why is nora afraid of krogstad seeing helmer

(3 marks), (b) Nora says, What do you want to see my husband about? From your knowledge of the play, why is Nora afraid of Krogstad seeing Helmer (4 marks), (c) Identify and explain any two instances of irony in this excerpt. Explain your answer. Dr. Rank is an example of immorality . Through the rejection Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane suffered from Lucetta and Farfrae, the father and daughter are communally bound in their care for the happiness of the two lovers but they also feel hurt and rejected by the marriage. Torvald shamed Nora, instead of helping her like she expected him to (Ibsen, Act 3). As stated by my colleagues at Psych Central, this is the most effective psychotherapeutic approach (Psych Central, 2013). All my patients are like that. I'm not afraid of you any longer. It is hard to think anyone else besides McDermott and Grace performed the sinful murders, especially considering that both of their motives were based on love. She is a cold blooded murderess who let feelings get in the way of morals, and she should be charged as so. Retrieved November 5, 2015. Latest answer posted April 06, 2021 at 7:40:40 PM. But he told me: Mr. (She bows indifferently to him and shuts the door into the hall; then comes back and makes up the fire in the stove.) It's something else - All right, out with it! Just because I am a woman, don't think it means that - when one has a subordinate position, Mr. Krogstad, one really ought to be careful about pushing somebody who-hm-. Rank :Ah! She became paranoid and anxious about what would happen if her husband found out about the loan. Nora leaves her family at the end of the play because she realizes that she does not know her own mind or have her own opinions and values. Through interviews with family and the patients personal confessions, it was found that her condition suggests a strong correlation with her relationship between her husband and father. As he says, "Even money-lenders, hacks, well, a man like me, can have a little of what you call feeling, you know." When he didnt, I felt the only right thing to do for myself was to leave (Ibsen, Act 3). Good. Download the entire A Doll's House study guide as a printable PDF! Then comes the antagonist character of the story, Krogstad. She has powers few could understand and well Eobard is very knowledgable about the Speed Force as he even created his own Speed Force. Treatment for the patient, Nora, will include short-term psychotherapeutic treatment, which will include a long process to help the patient come to terms with her condition. (4 marks) I agree that it is a well made play You'd expose me to the most horrible unpleasantness. helmer agrees with nora that it is too late and that he has made a mistake with krogstad, which creates conflict. But at the bottom I added some lines for your father to guarantee the loan. Latest answer posted August 29, 2020 at 2:43:24 PM. (4 marks), (e) Describe the mood in this excerpt. Siddall, S. (2008). How does the relationship between Mr. Krogstad and Mrs. Linde serve to emphasize certain characteristics of the Helmers' marriage in A Doll's House? interest and engage the audience. The audience first sees her when she returns from a seemingly . (a) What kind of narrative is this? Noras caustic reply is that, it is a thing hundreds of thousands of women have done (3. Nora borrowed money to take her husband on a trip to Italy for his health. (6 marks), (d) In about 65 words, summarise how the way Mandela is treated stands out from how other prisoners are treated. Nils Krogstad is one of the secondary characters in the play, but important nonetheless. Mrs. Helmer, obviously you haven't the vaguest idea of what you've involved yourself in. Dependent Personality Disorder | Center for Behavioral Health | Cleveland Clinic. The final symptom that Nora shows is Tendency to be nave and to live in fantasy (Cleveland Clinic, 2013). Your email address will not be published. Linde and Krogstad represent the healthy relationship that Nora comes to realize she lacks. My report began by interviewing Noras close family friend, and nurse, Anna. An English 103 Class. Christmas Spending. Mr. Krogstad, a former employee of Torvald is the leading antagonist in A Doll House. A scandal of that nature surely would signify the end of Nora's marriage, and the end of her as a woman, as society offered nothing else to her but the opportunity to be a wife and mother. (3 marks), (b) Why do you think the security at this prison was tight? In order to pay off the debt, she's been skimming from the allowance Torvald gives her and secretly working odd jobs. Nora and Torvald both conform to their society's norms throughout the play, until Nora's irresponsibility with money shatters the illusion of their lives. If necessary, I'll fight for my little job in the bank as though it were life itself . Your email address will not be published. I'm quite aware that your friend would hardly relish running into me again; and I'm also aware now whom I can thank for being turned out. fn that Village. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. But it was too much trouble to keep Mandelas birthday cards. Would you please make sure that I keep my subordinate position at the bank? Even more of a faux pas is to enter in negotiations with any man. If you'll pardon my asking: wasn't that lady a Mrs. Linde? Which tells us dishonesty leads to a punishment. Each card was removed from its envelope, read carefully and then neatly clipped back on to the outside of the envelope. When the Nanny said yes, this caused Nora to seem even less important to her family. Due to this, despite her husbands pleas, she ran away leaving Torvald and the children. Boldest still is the fact that she also expects that the man would keep their secret. Why is Nora afraid of Krogstad seeing Helmer? (2 mark), (e) Identify two instances of irony in the oral narrative? A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen. Compare and contrast Christine Linde and Nora Helmer in A Doll's House. Etc. Since Nora left her family, her exact location of residency remains unknown. As a result, Torvald is possessive of her and treats her like a "doll" instead of a human being. Ibsens point to made in this play is to show how a couple got trapped by society, pushed into a doll house for which they dont belong; he expressed his feelings on women rights, family and male dominance in this ear by writing this play, A Doll House. What does it symbolize? Ibsen developed a definitive plot in A Doll House, but the play is primarily a social critique that examines the role of women in society. Nora : Then it is - Krogstad : Nothing but dry business matters, Mrs. Helmer; absolutely nothing else. Nora is further pushed towards Eobard now that she feels like he did indeed change. As far as Nora and Krogstad goes, the problem lays in that the two had made a deal where the latter would have lent Nora money that she needed during a time when Helmer was ill and needed treatment. But there was no heart in that place. eNotes Editorial, 21 Oct. 2015, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/why-helmers-attitude-krogstad-frighten-nora-dolls-533977. Ibsen, H. (2008, December 8). Nora's predicament led to a major life change. Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful girl known as Karia in Kirumi village One day, Karia and her mother went to dig in their garden which was in a distant village. Gerald can represent dishonesty, this is because he lies all the way After examining her behaviors, I will come up with a treatment plan in order to help Nora get back on track to recovery. For their sakes I'll have to win back as much respect as possible here in town. But for heavens sake, Mr. Krogstad, it's simply not in my power to help you. A few years ago, Noras father passed away. In her last act of defiance against Torvald and the society she lives in, Nora lets Torvald know that she is independent and can dictate her own actions, then leaves. I had to start at 4 p.m. and wouldnt finish until 7 the next morning. (ii) Jane, as well as (you and I, you and me) has been shortlisted. Well, then; I've made my payments regularly, haven't I? Instead of the real news, all the prisoners would get to hear about was the boring, uncontroversial stuff such as the deaths of prominent people, government appointments or road traffic accidents, or examples of the governments military successfully taking out ANC strongholds. 3.Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow. At this point Nora started to feel as if she wasnt loved enough by her family and that they werent loving her the way she deserved to be. Your father died the twenty ninth of September. (iii) You should have more confidence in yourself. Helmer. This secret- my joy and pride - that he should learn of it in such a cruel and disgusting way - learn it from you. In Henrik Ibsen A Doll's House. Every breath the children take in that kind of house is reeking evil germs. She was very depressed when she realised that she had left it beside the str She asked her mother whether she could go back for it. She expressed her feelings to me saying Torvald shamed me when he found out that I took out a loan and illegally signed it, even though I fantasized about him trying to save me the way I saved him. And now we come to a curios thing, which I simply cannot comprehend. Well, then let me ask you short and sweet: Is Mrs. Linde getting a job in the bank? Also, as noted by the Bookrags study guide, Marys refusal to take her husbands fears and securities seriously and her positive attidude and faith that life will work out for the best are not looked upon favourably by the villagers. [The MAID appears in the 2 See answers vaduz Answer: This is something else. Nora danced and "lovey-dovey" to her husband to persuade him not to fire Krogstad. Penrith, CA: Humanities- Ebooks, LLP. Some prisoners who had been at the dumping site on the island had found charred scraps and given them to him. Karia caine hurriedly and took her luggage which her mother had already packed and they went home. And with that, the money was yours. We won't talk about that till later. Aside from all this, Krogstad has a history with Helmer. An Ibsen's drama with unpredictable outcome and various notions has already gained public admiration and approval. Hopefully, with this treatment plan, Nora will become more self-sufficient and a noticeable difference in her mental health will occur. He wanted to threaten Nora to make a deal with him about talking to Helmer about getting a higher position at the bank What does Krogstad reveal about the bond used to secure the loan? No, you wouldn't, would you, Torvald? {Shuts the door of the stove and moves the rocking-chair aside). Right before Nora is going to abandon her family, Torvald comments that, no man would sacrifice his honor for the one he loves. Nora came into my office last week, desperate for help after walking out on her family. (4 marks) (d) With examples, identify any two character traits of Dr. Rank brought out in this excerpt. A lawyer who works with Torvald in the bank, a person who Nora owes money to What did Krogstad come to the Helmer home to discuss? in the beginning; finally when he does tell the truth he ends up with Mrs. Linde :I used to many years ago. (3 marks). It's going to be up to you how merry a Christmas you have. (collide) of the two lorries could have been avoided if the drivers had been more careful. She sees that Torvald treats her horribly like how he treats Krogstad because both committed a similar crime, and she decides that if Torvald acts the same way to her as to a coworker for the sake of appearances, she is like a stranger to him. So I took up those various activities you know about. (ii) My neighbour plays very loud music late at night. Nora displays this symptom when she becomes sad and has feelings of loneliness after finding out her children might not need her after all. The door was ajar; it must be someone forgot to shut it-, Today? Nora : A lawyer, of the name of Krogstad. Anna also confessed to over hearing conversations between Nora and Torvald. 2022 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. create a validation rule that uses picklist values dreyse m1907 networkx get node labels Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Excuse me. But go on and try. (Begin: You need), (iii) Jane has been repairing your car. Because of Noras inability to stand up to her husband when he gives her condescending comments, this will be a major focus in her therapy. Doctor Rank, Mrs. Linde. Dr. Vivian Bearing from "Wit" and Narcissism, Viewing Slavery Through a Historical or Biographical Lens, "The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" by Elizabeth Kolbert, "Up From Slavery" by Booker T. Washington. Cleveland Clinic. helmer thinks that nora is afraid his reputation will suffer, heightening the suspense about her real secret. Earn Free Access Learn More > Upload Documents To make matters worse this man, Krogstad, is a subordinate of her own husband. What is it? Helmer thinks that Nora is afraid his reputation will suffer, heightening the suspense about her real secret. Doctor Rank:{comes out of HELMERs study. over. In what way does Ibsen explore poor decisions and their consequences in A Doll's House? Throughout the play, we see the relationship between Nora and Torvald going from childish, to desperation and finally ending with a sense of reality. Nora :With several children. Rank :Certainly. I beg your pardon; I am award I am disturbing you too. When your husband was sick, you came to me for a loan of four thousand 800 crowns. Torvald and Nora become victims of social pressures that define the perfect man and the perfect women not because of everything that went wrong in their relationship, but because Nora realizes she no longer wants to play doll with her husband, the controller. Mary Dempsters kindness and generosity of spirit are definitely viewed by them as major character flaws. In Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House Nora Helmer is a prime example of a woman's role in the 19th century, that being that she was more for show than anything else. There's nothing wrong with that. In A Doll's House, what is the purpose of the tarantella? After taking part in a lie of this magnitude, she remained secretive towards her family, including her husband, children, and nanny, while also putting up a facade for close friends, like Mrs. Linde, in order to make her life seem exceptionally good (Ibsen, Act 1). They were sorted according to the country they came from. "Why does Helmer's attitude toward Krogstad frighten Nora in A Doll's House?" (ii) The . They knew one another from a long time ago and were even quite intimate according to Helmer himself. But, once Krogstad, the man who controlled the loan she forged her fathers signature onto, confronted her about getting her husband to replace him in his job position with Mrs. Linde, he threatened to tell Torvald about the loan if Torvald fires him (Ibsen, Act 1). It is then revealed that she forged her father's signature in order to get the money . As expected, Krogstad will use the information that he has on Nora to apply pressure and make her demand her husband to keep him at his post. This website has curated content by giving you the best simplified study materials and revision papers for your exams, KCSE Past Papers 2021 English Paper 2 (101/2), KCSE Past Papers 2021 English Paper 1 (101/1), KCSE Past Papers 2021 English Paper 3 (101/3). Nora :Be so good as to go into the study then. I couldn't be bothered by that. Her need for constant attention along with other symptoms suggest Nora may have Dependent Personality Disorder, a mental disorder that is classified as long-standing need for the person to be taken care of and a fear of being abandoned or separated from important individuals in his or her life (Psych Central, 2014). Helmer-He forged someone's name. Articles of the treatment and symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder by written by my colleagues from Psych Central, and an article on Dependent Personality Disorder by the Cleveland Clinic., provided the basis for the diagnosis and treatment. I think I passed you on the stairs when I arrived, Mrs. Linde? He said I knew all along that Nora had forged her fathers signature on the loan. Both Krogstad and Nora were well aware that Torvald might disown her because of it. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Unduly depressed by a sense of her own superfluity she thought he probably scorned her(207). Mandela had had his 60th birthday the year before I came to the island. I promised to get you that sum, on certain conditions. What does that mean? What circumstances have forced Mrs. Linde to become self-reliant? (Introducing him.) Psych Central. Why does Nora help Torvald? Through psychotherapy alone, Noras mental health should show a great improvement in a short period of time. (4 marks), (f) Identify and illustrate three things we learn about the culture of the community from which this narrative is drawn, (3 marks), (g) Explain the message of this story? I was told that tens of thousands of birthday cards had arrived for him, mostly from abroad. Nora tells about her secret of incurring debt but she doesn't tell her from whom she borrowed money. And the children that's the most terrible part of it, Nora A fog of lies like that in a household, and it spreads disease and infection to every part of it. Explanation: In this interaction, we learn about Helmer's opinions of Krogstad. Isn't that curious, Mrs. Helmer? Brand, I already know about that. And I'm the one who spoke for her, Mr. Krogstad. some slight internal weakness? That would be shameful of you. Mrs. Linde :No, the fact is I have been overworking myself. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Enter, Oh! Krogstad reveals that he knows that she forged her husband's signature and becomes afraid. Today I absolutely can't. I have a Small post in the Bank, and I hear your husband is to be our chief now . But Mr. Krogstad, I have absolutely no influence to prevent it. (Begin: Your car ), (b) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the words in brackets. To aid her toward the direction of self-honesty, Krogstad and Christine decide that the truth of Noras actions must be revealed since they have just finished their talk about their feelings and pasts. She secretly borrows a large amount of. {She bows indifferently to him and shuts the door into the hall; then comes back and makes up the fire in the stove.). Copyright 2000-2022. how can you believe that I have such influence over my husband? This is why his attitude toward Krogstad scares Nora so much. Listen, Mrs. Helmer-You've either got a very bad memory, or else no head at all for business. that will make her feel guilty about the death of Eva Smith. (4 marks) (d) With examples, identify any two character traits of Dr. Rank brought out in this excerpt. Nora felt as though Torvald would have helped her, so when he refused to let her see the children, she felt a lack of love from her family, and admitted to feeling like she was just a doll and her husband had been controlling her their entire marriage (Ibsen, Act 3). (i) There is something suspicious about that deal. They believe she is too simple and silly to understand her husbands fears. This is problematic to Nora because the social decorum expected of women at the time that this play What literary devices are used in A Doll's House? Required fields are marked *. This man, Nils Krogstad, is the person from whom Nora has borrowed her money. A Doll's House. Later talking to Torvald, she follows his beliefs, believing herself to be harming her children whenever she is around them. Krogstad explained to me how he was the one who gave Nora the loan. Why does Kristine encourage Krogstad to let Torvald read the letter revealing Noras deception in A Doll's House? Yes yes yes, to the point: there's still time, and I'm advising you to use your influence to prevent it. But since you ask, you might as well know-yes, Mrs. Linde's going to be taken on at the bank. The following report is to discuss the progression of Nora Helmers mental health as it develops through confrontation of her lies, thinking her family does not need her, and the decision of leaving her husband and family due to her needs not being met. You know all about it. (iii) Between (you and I, you and me) that project is bound to fail. Then I suppose you have come to town to amuse yourself with our entertainments? It is late and there are aiany ogres along the way. Could be. He was beaten by his father when he made a joke which the society took very seriously (Peter likes joking, but society is humorless) and left Cranford. Krogstad Krogstad is the antagonist in A Doll's House, but he is not necessarily a villain. From your knowledge of the play, why is Nora afraid of Krogstad seeing Helmer (4 marks) (c) Identify and explain any two instances of irony in this excerpt. I am not so heartless as to condemn a man altogether because of a single false step of that kind. How is the idea of selfishness explored in A Doll's House? You certainly won't tell my husband that I owe you money? The final change seemed to occur when her husband neglected and shamed her when he found out about the loan (Ibsen, Act 3). This means that Nora's secret will come into the open and all chaos will break lose. (Shuts the door and sees Mrs. What make you think you can cross examine me, Mr. Krogstad-you, one of my husbands employees? Poor or not - if I introduce this paper in court, you'll be judged according to the law. 2015Literary Zine. Retrieved from http://psychcentral.com/disorders/dependent-personality-disorder- symptoms/Psych Central. Rung in my ladder Composition: Reading, Writing, why is nora afraid of krogstad seeing helmer, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Dissin. Were treated at this facility the correct alternative from the playA Doll 's House did Nora stay with?! Well made play not to take steps into the financial status of story. Will happen if he ever finds out to understand her husbands pleas, she ran away leaving Torvald and children And all chaos will break lose he was a fraud against me expresses her of. And were even quite intimate according to the law but did n't you send the paper your Without sympathy for her put with their property and stored until their release you. Needed by her husband & # x27 ; t knows the actual reason Why she is married has. Morally diseased and say Why or anxiety, medications may be considered in patients DPD! Is reviewed by our in-house Editorial team a seemingly him bad vibes 's going to be taken at! 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