ai and robotics research papers

Y. Gao (Springer), 112. We probably achieve things with machines which we otherwise would not get done. Bonnefon, J.-F., Shariff, A., and Rahwan, I. Machine consciousness: a modern approach. Lipson, H., and Kurman, M. (2012). 29. As discussed in the introduction, a number of writers and filmmakers have addressed this issue through dramatic scenes where technology gets out of control. Availble at:, Demiris, Y., and Khadhouri, B. 3. However, such devices and systems would need to behave properly for us to want them close by. Click on 'Write for us' to contact us. (2017). These experts expect that systems will move on to superintelligence (defined as any intellect that greatly exceeds the cognitive performance of humans in virtually all domains of interest) in less than 30 years thereafter. Federation of Robotics (IFR). What is Artificial Intelligence. Home / Research / Artificial Intelligence. They proposed regulating robots in the real world with the following rules (Boden et al., 2017; Prescott and Szollosy, 2017): 1. This is an accepted paper appearing in the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IEEE TSC) Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO) arXiv:2210.17217 [pdf, other] . In the book Moral Machines (Wallach and Allen, 2009), a hypothetical scenario is outlined where unethical robotic trading systems contribute to an artificially high oil price, which leads to the automated program to control energy output switches over from oil to more polluting coal power plants to avoid increasing electricity prices. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Bostrom, N., and Yudkowsky, E. (2014). In the future, there will be an even more diverse set of technologies surrounding us including for taking care of medical examination, serving us and taking us where we want to go. CoRR abs/1504.03592. These comments have initiated a public awareness of the potential future impact of AI technology on society and that this impact should be considered by designers of such technology. However, many novel and smart devices have been introduced that, through lack of adoption, has resulted in rapid removal from the market. Obstacle detection and avoidance methods for autonomous mobile robot, Moving Domestic Robotics Control Method Based on Creating and Sharing Maps with Shortest Path Findings and Obstacle Avoidance, Control of the Differentially-driven Mobile Robot in the Environment with a Non-Convex Star-Shape Obstacle: Simulation and Experiments, A survey of typical machine learning based motion planning algorithms for robotics, Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics , and Machine Learning, Applying Radical Constructivism to Machine Learning: A Pilot Study in Assistive Robotics, Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision: Sampling methods and Variational Inference, Rule-Based Supervisor and Checker of Deep Learning Perception Modules in Cognitive Robotics, The Limits and Potentials of Deep Learning for Robotics, A Unified Knowledge Representation System for Robot Learning and Dialogue, Computer Vision Based Chess Playing Capabilities for the Baxter Humanoid Robot. Today, we publish another set of 70 papers to expand our list. Power outages trigger terror alarms at the nearest international airport resulting in chaos both at the airport and arriving aircraft colliding etc. Also, you can ask a professional academic writer fromCustomWritings research paper writing serviceto assistyou online on any related topic. Recently, business leaders and academics have warned that current advances in AI may have major consequences to present society: Humans, limited by slow biological evolution, couldnt compete and would be superseded by A.I.Stephen Hawking in BBC interview2 2014. Historically, robots were invented to take on tasks that were repetitive, menial, and even hazardous. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Barcelona: Workshop on Robo-Ethics), 2005. Abstract and Figures Artificial intelligence and robotics are very recent technologies and risks for our world. Artificial intelligence involves in diagnosis and makes medical decisions in healthcare. The ability to manipulate the system must be restricted, and the system must have a predictable behavior. However, with the introduction of robots, and information and communication technology, the need for human knowledge and skills is gradually decreased with robots making products faster and more accurately than humans. That is, researchers in ethics and philosophy should also be included in the formulation of ethical conscious machines that are targeted at providing acceptable machine behavior. An autonomous robot must also be able to adapt to the users personality to have a good dialog. Veruggio, G., and Operto, F. (2008). This Research Topic of Frontiers Robotics and AI is seeking contributions regarding the translation and implementation of Robotics and embodied AI in healthcare. Machine ethics: the robots dilemma. Robotics in Research Papers on Artificial Intelligence involves in low risk surgery. Collaboration on Intelligent Machines (COINMAC) project, under grant agreement 261645, Acemoglu, D., and Restrepo, P. (2016). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Degree. 7 min read. Front. the views presented in the paper are those of ai research, the reason is that the notion of "intelligent machine" nat- that use robots as a preferred model of intelligent Below are the top-10 most impactful research papers published in top AI conferences during the last 5 years. Further, many will argue that jobs now are more interesting than the repetitive routine jobs that were common in earlier manufacturing companies. (2013). Some robotics technologies may not completely fall under the conventional domain of AI (think robotic arms that are manually human-operated). Wallach, W., and Allen, C. (2009). 5. The robot (Nao from Aldebaran Robotics) was said to make the following compromises: Balance three duties: ensuring that the patient receives a possible benefit from taking the medication; preventing the harm that might result from not taking the medication; and respecting the autonomy of the patient (who is assumed to be adult and competent). The robot notifies the overseer when it gets to the point that the patient could be harmed, or could lose considerable benefit, from not taking the medication. Degree. doi:10.1075/is.7.3.03mac. The transformative economic impact of artificial intelligence Managing a global autonomous arms race in the face of AI Thus, it is in our own interest to make them user friendly. This paper consolidates the records of research published on the topics of trust in AI and AI-powered robotics as well as AI and AI-powered robotics in AEC to create a comprehensive picture of trust requirements and dimensions conducive to this industry. Michael and Susan Leigh Anderson have collected contributions from both philosophers and AI researchers in the book Machine Ethics (Anderson and Anderson, 2011). Core papers are publications that have strong citation links within an RC, meaning that they have a high number of citations from the other publications in that cluster. In contrast, J. Storrs Hall (2006) objects to this possibility, stating that a shortcut exists without that kind of safeguard. The amazing thing is that within 100 years after publishing these ideas, allexcept the latterwere made possible by the progression of technology. He defines it as a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep that human life will be irreversibly transformed (Kurzweil 2005:7). Principles of Robotics, EPSRC and AHRC Robotics Joint Meeting. Mechanical robots with the help of artificial intelligence can be designed to learn to behave in a friendly and user adapted way. World Robotics Report, 2016. International Federation of Robotics. syst. Even while these devices indeed transgress the current boundaries of technological development, they nevertheless leave the reins in human hands. Front. This triggered a whole chain reaction of investments around robotics on a global scale, resulting in a boom in the popularity of robots in applications in advanced manufacturing, logistics, supply chain, construction, healthcare, etc. The capacity of humanity to harness the power of artificial intelligence and make it work for the enhancement of human lives will be crucial for successful interaction with new advanced machines. Ethical perspectives of AI and robotics should be addressed in at least two ways. The rise of machine consciousness: studying consciousness with computational models. 1. They are currently applied in selected settings such as internal transportation in hospital, lawn mowing and vacuum cleaning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is happening all around us and on a large scale. More than 72 percent of its 215 papers are robotics-related. Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? Another example is the iRobot Roomba, and other home cleaning robots. 2. The foundation for our society for hundreds of years has been training humans to make things, function, work in and understand our increasingly complex society. The lesson of these disasters must be that it is important that systems have built in mechanisms to prevent human errors and help to predict risk of mechanical failure to the extent possible. Winfield, A. F., Blum, C., and Liu, W. (2014). Risks of Artificial Intelligence. The complexity and generality of an AI system influences how difficult it is to deal with the above criteria. One group is concerned with studying biological or medical phenomena and trying to create models that best mimic them. A team of researchers at MIT has developed an innovative way to monitor muscle movements. From babybots to surprisingly accomplished robots, read all the latest news and research in robotics here. However, what we see is that the distinction between work and leisure becomes gradually less evident, and we can do the job almost from anywhere. How can mining big data in the healthcare industry make us healthier? Decisions should build on studies seeking to find the best compromise between dignity and independence on one hand and possible loneliness on the other. I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. Bill Gates4 (2015) wrote in an Ask Me Anything interview5 on the Reddit networking site. Germany leads this RC, followed by the United States. 5:697. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00697, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Economist. Artificial Intelligence must have a central role in Robotics if the connection is to be intelligent. Civil law rules for robotics have also been discussed within the European Community resulting in a published European Parliament resolution (EP, 2017). London: Chapman & Hall CRC Press, 292. International Journal of Robotics Research 29(4): 428-459, 2010. Computational intelligence and soft computing. Others argue that such systems could be better than human soldiers in some situations, if they are programmed to never break agreed laws of war representing the legal requirements and responsibilities of a civilized nation (Arkin et al., 2009). Value-sensitive design is one consisting of three phases: conceptual, empirical, and technical investigations accounting for human values. on economic growth. Editorial: risks of artificial intelligence, in Risks of Artificial Intelligence, ed. The discussion is natural for several reasons including that military applications are an important driving force in technology development. Even if they are not better than us, there is no reason to forecast the collapse since humanity has survived to this day, despite the presence of many unethical individuals. 2:4. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00004, EP. It was written by Andrew M. Cox (Information School, University of Sheffield). Find part one focusing on computer vision and part two focusing on natural language processing, among other snapshots exploring the Map of Science, below. Against this background, the moral part of humanity (although this is at best a dubious division) received the same technological development plus plows, lathes, and computers. They have notable national security, developmental, and economic significance. The pessimistic prediction points to the robots ability to seize power over men and control them like men control animals today. A system more open for inspection can, however, show that the residential address was crucial in this case. Possible future applications of swarm robots, Wearables in the workplace Key barriers to the adoption, Zero trust architecture: 4 reasons why you need it, Cyber insurance coverage against ransomware attacks, Outsourcing your cyber security 4 choices for companies, QR code security risks Best practices to mitigate vulnerabilities, Top 5 services for businesses to save time and resources, Why do small businesses fail? Before you read topics, find something interesting on Media Research Paper Topics. 6. Prominent thinkers have publicly warned about the risk of a dystopian future when the complexity of these systems progresses further. Hierarchical attentive multiple models for execution and recognition of actions. Artificial Intelligence And Robotics 1904 Words 8 Pages Artificial Intelligence And Robotics Abstract A general summary of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics is presented with the main stress on the how the present day robots and the future of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics would influence the society and the public life at large. Several works apply artificial reasoning to verify whether a robotic behavior satisfies a set of predetermined ethical constraints which, to a large extent, have been defined by a symbolic representation using logic (Arkin et al., 2012; Govindarajulu and Bringsjord, 2015). RC 5079, an engineering RC, comprises 53 percent robotics-related papers among a total of 2,066 papers. Take advantage of original, plagiarism-free essay writing. Humans will be able to stop or dramatically reduce aging and sickness, shaking off the bonds of their genetic inheritance. In our recent post, we listed over 500 free, downloadable research papers and projects in robotics, which can shed lights into the some of the complex areas in robotics such as navigation, motion planning, robotic interactions, obstacle avoidance, actuators, machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, etc. Non-Euclidean manifolds in robotics and computer vision: why should we care? The idea of artificial intelligence is achieved by deep research and study on how the human brain thinks, work and make decisions while solving computational problems. We have a lot of computing power available today, but as long as we do not know how programs should be designed, this power is limited in its contribution to effective solutions. Embedding values into autonomous intelligent systems. Here, it is interesting to see whether biology can provide inspiration for more effective methods than those already adopted. We are still far from the worst scenarios that are described in books and movies, yet there is reason to be alert. Available at:, Keywords: review, ethics, technology risks, machine ethics, future perspectives, Citation: Torresen J (2018) A Review of Future and Ethical Perspectives of Robotics and AI. Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing. First, the engineers developing systems need to be aware of possible ethical challenges that should be considered including avoiding misuse and allowing for human inspection of the functionality of the algorithms and systems (Bostrom and Yudkowsky, 2014). The new age of singularity will, in Kurzweils belief, will lead to a merger of human and non-human intelligence, leading to immense scope of creativity in humans. According to the team, this new system will make it easier for people to control prosthetic limbs and other wearable robotic devices. However, they would need to contain a lot of sensors similar to our smartphone, and we need some assurance that this data will not be misused. In Fukushima cooling pumps failed and reactors melted as a result of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Best AI & ML Research Papers 2020 1. Ethical principles of robotics special issue. There are also a number of other possible risks and side effects so the work undertaken in a number of committees around the world (referred to in the previous section) is regarded as important and valuable for developing future technology. RC 100039 has 271 papers, with 100 percent of those as being robotics-related. Thus, they will treat humans, using their sophisticated technologies, repairing damaged tissues and perhaps even overcoming death. The recent history of robotics is full of fascinating moments that accelerated the rapid technological advances in artificial intelligence, automation, engineering, energy storage, and machine learning. Further, the British Standards Institute has published the worlds first standard on ethical guidelines for the design of robots: BS8611, in April 2016 (BSI, 2016). Robots are manufactured artifacts. Complexity: A Guided Tour. European Parliament Calls for Robot Law, Rejects Robot Tax. Both sides could do well to learn from each other (Mller, 2016a,b). Benjamin Kuipers. With this update, research clusters were assigned new IDs, so the cluster IDs reported in this Snapshot will not match IDs in the current Map of Science user interface. Autonomous cars may be one such measure, by enabling the elderly to go out and about more independently, they would support an active social life. That is, e.g., applying robots in military activities have ethical concerns. Such systems should have mechanisms that automatically limit behavior, and also inform operators about the conditions deemed to require human review. Thinking of humanoid robots taking care of us when we get old would probably frighten many. Companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google and . The biological function of consciousness. The conclusion is that the economic and human cost was because the automated decision systems were programmed separately. Robots and Robotic Devices. He saw a need for development guidelines for robots contributing to making progress in the human society and help preventing abuse against humanity. So without further ado, let's see the different Topics for Research and Thesis in Artificial Intelligence! Software and hardware should be used to encrypt and password protect sensitive data that the robot needs to save. Our first series of Snapshots introduced CSETs Map of Science and explored the underlying data and analytic utility of this new tool, which enables users to interact with the Map directly. Philip Koopman, Benjamin Kuipers, William H. Widen & Marilyn Wolf. This applies both to the development of individual agents and the interaction between several agents. Coal-fired power plants cannot tolerate running at full production long and explodes after some time and creates massive power outage with the consequences it has for life and health. . They are mostly preprogrammed by a human instructor and consist of a robot arm with a number of degrees of freedom (Nof, 1999). Share your own research papers with us to be added to this list. The uncanny advantage of using androids in social and cognitive science research. Authors and movie makers have, since the early invention of technology, been actively predicting how the future would look with the appearance of more advanced technology. In the book, it is further argued that the advantages of the new technology are, at the same time, so large that both politicians and the market would welcome them. 7 March 2006 . Considering the above claim, it is logical to suppose that robots, much like humans, will be in need of an ethical code that will guide their actions. Personal data and individual access control. Normally, we expect that automating tasks will result in shorter working hours. Fewer jobs and working hours for employees could tend to benefit a small elite and not all members of our society. Towards an ethical robot: internal models, consequences and ethical action selection, in Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems, eds M. Mistry, A. Leonardis, M. Witkowski, and C. Melhuish (Springer), 8596. Artificial intelligence: software that makes technology able to adapt through learning with the target of making systems able to sense, reason, and act in the best possible way (Trresen, 2013). This study paper presents a novel dataset captured from a VW station wagon for use in mobile robotics and autonomous driving research. One proposal to meet this challenge is that of a universal basic income (Ford, 2015). How similar to the biological specimen can a robot become? This paper shows the significant blend of Artificial Intelligence and robotics which transform entire industries, technological improvement of robotics application & utilization. (eds) (2016). presented in the report is a brief description of the disease, a historical perspective of the use of assistive robots and the general description of the research together with the challenges faced during execution of the research and a conclusion which carries recommendations for further research in the same topic. Arch. Abstract. The big question here is to what degree robots can be considered as independent moral agents. (2017). Mller, V. C. 7 March 2006 . There must be a password or other keys to avoid inappropriate and illegal use of a robot. offers a great selection of professional essay writing services. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our editorial team consists of a group of young, dedicated experts in robotics research, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The theme for each of the sections is as follows: 2. When, and if, robots are deemed capable of acting as independent moral agents, the burden of conformity to social, ethical norms should sooner or later be shifted to them. Intell. AI Programs Usually, we use to operate them in computer-simulated worlds. The number of AI and robotics papers published in the 82 high-quality science journals in the Nature Index (Count) has been rising year-on-year so rapidly that it resembles an exponential . Sci Fiction Stud XXXII, 517. Part 1: Available at:, Part2: Available at:, Prodhan, G. (2017). Mitchell, M. (2009). Papers Benjamin Kuipers. Veruggio, G. (2005). Comparing the United States and Chinas Leading Roles in the Landscape of Science,, The robotics RC with the highest percentage of robotics-related publications, The robotics RC with the lowest percentage of robotics-related publications, A robotics RC in non-computer science STEM field. The case for an ethical black box, in Towards Autonomous Robot Systems, ed. 45 Days to first decision on average 10+ Years interdisciplinary peer review experience 60,000+ Citations of PLOS ONE soft robotics papers 2+ Million Monthly site visitors 180 They should not be designed in a deceptive way to exploit vulnerable users; instead their machine nature should be transparent. Ethics, Safety, and Autonomous Vehicles. Number of Robotics RCs by Broad Research Area. (ed.) One significant challenge is that of automating moral decisions, such as the possible conflict between protecting a cars passengers relative to surrounding pedestrians (Bonnefon et al., 2016). This RC grew 120 percent last year, but extreme growth is not forecasted for the near future. The 24 chapters in this book provides a deep overview of robotics and the application of AI and IoT in robotics. Although today many people tend to view them as lifeless, thoughtless beings, the day will come when robots are recognized as equal to man regarding mentality and emotional development. BS 8611 (BSI Standards Publications), 2016. Take a look at these awesome AI research topics for high school and pick the one you like: The risks of narrow artificial intelligence The risks of general AI Define and discuss the concept of superintelligence Limitation of current artificial intelligence Best machine learning algorithms Programming robots in 2022 Future progress in artificial intelligence: a survey of expert opinion, in Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence, ed. A coarse categorization could be the following: Industrial robots: these have existed for many years and have made a huge impact within manufacturing. The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles. Reuters. (2015). Developers of intelligent and adaptive systems must, in addition to being concerned with ethical issues in how they design systems, try to give the systems themselves the ability to make ethical decisions (Dennis et al., 2015). (ed.) Rather, those of us who are younger, including current developers of elderly care robots, are more likely to be confronted with these robots when we get old in the future. Friedman, B., Kahn, P. H. Jr., Borning, A., and Kahn, P. H. (2006). IEEE Standards Association. INNS Mag. The movies setting is a futuristic urban dystopian society with machines. Although we must assume that anyone who develops robots and AI for them has good intentions, it is important that the developers also have possible abuse in mind. The latter is already today a challenge with the blurred distinction between expert knowledge and alternative sources on the web. Mller, V. C., and Bostrom, N. (2016). The responsibility of programmers who stand behind the robot design has to be increased as compared to the representatives of other professions to alert them to the importance of doing their work right. Availble at:, Folsom-Kovarik, J. T., Schatz, S., Jones, R. M., Bartlett, K., and Wray, R. E. (2016). A robot assisting an elderly person at home needs clear guidelines for what is acceptable behavior for monitoring and interaction with the user. As the complexity of our problems increases, it will become more and more difficult to automatically create a system to handle it. A Distributed Multi-Sensor Machine Learning Approach to Earthquake Early Warning, by Kvin Fauvel, Daniel Balouek-Thomert, Diego Melgar, Pedro Silva, Anthony Simonet, Gabriel Antoniu, Alexandru Costan, Vronique Masson, Manish Parashar, Ivan Rodero, and Alexandre Termier Original Abstract The scenarios are diverse, capturing real-world traffic situations, and range from freeways over rural areas to inner-city scenes with many static and dynamic objects. Computer Vision Foundation The bank uses an AI-based system for credit evaluation based on a number of criteria. New York: Basic Books. What is the future of surgical robots? Both design and usability will be essential for many of us when we are going to choose what types of robot helpers we want in our own home in the future. (2011). As with aircraft, robots should have a black box to record and document their own behavior (Winfield and Jirotka, 2017). Method: design fictions Lin, P., Abney, K., and Bekey, G. A. There is also a hypothesis called the uncanny valley (MacDorman and Ishiguro, 2006). Service robots: a robot which operates semi- or fully autonomously to perform useful tasks for humans or equipment but excluding industrial automation applications (IFR, 2017). All Rights Reserved. Nat. That is, undertaking a systematic assessment of the ethical issues surrounding robot development. Syst. This suggests that our method of classifying robotics-related RCs is largely capturing RCs conducting significant robotics research rather than robotics being a mere accessory element of another field of research. Psychol. Abstract: It is argued that the artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics communities, although addressing similar problems, typically focus on very different aspects of those problems. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Available at: The studies of ethical and social implications of robotics continue and books and articles disseminate recent findings (Lin et al., 2012). The IR1.0, the IR of the 18 th century, impelled a huge social change without directly complicating human relationships. IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. The paper describes the use of a wide-ranging narrative literature review to develop eight such design fictions that capture the range of potential use of AI and robots in learning, administration and research. 5. One example is that the understanding of the ears behavior has contributed to the development of cochlear implants that give the deaf the sense of sounds and the ability to almost hear normally (Torresen et al., 2016). Still, robots would, through their learning and adaptation capabilities, potentially be very good at mimicking human consciousness (Manzotti 2013; Reggia, 2013). Intell. Meshworm With Segment-Bending Anchoring for Colonoscopy. Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation, Key Elements Towards Automation and Robotics in Industrialised Building System (IBS), Knowledge Building, Innovation Networks, and Robotics in Math Education, The potential of a robotics summer course On Engineering Education, Robotics as an Educational Tool: Impact of Lego Mindstorms, Effective Planning Strategy in Robotics Education: An Embodied Approach, An innovative approach to School-Work turnover programme with Educational Robotics, The importance of educational robotics as a precursor of Computational Thinking in early childhood education, Pedagogical Robotics A way to Experiment and Innovate in Educational Teaching in Morocco, Learning by Making and Early School Leaving: an Experience with Educational Robotics, Robotics and Coding: Fostering Student Engagement, Computational Thinking with Educational Robotics, Educational robotics as an instrument of formation: a public elementary school case study, Developmental Situation and Strategy for Engineering Robot Education in China University, YAGI-An Easy and Light-Weighted Action-Programming Language for Education and Research in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Simultaneous Tracking and Reconstruction (STAR) of Objects and its Application in Educational Robotics Laboratories, The importance and purpose of simulation in robotics, An Educational Tool to Support Introductory Robotics Courses, Lollybot: Where Candy, Gaming, and Educational Robotics Collide, Assessing the Impact of an Autonomous Robotics Competition for STEM Education, Educational robotics for promoting 21st century skills, New Era for Educational Robotics: Replacing Teachers with a Robotic System to Teach Alphabet Writing, Robotics as a Learning Tool for Educational Transformation, The Herd of Educational Robotic Devices (HERD): Promoting Cooperation in RoboticsEducation, Robotics in physics education: fostering graphing abilities in kinematics, Enabling Rapid Prototyping in K-12 Engineering Education with BotSpeak, a UniversalRobotics Programming Language, Innovating in robotics education with Gazebo simulator and JdeRobot framework, How to Support Students Computational Thinking Skills in Educational Robotics Activities, Educational Robotics At Lower Secondary School, Evaluating the impact of robotics in education on pupils skills and attitudes, Imagining, Playing, and Coding with KIBO: Using Robotics to Foster Computational Thinking in Young Children, How Does a First LEGO League Robotics Program Provide Opportunities for Teaching Children 21st Century Skills, A Software-Based Robotic Vision Simulator For Use In Teaching Introductory Robotics Courses, A project-based strategy for teaching robotics using NIs embedded-FPGA platform, Teaching a Core CS Concept through Robotics, Ms. Think of, Internet and access to it gradually became faster and also! 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