food that rhymes with alexis

But I would have to say as a very young child, Fairy Tales that included a princess (which of course was me) were my favorite! I found a used copy online promptly bought it. What made them special was the names/ references in the stories were mine, our home address, city etc. Some of them (looking back now) were kind of scary but I loved them all the same. Excited to win or buy your book and spread the word to others! My mind is not allowing my childhood literature list to surface. New Zealand has always been a place I would love visiting. It was a little girls dream come true. Thanks Erin! Thank you for interviewing Zo a second time and introducing us to her extraordinary new book. My grandmother had a book all about colors and color palettes. Classic tales that were condensed. This book looks lovely and I would love to own a copy! From their shiny gold spine to the cute colorful illustrations. Around 8 or 9, I fell in live with the Boxcar Children series and the story of Heidi. You are ready to play. The names and colors filled me with joy and sent me on my love affair with curiosity and nature. As a child I loved to read books with great stories and beautiful inspiring thoughts. It made me appreciate all types of books! My grandmother had a bookshelf full of them in the leather-protected cover. Nearly everything I read was historical fiction, especially the classics. Congratulations on the new book ladies! Posted at 09:02h . Id stare at the pictures long before I could read the words and it felt as if I were in the story. 50 years later I now live in a log cabin in a field with a bison farm as neighbours! It was the only chapter book I personally owned so was so very special to me, I still have it today Angela. My favorite Type book is anything that will pull you into its whimsical and playful world. Eventually, my Dad handed me an adult book and said here, I think youll like this. I was so sad to realize they would be too much for me. Words rhyming with FOOD.. - I read all the series over and over again. I said we were downscaling, but we ended up using it as a good excuse to source more. Seek and find for flowers? My mother handed me Anne of Green Gables when I was 11 years old. My mom and I would gaze over every single page to plan out our dream gardeneven though she knew they couldnt afford much, she would always surprise me with a few packs of seeds to sew each year. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was my favorite book. I loved mystery stories of all kinds: Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and also read the Little House books many times over. Its is without a doubt the cutest hardcover, with rhyming phrases and hilarious adaptations of what dragons might be like if they existed. If you buy something using the retail links in this post, Floret may receive a small commission. Your book looks like a work of art! Im now watching the series with my four girls and it reminds us to slow down and appreciate the simple aspects of life. My fervent reading habit started there. I didnt go on to become a super babysitter or have any run ins with monsters or ghouls, but they did instill a life long love of reading. I read Nancy Drew, Golden Books(including The Golden Encyclopedia), Beauty & The Beast, all the Winnie- THE POOH books, Walt Disneys Secrets of Life, and Alice in Wonderland! That same emotion in my reading imagination connects with wonder as a bud emerges. Flower love united us family or strangers. Small wonder that Ive been a passionate gardener as an adult, who has to have my hands in the dirt among my plants, listening to the warnings of chipmunks and the birds call and response every afternoon, to count it a day well-spent. It was truly a miraculous journey and we have a farm finally, where we grow vegetables and fruit to sell. One particular favorite that comes to mind is Big Max. Its the illustrations that really bring them to life for me, but also the beautiful British languagesimple yet more complex and with a somewhat challenging vocabulary for young American children. These books inspired my love of gardening and creating things from scratch. Yes, as a child I loved seek-and-find books. Type a word and press enter to find rhymes. Inretrospect i should have just asked my mom but i didn t think of that. Dont miss it! I couldnt help but share! Now as a senior adult volunteering in a special garden in our city I am always learning & transfixed by the other volunteers flower arrangements, sold to supplement our gardens desire for the next must have for an arrangement ! Anne of Green Gables. The Secret Garden was my favorite book, I would play outside for hours creating my own secret garden in our yard, and I called it my property. Now, my husband and I are working hard to find our own property to build our own farm/garden, and Im so excited to get to work on it someday. I still am. As a kid, my mom would let me choose piles of books from the scholastic order forms sent home from school. I would go to the Library and take out series Little House on the Prairie, I grew up in a rural county side and I think the connection to gardening and needing to have a connection with growing both flowers and food in part has played a connection to my adult life. I gained confidence and inspiration from her which was helpful in the future particularly entering a male dominated business environment. Youre in the thick of summer in New Zealand as were closing out winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. as I got older, I loved to read about unique characters going on adventures in nature and into the great wild. My favorite series was The Mandie series. The Velveteen Rabbit. Words rhyming with Alexis - Planting seeds, caring for the plants along their journey to harvest time. When I was a little girl back in the Philippines around 1973, one of my favorite books was Namcy Drews , Password to Larkspur Lane. As a child illustrations, artwork & color have such a memorable impact. Mais aujourdhui en tant quadulte jadore lire des livres qui parle de croissance personnelle, ou encore des livres de tricot ( jadore le tricoter) et rcemment jai dcouvert quil y avait des fermes florale , chose que je ne savais pas que cela existait. My favourite childhood books would be the Mandie Collection books by Lois Gladys! It wasnt until looking back for this comment that I realized how much they had shaped my life. My early years of first reading was my parents daily newspapers and I love looking through the pages and pages of words that I could not read yet then Pretending to be able to read them with pictures of flowers or animals on the side or top of it is a splendid delight of moments with my parents. Jai bien aim relire ses livres ma fille quand elle tait jeune. While facts are great and necessary, helping connect them to the lives of my sixth grade students is a must. I cannot bend over any more but sprinkle flower seeds then pray whatever God wants to grow, it grows. The paintings I was especially drawn to where landscapes, nature and flowers. or Poodles/bread? Even if children shout out before you say the second possible pair ( in this case poodles/bread), still tell them, adding something like, I just want to make sure, and the best way is to say the words and listen.. Thank you Erin for sharing Zos book and stunning floral farm, reading this interview made my week! As a child I loved books with fantasy, mystery and intrigue. My favorite was Addy. I can still see the section of library where I used to find the book as a kid. I grew up by my Mother reading to my 4 siblings and me every night before bedtime. The Secret Garden was and still is one of my favorite childhood books. I actually struggled to enjoy reading as a child. Thank you for sharing. The beautiful nature images inspired my love of flowers. I cant wait to read your new book. and hola ,soy de chile el pais mas austral del planeta y tambien el mas alejado de todo por ende cuando nia no tenia muchas obciones de libros y menos de informacion ya que las bibliotecas eran escasas y casi nulas en las escuelitas de campo y el unico libro que tenia era alicia en el pais de las maravillas y estaba en aleman pues era de mi abuela emigrante que me lo regalo ,entonces yo al ver las ilustraciones cree mi propio cuento y recien cuando grande pude comprar el libro en castellano y leer lo que realmente decia ,bueno mi realidad de vida es de una nia austral al fin del mundo que constaba con una gran imaguinacion para darle vida alo que no entendia ,saludos cordiales desde mi ciudad de naciemiento frutillar region de los lagos chile. Id like to garden, read and write and drink tea, travel and enjoy the sound of birds flitting around the yard. This book looks like a treasure for not only the eyes, but of the heart and mind as well. Mon livre prfr tait Martine la campagne. The death & dying series was heartbreaking, but would remind me that life is short & to cherish your loved ones. Not exactly gardening inspired, but I was inspired by the ingenuity and challenge to carve out a subsistence living in the Midwest in the 19th century. The Boxcar children were another favorite. I grew up on a beautiful farm in Indiana and the flowers my grandma had were unparalleled. I was enchanted by the book The Color Kittens as a child. I also loved Chip Chip, Chap Chap and Chop Chop , a Little golden book about three Chipmunks who outwit hunters and save their forest friends. I loved that Australian flora and fauna were celebrated in books. Fern in Charlottes Web and Matilda from the title that bears her name were two of my favorite characters. I remember only one set of books from my childhood.The Little House on the Prairie book set. Thank you for the inspiration and a trip down memory lane! My favorite is the Three Little Pigs story, not only I loved the memorable story but I also played the youngest pig role in a play during my kindergarten graduation! Set in a land so far away the only way to access it was through your imagination. The Poppy Seed Cakes by Margery Clark was a favorite as was Ask Mr. Bear by Marjorie Flack. So many hours were joyfully spent lost in those pages with Laura on her many adventures in the fledgling frontier. I loved all sorts of books as a child (and still do!). As an early reader my favorite book was Chip and Dales book of The Mystery of the Missing Peanut. Amelias Notebook series were my favorites, loved the inner monologue style and the charming illustrations! The types of books that interested me mostly pertained to nature and gardening to tell the truth! I probably buy enough books to support the entire publishing industry, it started with anything about horses, especially artist illustrated. I still love books that contain beautiful photos or illustrations of things found in nature! I grew up reading and gardening with my father. My favorites were always the books filled with magic and wonder! Its been hard, painful yet deeply rewarding work. Also, anything by Rohl Dauhl. As an adult, I enjoy being curious, figuring things out, laughing, and finding joy in little things. They definitely had a seek and find component, and I realize now that they presented the world as being full of sort of mundane but simultaneously magical things and pursuits. Gather your materials. As a child, I loved fiction books we are children traveled to other land. The places I could explore. Only keep going if your group is engaged. I always loved the outdoors and all of nature. Botanical gardens, floral prints, & paintings or being in woodlands, streams, or ocean, as being outside in nature is what makes me feel at my best. The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators. I especially loved the rocks and gems. Thank you, for the look back and the interview. How fun. My older sister gave me books to read or read them to me and my Grandmother would sit and read as many books to me as I wanted! My family is from Michigan and Wisconsin so it felt like it was so close to home. I love junking still, and especially love old things amongst the flowers in my yard. Love all genres of books! Now, as I start my flower journey, I seek out learning opportunities to better my understanding of soil/soil health, bio-diversity. I also have always dreamed of growing flowers a dream I am at last achieving and would love love love to have a walled garden with a secret door. take the salute. During my Childhood, my Parents bought and read many books to me! I began with what was at home my mothers set of Nancy Drews and a few Cherry Ames. Growing up (and even still), I loved books with magic, from Harry Potter to the Narnia series and Roald Dahl. I just loved the idea that a character could create his own adventures, challenges and solutions with just a crayon and a little imagination. Over the years I have learned how important color and pictures play into my creativity, jumpstart my imagination and affect how I perceive the world. I loved the old Jessie Willcox Smith illustration books. Ham/lamb? I like to make rhyming games shout-out games. I loved her sense of adventure and playing in the outdoors. Those books sparked my passion for animal and their welfare. I grew up with a mother who loved flowers! . As a child and still today I love books about old fashioned living in the country. Growing up in a small town, I was so curious about the rest of the world, other landscapes, other cultures I guess it is was led me to learn foreign languages, and later on to study and live abroad. I bet I was 10 years old and started drawing out plans for what my own secret garden would look like. Her work is so beautiful and inspiring. I have always loved how to books, which I think comes from a very independent, driven sort of personality. I was equally entertained and inspired by her stories, I wanted to BE her. street prostitute. Then someone gifted me with a huge Hans Christian Andersen and I found my vibe in not only faerie tales but also the illustrators. There was always work to do so reading wasnt focused upon except for our school work. My favourite books I remember reading as a child are Little House on the Prairie and Heartland. Years later, when I became interested in genealogy, it was the pursuit of the mystery that pushed me to research my family history. It was about standing for the truth no matter what it cost you. Absolute genius. I loved choose your own adventure books! So today I live in an old Victorian that weve been fixing up for over ten years. In short we all are given the option to choose our path and the direction we take with our lives. Una delicia para cualquier edad. It had many photographs of insects, mammals and birds that used mimicry as a defense mechanism. A lasting friendship between two unlikely playmates reminds me that anything is possible and there is a Greater Being in control. Ive asked some friends if they read him when they were little and they didnt know who he was (shocking). Little did I know growing up in the inter-mountain west I would end up living a few hours north of De Smet SD. Encyclopedias were fascinating! My favorite books were about animals, farming and gracious living. It can be a real treasure hunt here in New Zealand, tracking down that elusive plant youve been eyeing in photos from the Northern Hemisphere. This led me to study all things international, love to serve with others and immerse myself in raising kids, animals and vegetation of all sorts. I owe it all to my first book. The Secret Gardenwas my favourite bookenchanting and healing gardens. Its in my top 10 favorite books (childhood AND adult). As a child, Magic Eye & I Spy books were formative to my imagination. Preferably an old one where attics held treasures and secret doors and nooks abounded. What can possibly be better than that?! I loved any and all books as a child. I love supporting local book stores and I always search out unique book stores when we travel. I came home with Misty of Chincoteague and was instantly in love. But the encyclopedias opened up a whole world of where things grew, far away lands, flowers, insects and bees. As a child, two favorites come to mind. When I was a child I loved stories. I read all of Beverly Clearys books as a kid and enjoyed the emotional realism and antics of Ramona the Pest. The other book, the journal has been used ever since in one shape or another, preferably with a fountain pen. My husband bought me a lean-to greenhouse that we are currently putting up. I would get stacks of them from yard sales sometimes. To say that that little book has influenced my life is an understatement! I read that book over and over! As an adult, nothing has changed! Her character has inspired me to be resourceful and innovative. I used to close my eyes before I went to sleep at night and wish with all my might that I was magic. At the end of the book was a suitcase full of stickers from where Felix traveled. Thank you for asking! Expand your pets menu and watch them thrive. i am headed to nz tomorrow I loved a good compelling story then, and I still do!! Thanks for putting beauty into the world! I had a love of any strong female character, which ultimately made me strong, I feel. I feel like her journey parallels my own in so many ways; motherhood, farming, homeschooling, growing as a violinist. Which is something I can definitely relate to now! P.S. I just had my first baby and I teared up when I opened a gift that someone had given us, a copy of Frog and Toads adventures! Magical tales. And I have grow lights in the library because after we read Harlem Grown we will be starting seeds!! Again, simply learning about others was so inspirational and I enjoyed presenting these print articles to our readership. There were little envelopes with letters inside that you would pull out and the letters were a continuation of the story. As I was a little girl I found the book named Peter Rabbit I wasnt able to understand the language , because I was too young. A favorite book series of mine when younger was Little House on the Prairie. I just started working with a wedding florist and am in love with flowers growers( not grocery store bouquets) flowers. I never thought I could do it but each night I thanked God for the blessing of my new home and my son and husband because they have helped me figure things out! Its a whole new wonderful world in flowers and gardening. I have searched high and low and was able to round up a few copies for my great nieces and nephews. The find pages look amazing! I loved Robert Louis Stevenson poems, especially A childs garden of verses, and the land of counterpane! I read and reread that novel many times. I spent a lot of time on my own but books transported me! The thing that had the most effect on me wasnt one book, it was my Dads love of reading. I think it helped me to appreciate the simple in life and Im very grateful for that now as an adult! All of these books have strong young female protagonists that love nature, love learning and creating and best of all, adventuring. So much imagination in the stories that made me curious about the natural world. These are the spices that make up my potion. The first books I remember reading growing up were the Magic Tree house series. From what I recall about this childrens story, pickles is a yellow and black spotted cat who lives and works in a fire station. Love conquers all. Both of these jobs have displayed some beautiful flower arrangements in their environments. This love of discovery continues as I pursue every new interest! We were running back and forth from the field getting those last little bits until we were both happy. The Princess Bride, Hobbit, King Arthur, Robin Hood. I also loved listening to my mom read American Girl books to me. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian and loved books about animals. Flower and garden books are some of my favs too! We should all care for others and listen to their stories, I think it would make a better world. I had the world at my fingertips! I loved so many types of books as a child especially those with beautiful photos and illustrations. One book in particular that captured my imagination, moved my soul, and instilled in me a wonder for the healing space of growing things is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The book looks dreamy! Having to navigate weather, infestation and poor soil you could lose crops & build up healthy gardens. I loved Charles Dickens books, the English country side with all their gardens. Life always comes back! But now that I am getting older and more into gardening as a hobby, I cannot get enough picture books of anything floral! Shel Silverstein. Thanks Erin for sharing this! Lots of daily work and wonderful adventures! Her description of the outside world was so vivid. What a cool idea, and stunning images! Like your beautiful looking creation! Paper dolls book of the Kennedy family were a lot of fun. Reading took me anywhere I wanted to go, and now in my garden I imagine those fairies I know they are there loving the flowers as much as I do! I loved reading any book about a different place or culture, I always loved learned about how other people live. Although I read over 100 Nancy Drew books and have collected dozens of gardening encyclopedias over the years. . Its no wonder I became a biologist and a Master Gardener in Illinois. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein stole my heart as a child. From the book, I learned many camping skills that came in handy over the years. I remember my Granddaddy reading to me from The Bumper Book. It was a mystery story that was solved by Rutgers, a bulldog, and his animal pals. I love finding the originals ones in thrift stores and even at the book stores still. It was a large book about kittens who painted everythingit felt like a whole world was in that book. Owning my own horse was a dream. Miss Rumphius was my favorite as a child, and still is. I now enjoy living away from the city and people. Her illustrations are colorful and full of movement to go along with her stories. Love what this book represents. Je ne sais pas si jai le droit de participer au concours tant donn que je demeure au Canada, mais je tente ma chance. My favorite book growing up was The Sunflower Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs because I loved to see the little boys passion for spreading beauty through nature and planting seeds. All of these books have the common theme of patience and hard work. My favorite book was a color book. I think those books helped me to maintain a sense of wonder and intrigue about the world and a lightness as I grew up. So when my husband and I and our 3 children moved from town to 10 acres and an old farmhouse, we were ready to begin our own adventure. food that rhymes with alexis food that rhymes with alexis However From the Mixed up Files of Mrs Basel E Frankweiler was a favorite. I loved reading about peoples lives and learning from them as a child. What a wonderful labor of love. It influenced me to learn about and honor other times, other cultures, other stories and the enduring human desire to surround yourself with beauty. My favorite book growing up was The Secret Garden. Quand jtais petite mon premier livre que jai aim tais mon livre de franais de premires anne .il y avait limage de la phrase qui tait crite et cela me fascinais ,car je navais jamais vu de livre avant il ny en avais pas chez moi, mais quand jai eu mes enfants (4) nos livres prfrs taient ceux de Beatrix Porter avec des desseins magnifiques pour accompagner de jolies histoires. (To-the-point dry history books were my least favorite.) But the Original still stays with me. Even biographies! As a child, my favorite books were Dr. Seuss. Appreciating the sacrifices When I was young I dreamed of being an illustrator of those beautiful childrens books. I went on to create a large plant nursery on Cape Cod MA after college and then after 23 years, moved to Florida and I am now a Landscape Designer creating with tropical plants. A bookmobile would be my source of books. THEN one summer day, skinny and bored teenaged me found a little book with an interesting cover at the library up the street. Heavenly Vibes Organic Farm. Kids and adults love to be invited into the written word and you are fostering the beginning of a long relationship with books! Sometimes I feel like Im from another planet. His childrens board book, I Am A Bunny remains my favorite book of his. I think that the simple act of searching for objects has a way of slowing you down, as if walking through a garden, taking in every little detail. I could identify with her love of nature and beauty, coming up with creative names for things and places, being often misunderstood, her longing for friendship and achievement, and her passionate outbursts. At first, I was reading lots of WWII fiction based on true stories and real people. The way the book was written and how the out-of-doors was described helped me to visualize more strongly the depth of the healing that went on in the children. Yuck, packaged food, it looks so bland. I just couldnt get enough of it. And I still LOVE to read. What a beautiful book! Not entirely sure how its shaped me. lexis . My childhood pre-dates seek-and-find books, but I have spent many, many hours poring over them reading the clues and discovering the evidence with my kids, my grandkids, and many other kids. food that rhymes with alexis - During tonights episode, viewers learned that Alexis Sky has just signed a major record deal with rapper 6ix9ines label, Treyway. As a kid I was always into biographies about the underdog I like to believe be it taught me to always keep fighting and trusting my drive even when things seem impossible. This book looks amazing, congrats on all the hard work!! Or hope to come across a squirrel that could talk. Pork is one of my all-time favorite foods!. There is still a lot of work ahead but compared to others we are incredibly lucky and count our blessings. Is from the Bible. But she could look out through the leaves and see everything. My favorite childhood books always had animals and nature in them. I think I liked to read them so much because I was able to dream of a happier place. Now she is sharing that love of reading with her niece Lilly who is almost 2 years old and also loves books! Thank you for sharing. I always loved reading Little House on the Prairie. I remember a baby orangutan in a big bowl getting a bath on one cover. and whimsical illustrations- which were from the 1960s or 70s! I would dive into them, feeling a closeness with the characters and joy when the story unfolded so beautifully. Whenever I felt lost or confused as to what direction to take because of the pressures I felt from adults I always remembered timshel and the translation of thou mayest. Thank you for sharing. As a child I was given the book A Childs Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson and illustrated by Gyo Fujisawa. Im a Fairy tales reader! I would love to spend time lost among the flowers of Lost & Found.

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