research population example

The population could be everyone on planet Earth, everyone in the United States, everyone in rural counties of Iowa, everyone at your university, and on and on. 19 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 38 sources. n= 4 (Sample Size) (2004). N= 20 (Population Size) Current evolutionary thinking on aging takes a combination of the mutation accumulation model and the antagonistic pleiotropy model. This is how your paper can get an A! You can read the details below. However, it is also true that mutation in a single gene can have a major effect on life span in some organisms, such as C. elegans. A researcher would use cluster sampling if getting access to elements in an entrie population is too challenging. the report also concluded that as the life expectancy of people is rising, the threat of over-population is real. Why do female primates have such long life spans and so few babies? In order to know the k for your study you need to know your sample size (say 1000) and the size of the population (75000). A research population is also known as a well-defined collection of individuals or objects known to have similar characteristics. Cohort study: Research traces a subpopulation over time. Now that weve described all the different ways that one could create a sample, we can talk more about the pitfalls of sampling. The big assumption we have to make is that the people we didnt hear from (the 2 women that didnt vote) are similar to the ones we did hear from. Being good at research just means being constantly prepared to be given a new challenge, and being able to find another solution. When conducting research, it is important that the sample is representative so that the study's results . The derived features of human life history. In modern days, external factors also include medicine and public health measures. Ideally, sample populations are a selection of individuals who more or . Center for International Research, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC, Basu A M 1997 The politicization of fertility to achieve nondemographic objectives. The Free Press, New York, pp. Since the Stockholm Conference on Environment in June 1972a conference generally regarded as highly successfulthe United Nations has increasingly relied on the mechanism of international conferences to shape global policy on a variety of social and economic issues ranging from women, children, and human rights to population and development. In contrast to the earlier World Population Conferences in Rome and Belgrade where participants were invited in their individual capacities as experts, delegates to the UN population conferences in Bucharest in 1974, Mexico City in 1984 and Cairo in 1994, were representatives of their government. World Population and US Policy: The Choice Ahead. One of the biggest differences between quantitative and qualitative data was whether we wanted to be able to explain something for a lot of people (what percentage of residents in Oklahoma support legalizing marijuana?) The maximum life spans of most mammalian species form a straight line when they are plotted against various biological variables. In research, population is a term used to describe a group. Physiological and biochemical expressions of aging are thought to be a result of reduced investment in repair and maintenance from the two mechanisms. The examples of total population sampling below attempt to highlight two of the characteristics of total population samples, discussed above: (a) the fact that the population size is very small; and (b) the fact that the population shares an uncommon characteristic (s). A target population is simply the group of individuals you have selected to study or research. Cessation of the menstrual cycle is called menopause. The population size is too large. This has far-reaching implications, because most of the parameters of interest in demography, those that are present in life tables, are dependent on information about juveniles. Contribution This article provides clear definitions of the population structures essential to research, with examples of how these structures, beginning with the unit of analysis, are described within research. When dealing with small and difficult to reach communities researchers sometimes use snowball samples, also known as chain referral sampling. First, fossils are almost always available only in small sample sizes, which limits application of conventional statistical methods. Natural selection will favor energy allocation to reproduction at the expense of somatic maintenance, and therefore infinite survival is not achieved. You might choose to decide that half of your final sample will be women, and stop requesting interviews with men once you fill your quota. Members of gyms. Target population is population of ultimate clinical interest. Under the leadership of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and with the strong support of the USA and other Western donor nations, the UN convened its rst of a series of decennial population conferences in which governments rather than individual experts were represented. Organizations that do have such a list wont just give it away. Typically, researchers may base their selection on availability, quotas, or other criteria. Houghton Miin, Boston, McIntosh C A 1983 Population Policy in Western Europe: Responses to Low Fertility in France, Sweden, and West Germany. In 1998, the UN estimated that the World's population would reach 6 billion by 1999. The class is 60% female and 40% male. The UN and IUSSP invited population experts to participate in the Rome and Belgrade conferences. Beginning in the 1950s, leaders in developing nations came to regard rapid population growth as an obstacle to their countrys economic development, a view that was reinforced by census results which showed that population size and growth exceeded earlier expectations. For example, if you're doing a survey, you can't ask everyone in the world to answer your questions. I intended this section to show that doing a good survey might be simpler than it seemed, but now it might sound even more difficult. This is how your paper can get an A! However, research efforts to find antagonistic pleiotropic genes involved in aging have so far yielded unconvincing results, except life-extending genes that have been shown to have detrimental effects during early life. Figure 1: Population An example of a population would be the entire student body at a school. Human life span easily exceeds 90 when looking at the species as a whole, after sampling millions of people; however, a random sample of a village population would more likely yield 60 or 70 years of average life span. At the beginning of the ancestral human lineage, after the divergence between humans and their closest related species, ancestral fossil humans (hominids) lived only in Africa, in small numbers. So what went wrong for the Literary Digest? In: Menken J (ed.) Sample populations are often used in research because of the near impossibility of polling or studying the entire group. These three problemssample size and associated statistical limitations, the absence of representative juvenile data that impede the construction of demographic profiles, and the lack of resolution possible when determining ages at death for fossilized remainshave caused impediments to the empirical study of human longevity in the fossil record. In: Hozelitz B F (ed.) When we say that a measurement is unbiased we mean that the average of a large set of unbiased measurements will be close to the true value. Relationship of Sample and Population in Research A sample is simply a subset of the population. Although the UK, Scandinavia, and other northern European states were important in the spread of the population movement, it was once again the political and economic inuence of the USA that played a dominant role in persuading Third World countries that family planning programs were essential to their social and economic development. But, because of practicalities, entire target population often cannot be studied. As in the case of longevity, human population size increased over time, with the most dramatic increase coming after the Industrial Revolution. Few studies show that maximum life span has changed much over time (Wilmoth & Robine, 2003). The Continuing Demographic Transition. Probability sampling is associated with surveys, and non-probability sampling is often used when conducting interviews. The SlideShare family just got bigger. They wont give it to you, for privacy reasons. Pepperoni wins right, 4 to 3? Thats why a poll of 1300 likely voters can be used to guess at who will win your states Governor race. Evolutionary perspectives on human aging. Click here to review the details. What would you expect the mean and standard deviation to be? Natural selection shapes life histories that lead to fitness advantage while also leading to evolution of the ability to change life history variables in different environments. Recall that the researcher has an important responsibility to . For example, researchers (particularly in psychology) often rely on research subjects that are at their universities. Population Studies 51(1): 518, Bongaarts J 1994 Population policy options in the developing world. The Free Press, Glencoe, NJ, pp. Research Reports, Vol. This is predicted by evolutionary theory, given the variation and plasticity of the aging process. Womens, childrens & adolescents health, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust: Recruitment Open Day 2022. Hill, K. (1993). An estimate of a parameter taken from a random sample is known to be unbiased. For valid generalisations to be made we would like to assert that our sample is in some way representative of the population as a whole and for this reason the first stage in a report is to describe the sample, say by age, sex, and disease status, so that other readers can decide if it is representative of the type of patients they encounter. Thus, while family planning and abortion are analytically distinct, there is a general tendency for family planning proponents to be pro-choice. While the SpenglerDuncan denition provides a rigor that is missing in most denitions of population policy, it may at the same time not allow sucient latitude for the give and take, negotiation, and compromise that characterize the policy process. 1 In some quantitative research, stricter confidence levels are used (e.g. Second, different age groups are differentially preserved. In contrast, if human longevity is defined as average life expectancy, it has increased over time. After World War II the introduction of improved public health measures, especially clean water and improved sanitation, as well as the new availability of antibiotics, led to a decline in infant and child mortality and an unprecedented increase in the rate of population growth. Population conferences became far more controversial, interesting, and perhaps even more signicant. United Nations conferences reect the highly political and ideological quality of population policy at the international as well as the national level. Statistics such as averages and standard deviations, when taken from populations are referred to as population parameters. If I want to study bullying in middle schools, but I only talk to people that live in a retirement home, how accurate or relevant will the information I gather be? There is always a question of whether specimens adequately represent the populations to which they belonged. SAMPLE Accessible Population Target Population 3. What is unusual in humans is the slow rate of aging beyond menopause resulting in a long postreproductive period. Life expectancy is the number of years that a cohort is expected to live. Sure, they might have grandchildren in middle school, and they may remember their experiences. The sample must be representative of the population from which it was drawn and it must have good size to If correctly sampled, we can use the sample to generalize information we get to the population. There has been a tendency among scholars as well as government ocials to abuse and misuse the denition. If you need a religion research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. Pennington, R. L. (1996). There were also leaders and political elites in many developing countries who, while they recognized the burden of rapid population growth, were nevertheless reluctant to adopt population control policies, partly because of the distrust the leaders had of the former metropolitan powers projection of population as the greatest threat to national development. (Made with reference to Sub-Saharan Africa in UNECA Population Policy Overview Report 2000). It was one of the most decisive victories in Presidential history. Increased longevity is a result of decreased adult mortality and is one of the factors contributing to increase in population size. M E Sharpe, New York, McIntyre R J 1975 Pronatalist programs in Eastern Europe. In other words, the more members of a population that are included in a sample the more chance will that sample have of accurately representing the population, provided a random process is used to construct the sample. Using the correlation between longevity and brain size or body size, life span of ancestral humans can be estimated. I'll try to support this research design with example where possible. It was much easier to attribute underdevelopment to excessive population than to confront social and economic inequality, culture, religion, female subordination, or other plausible contributing factors. It should be concise, but don't feel like you need to cram all of your information into one paragraph. You can divide the size of the population by the sample (75000/1000), which will produce your k (750). The research population consisted of 2 000 individuals aged 18-39 in each of the four research countries: Morocco, Senegal, Turkey and Ukraine. Eventually, population size will reach a plateau with both fertility and mortality kept low. If you collect data from the wrong people, youll get the wrong answer. Antiquity of postreproductive life: Are there modern impacts on hunter-gatherer postreproductive life spans? Population Research: Convenience Sampling Strategies - Volume 36 Issue 4. It need not refer only to people or to animate creatures the population of Britain, for instance or the dog population of London. Once the number of remaining oocytes nears zero, reproductive senescence begins, and reproduction ceases. A population for a research study may comprise groups of people defined in many different ways, for example, coal mine workers in Dhanbad, children exposed to German measles during intrauterine life, or pilgrims traveling to Kumbh Mela at Allahabad. They are often denoted by Greek letters: the population mean is denoted by (mu) and the standard deviation denoted by (low case sigma) Samples A. R. A. M., et al. Assuming an optimal allocation strategy, one could posit a pattern of life history of organisms. We can only do that if the sample is representative of the population, meaning that they are alike on important characteristics such as race, gender, age, education. Once again, effective techniques for implementation were lacking and it is unlikely that the laws had much effect (Spengler 1960). We've updated our privacy policy. Finding people is way easier than writing the interview questions or developing the survey. The average adult life span beyond maturity for Ache hunter-gatherers is about 42 years (Goodall, 1986; Hill & Hurtado, 1996). The core difference is that while stratified sampling chooses randomly from within the different groups, quota sampling does not. A common method is to use blocked randomisation. Consequently, population size was small. Williams, G. C. (1957). This connection has been used to explain human longevity. A full discussion of the topic is beyond the scope of this book, but guidance is readily available(1)(2). This question typically addresses something that a researcher aims to understand through analysis and data interpretation upon completing the project. Examples of Population Research Example #1: (Population dynamics) Kabir et al. Here is an example of a population vs. a sample in the three intro examples. Increased longevity over time is one of the distinguishing features of the human species. Population policy has often been dened in terms designed to advance a particular social or demographic agenda rather than to provide a rigorous structure for understanding and analysis. General steps for conducting a relational content analysis: 1. A point that is often neglected is that overpopulation was attractive to both industrial societies as well as to developing countries as an explanation for the poverty of much of the Third World. Beyond 100, surviving each additional year is subject to a 50% probability. The discourse on the relationship between development and population has owed from country to country and in the process has become universal rather than contained by national boundaries. In this table, we can take a closer look at the difference between sample and population: Population . Well first describe probability samples, before discussing the non-probability options. That would be convinient, and the people coming will be random, right? Consistent with this attitude, the USA, Canada, European nations, Japan, and indeed all donor nations began to support eorts to limit population growth. Here the size of the sample will affect the size of the standard error but the amount of variation is determined by the value of the percentage or proportion in the population itself, and so we do not need an estimate of the standard deviation. Paleodemographic data and why understanding Holocene demography is essential to understanding human life history evolution in the Pleistocene. A theory of human life history evolution: Diet, intelligence, and longevity. Stratified sampling can be used if youre very concerned about ensuring balance in the sample or there may be a problem of underrepresentation among certain groups when responses are received. Proportional quota sampling refers to ensuring that the quotas in the sample match the population (if 35% of the company is female, 35% of the sample should be female). It is a common mistake to try and use the standard error to describe data. So in order to use a systematic sample, we need three things, the population size (denoted as N), the sample size we want (n) and k, which we calculate by dividing the population by the sample). Although a statistician should clearly define the population he or she is dealing with, they may not be able to enumerate it exactly. Thus the variation between samples depends partly also on the size of the sample. Purposive sampling is susceptible to errors in judgment by the researcher and selection bias due to a lack of random sampling, but when attempting to research small communities it can be effective. Where do they live? Industrial and Scientific Innovation. ), but it wasnt representative of likely voters. In P. T. Amoss & S. Harrell (Eds. Population growth will continue, if for no other reason than the momentum inherent in the age structure, that is, the large numbers of young people who have yet to complete their reproductive years (Bongaarts 1994). A broad topic provides writers with plenty of avenues to explore in their search for a viable research question. For example, if the study population involves 10 people in a room with ages ranging from 1 to 100, and one of those chosen has an age of . The link between human longevity and world population seems direct and obvious: The world population is increasing, and the proportion of elderly is increasing as well, as more humans are living longer. In quantitative research methodology, the sample is a set of collected data from a defined procedure. The terms unbiased and precision have acquired special meanings in statistics. Theres no sample thats right or wrong, they can just be more or less appropriate for the question youre trying to answer. Before drawing a sample the investigator should define the population from which it is to come. As susceptibility to disease generally varies in relation to age, sex, occupation, family history, exposure to risk, inoculation state, country lived in or visited, and many other genetic or environmental factors, it is advisable to examine samples when drawn to see whether they are, on average, comparable in these respects. Population Policy Overview Report. Organisms with longevity invest more on repair and maintenance than those with short lives do, resulting in slower accumulation of damage over life. The population of tax payers in India. Sample . Generalizability is more of a concern with surveys than with interviews. Sampling frames can be real or hypothetical. The sample has to be appropriate to the research question. The controversial nature of population policy extends to the denition of the term itself. It is not clear that the same limit applies to cells in vivo. So youve developed your research question, figured out how youre going to measure whatever you want to study, and have your survey or interviews ready to go. And I should point out that this is an overly simplified example. Systematic sampling is similar to simple random sampling in that it begins with a list of the population, but instead of choosing random numbers one would select every kth name on the list. Population policy came to be recognized internationally as emblematic of a nations commitment to modernization. A surgeon may study the effects of two alternative operations for gastric ulcer. Lets say you do have a sampling frame though. These meetings, while of some intellectual signicance, had only a modest impact on national population policies. Although maximum life span for humans is more than 100 years, the average life span is over 70 years. However, empirical examination of past human longevity faces methodological difficulties due to the nature of fossil data. That means you can get your survey completed with a small grant ($1-2k at the low end) and get the data back in a few hours. According to Charnov, it is the slow growth that is driving the evolution of slow life history (Charnov & Berrigan, 1993). The best way to get an actual sampling frame is likely to purchase one from a private company that buys data on people from all the different websites we use. 8. The majority of centenarians are women, and most of the oldest old are women. A useful theory to explain life span comes from the evolutionary perspective, which views life span as a balance between external and internal forces (Stearns, 1992). Although genetics have been shown to influence life span in organisms such as nematodes and fruit flies, even nematode longevity seems to be plastic, with great variation in aging and life span. In comparison, humans show a slow aging process, with muscular strength declining over several decades. Pro-natalist measures were introduced in the Soviet Union immediately prior to World War II and spread to Eastern Europe after the war. In classical Greece, the most martial city-state, Sparta, enacted laws that made marriage compulsory and imposed special taxes, civil indignities, and political disadvantage on celibates. Antagonistic pleiotropy and mutation accumulation are not mutually exclusive; both mechanisms are a result of weakening selective forces later in life. Until the 1960s, the USA was rmly opposed to playing any role, except a negative one, in the incipient population control movement. Current research supports the combination of the mutation accumulation model and the antagonistic pleiotropy model. United States Government Printing Oce, Washington, DC, pp. 19 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 38 sources. Extensive study of populations shows that there is a strong relationship between different causes of death and life expectancy (Preston, Keyfitz, & Schoen, 1972): Extrinsic causes of mortality, such as infectious diseases, are correlated with a higher crude death rate (the number of deaths each year in a population), while chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, are correlated with a lower crude death rate. Kaplan, H., Hill, K., Lancaster, J., & Hurtado, A. M. (2000). United States Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. The Secretary General created a trust fund which eventually became the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), whose purpose was to encourage countries to identify their population problems and to attempt, with international assistance, to cope with them. The right people arent the best or the smartest people, the right people are driven by what your study is trying to answer and the method youre using to answer it. Bridging the Gap Between Data Science & Engineer: Building High-Performance T How to Master Difficult Conversations at Work Leaders Guide, Be A Great Product Leader (Amplify, Oct 2019), Trillion Dollar Coach Book (Bill Campbell). Shim, Chin Yee Chan, Si Yee Wei, Yuan Ghani, Hazim Ahmad, Liyana Sharif, Hanisah Alikhan, Mohammad Fathi Haji Bagol, Saifuddien Taib, Surita Tan, Chee Wah Ong, Xin Mei Wang, Lin-Fa Wang, Yan Liu, An Qi Lim, Hong Shen Wong, Justin Naing, Lin and Cunningham, Anne Catherine 2022. Generalizability, which we defined earlier, means we can assume the responses of people to our study match the responses everyone would have given us. World population has seen acceleration in its growth rate since the mid-18th century. These denitions are broad and encompass almost everything a government does. Codes and Conventions, Market Research and Target Audience, Video slides focus on population & sample, Price assessment of discontinuous innovation CucinaBarilla, Sampling Methods in Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Sampling techniques Systematic & Purposive sampling, EnP Board Exam Coaching Session on Planning and Information Management, Irresistible content for immovable prospects, How To Build Amazing Products Through Customer Feedback. There are two broad types of samples, with several different techniques clustered below those. International Population Policy Research Paper, Banister J, Wu Harbaugh C 1994 Chinas Family Planning Program: Inputs and Outcomes. As with probability sampling, there are several types of non-probability samples. RESEARCH POPULATION 1. Even in captivity, maximum life span on record is about 60 years for apes, in contrast to the markedly longer life span of the oldest human on record. Feel free to contact our research paper writing service for professional assistance. Researchers have learned a lot in the century since that mistake, even if polling and surveys still arent (and cant be) perfect. Not necessarily. Cutler, R. G. (1975). While maximum life span implies a biological limit to how long an individual lives, average life span is estimated from the mortality data. Studies on monozygotic twins also support plasticity of longevity. A substantial increase in longevity took place only after the Industrial Revolution, probably due to better nutrition and public hygiene measures that reduced infectious diseases, which decreased adult mortality. United Nations sponsorship of international population conferences actually began with gatherings in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. The United Nations jointly sponsored these conferences and the International Union for the Scientic Study of Population (IUSSP), a highly respected international nongovernmental organization (NGO) with a comparatively small but inuential worldwide membership of population professionals. This technique is used when the study calls for participants who are hard to find because of a unique or rare quality or when a participant does not want to be found because they are part of a stigmatized group or behavior. For instance, a study on students in schools would probably benefit from randomly selecting from all students at the 36 elementary schools in a fictional city. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Selection, and then actually identifying who to include opposition to family planning at and. Modern America countries would keep them poor forever 6/12 ) slight or.. 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