the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship

The study most closely related to ours is the extreme bounds analysis (EBA) by Gassebner etal. distribute Some schol- ars recommend using interviewers who share similar demographic characteristics, such as, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. )o8PyfS#>i])'e^CXVQ/er!P=RFSb>hG >&h!xnG(! In this chapter, we discussed some limitations that surveys face when addressing sensitive topics. First, \({\bar{\beta }}\) shifts toward zero and loses significanceconsistently across democracy measuresin models controlling for resource curse variables, suggesting that the aggregate relationship is inflated by abundant natural resources in Muslim countries. Elsewhere, Kalyvas (1998, 2000) examines why Catholic fundamentalism proved compatible with the successful establishment of democracy in nineteenth-century Belgium but Islamic fundamentalism did not in Algeria during the 1990s. Are certain cultures incompatible with democracy? Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Include the possible responses that you would provide as well. In other words, those aspects of development are more strongly related to democratization in the earlier than in later parts of our sample. Rothstein, B., & Broms, R. (2013). Is the coefficient on this variable statistically significant? In his earlier work, Inglehart (1977) refers to this change as a silent revolution in which materialist worries are replaced by post-materialist concerns. The Journal of Politics, 72(3), 785798. Do you think that groups will find it easier or harder to coordinate their beliefs in this new setting? This runs counter to the traditional argument that Catholic coun- tries do not provide fertile terrain for the emergence of democracy. Finally, (11) political (in)stability, (12) mass activism, and (13) armed conflict cover events often considered detrimental to the survival of democracies and autocracies alike (Huntington 1991; Chenoweth and Stephan 2011). (1973, 259260) describes primordial cultural attach- ments, which for him include things like bloodlines, lan- guage, race, religion, and customs, as stemming from the givens . 18002017. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. 266 ChapterPrinciples 4: The Origins of Comparative of the Modern Politics State. Anchoring vignettes have been used in numerous settings. For example, Weingast (1997) argues that democracy can be sustained only if citizens can coor- dinate their beliefs about when the government has transgressed and when they should do something about this transgression. Thus, there are reasons to believe that the negative association between Catholicism and democratic stability that we have observed here is not causal in nature. Given that they are already poor and have Trend zu demokratischen Normen in einer Gesellschaft . These institutions have been linked to democratic instability in Latin American countries, many of which have Catholic majorities. See Table A-2 in the online appendix for an overview. a. endstream Fukuyama, F. (2014). We provide details on the imputation model in online Appendix B. Over the years, there has been considerable debate about the exact causal relationship between culture, economic development, and democracy. chapter 7: the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorshipprimordialist arguments: treat culture as something that is objective and inheritedsomethingthat has been fixed since "primordial" times (culture exists prior to, remains unchanged by,political interaction; it is culture that affects political behavior by providing ideological Sensitivity analysis of empirical results on civil war onset. Individuals who hold traditional values typically exhibit national pride and reject things like divorce, euthanasia, suicide, and abortion. The results in Table 7.3 when we take account of economic factors indicate that majority Catholic countries are less likely to remain democratic than other coun- tries. Boston: Beacon Press. o 88 percent of countries with a GDP per capita of less than $1,500 are Thus, if we continue our example from above and assume that we are in the world of Homo economicus, we would expect the proposer to get $100 and the responder to get . For democratic survival, the only truly robust factoraside from income levelis a state bureaucracy that is law-abiding. growth of the service economy facilitates democratization (Ross, 2001). The right edge of the lightly shaded horizontal gray bar gives the mean offer for that group. With this approach, we mainly make an empirical contribution to the theoretically rich literature on democratization. The coefficient on Muslim majority is negative and statistically significant. o Indicates that a country is much more likely to be a democracy if its It turns out that the modal offerthe most common offerin student populations playing the Ultimatum Game is almost always 50 percent, with the mean, or average, offer varying somewhere between 40 percent and 45 percent. Most economic explanations for democracy can be linked to a paradigm called modernization theory.. range of political institutions. In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term . In contrast, Dictatorships do not require to resonate with public opinion. View the note Chapter 6 - Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship: Economic progress, according to cultural modernization theory, causes certain cultural changes, and these cultural changes lead to democracy. The mildness so frequently recom- mended in the Gospel is incompatible with the despotic rage with which a prince punishes his subjects, and exercises himself in cruelty. Hence, we opted for multiple imputation using AMELIA II software (Honaker and King 2010). From education to democracy. Such . This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. While comparing Christianity and Islam, Montesquieu ([1752] 1914, 24:34) writes that the Christian religion is a stranger to mere despotic power. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. of social existence. Similarly, we display the results for facilitating and fatal variables as coefficient plots, wherein colors indicate how findings change when controlling for a specific variable. If these countries can develop economically and become wealthier, then there is no reason to think, based on the evidence presented here, that being majority Muslim will pose a significant barrier to them becoming democratic. income in a country but that we will still observe a long-run positive The results from the Dictator Game also showed considerable variation. Institutional Veto Players. Huntington is not alone in claiming that Confucianism is incompatible with democracy. Finally, both literatures contain extensive discussions of plausible mechanisms, which is especially interesting for us when studying the different, potential fatal and facilitating controls. Still, as Lipset (1959) highlighted in his classic exposition, other factors also related to development could affect democracy. First, we estimated our models excluding GDP per capita as a core variable in order to reduce concerns of post-treatment bias. In addition to highlighting the importance of having the peoples consent and coopera- tion for governance, the Constitution of Medina is also a symbol of pluralism and religious tolerance in Islam (Shah 2012). The second method involves the use of randomized response techniques (Gingerich 2010; Blair, Imai, and Zhou 2015). They worry about putting a roof over their head and food on the table. Dark grey = significant at .10 level. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. We find that the effect of political institutions on growth is . The result is a decline in the importance of religion and the rise of secular authorities. Lust, E. (2011). Assessing alternative indicies of democracy. Gender equality in muslim-majority countries. A thoroughly-revised chapter on culture and democracy includes a more extensive discussion of cultural modernization theory and a new overview of survey methods for addressing sensitive. Moreover, democracy and GDP are just two of a large number of factors - including education health and cultural values - involved in the process of development. post,Well, many people argueor that thesedistribute religions have elements that make them compatible with democracy. Moreover, time-invariant political-historical or geographical features may bias the incomedemocratization relationship upwards; Acemoglu etal. For example, Eickelman and Piscatori (1996) point out that Islamic doctrine has historically been interpreted in various ways to justify many different types of government. Moreover, we note that both the robust education measures, as well as less robust measures of communications technology (extension of radios, telephones, or televisions) display a stronger positive correlation with democratization in all other sample specifications than the post-Cold War sample. We use updated data from Bjrnskov and Rode (2019). . . This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. o According to B&L, the ability of the gentry to hide their assets from state Note that many of the arguments presented so far rest on claims that there is some- thing about the doctrine of each religion that makes them particularly compatible or incom- patible with democracy. One way in which political scientists attempt to deal with this issue is through the use of anchoring vignettes (King et al. What exactly would the hypotheses be? Information on these societies is shown in Table 7.4. (2003). This helps to explain why Confucian society can exist easily in democracies like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, in semi-authoritarian regimes like Singapore, or in more authoritarian regimes like China and North Korea. The Mundlak estimation reveals that the incomedemocratic survival relationship is driven mainly by variation between countries. Economics. To a large extent, our analyses indicate that the hurdle these major- ity Muslim countries need to overcome to be able to sustain democracy has less to do with the fact that they are Muslim and more to do with the fact that they are poor. not Why? Other results of the sensitivity analysis show that political protests, a democratic neighborhood, and the global proportion of democracies positively influence democratization, while natural resources, majoritarian systems, and long-tenured leaders make countries less likely to democratize. Laboratory Experiment 10. The Arab Spring uprisings in 2011 were important political events, re-igniting old academic debates. Societies that already require this type of behavior in their everyday games should find it easier to adopt and support democratic institutions. The coefficient on Protestant majority is statistically insignificant, meaning that we cannot confidently rule out the possibility that there is no relationship between Protestantism and the emergence of democracy. For democratic survival, the only robust factors are income and a law-abiding bureaucracy. and Mark Twain, given tolying. (2010). The shift to an indus- trial society changes things. Explain what we mean by differential item functioning and why it can cause problems for surveys. Black = insignificant. Countries that exhibit high levels of secular-rational and self-expression values (top right) include Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The Dictator?s Dilemma at the ballot box: Electoral manipulation, economic maneuvering, and political order in autocracy. Problems with Group Decision Making. Some social requisites of democracy: Economic development and political legitimacy. As long, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Second, the Boix-Miller-Rosato (BMR) measure (Boix etal. Extreme bounds of democracy. In Bowling Alone, Putnam (2000) argues that the number of people participating in voluntary associationsone place in which social networks can be builthas been falling in the United States and that Dopeople not have become copy, disconnected from family,post, friends, and neighbors. What is most important, in addition to varying the control variable set, we gauge sensitivity using four prominent operationalizations of democracy and four different time periods. 232 Principles of Comparative Politics. In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. The odds of finding that the Muslim share has a significant negative relationship with democratization drops by 82% when controlling for resource curse variables, and \({\bar{\beta }}\) drops from a median of 0.33 to 0.21. Problem of American Theocracies, Oriental Despotism and the Political Monsters of Michel Foucault's Les, Despotism (Despotisch, Despotismus, Despoticum) Kant Offers Several Definitions of Despotism, The Place of the Tyrant in Machiavelli's Political Thought And, Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: What Tocqueville Teaches Today, A Tocquevillean Polity? The legacy of western overseas colonialism on democratic survival. Furthermore, being located in a democratic neighborhood increases the likelihood of democratization (Gleditsch and Ward 2006); alsothat result is remarkably robust. This is the survey that provided the data for the cultural map of the world shown in Figure 7.2. Review of International Organizations, Forthcoming. It is not always obvious how Huntington moves from his definition of a civilization to an indicator of them. (2016). A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions. The strategies by which tyrannical regimes were created throughout history, can be simplified in 3 steps. We distinguish between democratization and democratic survival and test the sensitivities of 67 proposed determinants by varying the control variable set, democracy measure, and . Cultural Modernization Theory 4. Box 7.1 DOES GOOD DEMOCRATIC PERFORMANCE REQUIRE A CIVIC CULTURE? survival world that throws light on why culture may important be for emergence the We exa We in insupportevidence of is somewhat cultural modernization mixed. She then looks for things that only democracies have in common (such as Protestantism) and for things that only dictator- Doships havenot in common (Catholicism).copy, From this pattern post, of observations, the analyst or then generates distribute a general theory claim- ing that Protestantism causes democracy and that Catholicism impedes democracy. small industrial and service sectors This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Yet, the picture from the empirical literature is unclear, and the mixed evidence has spawned numerous debates between scholars reporting diverging findings. Despite the widely held belief by many that Islam is incompatible with democracy, the empirical analyses that we conducted in this chapter suggest that there is little reason to believe that majority Muslim countries cannot become and remain democratic once we take account of their wealth. Thus, results pertaining to the tworelationshipsdiscussed here should both be inherently interesting to a broad audience, and, what is even more important, allow us to display the various benefits of our methodological approach. What about the evidence that Islam is particularly bad for democracy because of its treat- ment of women (Fish 2002)? and the traditional seats of power esp. When controlling for resource abundance, education, and neighboring regime type, the relationship is attenuated and most specifications fail to yield a significant result. Thus, the x variables in Eq. >> Moreover, regional patterns of regime change can occur through the mechanisms of (18) diffusion in neighboring or similar countries (Huntington 1991; Gleditsch and Ward 2006; Brinks and Coppedge 2006). We assume only that lagged regime type, time since transition, GDP per capita, and interactions should be entered. What about our other cultural hypotheses? This is because the coefficients on the variables capturing ethnic and cultural diversity are both negative and statistically significant. Democracy versus theocracy ibn warraq shall . The aggregate coefficients therefore represent direct effects. This hardly seems a firm basis on which to draw such strong conclusions about the incompatibility of certain religions with democracy. In effect, they become nonscientific in the terms we outlined in Chapter 2. The debate mainly has revolved around whether something else about Muslim-majority countries makes them less susceptible to democratization, and the related issue of including the appropriate controls in regression analyses. In other words, some individuals still make quite large positive offers, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. . He believes that these conflicts will be less amenable to diplomacy and peaceful resolution than previous economic and ideological conflicts because cultural differences are less mutable and less easy to compromise. Third, we assess the extent to which between- or within-country differences drive the results by applying the Mundlak (1978) estimator, which calculates the mean value for each country (between-variation) and subtracts country-year values from this mean (within-variation). But what do we actually observe when individuals play this game in an experi- mental setting? World Politics, 49(3), 130. A complete data set of political regimes, 18002007. Liberal democracy was the end point of mankinds ideological evolution and hence the end of history. Although Samuel Huntington (1993, 1996) took issue with the claim that we were witnessing the end of history, he agreed with the claim that conflict in the world would no longer be based on ideological divisions. Remember that the mean offer among students varies from about 40 to 45 percent in Ultimatum Games. Potrafke, N. (2011). Germany were incapable of sustaining democratic values. Our study also differs in its assessment and interpretation of results. democratic and to stay democratic as they develop economically The long divergence: How Islamic law held back the Middle East. In an extension, we also drop GDP per capita as a core variable and discuss implications for post-treatment and omitted variable bias from differences between those results and our main analysis. Income and democracy. Sen (2002, 860861) writes: The state of Kerala has the highest rates of literacy . He also notes that violent conflict will be particularly prevalent between Muslims and non-Muslims because Muslims are prone to violence (Huntington 1996, 256258). In contrast, ethnic and cultural diver- Dosity notdo seem to destabilizecopy, democracies. It is your agreed own mature to statute reviewing habit. 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