sustainability program manager, net zero meta

Paris B 421 255 670. UBS AG, Jersey Branch, es una sucursal de UBS AG, una sociedad annima por acciones constituida en Suiza, con domicilio social en Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Basel y en Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich. UBS Offshore is an entity incorporated out of China and is not licensed, supervised or regulated in China to carry out banking or securities business. To achieve this, GHG emissions must halve by 2030 and drop to net-zero by 2050. [98] This series of news stories examined the technology's live reporting applications, including conducting interviews and covering stories from the reporter's point of view. [136], Costa Rica aims to be fully carbon neutral by at least 2050. O UBS baseia-se na poltica de barreiras de informao (information barriers) para controlar o fluxo de informaes dentro de uma ou mais reas do UBS, entre outras reas e entre unidades, segmentos, conglomerados ou afiliados do UBS. [13] It had an integral 5 megapixel still/720p video camera. Grecia: UBS Switzerland AG e le sue affiliate (UBS) non sono autorizzate come banca o istituto finanziario ai sensi della legislazione greca e non forniscono servizi bancari e finanziari in Grecia. Pesquisa de investimentos genrica Informaes sobre riscos: Esta publicao destina-se nica e exclusivamente a sua informao e no representa oferta ou solicitao de oferta para comprar ou vender qualquer investimento ou outro produto especfico. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. Es wird Ihnen empfohlen, im Zweifelsfall eine unabhngige professionelle Beratung einzuholen. UBS Europe SE un istituto di credito costituito ai sensi del diritto tedesco sotto forma di Societas Europaea, debitamente autorizzato dalla BCE. UBS no ofrece asesoramiento jurdico o fiscal y no realiza declaraciones en relacin con el tratamiento fiscal de los activos o la rentabilidad de la inversin, ya sea con carcter general o en relacin con las circunstancias y necesidades especficas del cliente. Diese Publikation wird an Privatkunden von UBS Wealth Management verteilt. Important information in the event this document is distributed to US Persons or into the United States. Die Anlagebeurteilungen des Chief Investment Office von UBS (CIO) werden durch Global Wealth Management von UBS Switzerland AG (in der Schweiz durch die FINMA beaufsichtigt) oder deren verbundenen Unternehmen (UBS) produziert und verffentlicht. UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB. UBS (France) S.A. , - (Code Montaire et Financier), , (Autorit de Contrle Prudentiel et de Rsolution). Greece: UBS Switzerland AG is established in Switzerland and operates under Swiss law. ustria: Esta publicao no se destina a ser uma oferta pblica segundo a legislao austraca. Denmark if distributed by UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Danish law. das Anlageinstrument selbst andere Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. Das Schlsselsymbol und UBS gehren zu den eingetragenen bzw. Ricerca dinvestimento generica Informazioni sui rischi: Questa pubblicazione viene distribuita solo afini informativi e non rappresenta unofferta n una sollecitazione di offerta diretta per lacquisto o la vendita di prodotti dinvestimento o di altri prodotti specifici. There are plenty of carbon calculators available online, which vary significantly in the parameters they measure. O UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico subsidiria do UBS Financial Services Inc. O UBS Financial Services Inc. aceita responsabilidade pelo contedo de um relatrio preparado por uma afiliada que no seja dos EUA quando distribui relatrios a cidados dos EUA. , , , , . UBS AG Hong Kong Branch ist eine in der Schweiz gegrndete Gesellschaft mit begrenzter Haftung. Autriche: la prsente publication na pas vocation constituer une offre publique au sens du droit autrichien. Sude: cette publication na pas vocation constituer une offre publique au sens du droit sudois. Der Hauptgeschftssitz von UBS AG, Jersey Branch, ist: 1, IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. You are being provided with this UBS publication or material because you have indicated to UBS Asesores that you are a Sophisticated Qualified Investor located in Mexico. : +912261556000((SEBI) INZ000259830)SEBI : INM000010809SEBI : INH000001204UBS AG()UBS AG12()12UBS AG( Thats why we partner with our clients to help them mobilize their capital towards a more sustainable world. Les performances passes ne sauraient prjuger de celles venir. Under the leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations pledged to work towards climate neutrality in December 2007. () UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., CVM. La incorporacin de factores ESG o las consideraciones sobre la Inversin Sostenible pueden inhibir la capacidad del gestor de la cartera de participar en algunas oportunidades de inversin que en otras circunstancias seran congruentes con su objetivo de inversin y otras estrategias de inversin principales. Darber hinaus ist sie fr die Erbringung von Investmentdienstleistungen fr Wertschriften und Finanzinstrumente zugelassen. [27] Ao receber este documento e as informaes, ser considerado que voc declarou e garantiu ao UBS que no usar este documento ou, de outra maneira, qualquer informao para qualquer uma das finalidades acima. As negociaes com Futuros e opes no so adequadas a todos os investidores, j que envolvem risco substancial de prejuzos, podendo ocorrer perdas superiores ao investimento inicial. Portugal: Die UBS Switzerland AG ist in Portugal nicht fr Bank- und Finanzaktivitten zugelassen und wird auch nicht von den portugiesischen Aufsichtsbehrden (Banco de Portugal und Comisso do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios) beaufsichtigt. ", "NDC Update: Rwanda is First LDC in 2020, Andorra Commits to Carbon Neutrality by 2050 | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD", "Xi Disappoints and Activists Slam Baby Steps: Climate Update", "New coalition to crack down on headscarves and make Austria carbon neutral by 2040", "Austria's new government sets goal to be carbon neutral by 2040 | DW | 2 January 2020", "Austria's new government sets goal to be carbon neutral by 2040", "Bahrain aims to reach net zero carbon emissions in 2060 - BNA", "Brazil First NDC (Updated submission-letter)", "China Pledges Carbon Neutrality by 2060 and Tighter Climate Goal", "Croatia aims to be climate neutral by 2050", "Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)", "Can Ethiopia reach carbon neutrality by 2025? How will the retailer do it? Die Anlagebeurteilungen wurden im Einklang mit den gesetzlichen Erfordernissen zur Frderung der Unabhngigkeit des Anlageresearch erstellt. "[196], In his 16-page report, Dangerous Distractions, economist Marc Lee states that, "'Net zero' has the potential to be a dangerous distraction that reduces the political pressure to achieve actual emission reductions"[197][198] "A net zero target means less incentive to get to 'real zero' emissions from fossil fuels, an escape hatch that perpetuates business as usual and delays more meaningful climate actionRather than gambling on carbon removal technologies of the future, Canada should plan for a managed wind down of fossil fuel production and invest public resources in bona fide solutions like renewables and a just transition from fossil fuels. You can find more information under the Privacy Statement. [42], On March 23, 2013, Google released the Mirror API, allowing developers to start making apps for Glass. /UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda.UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda.UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda.UBSUBSUBS AG UBSUBS UBS Europe SE Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, DenmarkDanish Commerce and Companies Agency38 17 24 33UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SEECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinanstilsynetUBS Europe SEUBS () 132.975.55669, boulevard Haussmann F-75008 Paris, R.C.S. , , , . CIO, , . Although the term "carbon neutral" is used, a carbon footprint also includes other greenhouse gases, measured in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalence. sterreich: Diese Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach sterreichischem Recht dar. Slalom | 183,124 followers on LinkedIn. Die von UBS und ihren Mitarbeitern getroffenen Anlageentscheidungen (einschliesslich der Entscheidung, Wertpapiere zu kaufen, verkaufen oder zu halten) knnten von den in den Research-Publikationen von UBS geusserten Meinungen abweichen oder ihnen widersprechen. Usted puede solicitarle a su asesor de clientes cualquier informacin adicional sobre los autores de esta publicacin y de otra(s) publicacin(es) de CIO a la(s) cual(es) este informe hace referencia, as como copias de cualquier informe anterior sobre este tema. Wearers communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands.. Google started selling a prototype of Nigeria: UBS Switzerland AG e le sue affiliate (UBS) non sono autorizzate, soggette a vigilanza o regolamentate in Nigeria dalla Central Bank of Nigeria n dalla Securities and Exchange Commission della Nigeria e non svolgono attivit bancarie o dinvestimento in Nigeria. Sweden: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Swedish law. Sie wird ausschliesslich zu Informationszwecken an Kunden von UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda. UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich soggetta alla vigilanza congiunta della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE), della banca centrale tedesca (Deutsche Bundesbank), dellautorit federale tedesca di vigilanza sui servizi finanziari (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), nonch dellAutorit austriaca di vigilanza sui mercati finanziari (Finanzmarktaufsicht, FMA), a cui la presente pubblicazione non stata sottoposta per lapprovazione. Examples of possible actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are: Wind power, nuclear power, hydropower, solar power, and geothermal are the energy sources with the lowest life-cycle emissions, which includes deployment and operations.[9][12]. Il presente documento non pu essere considerato unofferta pubblica rivolta o da rivolgere a persone residenti in Grecia. for their own jobs, or worse, see a threat (e.g., the manager is checking up on them), the quality of the data is suspect. Singapore: questo materiale le stato fornito dietro richiesta pervenuta a UBS da parte sua e/o di persone autorizzate a effettuare tale richiesta per conto suo. all of the features from the Explorer version 1 plus: USB Type-C port supporting USB 2.0 480Mbps, On-head detection sensor and Eye-on-screen sensor for power-saving features. On July 31, 2013 it was reported that driving while wearing Google Glass was likely to be banned in the UK, being deemed careless driving, therefore a fixed penalty offense, following a decision by the Department for Transport. "[129], In October 2013, a driver in California was ticketed for "driving with monitor visible to driver (Google Glass)" after being pulled over for speeding by a San Diego Police Department officer. Die Verteilung dieser Publikation darf nur im Rahmen der dafr geltenden Gesetzgebung stattfinden. Paris B 421 255 670UBS ()Code Montaire et Financier-Autorit de Controle Prudentiel et de RsolutionUBS Europe Se GermanyBockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am MainUBS Europe SEDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtUBS Switzerland AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS Securities India Private Ltd. U67120MH1996PTC0972992/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051+912261556000SEBIINZ000259830 SEBI INM000010809 SEBIINH000001204UBS AG12UBS AG/12UBS AG// ///UBS 50UBS Switzerland AG UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. UBS UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. ///1995Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 1995UBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaVia del Vecchio Politecnico, 3 --- 20121 MilanoUBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanca dItaliaCONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la BorsaUBS Europe SEUBS AGUBS AG1,IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BXUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch33A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 LuxembourgUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg BranchDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtCommission de Surveillance du Secteur FinancierUBS Europe SEUBS Asesores Mxico, S.A. de C.V. ("UBS Asesores")UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Asesores("CNBV")CNBVUBS AsesoresUBS AsesoresCNBVUBS AsesoresCNBV30060UBS AsesoresUBS Switzerland AG UBS Switzerland AGUBS Switzerland AG "Banco de Portugal" "Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios"//UBS AG(110)(19)UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espana Calle Mara de Molina 4, C.P.28006, MadridUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en EspanaECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanco de EspanaComisin Nacional del Mercado de ValoresUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en EspanaUBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, SwedenSwedish Companies Registration Office516406-1011UBS Europe SE, Sweden BankfilialDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinansinspektionenUBS Europe Se(Central Bank of UAE)(Securities & Commodities Authority)UBS AG(Dubai Financial Services Authority)(DIFC)UBS AGUBS Wealth ManagementUBS AG (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) UBS AG (Prudential Regulation Authority) (Financial Conduct Authority )UBS AGUBS Wealth Management, (c) UBS 2019, UBSUBS. In Israele, UBS Switzerland AG registrata come dealer estero (Foreign Dealer) in collaborazione con UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd., unaffiliata interamente controllata da UBS. UBS Europe SE, Schweden Bankfilial steht unter der gemeinsamen Aufsicht der Europischen Zentralbank (EZB), der Deutschen Bundesbank, der deutschen Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht und der schwedischen Aufsichtsbehrde (Finansinspektionen), der diese Publikation nicht zur Genehmigung vorgelegt wurde. UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Spanish supervisory authority (Banco de Espaa), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Furthermore, this publication is not intended as an investment advice and/or investment marketing and is not replacing any investment advice and/or investment marketing provided by the relevant licensee which is adjusted to each person needs. Elle est distribue uniquement des fins dinformation des clients dUBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich, dont le sige est sis Wchtergasse 1, A-1010 Vienne. The Glass-delivered messages served to moderate but did not eliminate distracting cognitive demands. See how were serving customers, associates, shareholders, suppliers, communities and the planet. [78] There were five mothers and their newborn babies in the trial,[79] fifteen volunteer counselors from ABA, and seven project team members from Small World Social. : Certifications are also available from the CEB,[193] BSI (PAS 2060) and The CarbonNeutral Company (CarbonNeutral). Membre de la Bourse de Londres. 516406-1011). The Health Program Guidedescribes CalPERS Basic health plan eligibility, enrollment, and choices. Dieses Material darf ohne vorherige Einwilligung von UBS nicht reproduziert werden. , , -, UBS, , . Slalom | 183,124 followers on LinkedIn. We are committed to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions resulting from all aspects of our business by 2050, with milestones established along the way to make sure our progress can be transparently tracked. Unless Microsoft is able to satisfy Sonys aggressive demands and appease the CMA, it now looks like the U.K. has the power to doom this deal like it did Metas acquisition of Giphy. Ricevendo il presente documento e le informazioni ivi contenute si ritiene che dichiariate e assicuriate a UBS che non userete questo documento e che non farete diversamente affidamento sulle informazioni ivi contenute per gli scopi di cui sopra.UBS e ogni suo dirigente o dipendente possono in ogni momento essere autorizzati a detenere posizioni lunghe o corte in strumenti dinvestimento menzionati in questa pubblicazione, effettuare operazioni che coinvolgono tali strumenti dinvestimento in conto proprio o in conto terzi o fornire qualsiasi altro servizio o avere funzionari che operano in qualit di dirigenti nei confronti dellemittente, dello strumento dinvestimento stesso o di una societ commercialmente o finanziariamente collegata a tali emittenti. Paris B 421 255 670UBS ()Code Montaire et Financier-Autorit de Controle Prudentiel et de RsolutionUBS Europe Se GermanyBockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am MainUBS Europe SEDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtUBS Switzerland AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS Securities India Private Ltd. U67120MH1996PTC0972992/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051+912261556000SEBIINZ000259830 SEBI INM000010809 SEBIINH000001204UBS AG12UBS AG/12UBS AG// ///UBS 50UBS Switzerland AG UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. UBS UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. ///1995Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 1995UBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaVia del Vecchio Politecnico, 3 --- 20121 MilanoUBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanca dItaliaCONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la BorsaUBS Europe SEUBS AGUBS AG1,IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BXUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch33A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 LuxembourgUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg BranchDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtCommission de Surveillance du Secteur FinancierUBS Europe SEUBS Asesores Mxico, S.A. de C.V. ("UBS Asesores")UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Asesores("CNBV")CNBVUBS AsesoresUBS AsesoresCNBVUBS AsesoresCNBV30060UBS AsesoresUBS Switzerland AG UBS Switzerland AGUBS Switzerland AG "Banco de Portugal" "Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios"//UBS AG(110)(19) UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espana Calle Mara de Molina 4, C.P.28006, MadridUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en EspanaECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanco de EspanaComisin Nacional del Mercado de ValoresUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espana UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, SwedenSwedish Companies Registration Office516406-1011UBS Europe SE, Sweden BankfilialDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinansinspektionenUBS Europe Se(Central Bank of UAE)(Securities & Commodities Authority)UBS AG(Dubai Financial Services Authority)(DIFC)UBS AGUBS Wealth ManagementUBS AG (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) UBS AG (Prudential Regulation Authority) (Financial Conduct Authority )UBS AGUBS Wealth Management, (c) UBS 2019, UBSUBS, CIOUBS Switzerland AGUBSGlobal Wealth Management, /UBS/UBS, ()(i)(ii)(iii)UBS//UBSUBSUBS UBS , UBS/,, ESGESGESG/ESG/ESGESG/, UBS AG UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Securities LLC UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Bank, S.A., UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobiliarios Ltda, UBS Asesores Mexico, S.A. de C.V., UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd, UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd UBS Menkul Degerler ASUBS AG(UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico)UBS Financial Services Inc.UBS Financial Services Inc.UBS Financial Services Inc.15B, /UBS/, UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung Osterreich Wachtergasse 1, A-1010 WienUBS Europe SE, Niederlassung Osterreich ECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinanzmarktaufsichtUBS Europe SEUBSComissao de Valores MobiliriosCVM598/2018UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda. UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch est sujeta a la supervisin conjunta del Banco Central Europeo (BCE), el Banco Central Alemn (Deutsche Bundesbank), la Autoridad Federal de Supervisin de Servicios Financieros de Alemania (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), y de la Autoridad de supervisin de Luxemburgo (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), a quienes esta publicacin no se ha sometido a aprobacin. A member of the London Stock Exchange. Beginnings of UBS Community Affairs at Wealth Management US, First Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds2, First bank to obtain ISO 14001 certification for worldwide environmental management system, Introduction of comprehensive climate strategy and start offsetting all CO2 emissions resulting from business air travel. : . Das/Die gegenstndliche(n) Unternehmen hat/haben in den zwlf Monaten vor der Publikation des Researchberichts mglicherweise als Kunde(n) von UBSAG, ihren verbundenen Unternehmen oder Tochtergesellschaften Dienstleistungen im Rahmen und/oder ausserhalb des Investmentbanking-Wertschriftengeschfts und/oder nicht mit Wertschriften zusammenhngende Dienstleistungen in Anspruch genommen. O UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa, uma agncia do UBS Europe SE, instituio de crdito constituda conforme a legislao alem na forma de uma Societas Europaea devidamente autorizado pelo BCE. Dans aucune circonstance, ce document ou toute information y figurant (y compris les prvisions, valeurs, indices ou autre montant calcul (Valeurs)) ne peut tre utilis aux fins suivantes: (i) fins dvaluation ou de comptabilisation; (ii) pour dterminer les montants dus ou payables, le prix ou la valeur dun instrument financier ou dun contrat financier; ou (iii) pour mesurer la performance dun instrument financier, notamment aux fins de suivre le rendement ou la performance dune Valeur, dfinir lallocation dactifs dun portefeuille ou calculer les commissions de performance. The key symbol and UBS are among the registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. I'd like to receive news and commercial info from Schneider Electric and its affiliates via electronic communication means such as email, and I agree to the collection of information on the opening and clicks on these emails (using invisible pixels in the images), to measure performance of 4000+ site blocks. [53], Other than the touchpad, Google Glass can be controlled using just "voice actions". We are of necessity unable to take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation and needs of our individual clients and we would recommend that you take financial and/or tax advice as to the implications (including tax) of investing in any of the products mentioned herein. Dieses Dokument oder die darin enthaltenen Informationen (einschliesslich Prognosen, Werte, Indizes oder sonstiger berechneter Betrge (Werte)) drfen unter keinen Umstnden fr folgende Zwecke verwendet werden: (i) fr Bewertungs- oder buchhalterische Zwecke; (ii) zur Bestimmung der flligen oder zahlbaren Betrge, Preise oder Werte von Finanzinstrumenten oder -vertrgen; oder (iii) zur Messung der Performance von Finanzinstrumenten, einschliesslich zwecks Nachverfolgung der Rendite oder Performance eines Werts, Festlegung der Vermgensallokation des Portfolios oder Berechnung der Performance Fees. Santander US is the first Santander Group entity to issue bonds of this kind, utilizing Santander Groups recently released Green, Social & Sustainability Funding Global Framework (the "Framework"). [38] Most Voluntary Carbon neutral certifiers in the US, require both direct and indirect sources to be reduced and offset. . They demonstrated how Google Glass could assist a liver biopsy and fistulaplasty, and the pair stated that Google Glass has the potential to improve patient safety, operator comfort, and procedure efficiency in the field of interventional radiology. Se distribuye exclusivamente con fines informativos a clientes de UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE, con domicilio social en Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, Denmark, registrada ante la Agencia Danesa de Comercio y Sociedades bajo el nmero 38 17 24 33. Paris B 421 255 670UBS (France) S.AUBS (France) S.A.Autorit de Contrle Prudentiel et de RsolutionCode Montaire et FinancierBockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am MainUBS Europe SEGermanyUBS Europe SESocietas EuropaeaECBECB(Deutsche Bundesbank)(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) UBS Switzerland AG UBSUBSUBS AG Hong KongUBS AG Hong KongUBS AG Hong KongUBS Securities India Private Ltd. ( U67120MH1996PTC097299 2/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051. S'agissant des informations sur les associs, veuillez vous reporter au rapport annuel disponible l'adresse: The company employs a variety of investments, and offset activities, including tree-planting, use of solar energy, methane capture in abandoned mines and its manufacturing processes. UBS Chief Investment OfficeCIOUBS Switzerland AGFINMAGlobal Wealth ManagementUBS Switzerland AGUBS, , UBS UBSiiiiiiUBSUBSUBS()UBSUBSUBSUBS, UBSUBSUBSUBS CIO CIO, : ESGESGESGESGESG()()ESGESG, UBS AGUBSUBS LLCUBS Switzerland AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Bank, S.A., UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobiliarios Ltda, UBS Asesores Mexico, S.A. de C.V., UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd, UBS Wealth Management Israel LtdUBS Menkul Degerler AS UBS AGUBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico UBSUBSUBSUBS15B, / UBS/Wchtergasse 1, A-1010 WienUBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreichUBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich(ECB)(Deutsche Bundesbank)(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Finanzmarktaufsicht)UBS Europe SESocietas EuropaeaECB UBS Comisso de Valores Mobilirios ("CVM")598/2018CVMUBS BrasilAdministradora de Valores Mobilirios LtdaUBS Consenso Investimentos LtdaUBS Investment Management Canada Inc.UBS Wealth Management CanadaUBS Switzerland AGUBSUBSUBSUBSUBS: UBSUBS Europe SEfilial af UBS Europe SESankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, Denmark38 17 24 33UBS Europe SEfilial af UBS Europe SE(ECB)(Deutsche Bundesbank)(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Finanstilsynet)UBS Europe SESocietas EuropaeaECB132.975.55669, boulevard Haussmann F-75008 Paris, R.C.S. UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Italian: (La preghiamo di voler leggere le importanti avvertenze legali e le divulgazioni d'informazione alla fine del documento.). Der/Die Analyst(en), der/die diesen Bericht erstellt hat/haben, kann/knnen zum Zweck der Sammlung, Zusammenfassung und Interpretation von Marktinformationen mit Mitarbeitern des Trading Desk und des Vertriebs sowie anderen Gruppen interagieren. Puedes cambiar tus opciones en cualquier momento desde tus controles de privacidad. Canad: No Canada, esta publicao distribuda aos clients do UBS Wealth Management Canada pelo UBS Investment Management Canada Inc. China: Este relatrio preparado pelo UBS Switzerland AG ou sua subsidiria ou afiliada no exterior (coletivamente "UBS Offshore"). Organizations with science-based targets are already cutting emissions at scale; all businesses must now join them. It also describes how life changes or changes; Approximately 70% of class members Additionally itis authorized to provide investment services on securities and financial instruments, regarding which it is supervised by the Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores as well. , . Debe analizar detenidamente y asegurarse de comprender y emplear el debido cuidado y discrecin al considerar su objetivo de inversin, su apetito de riesgo y sus circunstancias personales frente al riesgo de la inversin.

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