list of renaissance humanists

[8] Although he was 72 years old and suffered gout to the extent that he was carried on a litter, he nominally commanded his thirteenth military campaign. [6], With ambitious temporal agendas ranging from military campaigns to the arts, Renaissance popes widened the scope of their sources of revenue. Campaigns in the Near East The Index, it said, retains its moral force "inasmuch as" (quatenus) it teaches the conscience of Christians to beware, as required by the natural law itself, of writings that can endanger faith and morals, but it (the Index of Forbidden Books) no longer has the force of ecclesiastical law with the associated censures.[47]. [42] Connected to this, he believed in a close identification between the racial group the volk or folk and the natural world. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that is usually regarded as beginning in Italy in the late 14th century. What is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism? education, discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization (e.g., rural development projects and education through parent-child relationships). See more. Humanists included arithmetic and geometry in the liberal arts curriculum, artists furthered the geometrization of space in their work on perspective, and Leonardo da Vinci perceived, however faintly, that the world was ruled by number. The interest in algebra in the Renaissance Ren Descartes was placed on the Index in the 1660s and the French government prohibited the teaching of Cartesianism in schools in the 1670s. Luther insisted throughout his life, however, that the primary object of his critique was not the life but the doctrine of the churchnot the corruption of the ecclesiastical structure but the distortion of the gospel. The period is known for the initial development of the broader Renaissance culture that spread across Europe and marked the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.Proponents of a "long Renaissance" argue that it started around the Ultimately, the pope was the one who had to approve of works being added or removed from the Index. McLuhan, Marshall (1962), The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1st ed. Latinisation (or Latinization) of names, also known as onomastic Latinisation, is the practice of rendering a non-Latin name in a Latin style. Although Adrian VI said mass every day for the year he was pope, there is no evidence that his two predecessorsJulius II and Leo Xever celebrated mass at all. [1] Voices critical of the worldliness of the papacysuch as Savonarola in Florencewere excommunicated. There were many important divisions over the direction of the religion, but these were resolved through the then-settled procedures of the papal conclave. [67] In List's opinion, this new empire would be highly hierarchical, with non-Aryans being subjugated under the Aryan population and opportunities for education and jobs in public service being restricted to those deemed racially pure. These authors are instanced by Schmitt 1991. [81], A bibliography of List's published books is provided in Goodrick-Clarke's study The Occult Roots of Nazism. A brief treatment of the Middle Ages follows. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that is usually regarded as beginning in Italy in the late 14th century. The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, the A ghost story is any piece of fiction, or drama, that includes a ghost, or simply takes as a premise the possibility of ghosts or characters' belief in them. Titled "Ario-Germanic research reports", they covered List's opinions on the meaning and magical power of runes, the ancient Wotanic priesthood, Austrian folklore and place-names, and the secret messages within heraldic devices. [8] From 1877 to 1887 he wrote for the nationalist magazines Neue Welt ("New World"), Heimat ("Homeland"), Deutsche Zeitung ("German Newspaper"), and the Neue Deutsche Alpenzeitung ("New German Alpine Newspaper"), with his articles being devoted to the Austrian countryside and the folk customs of its inhabitants. [27], Paul F. Grendler (1975) discusses the religious and political climate in Venice from 1540 1605. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. The breakup of feudal structures, the strengthening of city-states in Italy, and the emergence of national monarchies in Spain, France, and England, as well as such cultural developments as the rise of secular education, culminated in the birth of a self-consciously new age with a new spirit, one that looked all the way back to Classical learning for its inspiration and that came to be known as the Renaissance. In addition to investigating what caused the Renaissance and who benefitted from the changes that occurred, John will tell you just how the Ninja Turtles got mixed up in all this.Chapters: Introduction: The Renaissance 00:00Themes in Renaissance Art 1:07Humanist Scholars of the Renaissance Era 1:48When was the Renaissance? [56] A staunch monarchist, he opposed all forms of democracy, feminism, and modern trends in the arts, such as those of the Vienna Secessionists. Despite, or because of, the rampant abuses of the hierarchy, there were efforts to reform the church. "[13][pageneeded], J. Martnez de Bujanda's Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 16001966 lists the authors and writings in the successive editions of the Index,[14] while Miguel Carvalho Abrantes's Why Did The Inquisition Ban Certain Books? In theory, these two groups complemented each other, attending to peoples spiritual and temporal needs, respectively. It is commonly found with historical proper names, including personal names and toponyms, and in the standard binomial nomenclature of the life sciences. In social studies, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order.A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used. [45] He believed that the Armanenschaft had societal control over the ancient German people, acting as teachers, priests, and judges. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (5 October 1848 17 May 1919), was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist.He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed [29] List's Armanism would later be classified as a form of "Ariosophy", a term which was coined by Lanz von Liebenfels in 1915. Throughout European history, however, there has never been a complete breach with medieval institutions or modes of thought. In 1893, he co-founded the Literarische Donaugesellschaft literary society, and involved himself in Austria's Pan-German nationalist movement, a milieu which sought the integration of Austria into the German Empire. This decline persisted throughout the Migration period, a historical period sometimes called the Dark Ages, Late Antiquity, or the Early Middle Ages. In mathematics the Renaissance made its greatest contribution to the rise of modern science. Erasmus of Rotterdam. This 20th[36] edition contained 4,000 titles censored for various reasons: heresy, moral deficiency, sexual explicitness, and so on. "[10] Exemplary of the time and place, Pope Leo X is said to have famously remarked: "Since God has given us the Papacy, let us enjoy it. Which ruler of Egypt disappeared in 1021 and is revered by the Druze? Also known as Renaissance humanism, the The Gothic style developed in art and architecture. [7], In 1877, List's father died. From the election of Pope Martin V of the Council of Constance in 1417 to the Reformation in the 16th century, Western Christianity was largely free from schism as well as significant disputed papal claimants. Towns began to flourish, travel and communication became faster, safer, and easier, and merchant classes began to develop. There were attempts to ban heretical books before the sixteenth century, notably in the ninth-century Decretum Glasianum; [8], In 1888, he published his first novel, Carnuntum, in two volumes. His painterly skills are often attributed [by whom?] Guido Karl Anton List was born on 5 October 1848 in Vienna, then part of the Austrian Empire. "[10] For example, in 1517, Pope Leo X made his cardinal-nephew Giulio de Medici vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church (second-in-command); and ultimately, following the former's death in 1521, in 1523 the latter became Pope Clement VII. The Renaissance briefly reinforced the position of Latin as a spoken language by its adoption by the Renaissance Humanists. Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. [34] Gardell considered the Austrian esotericist to have been "a legend in his lifetime",[61] with List's ideas being embraced by many vlkisch groups in Germany. Les bahis (1560) [15] In 1903 List published an article in Die Gnosis magazine, which reflected a clear influence from the ideas of the Theosophical Society. The German Renaissance, part of the Northern Renaissance, was a cultural and artistic movement that spread among German thinkers in the 15th and 16th centuries, which developed from the Italian Renaissance.Many areas of the arts and sciences were influenced, notably by the spread of Renaissance humanism to the various German states and principalities. [52][53][54][55] Other women include Anne Askew,[56] Olympia Fulvia Morata, Ursula of Munsterberg (14911534), Veronica Franco, and Paola Antonia Negri (15081555). Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Yet these negative reactions to Protestantism were not by any means the onlyperhaps not even the primaryform of participation by Roman Catholicism in the history of the Reformation. Italian Renaissance influences begin to show on Early Netherlandish painting around 1500, but in many ways the older style was remarkably persistent. The period lasted from the fall of Rome to about the year 1000, with a brief hiatus during the flowering of the Carolingian court established by Charlemagne. Accompanying these sociopolitical forces in the crisis of late medieval Roman Catholicism were spiritual and theological factors that also helped to bring about the Protestant Reformation. [76] These publications brought awareness of List to an English-speaking readership,[74] with his 1988 translation of List's The Secret of the Runes initiating a surge of interest in Ariosophy among the Heathen community of the United States. [citation needed], The Index was enforceable within the Papal States, but elsewhere only if adopted by the civil powers, as happened in several Italian states. Filippo Brunelleschi Humanists. [9] The novel established List as a recognised figure within Austria's Pan-German community, a movement of individuals unified in their belief that the majority German-speaking areas of the multi-linguistic and multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian state should cede and join with the newly established German Empire. A brief treatment of the Middle Ages follows. [30], In 1571, a special congregation was created, the Sacred Congregation of the Index, which had the specific task to investigate those writings that were denounced in Rome as being not exempt of errors, to update the list of Pope Pius IV regularly and also to make lists of required corrections in case a writing was not to be condemned absolutely but only in need of correction; it was then listed with a mitigating clause (e.g., donec corrigatur (forbidden until corrected) or donec expurgetur (forbidden until purged)). In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. During the Renaissance, architects trained as humanists helped raise the status of their profession from skilled laborer to artist. In the Holy Roman Empire book censorship, which preceded publication of the Index, came under control of the Jesuits at the end of the 16th century, but had little effect, since the German princes within the empire set up their own systems. [16] He subsequently produced a manuscript detailing what he deemed to be a proto-language of the Aryan race, in which he claimed that occult insight had enabled him to interpret the letters and sounds of both runes and emblems and glyphs found on ancient inscriptions. [3] According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. Often led by members of the clergy, they were shocked by the accelerated dismantling of the vestiges of the classical world and the rapid loss of its literature. When, after repeated warnings, Luther refused such obedience, he was excommunicated by Pope Leo X in 1521. In a sense, the humanists invented the Middle Ages in order to distinguish themselves from it. Norman Rockwell Museum - Illustration History - The Middle Ages, Khan Academy - Introduction to the Middle Ages, Middle Ages - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Middle Ages - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). In the same time frame, in 1557 the English Crown aimed to stem the flow of dissent by chartering the Stationers' Company. [41], The Index was not simply a reactive work. [15][pageneeded]. It was also the period during which the Roman Catholic Church, as an entity distinct from other branches of Christendom, even of Western Christendom, came into being. [27] He was cremated in Leipzig and his ashes laid in an urn and then buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery, Zentralfriedhof. 570 ca. The refinement of moveable type and the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg circa 1440 changed the nature of book publishing, and the mechanism by which information could be disseminated to the public. [46] In List's interpretation of history, the Christian missionaries persecuted the Armanenschaft, resulting in many fleeing northward into Scandinavia and Iceland. By the time the Reformation was over, a number of new Christian churches had emerged and the Roman Catholic Church had come to define its place in the new order. This tension would reach a breaking point in the late 11th and early 12th centuries during the clash between Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII over the question of lay investiture. The church, in turn, not only owned cities and armies but often attempted to regulate affairs of state. He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed Armanism. Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. [9] According to Duffy, "the inevitable outcome of all of this was a creation of a wealthy cardinalatial class, with strong dynastic connections. He claimed that on an 1862 visit to the catacombs with his father, he knelt before a ruined altar and swore that when an adult he would construct a temple to the ancient god Wotan. Information overload (also known as infobesity, infoxication, information anxiety, and information explosion) is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue, and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information. This attempt came to a definitive end with the rise of artistic, commercial, and other activities anchored firmly in the secular world in the period just preceding the Renaissance. [9] Although an Ottoman victory, the battle stopped the Ottoman push for Vienna that year, since Suleiman died during the siege.[10]. The humanists were engaged in a revival of Classical learning and culture, and the notion of a thousand-year period of darkness and ignorance separating them from the ancient Greek and Roman world served to highlight the humanists own work and ideals. His arguably best-known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in 1931. Updates? On arrival at the Anhalter Station at Berlin, List felt too exhausted to continue the journey. Pythagoreanism can be defined in a number of ways. Pope Julius II and the League of Cambrai; Pope Clement VII and the War of the League of Cognac. Take this quiz. [12], In 1893, List and Fanny Wschiansky founded a belletristic society devoted to encouraging German nationalist and neo-romantic literature in Vienna, the Literarische Donaugesellschaft ("Danubian Literary Society"). Contemporaries viewed Renaissance Rome as we now view Nixon's Washington, a city of expense-account whores and political graft, where everything and everyone had a price, where nothing and nobody could be trusted. Humanist definition, a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (/ d z d r i s r z m s /; English: Erasmus of Rotterdam or Erasmus; 28 October 1466 12 July 1536) was a Dutch philosopher and Catholic theologian who is considered one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance. [14] He also authored a pamphlet titled Der Wiederaufbau von Carnuntum ("The Reconstruction of Carnuntum") in 1900, in which he called for the reconstruction of the ancient Roman amphitheatre at Carnuntum as an open-air stage through which Wotanism could be promoted. Middle Ages, the period in European history from the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th century ce to the period of the Renaissance (variously interpreted as beginning in the 13th, 14th, or 15th century, depending on the region of Europe and other factors). The Protestant Reformation generated large quantities of polemical new writing by and within both the Catholic and Protestant camps, and religious subject-matter was typically the area most subject to control. The most notable reformers were the Christian humanists, including Erasmus and Thomas More, who advocated an evangelical piety and rejected many of the medieval superstitions that had crept into church teaching. By mid-century, in the tense atmosphere of wars of religion in Germany and France, both Protestant and Catholic authorities reasoned that only control of the press, including a catalog of prohibited works, coordinated by ecclesiastic and governmental authorities could prevent the spread of heresy. Those Protestants who went on to repudiate orthodox Trinitarianism as part of their Reformation claimed to be carrying out, more consistently than Luther or Calvin or the Anabaptists had done, the full implications of the rejection of Roman Catholicism, which they all had in common. In his books and lectures List invited true Germans to behold the clearly discernible remains of a wonderful theocratic Ario-German state, wisely governed by priest-kings and gnostic initiates, in the archaeology, folklore, and landscape of his homeland. "[8] Several of the Renaissance popes took mistresses, fathered children, engaged in intrigue, and even murder. [19], The reforms of the Council of Constance were unambitious and unenforced. [29] In 1559, a new index was finally published, banning the entire works of some 550 authors in addition to the individual proscribed titles:[29][note 1] "The Pauline Index felt that the religious convictions of an author contaminated all his writing. The Italian Renaissance (Italian: Rinascimento [rinaimento]) was a period in Italian history covering the 15th and 16th centuries. In between the meetings was when the works to be discussed were thoroughly examined, and each work was scrutinized by two people. The Renaissance Papacy was a period of papal history between the Western Schism and the Reformation.From the election of Pope Martin V of the Council of Constance in 1417 to the Reformation in the 16th century, Western Christianity was largely free from schism as well as significant disputed papal claimants.There were many important divisions over the direction of [13] Wittek had previously appeared in a performance of List's Der Wala Erweckung and had publicly recited some of his poetry. [5][6][pageneeded][7], The Index condemned religious and secular texts alike, grading works by the degree to which they were seen to be repugnant to the church. (2) Pythagoreanism Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (5 October 1848 17 May 1919), was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist. Information overload (also known as infobesity, infoxication, information anxiety, and information explosion) is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue, and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information. In "[16] The patronage of arts and architecture was both a matter of papal policy to increase the prestige of the institution as a wholeand the personal preferences of individual popes. [71], Both Goodrick-Clarke and later the religious studies scholar Stefanie von Schnurbein described List as "the pioneer of vlkisch rune occultism",[42] with the latter adding that "the roots of modern esoteric runology are found in Guido List's visions. [24] Further individuals notably Rudolf John Gorsleben, Werner von Blow, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, Herbert Reichstein, and Frodi Ingolfson Werhmann took List's Ariosophical ideas alongside those of Liebenfels and built upon them further, resulting in a flourishing Ariosophical movement in the late 1920s and 1930s, with some of these individuals being within the coterie of prominent Nazi Heinrich Himmler and influencing the symbolism and rituals of the SS. [7], The popes of this period ruled as absolute monarchs, but unlike their European peers, they were not hereditary rulers, so a plurality of them promoted their family interests through nepotism. As in most of the rest of northern Europe, England saw little of these developments until more than a century later. Renaissance music is traditionally understood to cover European music of the 15th and 16th centuries, later than the Renaissance era as it is understood in other disciplines. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [8] Pope Leo X is well known for his patronage of Raphael, whose paintings played a large role in the redecoration of the Vatican. Guido Karl Anton List, better known as Guido von List (5 October 1848 17 May 1919), was an Austrian occultist, journalist, playwright, and novelist.He expounded a modern Pagan new religious movement known as Wotanism, which he claimed was the revival of the religion of the ancient German race, and which included an inner set of Ariosophical teachings that he termed [11], According to Eamon Duffy, "the Renaissance papacy invokes images of a Hollywood spectacular, all decadence and drag. [36] 2005. Because the popes had been in Avignon or divided by schism since 1309, Rome remained architecturally underdeveloped from both a utilitarian and artistic perspective. "[24] Rudgley claimed that List's vision of a future German Empire constituted "a blueprint for the Nazi regime". Filippo Brunelleschi Humanists. During the meetings, they reviewed various works and documented those discussions. The imperial campaigns (Ottoman Turkish: , romanized:sefer-i humyn)[Note 1] were a series of campaigns led by Suleiman, who was the tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. [57] During this period of rest and recuperation, he contemplated questions surrounding the origins of the German language and the use of runes. [49] He also claimed that the Medieval Knights Templar had been keepers of these Armanist secrets, and that they had been persecuted by the Christian establishment as a result of this; he believed that the deity they were accused of worshiping, Baphomet, was actually a sigil of the Maltese Cross representing Armanist teachings. [24] In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. Books: A Living History. Similarly, the subjects taught in schools broadened from the basics of mathematics and language to include sciences [10], List began regularly writing for a weekly newspaper, the Ostdeutsche Rundschau ("East German Review"), which had been established in 1890 by the Austrian Pan-German parliamentary deputy Karl Wolf. The Anabaptists, as their name indicates, were accused by their opponents of rebaptizing those who had received the sacrament of baptism as infants (the Anabaptists advocated adult baptism and held that infant baptism was invalid); this was, at its foundation, a redefinition of the nature of the church, which they saw not as the institution allied with the state and embracing both the good and the wicked but as the community of true believers who had accepted the cost of Christian discipleship by a free personal decision. In 1420, the papacy returned to Rome under Pope Martin V. Generally speaking, the Renaissance popes who followed him prioritized the temporal interests of the Papal States in Italian politics. From 1877 he began a career as a journalist, primarily authoring articles on the Austrian countryside for nationalist newspapers and magazines. Updated with a new foreword by Tom Hanks: acclaimed historian William Manchester A World Lit Only by Fire is a "captivating and marvelously vivid" popular history of the Middle Ages (Publishers Weekly). [11] A work of the Italian Catholic priest and philosopher Antonio Rosmini-Serbati was on the Index, but he was beatified in 2007. Alongside tragedy, European humanists also adapted the ancient comedic tradition and as early as the 15th century, Renaissance Italy had developed a form of humanist Latin comedy. .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}Campaigns in continental Europe [63] Toward the war's end, he believed that the German war dead would be reincarnated as a generation who would push through with a national revolution and establish this new, better society. After the dissolution of the Roman Empire, the idea arose of Europe as one large church-state, called Christendom.

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