which of the following is a moral principle?

Which of the following is NOT one of the key ethical principles set forth by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)? Many people strive to live by the moral principles they believe in. It is a version of utilitarianism. Below are some examples of relative moral principles. The counselor is struggling with which two moral principles? The fallacy of arguing that the absence of evidence entitles us to believe a claim is called. c) it seems to promote tolerance toward other cultures. o a. respect for the dignity of persons o b. responsible caring o c. integrity of relationships o d. need for informed consent (Answer). Which theory of moral status provides neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for moral status? c. Moral absolutism is an ethical view that certain actions are intrinsically right or wrong. These include things like honesty, fairness, and equality. Believing that you can establish all your moral beliefs by consulting your feelings is an example of, a) principles, rules, or theories that guide our actions and judgments. d) the scientific study of human beliefs about what is right or wrong, good or bad. It's important to keep the whistleblower anonymous through a confidential whistleblower reporting mechan Correct Answer Whistleblowers tend to be company insiders who have a strong moral compass. Discernment is the most important of the "focal virtues", Which of the following is NOT true of the virtue of discernment? (T/F) Religious moral codes typically provide clear and direct answers to all moral questions. He is primarily known today for his moral philosophy, especially his principle of utilitarianism, which evaluates actions based upon their consequences.The relevant consequences, in particular, are the overall happiness created for everyone affected by the action. For example, you might believe women should defer to their husbands because in your culture everyone has traditionally agreed with this idea for generations; however, if you were born into a different country where people don't think this way, you might not feel that it's morally right. There are two types of moral principles: absolute and relative.Absolute principles are unchanging and universal. Beauchamp TL. If you are just starting on your moral journey, you might consider exploring morals in various philosophical texts. What is the fundamental principle of morality, according to Kant? Ethics is a concept of right or wrong conduct in life. Not Shared Beliefs Moral rightness is determined by the amount of happiness created by an action., Moral conduct is primarily a matter of applying a moral principle or rule., Linda is helping her friend David study for his advanced math class. Which of the following is required by the principle of impartiality? (T/F) A moral theory that is internally inconsistent is not eligible for further evaluation. a. how things ought to be or should not be. _______ _______ believe(s) that quality-of-life judgments shift the focus from whether treatments benefit patients to whether patients' lives are beneficial to them--a shift that opens the door to active, involuntary euthanasia. (T/F) A typical moral argument consists of premises and a conclusion, with the conclusion being a nonmoral statement, or judgment. Read our, Acts of Kindness Can Aid Well-Being, Study Shows. 2+2=4) overridingness must be capable of overriding law, religion, and etiquette (i.e. implies "ought"; a suggestion based on reason; rational; what you ought to do to be a good person; can only come from you, for something to be ethical, it must be applicable to everyone at all times (i.e. For example, someone who is honest may feel that they are a good person because they follow the moral principle to be truthful at all times. (T/F) If a moral belief such as "Equals should be treated equally" is self-evident, then we can be confident that it is true, unless we find good evidence against it. c) Religious rules of conduct sometimes conflict with each other or with our beliefs. Absolute Moral Principles Types of Moral Principles There are two types of moral principles: absolute and relative. d. Fish and chocolate should not be mixed. Which view says that moral judgments ascribe moral properties to actions or people and are statements that can be true or false? excludes some humans, including young children and humans with serious brain damage, Practices of abortion where fetuses are capable of _______ raise issues of moral coherence, One way to overcome the limited sympathy one might feel for persons different from oneself is the deliberate exercise of _______ through calm and unbiased judgments, One way to make moral status practicable for bioethics is to develop _______ that specify the relationship between the criteria in the various theories of moral status, Which of the following is not a condition for autonomous action? b) Normative ethics implies that some people's moral beliefs are incorrect, whereas descriptive ethics does not. d) That moral judgments express attitudes and influence others to share those attitudes. Which actions does divine command theory say are morally right? Question: Multiple Choice Questions 36. (T/F) All divisions of ethics concern both values and obligations. D-Both B and C, Although it cannot be found in his written works, the maxim "Above all [or first], do no harm" is attributed to _______. If you and I belong to the same culture, and I say capital punishment is always wrong, whereas you say capital punishment is sometimes right, which statement is true according to cultural relativism? Be careful with what you say and do to others. The maxim Primum non nocere is often proclaimed as the fundamental principle in the _______ tradition. 3. c-It liberates health professionals from narrow conceptions of role responsibilities often found in professional codes of eithics. a) I cannot be mistaken about what is morally right for me. B. What is the opinion of the authors of this book? (T/F) The statement "Shoplifting is wrong" attempts to influence others' attitudes about shoplifting, according to emotivists. c) You will not really be in control of your own choices, and you will run a risk of being lost if your moral beliefs do not answer certain questions. Which of the following is a reason that religious believers need to do ethics? Moral principles are ideals that we try to follow in our attempt to live right and be good people, instead of bad. (T/F) Social reformers are always right in the view of a cultural relativist. If it helps, write down a list of moral principles and post them where they're easy to see, like on a mirror or in your workspace. Research integrity may be defined as active adherence to the ethical principles and professional standards essential . d-All of the above, An individual acts ________ if he or she is motivated to do what is right because it is right, has tried with due diligence to determine what is right, intends to do what is right, and exerts appropriate effort to do so. People who follow moral principles also tend to have a better quality of life than those who don't. Your Answer Whistleblowers tend to be company insiders who have a strong moral compass. Adam Smith denies that human beings are, by nature, acquisitive creatures. Which of the following is not a property of sentience? Ethics 2. Chattopadhyay S, De Vries R. Respect for cultural diversity in bioethics is an ethical imperative. In words, someone might observe their moral principles through politeness. And if nonhuman animals did have rights, it would be wrong to eat meat. According to your text, which vision of morality is not implied by a careful reflection on Hobbes and Lord of the Flies? b-it gives insight to basic commitments of caring and caretaking. In order to judge whether an act of either killing or letting die is justified or unjustified, we need to know information about: A-The actor's motive B-The act's consequences C-The patient's preferences D-The circumstances E-All of the above. 2. c. sentience. (T/F) There are never any good reasons for treating someone differently from the way we treat others. Moral principles were important in these societies because they believed that to be successful, people needed a clear sense of right and wrong. a. a. Which of the following statements is a moral principle? d. Always maximize happiness. However, blindly following moral principles without considering their origin or using your judgment based on the situation can be problematic. C. It is the belief that the ethical standard of a country is based on the culture that created it and that moral concepts lack universal . ". Free domain c. Ethics d. Codified law e. Discretionary responsibility c Individualism is most closely related to: a. social responsibility. 4. Which statement would the author most likely agree with, based on what he states in this chapter? b) "My culture says that capital punishment is wrong.". C. Adam Smith defends capitalism by appealing to the idea of a natural, moral right to property. b. So, a fetus must be accorded full moral rights as soon as it is conceived. Which of the following is not a condition that must be met in order for an act to be morality justified under the rule of double effect? A valid moral principle possesses the absolute necessity of moral law. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. If you want to keep your basement dry, you should regularly check your home's gutters. Crusades), ethical principles must be argued publicly among rational people to debate it, decided through a process by which we determine; must stand to test of reasoning, must be something someone can implement; theory must not be impractical and cumbersome but practical, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Positive Effect of Having the Death Penalty: Deterrence. a) Either actions are morally right because God wills them to be so, or God commands actions because they are right, and both options lead to problems for divine command theory. B The example of Huckleberry Finn shows a) one should always obey one's conscience. A-conscientiously B-professionally C-with integrity D-all of the above. b) all other situations that are relevantly similar. b. Respect for cultural diversity in bioethics is an ethical imperative. All of the Above. Answer (1 of 8): Morality has to do with right and wrong, good and bad. "No one can prove that a fetus is not a person from the moment of conception. But we can reject out of hand anything he has to say because he's an ultraconservative.". a. Nurses have a duty to promote fairer national health policies. b) See whether they are supported by good reasons. Autonomy is the principle that addresses the concept of independence. a) Its value comes from its use as a tool. Which of the following is a consequence of the principle of universalizability? true or false? Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. b. belonging to a moral community. Below are some examples of absolute moral principles: Relative moral principles are based on opinions and circumstances that may change over time or from person to person or for different situations. Which of the following best characterizes Kant's moral theory? On Singer's understanding, the principle of the equality of human beings is: a. a description of an alleged actual equality among humans. School Bond University; Course Title LAWS 10-100; Type. What is the name of 'that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party in question. One may come to a better understanding of the conflicting issues by exploring the dilemma in regards to these principles. The following offers the most complete expression of a prudential claim? Some common examples of moral principles are honesty, respect, and kindness. Research on moral principles began with Ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle who wanted to figure out the meaning of virtue. A valid moral principle is universally consistent for all rational beings. A valid moral principle regards persons as means and never merely as ends. Id, Ego, and Superego: Freud's Elements of Personality, 20 Common Defense Mechanisms and How They Work, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox. It will snow tomorrow morning is a __________ claim. a) that moral norms override nonmoral norms when there is a conflict. You should normally file your federal taxes on April 15 is a, If a claim is based on some standard that guides, regulates, and ultimately assesses things, then it is. Understanding Second-order reflection on first-order desires Intentionality or Freedom from external coercion, Never, in any circumstance, override the express wishes of the patient, Which of the following is not a moral rule derived from the principle of respect for patient autonomy? A-Discernment is the ability to make fitting judgments without being unduly influenced by extraneous considerations B-Discernment is the most important of the "focal virtues" C-Descernment is closely associated with practical wisdom in the writing of some thinkers D-Discernment includes understanding how principles and rules apply in a variety of circumstances, Prohibition of cruelty that involves unnecessary pain and suffering. What attitude do most utilitarians take toward non-human animals? Connection between Utilitarianism and beneficence and non maleficence, Person says don't use those medical measures because the chances or benefit in terms of saving my life would be small, the burdens too great, or both. Click the card to flip . What is a major difference between descriptive ethics and normative ethics? Ethics has two major branches, having to do with valuesand actions. "It is wrong to lie, because lying is unnatural.". Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. A person with integrity acts with honesty, honor, and truthfulness.Integrity is a valuable skill in an. b. c. Act only on maxims that are universalizable. a. Which of the following is the overall point of the author's discussion of "doing ethics"? Below are some examples of how moral principles may not always guide you toward the best course of action. For example, honesty is considered a moral principle because it keeps relationships strong. 1. b) generally involves a desire to follow that principle for its own sake. Ethics, or moral philosophy, is a) the philosophical study of topics such as right and wrong, good and bad. Don't worry if you're not perfectly adhering to your moral principles. Businesses have a set of applied or professional moral principles that are relevant to them. Their suffering matters morally but not nearly as much as that of humans. (T/F) Many great religious thinkers have relied on reason to understand the truths of morality. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Test Prep. The criteria for judging a patient's competence to decide is relative to: When possible, the preferable moral standard of disclosure is the: In the famous case of ________, informed consent was not reached because a key factor (inevitable sterilization as a result of the procedure) was not disclosed to the patient, ________ occurs if and only if one person intentionally uses a credible and severe threat of harm of force to control another, In the _______ syphilis study, researchers unjustifiable used various offers (free meals, transportation, and burial assistance) to stimulate and sustain subjects' participation. d. is a religiously based act of faith. 67) Senior executives at CyberForm must make a decision that will affect many people, and the decision may produce good or bad consequences for those affected. Jim Jones or Abraham and Isaac story); follow law, religion, and etiquette disregarding reason and ethics (i.e. "Nonhuman animals do not have rights. Definition. Moral absolutism is the proposition that there are absolute moral principles that make a person good or bad. Treat people in need or distress as we would want to be treated if our situation were reversed. Which field concerns questions such as "Was this abortion permissible?" Consider the interests of everyone you deal with equally. d. all of the above e. none of the above Which of the following is a legal principle: a. Nurses have a duty to promote fairer national health policies. Term. Which of the following is a single core meaning of the word competence that applies is all contexts? Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between a moral theory and considered moral judgment? B-Either the patient or his or her authorized surrogates have validly refused a medical technology. b) the study of social roles and the ways they have changed over time. The other kind consists of principles offered as the most general and basic principle of morality, such as Kant's "Act only on maxims that you can will to be universal laws" and the act-utilitarian's "Do whatever acts promote aggregate well-being." There are other moral theories that put forward other foundational principles. Morality vs. Ethics: What's the Difference? c. the same in some cases and not in others. To convince others of this, he provides the reason that it is up to God when someone dies, not up to humans. The moral principles of an organization will govern the conduct of the individuals within the organization. Which of the following is an example of a universalizable moral principle a Do. Protect confidential information Tell the truth Never, in any circumstance, override the express wishes of the patient When asked, help other make important decisions, The basic paradigm of the exercise of autonomy in health care and in research is _______ consent. Ask yourself what you think is right or wrong and make sure that your actions are in line with those thoughts. B) is one in which decision makers should rely only on the utilitarianism rule of ethics. Absolute moral principles are based on universal truths about the nature of human beings. The British philosopher _______ _______ has argued against the view that informed consent is justified in terms of respect for personal autonomy, True or False: According to Beauchamp and Childress, the principle of respect for autonomy, being more foundational, has moral priority over other principles, True or False: The lines between adequate and inadequate degrees of understanding and degrees of control must be determined in light of specific objectives of decision making, True or False: Because moral status and moral respect are dependent upon the autonomy of the agent, one ought to resist making judgments about a patient's level of autonomy, True or False: Voluntary, informed consent is a necessary and sufficient condition for medical interventions and research involving human subjects, True or False: The level of evidence for determining competence should vary according to the level of risk involved in making the decision, True or False: If ignorance prevents an informed choice, it may be permissible or possible even obligatory to promote autonomy by attempting to impose unwelcome information, True or False: Some ways of framing information about benefits and risks reduce understanding, with direct implications for autonomous choice, Virtually all theories of autonomy view the following two conditions as essential for autonomy: _______ and _______, Expressed as a _______ obligation, the principle of respect for autonomy requires both respectful treatment in disclosing information and actions that foster autonomous decision making, _______ consent (whether implied or presumed) occurs silently or passively through omissions, The level of a person's capacity to decide will rise as the _______ of the task or decision increases, The _______ standard of disclosure judges the adequacy of information to be disclosed by reference to the specific informational needs of the individual person, The term "_______ _______" refers to a circumstance in which research subjects fail to adequately understand the purpose and aims of research, mistakenly believing that their participation is primarily therapeutic in nature, _______ is a generic term referring to the act of swaying people to do what one desires by means other than coercion or persuasion, In the event that a patient loses the capacity to make decisions about medical care, a _______ must be chosen to make decisions on his or her behalf, _______ refers to the act or practice of making an appropriate and often proportional return (benefit for benefit, gratitude for generosity.

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