digital ethnography topics

Like all ethnographic research, digital ethnography is based on long-term immersion in a field. She is interested in how digital media, technology and other forms 10 days) and capture relevant occasions. Digital anthropologists debate the extent to which lurking in online communities and sifting through public archives is ethical. Each of them should perform the particular function. "Welcome to Cyberia: notes on the anthropology of cyberculture.". Once again, the role of anthropologists is to contest assertions that are made about these political impacts through more long term and contextual considerations. This has, in some regions, become a model for new political ideals (Kelty 2008). Examining the use of social media worldwide, it became apparent that the meme has developed as just such a mechanism for establishing the normative. Addiction by design: machine gambling in Las Vegas. Abstract. 'Self-Ethnographies' collect contextual images and video about the research topic or the participant's context. Indeemo. They participate in online communities in order to learn about their customs and worldviews, and back their observations with private interviews, historical research, and quantitative data. Deliverables may include a report, photos, video reels showcasing a theme in responses, and large format posters with photos and videos. Actor-Network Theory is a theoretical and methodological approach that sees all social phenomena as the product of network interactions. Even people with very limited literacy can easily share a meme that expresses their moral views about good or bad behaviour (Miller et al. Start with easy warm-up top-of-mind questions that participants can answer without much effort. David Attenborough, a ground-breaking naturalist, has had a successful career on media such as television and radio. 1994. Social media has, in effect, become the place in which they now live. Data can be uploaded to digital databases to be stored, shared, and interpreted. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Anthropology is an open access resource. The reason for choosing a definition based upon binary coding for this entry partly lies in its simplicity. What is Digital Ethnography? Boellstorff, T. 2008. Blommaert & Rampton 2011). Indeed one of the main trajectories in the development of digital anthropology has been through the previously established anthropology of media. Instead of making universal generalizations, anthropologists may also demonstrate that in some places new phenomena such as social media have had relatively limited impact. So, almost every year the focus of both popular and academic attention is on something different the internet, search engines, the virtual, social media, big data, artificial intelligence, Tinder, the internet of things, and so forth. This has now been extended by the further dynamism and diversity found in digital forms. : how technology is changing the future of money. The area that has perhaps received most attention is political anthropology, because digital technologies are often seen in popular discussion as the cause of contemporary political transformations. Model01_Ethnography_Web.mp4 Watch on Recognising the differential meanings and uses of the term ethnography across and between academic disciplines, DERC utilises a broad definition of ethnography that views ethnography as an approach for understanding the world that cannot be reduced to a single method. It enables researchers to observe respondents in their natural environment, essentially turning research inside out by bringing the researcher to the participant rather than vice versa. The first section of this entry is concerned with populations and worlds that are largely the result of digital technologies. All of the above suggests that perhaps the real problem here lies with the very term humanity. In this paper we used the mixed-method ethnominingto answer theresearch question: How have UK citizens' attitudes towards the government changed over the course of the first and second lockdown, due to the COVID-19 measures? By contrast, anthropologists are committed to an inclusive understanding of the modern world that recognises that we need to be equally aware of populations in Africa, East and South Asia, and Latin America, and to be wary of generalizations that are not based on in-depth comparative studies. Kids on YouTube. Chicago: University Press. For example, Sarah Pink had previously argued for more attention to be given to the senses or to visual media, parallel to still earlier influences from phenomenology that implied that experience is something that has to be viewed from the interaction between our bodies and our environments. & J. Sinanan 2014. What biometrics as a whole represents is simply the increasing capacities of vast data banks sourced from people that can then be exploited in numerous ways. In the study of digital technologies there is a tendency to focus upon the more unprecedented or spectacular consequences. Dont you want to get everything done for you and just chill instead? It allows observation over a longer period of time (7 10 days). She was able to balance the focus upon the victims they had fleeced with the conditions of exclusion and poverty that often characterised the situation of the perpetrators of such actions and help us see the world from their point of view. However, he still felt the need associate himself with new media like Instagram. The first two sections represent a contrast. For example, a vast business complex near Chennai in South India has three periods of rush hour as call centre workers come in to serve markets in Asia, Europe, and North America, respectively (Ventkatraman 2017). It then divides the consequences of these technologies into three parts. London: University College Press. The subject is flexible as you understand society's social challenges and conventions in focus. This article analyzes the 'karen' meme, and how it has evolved as a critique of white supremacy. The Difference Between Product & Positioning Concept Testing, 9 Product Development Strategies to Consider, 12 Research Techniques to Solve Choice Overload, Write Winning Product Concepts To Get Accurate Results In Concept Tests, UX Research Geeks Podcast Using Market Research for Better Context in UX. Migration and new media: transnational families and polymedia. Humanity might once have been defined as beings that could not fly, but then came the aeroplane. On the one hand, corporations develop Artificial Intelligence, algorithms, and chatbots and provide digital assistants with names such as Siri and Alexa, which suggests this anthropomorphism is coming from digital innovation. Lauren Zentzexamine how a group of progressive activists interact around a certain set of Facebooks hate speech policies and practices in order to make meaning of them, make both political and social use of them, and be critical of them. Postill, J. Rather than using social media to reconnect with their rural villages as had been anticipated, they use it as a more effective migration into the world of modern urban China than the move to the factory itself. Pink, S., H. Horst, J. Postill, L. Hjorth, T. Lewis& J. Tacchi 2016. Daniel Miller is Professor of Anthropology at the Department of Anthropology, University College London. In short, akin with political anthropology, digital anthropology is an arena within which developments are constantly used to make larger normative and ethical arguments rather than merely observe and account for the consequences of technological change. Moreover, digital anthropology tends to investigate the ways people regard each other as acting appropriately or inappropriately. Week 2: Qualitative Social Sciences Research and the Digital: History of an Evolving Relationship. With regard to health issues, they are more likely to welcome the degree to which the inside of their own bodies, which previously were largely unknown to them except when they erupted in disease, are now knowable as data. These include techno-anthropology,[1] digital ethnography, cyberanthropology,[2] and virtual anthropology.[3]. If biometrics in India seem to provide better access to welfare benefits, or in China to new forms of citizen control, this is because of political choices as to how they will be used. Importance of Ethnography Miller, D. & H. Horst 2012. Here an exemplary anthropologist is Bill Maurer (2015) who has tried to consider the entire spectrum of these new forms of money and payment and their often contradictory consequences. Native on the net: indigenous and diasporic peoples in the virtual age. Be sure to do some internet surfing to understand the particular cultural area youre to write about. Dont miss your deadline order right now! It can be used in Market Research, UX Research and Healthcare Research scenarios. The datafication of health. Types of exercises and questions the platform supports (e.g. The study of humans' relationship to a broader range of technology may fall under other subfields of anthropological study, such as cyborg anthropology. Maurer argues that rather than seeing these consequences in isolation, we should come to regard different forms of money more as a repertoire or scale, which in turn reflects the scales of sociality that have been uncovered in studies of social media. It brings together contributions from leading scholars in food and media studies and explores research methods from textual analysis to digital ethnography and action research. Digital Ethnography is a powerful tool that leverages smartphones and video for remote, auto-ethnographic research. Pertierra, A. The study of Filipino mothers mentioned above, for example, showed that their engagement with digital media opened up new possibilities for moral judgement. 2010. This article charts a digital ethnography of the regulation of hate speech online by examining the infrastructure of social media platforms, the content of speech acts (including coded speech) and their offline effects. We now face an extreme contrast between anthropologys initial interest in custom and tradition, compared to the speed of contemporary developments. The American Anthropological Association offers an online guide for students using digital technology to store and share data. Mixing it: digital ethnography and online research methods a tale of two global digital music genres. National and transnational communities, enabled by digital technology, establish a set of social norms, practices, traditions, storied history and associated collective memory, migration periods, internal and external conflicts, potentially subconscious language features[4][5] and memetic dialects comparable to those of traditional, geographically confined communities. 2018. Blurring faces in images and video footage when included. The purpose of ethnography and its main categories. There is also obvious depth gained by developing long-term fieldwork, as in the extended study of mobile phone technologies in a Bengali village (Tenhunen 2018), since normativity today is not so much established as it is continually changing along with the ever-changing technologies. Be explicit in your instructions (e.g. All you need is a smartphone to get started. As a result, these teams can be immersed in what the research team experienced while conducting digital ethnography. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified about future articles. This is partly because other disciplines mostly depend upon analysis based only on publicly available data such as Twitter, while ethnographers gain access to more private and often more consequential and intimate discussion on, for example, WhatsApp. There are several alternatives. We are then told that new digital media has an impact upon attention span and possibly our brains, or that young people are confused as to what a real friend is. Not all these studies focus on the furtherance of oppressive forces. It is therefore important to remember that while the digital world may often be online, it is not immaterial. Authored by: Piia Varis. American Anthropological Association (available on-line: Morningstar, Chip, and F. Randall . Social media in southeast Turkey. Another way anthropologists have engaged with these newish worlds is by focusing upon specific digital platforms and their usages. The move of ethnography to the digital market research environment requires a new toolkit Here are a few examples of ethnographic research in action: 1. diary/journal, ad/concept testing, community ideation, surveys/polls, live chats, discussion boards, etc.). Tenhunen, S. 2018. For them, Artificial Intelligence and algorithms are experienced as, for example, more effective instant foreign language translation services, more effective GPS navigation, or more accurate voice dictation. At the same time, these may be just as expressive of persistent anthropological concerns, such as the nature of normativity. 1. An example of an ethnographic study . Ilana Gershon (2017) examined the implications of the career-focused online network LinkedIn as a site where workers now have to perform particular appearances and claims in order to obtain work. An example of one anthropological response to these interests is Minna Ruckenstein and Natasha Schlls (2016) survey of the datafication of health. 2008. An appraisal may include studies of how the populations that remain within the Philippines use social networking platforms such as Friendster and, more recently, Facebook, to keep in touch with those who have gone abroad, but also how this now-global population of migrant workers use new media to retain a sense of Filipino sociality that can mitigate the separation of physical location by creating a more integrated online sphere (McKay 2016: 51-69). Morphological and ethological indicators of masculinity/femininity in groups that differ professionally and ethically, Egyptian funeral rite as an ethnocultural phenomenon, Traditional calendar rituals of the population. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The first conclusion is therefore that we need both kinds of research and both sides of these arguments: an attention to vast forces that may be oppressive, and the equal commitment to intimate and empathetic engagement with ordinary people that respects their views and experiences as authentic. Week 5: Digitally-Mediated Association, Interaction, and Sociality. Boellstorff, Nardi, Pearce & Taylor 2012). Thomas Malaby (2009), for example, in contrast to Schll, examines the role of contingency and liberal fantasies that may emerge in the construction of game platforms, using the example of Linden Lab in creating Second Life. As the internet replaced letter writing, this radically transformed the communications between mothers and children, from exchanges that could take months to constant daily interaction. Anthropology as a discipline began with the study of small-scale societies, regarded as traditional or customary and often wrongly assumed to change slowly, if at all. Our researchers explore how humans feel, create, respond, and engage with digital technologies. Have a plan to manage participation. In. The digital and the human: a prospectus for digital anthropology. There is also Michael Weschs influential visual presentationAn Anthropological Introduction to YouTube. Digital ethnography has many names: virtual ethnography, online ethnography, cyber-ethnography, or even netnography. 2017. Israel and the re-emigration at the turn of the 20th 21st centuries. By contrast, ethnographic work provides a much more nuanced sense of what people actually believe and why. Museum object lessons for the digital age. Ginsburg, Faye. Whilestriving to overcome filter bubbles, DuckDuckGo has been overtaken bythe New Right'soptimized information ecosystem that only spreads their views. Activities are independent of each other. At the other extreme are the extraordinary findings of Xinyuan Wang (2016) who lived for 15 months inside one of the new Chinese factories that, as a whole, employs some 250 million people who have migrated from rural areas into this industrial sector. [12][citation needed][13] Others, such as Daniel Miller, have argued that an ethnographic research should not exclude learning about the subject's life outside the internet.[8]. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Digital ethnography is central to our understanding of the social world; it can shape . While there is no absolute or clear division, it may still be worth drawing a contrast between newish worlds, which largely could not have existed but for the development of digital technologies, as against the study of the use and consequences of digital technologies by ordinary people. Market Research Vs. UX Research Why We Need Integration, Step by Step Guide to the Market Research Process. Kelty, C. 2008. A pioneer of such work has been Gabriella Coleman (2012, 2014) through her long-term engagements first with hackers and then groups such as Anonymous who have come to occupy political or alternative niches that have been enabled by these new technologies. The anthropology of an equation. A third section examines the way digital technologies impact anthropological methodology. CyberAnthropology und die neuen Rume des Wissens. The authoritative team of authors clearly set out how to research localities, objects and events as well as providing insights into exploring individuals' or . Digital imaginaries: how we know what we (think we) know about Chinese gold farming. Text and numerical analysis software can help produce metadata, while a codebook may help organize data. [4]SAPIENS. As such, what does digital anthropology imply for what anthropology and indeed humanity is now becoming? When Is It Time for Outsourcing Research? Professor Daniel Miller, UCL Anthropology, University College London,14 Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW, United Kingdom. 2014. Digital ethnography, an emerging field in ethnography poses questions about the communicative phenomena taking place in a technologically mediated world. Maurer, B. Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography is a state-of-the-art introduction to this dynamic and growing subject. Digital Ethnography. Oxford: Berg. [6]The Quantified Self movement consists of people who focus upon the way their bodies and behaviours are increasingly visible as externalised and quantified data. What about the enablement of new forms of transport such as driverless cars, new capacities in digital design, or 3D manufacture? Including hot topics, trends & hints & tips! Digital ethnography is a broad methodological umbrella that encompasses both video links between researcher and respondent (s) in real-time and asynchronous data collection from platforms and websites. It also has the virtue of highlighting certain key implications. Bernal, V. 2014. E.Poe, M.Twain, T.Williams and others inspired me to try my efforts as well. An alternative focus is the active refusal of such technologies which may now be seen as a form of resistance. The anthropology of online communities. 1999. In projects involving digital ethnography done by Cuthill and her team: Among the reasons for doing digital ethnography are: For digital ethnography to be successful we need to create exercises that are engaging and have clear objectives in terms of the insights we are looking to gain. This sharp, innovative book champions the rising significance of ethnographic research on the use of digital resources around the world. Annual Review of Anthropology46, 261-78. The authors explain its funda. Dallas WordPress Development: Web Loft Designs. This volume showcases critical syntheses of the established literature on key topics and issues and, at the same time, reflects upon and engages with cutting edge research and new directions for study (as emerging within social media). The use of a device to familiar device such as a mobile to capture behaviour also removes the need for a third party advisor, which in turn helps to deliver truer behaviour responses. It ia a research methodology that enables Market Researchers and UX Researchers to capture context rich, in-the-moment insights. London: University College Press. The authors explain its fundamental aspects in a clear and systematic way. Virtual archives and ethnographic writing: "Commentary" as a new genre? Her work helps shift our understanding of these groups from mere caricature to having a sense of their own internal debates over how they should or should not intervene politically. There is a material side to the world of bits (Blanchette 2011), computers, memes, platforms, digital photography, or digital money. What is Digital Ethnography Digital Ethnography is a qualitative research methodology that allows the market researcher to follow a group of consumers for a short or long period of time while observing them in their natural environment. It is often the Chinese digital developments that have both more extensive platform capacities and deeper penetration into the lives of their users than platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. One of the key contributions of anthropology is to counter the constant claims made about the impact of digital technologies that come from more universalising disciplines such as psychology and internet studies. An earlier review concentrated on the exploration of online communities (Wilson & Peterson 2002), while a later review focused more on the ethnographic approach to digital media (Coleman 2010). The studies of social media referenced below reveal how the Chinese internet, where free instant messaging services such as QQ and WeChat focus upon avatars and hierarchies of users, is not the same as a Brazilian internet, with its emphasis upon political memes and gender relations. Abstract: Digital Ethnography is the practice of leveraging technology (like smartphones and computers) to study people in their natural environment remotely. Beyond UX research, we can use this approach to gather insights needed in the exploratory phase that often precedes many of the quantitative research we do related to new product development, pricing research, and market segmentation. Localizing the internet beyond communities and networks. Even prior to the rise of digital technologies, anthropologists such as Donna Haraway and Marilyn Strathern had raised profound questions about how other developments, such as those in reproductive technologies, impact upon questions of what it now means to be human.

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