daniel schmachtenberger biography

I can formally lie but I can only Also just make someone more likely to interpret something in a particular way by couching a question or couching an idea in a way that's likely to bring a reaction. And my question has always been, is there a program which I have tentatively called no living heroes. Right? In a healthy environment conditions people that are not prone to addiction, which means have actual more authenticity of choice, because addiction compulsion writ large is less authenticity of choice and What's interesting is the hyper normal stimulus what porn is to sex with sugar and salt and fat concentrated in a frappuccino or a McDonald's is to food right? And he's trying to show you that your attention. I mean, this is why we're doing the portal podcast, which is, let's be honest, this is pirate radio. HomeGrown Humans - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Existential Risk. And so we'll just think our way out of whatever new problems we've created. Oh, here comes the stuff about the AGI, the robots are gonna kill us all. Eric Weinstein 26:27 Eric's been taught self restraint. and the problem is if you go to sex directly from where you are, you are describing the value, let's say of prostitution, which is that people do not have to make a commitment. If I could make a system, and now, I will claim that we can and that there are architectures that can achieve it, if we could make a system where the collective intelligence scaled with the number of people, then I would always have more incentive to participate with it than to defect. Unknown Speaker 3:00:03 So I'm quite happy with that description. I think that there is a mystery here that if we don't make eye contact with it, it's gonna dog the conversation. And so oftentimes when we go from non war time where the generals or politicians to wartime where the politician generals who may be stuck at war, start losing battles, and we cycle through looking for ones who are good at that, then we get some who are actually good at war. But I want to start by saying I think this is important. Daniel Schmachtenberger 2:51:30 So I think there is desire that emerges from our connection to life, not just the social layer. Do you believe that we have a huge, nearly universal level up in maturity And wisdom available to us through development hacking. Daniel Schmachtenbergers central interest is comprehensive civilization (re)design: developing adequate capacities for collective values generation, sense-making, and choice-making, in service to coordinated conscious sustainable evolutiontowards a world commensurate with our higher ideals and potentials. Those difficult situations select for real empirical capacity. Eric Weinstein 1:57:09 videoId: '7LqaotiGWjQ', Yeah, you get out of a multipolar trap that way. And I think people imagine that their first few increments of status are fun, so that getting more and more status must be awesome. Eric Weinstein 41:53 And I think we've, especially since Darwin modeled ourselves as apex predators for a long time. And that was the beginning of a curve that has, you know, started to verticalized exponentially recently. Daniel Schmachtenberger 1:32:44 Daniel Schmachtenberger 3:00:44 And so this is a place where intuition by itself, like Intuition is informed by our experience. Daniel Schmachtenberger 2:21:04 And to be able to have that much power and not use it in ways that destroy the system requires being actually good stewards of power. Like, typically those are the people who want to blow things up. And so the same is true with ethical issues, right? And then, and obviously animals have camouflage, camouflage and strategies like that. Our social life is essential to our wellbeing and health, Noise and distractions can boost your creativity **, When it comes to lectures, appearances can be deceiving **, Eric Mazur thought he was a good teacher until he discovered his students were just memorizing information, It is not true that 93% of our communication is nonverbal, The New Science of Building Great Teams **, 35% of variation in team performance is accounted for by the amount of face-to-face communication, We are more creative when walking than sitting down, Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition, The way in which two or more people are connected, Discourse - a verbal interchange of ideas especially conversation, A deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity, Conversations trigger changes in the brain, All meaningful communication occurs via storytelling or reporting of event, Confusing or meaningless language about New Age beliefs, Lacks the rigor essential to the scientific method. People did. We can say things here, but there's only a matter of time before this starts to become problematic to the institutional structure and it responds by debiting. So you have, you have very complex dynamics with, with many species interacting. Look, I'm very thinking about game B. Yeah, not because I don't understand our need for it is that I can't imagine the system that gets us out of our nature and our nature. and so on. So we get just the number of people that are needed to be able to do something like that. Yeah. It's trying to make a strong anti thesis to the standard evolutionary history of homosapiens thesis. I don't think that we can keep running a exponential capital. Like, let's take a couple of examples you just gave and go a little further because there there were right along lines connected to where were you talking about internalizing externalities, right? Daniel Schmachtenberger 3:24:17 And then there's another one about if you give people education. And we've got to talk about this right now because the the externality of this pharmaceutical is is horrific. But it could actually get much worse for our leaders than that. That's a big deal because we couldn't have actually blown ourselves up before then. Ask what the minimal level of violence and coercion needed to accomplish it. Assume that we solve all of these problems that don't have to do with status, sex and reproduction, according to your most optimistic scenario, but we have trouble over here that there's one last little pesky problem. And if there wasn't, you would have you wouldn't end up having meta stability, you'd have something have a runaway dynamic that was unchecked by the dynamics of the environment. With the first fully globalized civilization, how do we avoid the collapse fate that has befallen all previous civilizations? Daniel Schmachtenberger 1:13:16 And my, my goal was never a lot of broadcasts. Abundance has this weird effect that it turns private goods and services into public goods and services, where price and value are no longer equal, and suddenly, you have people who are producing things that are very valuable and can't get paid. Magical Thinking. Yeah, I'm not gonna criticize though illusionary path here to say, we can argue straightforwardly why this path can't continue. So that's that's one effect. So try to figure out how to get very large scale Human collectives to behave like small scale human collectives. because as they start eating too many of the fish then they can't keep breeding. So I think, rival risk type dynamics, whether we're talking about a rivalry that's a kinetic warfare like this, right? And that desire and actual love for the beauty of life and the desire to have their life be meaningful to life, that my life ends but life with a capital L doesn't end and that life starts to be central to my awareness more than my life is and my life becomes meaningful and it's coupling to life. There's a few things. Jobs People Learning Dismiss Dismiss. Daniel Schmachtenberger is a fascinating thinker. Then where there are actual scarcities. Now, I'm going to get into the ethics of it. I mean, things are a little bit screwy in politics, and suddenly it's all gloom and doom. Have you ever talked to Daniel schmuck burger? I mean, you know, to be blunt about it. Here in the UK, many of us have become familiar with his work through Rebel Wisdom,. But no longer Can I count on making interesting points and having a job when I get up the next morning, Daniel Schmachtenberger 43:16 you want to I don't know that we've talked about it too much on this program. Although he was home schooled and is mostly self-taught, Daniel Schmachtenberger did a first degree in mathematics at the Maharishi University of Management in Iowa. And then as total economic quality of life and the choice possibilities for women and education and other things go up, we start getting to much lower birth rates. Yeah, right. Eric Weinstein 2:59:15 And you realize that we can't model ourselves as apex predators that are competing with others to see who's maximally dominant. Eric Weinstein 1:02:19 What do you mean by exponential tech? And then you hope in this storyline Anyway, you create a federation, which becomes a political Federation, the United States of Europe is created because of a sovereign debt crisis. Daniel's central interest is civilization design: developing new capacities for sense-making and choice-making, individually and collectively, to support conscious sustainable evolution.to bring about a world commensurate with our highest potentials. Maybe it's keeping this number going critical. And so what I would say is that essential to human nature is the depth of nurture capacity relative to other species. So one of the problems I think, is actually fungibility and metric reduction and so If you have status associated with unique things that you offer to the world, awesome, I'm not competing with you writ large for more status, I'm going to people are going to have a relationship to me for the things that I offer. It's been, you know, increasing wealth and and so. Summary - we are at a point of existential risk via a collapse of sensemaking in a world of exponential technology. So how do we know that this is happening? Eric Weinstein 50:27 And the fact that it didn't make it through evolution so far, like evolution has a blind quality to it right, where it'll make an adaptation that makes sense in the moment descent determined by something like warfare. We were kind of shocked and flipped out and the economy wasn't in great shape. time. But the quality Well, the world of atoms, I can't have Bill Gates home in Washington State, but in the world of bits, maybe I can live there. A gun takes that much further. And that's going to be the existential risk. This week I'm speaking with Daniel Schmachtenberger. And I'm basically going to say we can get something like ABS Well, okay. You do a great job with it. Some of this thinking on these topics can be found here (mostly in podcasts):https://civilizationemerging.com/, Copyright 2020 Generative Futures Initiative, All Right Reserved, Imagination Beyond the Constraint of the Past, Resurrect the Feeling of Play with Jason Silva, A Revolution of Mindset with Dr. Zach Bush, How to be a Good Ancestor to Future Generations With Atossa Soltani, A Global Truth & Reconciliation Process with Amanda Joy Ravenhill. And so what I think happens is that the dominant system ends up eating psychology and saying that the psychology that supports the dominant system is healthy psychology and anything that is dissenting to it's not healthy. So it can make more efficient supply chains, whatever. Can we make a situation in which we can raise children quite differently? That's a fascinating story. In some kind of weird game theoretic communication with each other, then lots of less skilled players with much less power but significant ability to do damage, Daniel Schmachtenberger 44:32 And I think the limit of Dunbar dynamics were communication protocols. hang. Eric Weinstein 18:54 It is a collective intelligence that is. Right? But whatever your story is, it's wrong. Yeah. So it's actually incumbent upon you not to be so virtuous, that you remove yourself from the game, leaving open and nice For some less scrupulous person to swoop in, so this. If the lion catches the gazelle, the gazelle dies. And so my near term incentive can oftentimes be a long term disadvantage to others or the whole. Who would do better, right? Eric Weinstein 2:37:31 That's pretty be straightforward and that we're actually very near limits of our capacity to keep doing that on a bunch of different atomic cycles. Non nation states are gaining the capacity to be able to do even drone tech like we had the the first everybody's who's thought about it has been like, when are we going to have a really big problem with drones and a couple years ago was the first time in the Ukraine where a commercial drone with a homemade thermite bomb, dropped it on a munitions factory. Yeah, I don't think that we are inexorably rivalrous. But when you don't have those difficult situations, then you're actually selecting for who can do politics best, which means convince everyone of something whether it's true or not. But you do have a situation where a single person like Putin or Trump or whatever, could do massive damage because of technology to the total biosphere. Okay? Right our capacity for tool and that's social tools like language and democracy and, but also physical tools. So there's a fine, but if the fine is less expensive than processing the waste would be then it's just a cost of doing business. And then you wait for the collapse to come. Well, here's the awkward part. But if we say like MC Escher or Dolly, like what was more brilliant art, I think it's a meaningless question. It's not going to be a good thing right now. - IMDb Mini Biography By: As long as that's the case, we have an incentive to do fucked up stuff with increasing power. We can't all agree now, even if it's slightly wrong, or maybe even deeply wrong as to what it is that we're seeing where we are in human history, what our issues are. Okay, let me give you an argument. Like a physical warfare, right? function loadVideo(videoID,start,end) { And that division is actually part of the standard evolutionary toolkit. And anybody who's not looking at the fact that there is no non weird branch of the decision tree is missing the story of who we are and what time it is in human history. I wish that it could have communicated clearer having had better sleep last night, but hopefully it wasn't completely unintelligible. I'd personally describe him as a holistic systems thinker focused on civilization risk and design. And, Eric Weinstein 39:06 // Inject YouTube API script So first of all, there's an enormous, I'm going to keep going back to square zero if I don't get alright. 'start': 1, Here's the part that doesn't make sense, and very kind of you to say what you just said. burdens from our leaders who are caught having utterly failed in their mission to keep us prepared would have to be shifted on to our entire society as a whole. ", "If a system of collective intelligence is autopoietic (has self-generating momentum) and maladaptive, it is (eventually) an existential threat. //event.target.playVideo(); But as I get healthier, my baseline of pleasure throughout not just when I'm eating, but all of the time goes up, because I have the capacity to engage in more interesting, meaningful things, and my body doesn't hurt as much and whatever. Thanks for coming through and we'll see you next time. Well, then that system can export solutions that other places in the world that would normally have an enmity relationship with it actually need that they can't solve for themselves. Where Where does this get fun? And as we start having exponential information tech so we can intentionally misinform specific audiences in ways that are much more believable to them. My friend Daniel Schmachtenberger, Daniel, welcome to The Portal. And perhaps what I've been saying back to you could be translated as the transcendent beyond the proximate somatic pleasures that we have is so rarely experienced. Here is our 4th conversation in a 5 part 'Bend not Break' series where Daniel dives deeper into the relationships between energy, materials, technology, growth and the metacrisis. I think that that would not be sufficient on its own, but it's necessary. Eric Weinstein 25:08 I think that depends upon certain social things staying in place that we can't guarantee you're going to stay which is a relatively viable society for the people who have the technological capacities. And we can say, okay, so we want global GDP to increase because that represents total goods and services that represent some way of thinking about value. And the idea that you can be both Xena philic fascinated and interested in the world's cultures and want immigration to your country restricted, and that this is the generic position that the average person holds this position is a story that appears nowhere. What if our leadership is treating this as much as an accountability crisis as a medical one when it comes to their actions? This answers the sex question it also it answers all the other questions but I don't think there is a there to break through too. All right. So whenever we have perverse incentives, we're gonna have some situation by which we're being incentivized by a system of selective pressures to do certain things that may not be in the stated interests or the you know, whatever the directive is of our of our institution. go together. I wouldn't say it's, it's an intelligence. There, but there's no big breakthrough in human wisdom. Daniel Schmachtenberger 1:03:54 And then because of the crash, I'm more craving something that will spike me because I feel really shitty and but then I get an erosion of baseline over time from the effects of that. Yeah, of really dangerous to use your language multipolar traps, does that actually point us to some game theoretic thing that all all of our Friends who did the game theory of the Cold War might have missed? There doesn't seem to be a highly credible plan to defeat the virus to see the implications of this tree. I'm not aware of any major game theoretic advance in what you're calling multipolar traps. Right. curve looks like this, you have a few people who have almost everything. And I think this is the point is that, it's generally more advantageous within a market to believe that markets are good in the world is healthy and things are awesome, right? All right, Daniel, assuming that we are, in some sense, breaking out of this narrative that's been imposed institutionally. However, we now find ourselves in a viral outbreak and Daniel is one of the few people I deal with trying to make progress on how humans can have a permanent future on the small and dangerous planet, particularly amidst the fatal temptations of nuclear and biological warfare, which I have termed the twin nuclei problem elsewhere. Right? Yes. Sorry, General. It's sitting there on servers. And this is why competition is good and drives innovation. Daniel Schmachtenberger. Things like resource questions and negative externalities. We have a beautiful story about her mothers would do anything for their children, and somebody comes along and says, No, it's actually a struggle, where mothers want to hold on to their resources, because they're going to have many children, and the child attempts to gain as much resources as possible without regard for the mother. Sure, there are naysayers but I say that America's greatest days are in front of her. So I at least accept the idea that we have to be here and I want you on that branch. Because you have a system that incense disinformation. and this is the fascinating thing to get is it's like let's take let's take Nick Bostrom is paperclip Maximizer as an analogy, so I know you know this but for the people who don't. And so basically, we can have a steady state human population within a renewable materials economy, carrying capacity, but where we're keep, but we keep innovating on bit. So the way I'm seeing it, Danny, is the following. But the genetics doesn't work at the level of the individual. Daniel Schmachtenberger 46:54 Peter Demitry MD Research & Strategy Ret. It's that is the same kind of thing as the fast food or the porn is. why we have such a long period of being totally helpless on the outside, is because I'm going to give up on trying to get you to redefine the words that are going to cause people to have to go to their dictionaries. So this is the compromise I have to make. My continuing discussions with a number of people I respect deeply seems surprisingly inconclusive to me even at this late date. Daniel Schmachtenberger 2:14:32 will just try to follow. And I think he pardoned Mark felt who had been the head of cointelpro, after Hoover, but he was also deep throat. The companies were formed over a five year period with the most recent being incorporated two years ago in March of 2020. What they the other side of the Dunbar number was not just who we care about, but also our ability to coordinate. Tommy About the solution. not understand. And it's been like it's been pretty draconian through most of it. I think one of the other things is that when we think about the Cold War, we really had two nuclear superpowers that could be locked and mutually Assured Destruction, because with just two forces, you kind of have an easy Nash equilibrium. And that's really significant when we think about the durability of violence in humans. Eric Weinstein 1:59:30 And like, we don't Make our own computational substrate we don't make our own lots of things right. What happens when death swoops down on a young girl of eight named aroona? So, how we deal with the balance sheet part? And, you know, it computes things like prices and allocations, and if that's what you mean by intelligence that I'll get to in a minute. Take, take a beautiful dream. And now that collapses the civilization even further. I think what you're trying to tell me is that people think that they want to be fabulously rich, they think they want to be famous. The company was incorporated in Nevada seven years ago and is no longer active. is an emergent property of this thing. logically? Okay. Mostly. Unless it's really important to do that, like we're gonna have, there's a situation where tribal warfare is starting to occur more often. That said, I also can't figure out a way in which we just become more powerful in our ability to extract our ability to confuse our ability to mete out harm from the strong to the weak. keeps getting bigger, Daniel Schmachtenberger 25:38 and of course, James d'amour is not a particular risk, but there are a lot of people who are very capable. It's to say that it's a possibility. I think the thing that I'm talking about also requires something like understanding source code at a different level. And in terms of just technologies that are still continue to grow? And to not say things that would not be to the advantage of the advertisers that can afford to pay for them. It's not that there isn't money to be made, there's tons of money to be made. 02:23:50 - Can women be lured away from the call of motherhood? You see in every competitive game, whether it's a poker bluff or football game where you fake one way and go the other way, a incentive to dis inform, right. And Daniel, I want to keep going with this. }, Daniel Schmachtenberger The throughline of his interests has to do with improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. And so can we make? I'm saying that. And it eventually turns the whole world into paper clips. and not connected to nature and not necessarily connected to meaningfulness that much that hypo normal environment creates increased susceptibility to hyper normal stimuli, hyper normal stimuli happened to be good for markets. Can we take this weirdly into the realm in which it is hardest to imagine that we are not rivalrous? Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for psychology, which tells you when somebody is meant to be has a personality disorder, neuroses. No impossible foundational axioms are all the wrong axioms. That's how it occurs to me is that as we as technology is empowering our choices, and we are getting something like the power of gods, you have to have something like the love and the wisdom of gods to wield that. Hey, I only was doing that because I listened to the half hour thing that you said that said you're gonna let people go look at their dictionary. Those who do well at the game of power, get more power. And say, Well, great. And I think this is really key to The how we change civilization part. Daniel Schmachtenberger About Daniel Schmachtenberger Daniel is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. Moment I deploy that asymmetric capacity, it 's obviously good for lifetime value of a company change recently. 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