process vs product in early childhood pdf

This twinneeds structure and order and activities that challenge her thinking skills and problem solving processes -her whole body relaxes when she is engaged in activities like colouring in stencils (gasp!) Open-ended activities that focus on the process, and not necessarily the end product, provide children with authentic, differentiated, and holistic methods of exploration and learning. What made you think of creating your painting/art? Review the differences between process- and product-focused art to help you get started. I would not be listening to her voice or supporting her to follow her individual learning journey. Can you modify it or support children to modify it themselves? Its just like letting your child play on his or her own. Curriculum models: product versus process At the beginning of this article there is a brief outline of the nature of the curriculum and models. 2560, p.49) 219 . -art is about experimentation. The immediate feedback. Process in painting may include the child's way of deciding to paint, perhaps choosing a painting partner, selecting and maybe mixing colors, putting brush to paper, experimenting, freeing inner feelings, sorting one's thoughts, all that goes into making the picture. Process art allows the child to be creative and innovative. But if I wasn't offering the product type art and craft experiences I feel I would be doing her a disservice I would be stifling her personal creativity, the way that she prefers to learn. No one philosophy or teaching style suits every childor indeed all educators or parents. In process-based art, children focus on . (any art supplies that are near the child). Product art handout.pdf - How Process Art. Because we don't all teach the same way, children do not all learn the same way. If they request another colour paint use it as a conversation starter and follow their thought process. 1 0 obj Learn about the importance of each method and visit our blog at I will always offer a learning program and experiences for children in care and indeed my own children that leans toward process art and play based learning experiences. There is a step-by-step process, There is generally a example, often educator/adult produced, Less opportunity for a childs creativity and interpretation as it is expected that all completed products look very similar. Process VS. 2009 Why Early Childhood & Product Art Dont Mix? Process vs Product is the difference between the two main ways of thinking about learning. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has become the norm in many European and North American countries, where most children of 3 years and upwards attend a regulated early education service. For infants and toddlers, the joy of art is in the doing and making. Renowned early childhood programs, such as the Reggio Emilia Copyright 2019 Seriously!! Process vs Product. Her advice for . The whole class took part in an art . Process It's all about the engagement, the exploration, the experiment. Focusing on the process instead of the product . Greek philosopher Aristotle once said: The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance; for this is true reality. Process Art Vs Product Art In Early Childhood Services. The child does not have any agency in choosing the object to be drawn which, again, may not have personal significance for the child. %PDF-1.5 If you are going to provide authentic opportunities to craft then do it well. person-oriented and process-oriented questions, you can gain information about what each child understands and is coming to understand. My other twin has many sensory processing challenges and we have worked with occupational therapists and other specialists from when she was very young to support her with those challenges. or following steps to make something so it looks' as it should (gasp again!) I am a huge champion of play based learning I have been writing and sharing activities based on this concept here on this blog for nearly 5 years now so please do not doubt my philosophy when it comes to supporting children on their learning journey through play. Don't miss it! What I am trying to express is that there can be room for both if done well by a skilled educator . Learning as a process is the view of learning that many contemporary educationalists and psychologists would concur with. They both have the right to do so and it is my role as parent and educator to ensure I can offer them a mix of mediums to ensure they are not only supported but also challenged. Focusing on the process allows children to get the most out of their "journey". Identifying Readiness for Toilet Learning, 10 Books for National Hispanic Heritage Month. Think about some times when product art would be a good idea in your classroom. As Bruner (1996) puts it 'learning is not simply a technical business of well managed information processing'. New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines. As a parent, you can probably think of a time when your child drew something like a pink dog, and you thought theres no way a dog can be pink. Early childhood educators often deliberate the difference between the use of arts versus crafts in the classroom as learning opportunities. It gives them the opportunity to explore those critical "I wonder" questions and adapt to things that may go wrong along the way. process art emphasizes the 'process' of making art. These are just a few of the numerous positive outcomes when this approach is employed. Early childhood picture stages begin with irregular, controlled scribbles and streaks named. They are expected to produce an end result that resembles the original example. Basically, it's about the process of creating rather than the end product that results. Learning as a product can also refer to surface approaches in learning, where learning is a) quantitative increase in knowledge, b) memorizing information to be reproduced, and c) acquiring facts, skills and methods to be used later. Allow room in every activity for self expression and creativity to emerge. They have had an early childhood full of play based learning , opportunities for messy, sensory play with no end product expected', hours of outdoor challenges and fun and yet one twin needed more. This paper discusses the distinct differences between the two and how encouraging young children to engage within art making provides great opportunity for personal and communal exploration, expression, and discussion. Process-activities in which the students engage in order to make sense of and master the content. Every year in the early childhood field you can be sure that you will come across the process versus product creativity and learning debate. When offering art activities to young children, teachers Children are provided a model to work from and step-by-step instructions to follow. Each art experience is unique to each child and is based on his or her background, interests, etc. Reading stories based on the real cultural experiences of the author is one of them! And, he or she feels very proud to show you that pink dog. Children may not engage with the project if they are not creating something that has personal significance to them. The products students turn in for a performance assessment must . If children are provided with blue paper, glue sticks and some . What can we do with this when were done making it. Let's not put children into a box or ensure they have to be on one side or the other of our beliefs. Recently, advocate and author, Rae Pica, asked me to discuss whether we could apply this . Except it has now become a fight among many rather than a healthy debate. There is often not much room for individual creativity and self expression. Art is all about the process, not the product. We, as teachers may guide the process by providing specific materials, but for the most part, art is created by the child using his or her own imagination. If using a themed craft ensure you are also implementing aspects of open ended art. Displaying process art is a great way for children to feel proud and for parents/caregivers to see their creations. Filed Under: educator tips, wellbeing Tagged With: early learning, eylf, home daycare, process art, reflection. This sits so well with me and you have articulated it so well! Required fields are marked *. It can be difficult and requires me to think a little outside the box and challenge my own preference towards just offering process based craft but I believe being exposed to these crafts and activities will help support her when she enters the world of school next year. . Children participate in ways to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. I think you have coined a new term process for product and I think it sums up beautifully how process and product can come together. And we should seek to build high quality products with focus . She has 30 years hands-on experience in the early childhood and human services sectors across many different roles. How do we know this about a child unless we are offering a range of perspectives for them to try? Children use exploration to discover new materials, techniques, and tools in an open-ended way that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative learning. I hope this article has provided some opportunity for reflection. Authored by . Process-Focused Art also allows children to practice . The rise of social media as an avenue to express professional beliefs and early childhood theory has seen many now find a voice. In Things to Share and Remember . Art-based learning is used in most approaches to early childhood education across the world. Potentially setting a child up for failure. Open ended experiences can sometimes stress her she often needs a goal. What do you think we can do with _________ ? (HTML) ISBN 978-1-4435-0382-2 (PDF) During early childhood, abilities to represent . I have been in this game for a while now (as I know many reading this article have to) and I am well aware of the negativesand the benefits of each type of approachso please don't mistake this post as being either pro process or product. Parents have a minimal role in process art. In this article, we discuss the basic elements of process-oriented inquiry applied to early childhood science education, show how we foster the development of process-oriented inquiry teaching Preschool Art: It's the process not the product. Product versus process A product is a tangible creation, which shows a student's ability to apply their learned knowledge or skill. Process artwork allows children to explore the different possibilities with the supplies they have been given with. In addition, early childhood services represent much more than a drop-off Allow the child to use the materials provided in a completely different (yet within accepted safety guidelines)way to create something different to yours. When children engage in process art the aim is that they enjoy the process of making and doing the art it's no so much about what the end product turns out to be or if there is even an end product at all. Inspiring ideas, training and resources for early learning. Why do we have a need to separate these two approaches how are they so different and why it seems must we only choose one? Jodie Clarke is an early childhood professional supporting educators who want and need to stay passionate about the work they do!She has 30 years hands-on experience in the early childhood and human services sectors across many different roles.. Jodie is mum to 3 in Australia and has already helped thousands of educators with their work through her popular blog posts, activity ideas, online . Print. 2.4 The impact of culture on creative person, process, and product 49 2.4.1 Teachers' perceptions of creativity50 2.4.2 Creativity and curriculum: the view of creativity and creative learning in the early . The art and experience is entirely a child's own. Let children choose what they wish to create. Developmental perspectives of learning view children . This shared language gives us a sense of belonging and makes us feel like we are in fact product people. Give them opportunitiesto show you by providing a balance of experiences do not dismiss just because you do not learn in the same way. Being I am a designer, does that make me better.No. Because there is no right or wrong way to do things, there is no possibility of failure. What can you tell me about your picture/art? For example, children learn to use a leaf in paint and put it on paper. <> Our teachers use a balance of process and product art in our classrooms. 2 0 obj See more ideas about preschool art, process art, childhood education. We hear that phrase frequently in early childhood, most often referring to the perspective that the process of participating in the creative process is more important to a child's development than the craft-factory product we may be tempted to focus on. Why? May 22, 2016 - This is a great pdf from NAEYC about the importance of process art. Thats okay. Thank you for such a wonderful post that adds depth to the discussions about product vs process art. Some people need to see the end the product to keep them working towards goal. Process art is a contemporary artistic movement recognized within the world's art communities. If they are working slowly and meticulously to achieve a goal and are obviously enjoying the order of the activity and steps required then let them. Science shows that life is a story for which the beginning sets the tone. Keeping in mind the benefits of process art, here are a few ways you can support the approach with children: In order to make process art a meaningful exercise, get to think about what they have been doing. From working in the private setting, not for profit, as well as government agencies and at times combining her love of travel and work on a global scale, she is also a mum who has experienced the poo blowouts, the shopping tantrums and the sleepless nights. Process vs. They should be less of an instructor and more of a guide or facilitator. Creative thought. Social Share The art is focused on the experience and on exploration of techniques, tools, and materials. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It allows children the freedom to imagine, innovate and experiment which are crucial to meet the objectives of art-based learning. I would use this in planning creative art activities to make sure I'm supporting children's creative expression . Thank you! 'Education' is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through exploration, experimentation, observation, participation and interaction. Critical thinking skills. There are many possibilities other than disregarding this type of craft disdainfully. Youll be amazed at where your childs imagination can go with art! <> It provides the tools to develop many skills such as language skills through discussion of their art; cognitive skills through predicting,planning and problem solving. When it comes to children's artwork, the term "process versus product" can mean different things to different people. <>>> Nothing wrong with that- themed product based craft can help a child follow directions, learn about the theme you are highlighting and challenge them to actively participate in steps needed to achieve a goal. Pty Ltd. ACN: 126 257 510, Do you do Seriously good food? If you are not familiar with product vs. process art discussion, see this article from NAEYC about How Process Art Supports Preschoolers. The children's finished art all looks the same. 3)Products- culminating projects that ask students to rehearse, apply and extend what they have learned. It's inherantly personal: process. This is to respect children's creative process and choices regardless of whether it met our "expectations". In my next post I will be sharing my thoughts on incorporating both process and product based experiencesmeaningfully and effectively into Christmas craft, art and gifts and there will be lots of ideas and inspiration for you to visit and use from around the web. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DESIGN, SETUP, PLAN FOR OUTDOOR LEARNING ECOURSE, Recycled Play Series DIY Baby & Toddler Toys, Early Childhood Programming Made Simple Part 3 Analysis & Reflection . Is it developmentally appropriate for the children you have in your care? We view art as the process or inquiry-based rather than the product which might be hung on a refrigerator or wall. In product art, children are provided with a model to work from and instructions on how to go about it. I am a little over how some bloggers tell me how I must do something with my kids, especially when it comes to product v process because I also see that both have a place in the way you have explained (much better than I ever could). Now, I'll admit that I have in the past interfered (severely) with my child's process. Art plays an important role in a childs development. Educators need to consider that children are the same.the most important is that children have opportunity for both. Process art is also crucial for the development of various skills and thought processes in early learners. The added value PBL brings is that now literacy has a purpose, according to Lev. Can you tell me how you made all those colors? Are you being authentic in offering this craft? Process: Process art allows each child to explore their own dynamic of creating, understanding that no two pieces of art work will look the same as each child's personality will come through his/her work. Ultimately, Ruiz advocates for PBL in early childhood learning experiences because she says it builds the foundation for deeper learning throughout the child's life. The focus in art activities should generally be on how the child is creating, the feelings of the movements she's making with her arm, what the paint looks like on the paper, how the colors combine . Offer access to colouring stencils and templates for those children who like to explore this art medium but do not impose rules such as colouring within the lines or using certain colours for different object. Cut or rip construction or tissue paper in a variety of colors into small pieces. They are different, they enjoy their art and craft and even play in different ways. Challenge yourself to think outside the box rather than to only see one outcome. Jodie Clarke is an early childhood professional supporting educators who want and need to stay passionate about the work they do! Creativity is one of many skills we focus on to help childrenbe successful in kindergartenand in life. Wed, Sep 23 2020 - Wed, Sep 23 2020 Virtual ; Preschool Kindergarten Infant/toddler Arts Education Early Childhood; The acts of exploring and creating are what really matters with young children. Try making a collage. Instead, learning might also be seen to involve individuals having to make sense of who they are and develop . Your email address will not be published. So well written Jode!! Wait Time in Early Childhood Education The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) (2009) recommends extended blocks of time for young children to engage in sustained play, investigation, exploration, and interaction (pg. Process is important in life. Additionally, talking about their artwork can help to enhance language skills. In the first few years of life, more than one . This means that children should be encouraged to explore and experiment with a variety of art mediums without being made to feel that they should complete a specific project . Early Childhood Education should be focused on the process of learning, as this is where young children learn . The strengths and weaknesses of both approaches to the Offer varied stimuli and models in the classroom that incorporate different colours, lines, shapes, textures, sizes and even sounds. I fear we are losing sight of this fact in these ongoing fights on social media about what is the correct' way of doing things and who is the most educated and therefore knows best. Perhaps you are making Christmas trees using paper plates cut into triangles and green paint. There are two main approaches to using art in learning art as a product and art as a process. The experience is relaxing or calming. It allows for the development of: Freedom of expression. It's quite possibly messy. Here are some open-ended questions parents or teachers can ask children during process art activities. This form of art tends to have originated from a preconceived idea from an educator or parent. It has always been best practice to draw upon our own strengths and knowledge as well as those from the theorists and research from years gone past. -the product doesn't matter to the students or the teacher. transformation of early childhood education by 1) giving the best workshops 2) linking people to the best resources and 3) using the power of social media so people feel connected in their transformation efforts. PED. Also, support them if they want to draw objects with personal significance like a favourite sipper or a toy lizard. Love your thoughts and couldnt agree more. Ask questions and make observations without judgment. (2009). What else can you do to make _________work? It is always ok to disagree and debate not ok to belittle . Close suggestions Search Search. This perspective is historically the foundation of early childhood education and views young children as active learners.

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