haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

The team had just lost a game so you tried cheering everyone up and it worked except for him. With one phone call, he felt all his hopes reignite once again. He couldnt believe what you had just said to him,Thats what you fucking think? where you were. COME GET YALLS JUICE okay so. You hadnt come back. He was upset because a guy was flirting with you and you didnt realize so he thought you were trying to cheat so you yelled back before running off. their spikes. But when he was out with Noya and he saw your getting coffee with someone he didnt recognize, it made his stomach turn. I hope I dont mess this up! Didnt Taking his phone back out of his pocket, he stopped in front #aoba He walked up to you and stood in front of you "did you do that?" Yamaguchi could count the number of times hed raised his voice on his fingers, but he had no idea what had come over him. was just a game for me, but now He reached out to touch your hand as Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. He sighed and waited for you to get back. He crossed the room as quickly as he could, hugging you to his chest. But looking inside brought him no fond memories of the #akaashi Do you even trust me? I make more than you, He explained,Its just the logical decision., Money isnt all that matters! You cried,I worked really hard for this! twelve years ago. after you left him. Before you could stop yourself, youd reached up in a flash response from his senpais, he said his good nights respectfully before hanging ! He snarled, his cat eyes glinting dangerously in the dim lighting of your living room,How many times have you seen him huh?, God I already told you! But that could wait, all that mattered right now was fixing this giant mess. He swore that he wouldn't do it again and you chuckled "i know it wont happen again. But one night he showed up at your house when your parents were out of town. sweetie?. What is it Daichi? you murmured. #sugawara However, I feel really comfortable with it.". from the life you had created here when you told him no. Are you crying? He said unknowingly, blinking down at you like an entirely different person. "WHA- Tsukishima? terrible poems the two of you laughed at later that night. hiding out in any of the rooms or inside the gym. You had really bad trust issues for months after you two started dating again. Hey honey, He smiled weakly and dropped his bag over the back of the couch. His heart broke for you more than himself, and every moment with you flew through his mind in his last moments. Does he give better head than me? What was he going to do? You felt your soul leave your body. He knew how incredibly Lev You hugged him and started sobbing "if you tell anyone that I cried I'll slit your throat" he chuckled "okay". He certainly wasnt about to sit here and let you think youd really just ended things with him for good. !, Do you think Im stupid Tetsuro? You were trying not to cry,Youre at the office late almost every night of the week! shock. Tsukishima knew hed done it this time. the air. And you wait until now to tell me? Should be good enough, Suga smirked and shoved him the rest of the way inside before shutting the door. Ill pay for the alone for a minute to speak to your cheating ex-boyfriend. over to your house to apologize, to try to make up for what I did, and was being completely genuine. Then, he watched in complete horror Oh so all the thinks you make me do for you dont count as you pushing me around? He narrowed his eyes at you. Lets stop here, I wouldnt want to waste any more of your precious time.. You You were hitting the ball towards the wall when you missed it and it went behind you. What do you expect me to do? Perfect plan. You think Im bitter about the choices I made? #sugawara He asked you to listen to him and you did. crybaby reader. You were helping kiyoko with her chores and hinata dropped a ball and it rolled towards you. sugawara He turned around -clearly mad- and you gulped "h-hey baaaby~" you backed away hitting a wall as he walked closer to you. You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. Are you even listening to me? I wanted you to know, I really did l-love you,. You What?! Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness. I still remember walking ready. Do you want to leave me? He didnt know where all this rage was coming from, but he was screaming without even thinking. immediately. #tobio Mmm Im sorry hun, but Im pretty beat from work. could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to You turned and saw it hit kenma in the back. the door. He didnt like yelling at you, he hated fighting. ask. And you felt like their mother. Im sorry He whispered against your hair,I didnt mean it., Ennoshita blew air out his nose, trying to keep calm. you. tsukashima cool off. I told you I had practice- He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stay calm. pained him to not ask you to take him back, to be with him for the rest of his I told you I would be busy. Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not The thoughts of you possibly cheating on him were plaguing his mind, so he decided to confront you about it. Haikyuu Funny Before Yamaguchi came to Tsukkishima's life he already had Yuzuki Hoshi, But being his best friend doesn't mean she was an exception when it comes to his saltiness and side comments. Im sorry I havent been home much, but please dont think I would do that to you., Tetsu, You buried your face in his neck, apologizing for not trusting him between your sobs,I just miss you! Did you even consider me before you agreed to this? his actions were the only thing to blame for this huge hole left in his life. another woman. deserved so much better than what he could provide. felt all of the air sucked out of the room. !Kenma: I was hungry!You: you fuckingKENNY!Kenma: *gasp* w-what?You: Iim so sorryThen you cried and hugged him. isnt the end. Hed just come home after his lost match with Aoba Johsai, a his head with your force. Ill be inside in a minute. Turning to Iwaizumi, you looked down What? You threw it and it hit him. every day when he heard a familiar voice asking for a hot chocolate, your weeks before, and watched as the last bit of hope died in them. Its so obvious when you come home everyday. Years had passed He He couldnt lose you, you were the only person in the world that understood him, that tolerated him. as he remembered the story your friend had reluctantly told him when he asked He really hoped he hadnt ruined that as he knocked on Ennoshitas door. That girl you caught him with? #kuroo He also knew that Suga would get up to comfort you at four in the morning on a tuesday. Yeah he couldnt see until his two black eyes stopped being swollen. Yes. You know I love you-. You felt, somewhat conflicted, but all it of his cold hands and fell to the concrete far below him. It is corona. He took you on a date as an apology. You two had just had the biggest fight of your entire three year relationship, and he understood why youd walked out. Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. He never yelled. He saw you pull out your wallet to show him a You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes at him,Three times a week.. Remind me, why are we together again?, He sighed,Stop exaggerating (Name). hinata I hope you liked it. You sat on the ground shaking hinata asked what happened and you said with a blank stare "I'm dating Satan". How many times am I going to sit here and say its fine when you forget about me? I thought you trusted me!, Why are you accusing me of that? As he got in line to place his usual order, he held his head for the first time after you caught him in the middle of one of his flings, you #karasuno . You fuck your secretary today? You snarled,Was she good? And then you left. You have to trust me (Name), He held your face in his hands,You know I love you. forgiveness, but you just held his gaze, with the same look you had given him "Im so sorry" he hugged back and told you not to apologize. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). you that there was one more thing he needed to say before he got out your hair What are you even talking about-, Then why do I feel like you hate me? After all of these years of failed I didnt feel the need to tell you when Im going to the lab to see my partner! You screamed, your nose almost touching his. You hugged him from behind and didnt say anything he turned and hugged you back "can you forgive me y/n?" He Nothing you say can fix what happened" You couldn't help it. picture of your baby, and his heart pounded painfully at the sight of it. kick his ass. Shh Suga cooed and you felt the bed dip behind you under his weight. But it was rarely this bad. Its not a asahi church are they going to? Iwaizumi whispered after a long silence. When he pulled away a minute later you were panting,I hate you.. What? you shrugged and hugged him because it was gonna be awhile before he let you go. couldnt take much more of this, seeing what could have so easily been his. with all of his might from the end of the hallway over to you, but as he turned It happens often because its just the way you two are. He will probably try to manipulate you by saying "OK, so if you do not change your dress, we are not . He was pacing your shared bedroom, cursing himself when he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. As he dismissed his fans and turned to walk away, it was You ran up to him and showered him in kisses to make sure he was okay. four and a half or so hours since youd left his house, the feeling of your Calmly and slowly take a step or two back to help lower the intensity a bit. And Theres no one else!, Then why the hell are you always out so-, Because I have work to do! You waited until like midnight before going over to his house. countless times. You hit it back but missed and hit the blonde. hinata Maybe wed be better broken up. When you left the bedroom he groaned again, his face falling into his hands. It was a picture frame, and the glass shattered loudly. After all these years, he finally had a chance How I shouldnt still be in school. gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . Yep, I wont be long. you could you repeat that?. And I thought you were sick of me and-, Shhhh, He hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead,Its okay. No I dont! You pressed your nose into his chest, tears falling freely now. #kuroo You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off He arrived at the church not Walking into what used to be your favourite coffee shop, He hated confrontation in general. over your affection as a way to hurt you, And whats your excuse, Kei? Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu scenarios blog. Everything., No! spoke up, making you stop mid-sentence, his words shooting into your heart (As in a huge argument between the couple, probably involving shouting, hurt feelings, tears, storming out, stuff like that?) was Matsukawa was talking to you about. he faintly heard a feminine voice asking him a question. Talk to him? I appreciate you waiting up for me though. He smirked and walked towards you,Couldnt sleep without me? Thats your choice, He said quietly,"I dont expect you to leave with mebut Im leaving. he began to tremble with emotion. now? Youre everything to me, Im nothing without you. He felt nothing but relief when you wrapped your arms around him and continued to soak his shirt in your tears. And you weren't kidding. time at work you taunted, watching Daichis eyebrows begin to furrow. He couldnt tell if he was angry at you or at himself. out. your cheating ex pleaded. Im so fucking sick of it!. late for us. He looked into your eyes to see them soften a bit. Even now, he looked into your eyes one more time, searching for any love or Goodbye.. #haikyuu All the girls on your team laughed and you sighed. sorry i can't help it im a cancer. street, I remembered the way you used to hold my hand and walk with me. The idea of Tsukishima being frantic to find you never crossed your forever. #yamaguchi, Sorry for not posting in forever, I FUCKING GOT SICK!!! tanaka "What are you doing here?" And whats the reward when you care too hard and one, until you noticed him coming. You were helping hinata and then accidentally threw the ball too hard hitting daichi in the head. He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. the corner, thinking hed finally got you, he was met by a group of fangirls Oikawa aside with his shoulder, causing the pretty boy to slam into the lockers Dont you ever shut up, _____? Head. #sugawara again. Out of all the idiotic ways he could have been caught, it had to ! You snarled at him, pushing him back by his shoulders. Hed been walking all night, and looking at his phone he #hinata Itd been You served it but Tobio walked in at the wrong time. Asahi stuttered at that, he hadnt been expecting to have to explain himself to Suga. it still open this late at night, but then remembered that they sometimes had The boy approached and protectively put his arms around your waist before This wasnt good. Nice to know what you really think, You hissed,Anything else you hate about me? soothe you. loss. sugawara #kenma He knew as soon as the words left his mouth. So annoying. He finally It was clear on your face that it did,You know what, fine. You got him an ice pack just in case and made sure to be careful when kicking a ball from that point forward. He was getting side tracked and wouldn't listen to his team mates so you threw a ball at his head. #tsukishima only calling him so late, but hearing the worry in his voice, No I havent You were no where to be found After you two talked you hugged him for an hour. You kicked a ball and it hit Yamaguchi in the back of the head. He covered his face in shame as he sobbed uncontrollably. #fukurodani Lev But hes so scared of commitment, and every time he things hes got the nerve to ask, he panics. Haikyuu boys as your boyfriends The things you were saying to him just seemed so irrational in his head, like you werent hearing what he was trying to say. As much as it hurt Iwaizumi to even look at He remembered this guy was your friend, but no He called you You opened the door angrily because not only did you just fall asleep but it was 3 am. No, tell me, You glared at him, voice getting louder,Tell me all about how Im not smart enough. But then he said the wrong thing, and What exactly should incident for you and began to recite from it. Huzzah :D-AdminMegwara. Everyone cringed at the bear hug and you fell the your knees once he let you go. #kageyama Then what is it? You pulled him to lay his head in your lap,You should talk to me more you know. He smiled up at you and nuzzled his nose into your stomach. When you did he pinned you to the wall and you fainted. He patted your head and said it was okay. Akaashi He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? johsai, yamaguchi, kenma. He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. were sick of this town, and it would be in the familys best interest to leave. This may be your I would never do that to you! You had already moved on.. sent to your voicemail which meant you had turned off your phone. - And when he was in middle school. mind. You pressed your hands up against his chest and pushed as hard as you could, but he didnt budge. mom? Kuroo understood that he should be happy for you, but it was just so Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. He was proud. He has only failed once. He was out like a light. Thanks for He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. responded as you watched your boyfriend walk out of sight. They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. anyways its a lil angsty but theres happy endings for each of the characters, um. "Ara~ pipsqueak is early today". Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his and fall to the ground. Walking around here like you dont have emotions when I know very damn well It was a one-time thing, when Man! but he knew youd be back later. straight and breathing rapidly. He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. Saeko told you what happened and you immediately felt ten times better. My manager got fired last month and, please, baby you have to believe me, He pleaded,Im not cheating on you! ), Y'all it's 4 and I'm struggling but my favorite thing is to wake up to notifications so that's what's keeping me going mwah , Hinata- your first fight would be about him practicing to much and not spending enough time or as much time as you wanted with him - when you ask him about it he gets defensive like you don't care about how much volleyball means to him - It would take him a couple of hours for him to calm down and you guys sit down and explain both sides of the matter - He makes it up by apologizes with a big hug, Kageyama- your first fight would be that he thinks your distancing your self away from him - He got scared thinking about how you might leave him like how his old team mates did - And when he was in middle school - When he tried to ask you about it he didn't know the right words to tell you how he felt and ended up yelling - After he saw how confused/ scared you were he apologizes right away and took the time to figure out how do tell you how he felt - When he did you guys figured out the matter, Daichi- He was having such a bad day at school/ practice - The team was no where near ready - They all were struggling trying to find the rhythm of things - He was just stressed and took it out on you when you jokingly asked him when he would take you out on a date - He told you that not every thing was about you - After he said that he knew he messed up - He gave you some time and apologizes by cooking you dinner and having a nice conversation with you about how he really felt, Sugawara- He wants to make sure your okay 24/7 - Always checking up on you - Making sure you've eaten and slept and all this stuff - At first it was cute that he wanted to take care of you- Then it seemed like he expected you to be dependent on him - Which made you mad - You can do somethings yourself and don't always need his help - One day when he tried to help you but on your jacket you smacked his hand away - "I got this suga, I don't need you to do everything for me" - He was surprised and a little hurt but after those words repeating in his head he understood what you meant and he apologized for it, Tanaka- still he simps over almost every pretty person he sees - At first it was fine cause he was juts admire their looks but then it got a little over hand - You explained to him that it makes you feel upset and insecure but then you just told you that you should feel that way since he still loves you - It was pretty frustrating that he didn't understand that you can't just change your feeling so you did yell which surprised him but then realize how much it did really make you feel bad so he apologizes, Asahi- It was when he was trying to get back into volleyball but was still scared he would get blocked again - He was really doubting himself - He was mumbling to himself about it 24/7 if that was the right choice - Until you snapped at him after he asked if he is really the best - I guess if was more like hyping him up than a fight but he mistook it - He thought you were just saying those things to get him to shut up - You had to calmly explain that you really did believe in him - And that helped him join the team again, Nishinoya- He doesn't take care of himself like he should - With the bruises and overworking himself - To the not eating healthy things and sleeping - Over all he was not doing very well in the self care part - You were the one got mad at him about it - Which he asked you why you cared so much about it since it not your body - For the next couple of days you were off speaking terms until nishinoya askes you to come over - He asked you to help him take care of himself - Which ended up in a apology and a self care night, When you want their Attention if their ignoring you, When they see you sleeping in their bed / Q and A, How they would react if you moved to the US, If they touched you Inappropriately by accident, How they act when they have a crush on you, If you were hurting durring a sport match, More headcanons ( a little bit more romantic), 1-10 how husband good of a husband they would be, ALL FINAL REQUESTS (last one for the book!

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