems. Amihai I, Kozhevnikov M. The influence of Buddhist meditation traditions on the autonomic system and attention. [6] Though Everett publicly went up on stage and stated his support for Erhard and expressed his sorrow to see him go, privately he was furious with Erhard for planning his exit and new company behind Everett's back. [51] The negative and erroneous association of Yoga with an idolatry of the body gives rise to odd hybrids such as Christian Yoga or Jewish Yoga or, Muslim Yoga, who claim to provide a cleaned-up Yoga, which is free from dangers of idolatry. When considering the role of religion in substance abuse prevention and recovery, it is impossible not to reflect on a provocative correlation: Americans are simultaneously identifying with religion less and suffering from substance abuse more (see Fig. Sikhs also are overwhelmingly proud of their Indian identity. Tonigan JS, Miller WR, Schermer C. Atheists, agnostics and Alcoholics Anonymous. The decisions of the religious courts, however, are not legally binding, and the parties involved have the option of taking their case to secular courts if they are not satisfied with the decision of the religious court. Billy Graham attended Bible College in Temple Terrace, "The Tree Stump Prayer: When Billy Graham Overcame Doubt". This is an example of the same activity crossing over from one type of program to another, as shown in the typology above (Fig. Palamar JJ, Kiang MV, Halkitis PN. He also traveled the world in a quest for spirituality and education, visiting Greece, India, and Egypt. In its 2019 political manifesto, the BJP proclaimed a desire to create a national Uniform Civil Code, saying it would increase gender equality. [6] Malhotra compares the defence of Indian interests with corporate brand management, distrusting the loyalties of Indian scholars:[6], Therefore, it is critical that we do not blindly assume that Indian scholars are always honest trustees of the Indian-American donors' sentiments. excluding Turkey and several Balkan and Eastern European countries which are not in the EU). [21] He convened an August strategy session of evangelical leaders in Montreaux, Switzerland, to plan how best to oppose Nixon's Roman Catholic opponent, Senator John F. 1. [48], Graham also held evangelistic meetings on a number of college campuses: at the University of Minnesota during InterVarsity's "Year of Evangelism" in 195051, a 4-day mission at Yale University in 1957, and a week-long series of meetings at the University of North Carolina's Carmichael Auditorium in September 1982. The Infinity Foundation was formed in 1995 by the wealthy Indian American entrepreneur Rajiv Malhotra, who, after a career in the software, computer, and telecom industries had taken an early retirement to pursue philanthropic and educational activities. In 2002, the controversy was renewed when declassified "Richard Nixon tapes" confirmed remarks made by Graham to Nixon three decades earlier. 1945), an inspirational speaker and author; Anne Graham Lotz (b. Graham officiated at one presidential burial and one presidential funeral. Lyons GCB, Deane FP, Kelly PJ. [132], Graham expressed inclusivist views, suggesting that people without explicit faith in Jesus can be saved. The site is secure. [10][13][note 1] Most are in the states of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. CEA Sources: Aldy and Viscusi (2008), US DOT (2016a, b), CDC WONDER database, multiple cause of death files, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2016) and Ruhm (2017), Fatalities prevented assumes 20,693 lives saved annually (0.16 lives per group in 129,680 faith congregations). They also form centuries-old minority groups in other post-Ottoman nation states within the Balkans (i.e. Gomes, F. C., de Andrade, A. G., Izbicki, R., Moreira-Almeida, A., & de Oliveira, L. G. (2013). [51] Yoga and Hinduism are deeply coupled, and renaming the original Sanskrit terms doesn't do any favor, since the actual physical practices, in the case of asanas remains the same, states Malhotra. [170], The movie Billy: The Early Years officially premiered in theaters on October 10, 2008, less than one month before Graham's 90th birthday. The moderating role of spirituality in the association between stress and substance use among adolescents: Differences by gender. Respondents were selected using a probability-based sample design that would allow for robust analysis of all major religious groups in India Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains as well as all major regional zones. Grammich C, Hadaway K, Houseal R, Jones DE, Krindatch A, Stanley R, Taylor RH. This includes 0.2% of all Indian adults who now identify as Hindu but give an ambiguous response on how they were raised either saying some other religion or saying they dont know their childhood religion. The practice of untouchability in India ostracizes members of many of these communities, especially Dalits, although the Indian Constitution prohibits caste-based discrimination, including untouchability, and in recent decades the government has enacted economic advancement policies like reserved seats in universities and government jobs for Dalits, Scheduled Tribes and OBC communities. Their research demonstrates significant improvements in patients when taking the bodymindspirit integrated model of intervention. A qualitative study by Cheney et al. [35][36], In an interview with Blackburn Radio on 31 March 2014, Dave Van Kesteren, MP for Chatham-KentEssex, Ontario, described the Lev Tahor saga as a "political issue". However, to assume that all people in A.A. will stay sober and reduce their risk of death is unreasonable, given that some A.A. members relapse and thus put themselves at a higher risk. While belief in God is close to universal in India, the survey finds a wide range of views about the type of deity or deities that Indians believe in. Graham's estimated lifetime audience, including radio and television broadcasts, topped 2billion by 2008. (See Chapter 1 for a discussion of attitudes on religious discrimination.). He formed a personal development program named Inward Bound in 1977 and stayed active in the self-improvement industry.[3]. [26] Nachman Helbrans and four other leaders of Lev Tahor were arrested in Mexico in December 2018 in a joint operation between Interpol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 3). (n.d.). Duke University. His dynasty consolidated the presence of Islam in Al-Andalus (as Spain was known to Muslims). Anti-Sikh riots ensued in Northern India, especially in the state of Punjab. [4] After reaching the level of instructor, Erhard was also chosen by Everett to be responsible for Mind Dynamics course development. [110] After Nixon's victorious 1968 presidential campaign, Graham became an adviser, regularly visiting the White House and leading the president's private worship services. Then 86, he used a walker during the ceremony. While these courts can grant divorces among Muslims, they are prohibited from approving divorces initiated through the practice known as triple talaq, in which a Muslim man instantly divorces his wife by saying the Arabic/Urdu word talaq (meaning divorce) three times. 1948), leader of AnGeL ministries; Ruth Graham (b. One notable emirate was the Emirate of Crete, a state that existed on the Mediterranean island of Crete from the late 820s to the Byzantine reconquest of the island in 961. [45] Three of those members were ordered to be deported to their native Israel, but were given the option to appeal and apply for a stay during the appeal process. Ali M. Perspectives on drug addiction in Islamic history and theology. Faith-based organizations are eligible to compete for government grants on the same basis as all other non-governmental organizations. Adopting a conservative approach, we take into our calculation only A.A. members who have been sober for 5years or more and are likely to stay sober. A spokesman for the indigenous council said, "We act in self-defence and to respect our rights as indigenous people. As a clear indication of the US governments ongoing recognition of the important role of faith-based communities in addressing substance abuse, the Department of Health and Human Services Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships recently published an Opioid Epidemic Practical Toolkit: Helping Faith and Community Leaders Bring Hope and Healing to Our Communities (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018a, August 3). [86], Martha Nussbaum criticises Malhotra for "disregard for the usual canons of argument and scholarship, a postmodern power play in the guise of defense of tradition". Life-saving medicines and psychological interventions are important components of rescue and recovery. At one point, Johnson even considered making Graham a member of his cabinet and grooming him to be his successor, though Graham insisted he had no political ambitions and wished to remain a preacher. He has authored and edited books on Christianity and Christian conversion in India and elsewhere in Asia. Attitudes toward beef appear to be part of a regional and cultural divide among Hindus: Southern Indian Hindus are considerably less likely than others to disqualify beef eaters from being Hindu (50% vs. 83% in the Northern and Central parts of the country). Lifesaving medicines and psychological interventions are important parts of rescue and recovery; however, they are not enough. These figures vary only modestly across members of different castes. [12], Malhotra founded the institute in 1995; followed by Educational Council of Indic Traditions (ECIT) in 2000. [10] The Muslim populations in these territories were either converted to Christianity or expelled by the end of the 15th century by the Christian rulers (see Reconquista). Muslims in India are somewhat more likely than those elsewhere in South Asia to say they regularly worship at a mosque (70% in India vs. 59% in Pakistan and 53% in Bangladesh), with the difference mainly driven by the share of women who attend. This study reviews the voluminous empirical evidence on faiths contribution to preventing people from falling victim to substance abuse and helping them recover from it. But one behavior that a clear majority of Indian Hindus feel is incompatible with Hinduism is eating beef: 72% of Hindus in India say a person who eats beef cannot be a Hindu. Still, the survey does represent the beliefs, behaviors and attitudes of around 95% of Indias overall Muslim population. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). "Profile: William (Billy) F. Graham, Jr". 12-Step Programs) section).7, Data used in proxy valuation of religious and spiritual substance abuse recovery programs held in congregations. [220][221], A private funeral service was held on March 2, 2018. ", According to Christians, salvation depends on occurrences of three historical events: the, Malhotra further mentions the critical distinction between Dharmic and Western reliance on history in the meditative practices. By comparison, among other Hindu voters, a smaller majority (80%) say religion is very important in their lives, and about half (53%) pray daily. [58], Graham's early crusades were segregated, but he began adjusting his approach in the 1950s. Grossman, Lawrence. Palamar JJ, Kiang MV, Halkitis PN. As we have just demonstrated, not only does faith offer personal and social resources helping people avoid and/or recover from substance abuse, its impact is often made manifest at the local congregational level, as places of worship host spiritual or religious 12-step type fellowship meetings. Malhotra cites numerous examples to support this theory, dating from the erasure of. Billy Graham's children say their goodbyes, "World-Renowned TV Evangelist The Rev. The relationship between religion and science involves discussions that interconnect the study of the natural world, history, philosophy, and theology.Even though the ancient and medieval worlds did not have conceptions resembling the modern understandings of "science" or of "religion", certain elements of modern ideas on the subject recur throughout history. LifeRing, also a secular program, reports that about 40% of their participants attend a house of worship, according to a 2005 survey (LifeRing n.d.). Accessibility In fact, those overcoming a troubled past can be a limitless source of help and inspiration for those still struggling (Zemore and Pagano 2008). Wolf-Branigin M, Duke J. Religiosity and adolescent substance use: The role of individual and contextual influences. And among the Dalit community in the South, even more (43%) say their community faces a lot of discrimination, compared with 27% among Southern Indians in the General Category who say the Dalit community faces widespread discrimination in India. [77] According to a same study conversion does not add significantly to the growth of the Muslim population in Europe, with roughly 160,000 more people leaving Islam than converting into Islam between 2010 and 2016. It also depends on if only observant Muslims or all people of Muslim descent are counted. also reviewed the studies that examined the relationship between faith and drug use, abuse, or dependence, and as Fig. Here's why", "Here's what is special about Billy Graham's casket", Monroe Billington, Oral History Interview with Billy Graham, First International Congress on World Evangelization, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, Unknown Soldiers for World War II and the Korean War (1958), Unknown Soldier for the Vietnam War (1984), Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Billy_Graham&oldid=1116698038, 20th-century American non-fiction writers, 21st-century American non-fiction writers, Activists for African-American civil rights, Heads of universities and colleges in the United States, Honorary Knights Commander of the Order of the British Empire, People from Buncombe County, North Carolina, Recipients of the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2018, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2018, Articles with dead external links from June 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from December 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mission television specials broadcast in almost every market in the US and Canada, Passageway.org, the website for a youth discipleship program created by BGEA, Gold Medal Award, National Institute of Social Science, New York, 1957, Annual Gutenberg Award of the Chicago Bible Society, 1962, Gold Award of the George Washington Carver Memorial Institute, 1964, for contribution to race relations, presented by, National Citizenship Award by the Military Chaplains Association of the United States of America, 1965, Philip Award from the Association of United Methodist Evangelists, 1976, Jabotinsky Centennial Medal presented by The Jabotinsky Foundation, 1980, Religious Broadcasting Hall of Fame award, 1981, North Carolina Award in Public Service, 1986, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Freedom Award, for monumental and lasting contributions to the cause of freedom, 2000, This page was last edited on 17 October 2022, at 21:54.

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