necromancy and conjuration extended

These bracers grant its wearer a +1 bonus to Illusion school spells' DC, and a +2 bonus to saving throws against illusion school spells. Metamagic feats specifically only affect spells, not spell-like abilities. Whenever the wearer is hit by a non-slashing weapon, they must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 20) or become staggered for the first attack in a round, as well as suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls for one round. This +2 chainshirt grants its wearer +3 bonus on saving throws against poison. Simple Blast: An aerokineticist can select either air blast or electric blast as her simple blast. This +5 anarchic vicious heavy flail deals divine damage instead of physical, bypassing any damage reduction, resistance or immunity the target may possess. This potion restores all your HP, ability damage and ability drain. It also grants its wielder the ability to cast empowered magic missile spell at will as a 3rd level wizard. Water breathing can be split among numerous creatures effectively, allowing for long or quick treks underwater. This +4 thundering dart deals sonic damage instead of piercing damage. The first describes devotions to the Horseman of Famine. Whenever the wearer of this headband of perfection +6 summons a Perpetually Annoyed Wizard, they actually summon two wizards instead of one. The defenders spell resistance is like an Armor Class against magical attacks. Lann doesn't have any better domains, and you can't change his god. These gloves grant their wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma and the ability to cast greater heroism three times per day as a 11th level wizard. Even with 7 base dex. This cloak grants its wearer acid resistance 30 and the ability to cast acid fog spell twice per day as a 11th level wizard. Whenever the wielder of this +1 cold iron heavy flail confirms a critical hit with it, the target suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. If the spell has a duration other than instantaneous, magic holds the creation together, and when the spell ends, the conjured creature or object vanishes without a trace. The wearer gets a -2 penalty to AC, a -5 penalty to Persuasion skill checks and a -2 penalty to Fortitude saving throws, but gets a +4 bonus to damage rolls, a +3 bonus to Will saving throws and a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom score. This helmet grants its wearer a +5 bonus on saving throws against the spells of the Illusion school and a +2 insight bonus to AC. Act 5, Ineluctable Prison, Evil choice on quest. Whenever the wearer of this amulet lands a killing blow, she gains one of the following stacking bonuses that last until the next rest: 1) +10 temporary hit points (to a maximum of 50) 2) +1 bonus to AC (to a maximum of 5) 3) +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws (to a maximum of 5) 4) +1 bonus on Will saving throws (to a maximum of 5). Whenever this +3 shock frost kukri confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the target must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or become prone for 1d4 rounds. You select the point of origin, and the spell spreads out a given distance in all directions. So with dawnflower and wind scimitar that's as early as lvl 14 if you get them before then, or you can skip the dawnflower altogether if you don't want the evil role playing haha. This spell resistance doesnt affect harmless spells unless you wish it to do so. This belt grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Strength. Can Tricksters with Knowledge World 3 ignore prereqs on mythic feats? Its also possible to use this spell to remove a poison applied to an object or from food or drink. You do not have to select your target until you finish casting the spell. These boots grant their wearer a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against movement-impairing conditions. Most creatures trapped in a transmuted area of mud reduce their base speed to 5 feet. If the wearer of this headband has the ability Channel Negative Energy, it increases the amount of damage this ability does to living creatures or heals to undead creatures by +1d6. This +1 hide armor grants its wearer DR 2/-. An antimagic effect has the following powers and characteristics. Each neutral cleric of a neutral deity spontaneously casts either cure spells like a good cleric or inflict spells like an evil one, depending on which option the player chooses when creating the character. Editors Note: When using an effect that has a radius centered on you, the section from AP91 on the right states that using the creatures entire space as a spells point of origin is an optional rule, while the below, earlier, Core Rulebook FAQ states it is the intended rule. The wearer is constantly under the true seeing spell effect and gains immunity to acid. This +5 evil outsider bane kama grants its wearer a +12 competence bonus on Lore (Religion) skill checks. This cloak of resistance +5 grants its wearer a +12 competence bonus on Lore (Religion) and Knowledge (Arcane) skill checks. A wish for a powerful magic item can be granted by stealing the item from a powerful and vengeful lord. An antimagic field spell or effect cancels magic altogether. Whenever the wearer kills two or more enemies with a single spell, it grants the wearer total concealment against ranged attacks for the rest of the battle. Didn't happen on my previous runs, he probably gave them to me this time because my MC is an inquisitor. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell. If the spell-as-designed lacks them, consider adding material component or focus requirements as a means of adding flavor. This belt grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. If you try to duplicate a language you cannot speak, the figment produces gibberish. Each time the wielder of this +5 dagger lands a hit with it after hitting the same target with the Soft Cut dagger, the enemy suffers additional 2d6 + STR modifier slashing damage. A aerokineticist qualifies for the following wild talents in addition to all those listed as universal: Infusion: 1st bloody, discharging, energize weapon, gusting, pushing, thundering; 2nd penetrating; 3rd bolt, magnetic, synaptic, torrent; 4th cyclone; 5th bloodrust, bloody (improved), chain, lock-up, unfolding wind; 7th cloud, overload Utility: 1st aerial adaptation, air cushion, air shroud, airs leap, airs reach, basic electrokinesis, elemental acceleration, simple versatility, voice of the wind, wind blade; 2nd aerial supremacy, cloud cover, living capacitor, magnetic pull, voice of the wind (greater); 3rd aerial evasion, celerity, engulfing winds, magnetic pull (improved), magnetism, oppressive atmosphere, storm cloud, storm diffuser, windsight, wings of air; 4th airs overarching reach, body of air, celerity (improved), flash step, fog step; 5th air shroud (greater), crushing atmosphere, windsight (greater); 6th complete circuit, suffocate, wind manipulator, winds of freedom; 7th elemental airstrike, elemental eater, empowered chain, magnetic chain, sky walk; 8th weather master; 9th magnetism (greater). The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type dont generally stack. It also grants immunity to curses. Whenever the wielder of this +4 axiomatic quarterstaff expends points from their ki pool, they get a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for 2 rounds. Additionally, well also explore the benefits of Conjuration Spells and other Hexes to buff and heal the party. Legal Information/Open Game License. Whenever this +3 radiant sickle lands a hit, the target must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds. Each time this +4 flaming heavy mace lands a hit, it gives the target vulnerability to fire. In wilderness-heavy campaigns, these spells can be on par with other control-based magic, while in campaigns with only a smattering of wilderness, these spells operate best when taken in the form of one or more backup scrolls. This +1 heavy mace deals an additional 1d3 fire damage on a hit. He gains -3 profane penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Consitution, but +2 profane bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. That's a enhancement bonus and it does not stack with other enhancement bonuses. It also inflicts a -4 penalty to saving throws against gaze attacks and blindness. Each time this +5 flail lands a hit, it applies a stacking -1 penalty to target's AC, all saving throws and CMD. Mental controls that dont remove the recipients ability to act usually do not interfere with each other. A burst, cone, cylinder, or emanation spell affects only an area, creature, or object to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical bursts center point, a cone-shaped bursts starting point, a cylinders circle, or an emanations point of origin). If a creature fails this second saving throw, it suffers the full effects of the spell, as if it had failed its first saving throw. This wand of odd miracles has 3 charges that are restored on the rest. This effect also grants a competence bonus to attack rolls and AC equal to the owner's Wisdom bonus (if any). Bleeding stops when the battle ends, or when the target is cured by any effect that restores HP. The WORST time to realize I chose base Oracle. Neathholm (Dyra), Underground Caves of Kenabres. Holy flame deals 1d6 holy damage per round, applies a -2 penalty on all saves and also applies -20 penalty on saves against disruption effect. Also gives +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma (not in description). If an attack of opportunity results in a killing blow, the wielder can make one extra attack during the next round. Whenever the wearer of this amulet lands a killing blow, they gain DR 10/bludgeoning for 3 rounds. A typical copy of this book includes the following spells: banishment, create greater undead, gate, greater planar binding, planar binding, soul transfer, summon derghodaemon, summon thanadaemon, trap the soul. Whenever you accept 1 or more points of burn when using a mind wild talent, you gain a competence bonus to will saves equal to 1/2 your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. The wielder of this +5 corrosive sling staff gets a +2 bonus to damage rolls for every corpse within a 50 feet range from them. The use of neutralize poison in this manner doesnt guarantee success, and it can be interesting to keep the DC of the targeted poison unknown, leaving the efficacy of a given casting in question. Element void; Type composite blast (Sp); Level ; Burn 2Prerequisite(s) gravity blast, any other physical simple blastBlast Type special; Damage see text. This +1 dagger grants its wielder a +3 dodge bonus to AC and immunity to nauseated condition. This +4 bastard sword grants its wielder a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma, and a +2 luck bonus on Will saving throws. Compulsion: a compulsion spell forces the subject to act in some manner or changes the way its mind works. This eye of a demon still holds some power. This crossbow deals 1d6 damage instead of 1d8. Act 4, Battlebliss Arena (Sosiel's quest, non-bad ending). Except in special cases, a spell does not affect the way another spell operates. This ring allows to cast an improved version of Prismatic Spray once per day as 17th level Wizard. It makes the weapon chaotically aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. Act 3, Artisan's Tower; Act 5, Ineluctable Prison (Ashen Lady). A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. Element(s): fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0, Element(s): fire; Type simple blast (Sp); Level -; Burn 0; Aura evocation [fire]. Act 6, Given by Nocticula at the start of the final dungeon. Can Smite Support be the main tank on unfair after lvl 10/12 ? This power can't lower the target's Constitution ability score below 5. Whenever you are targeted by a spell, as an immediate action, you can decide if you wish to not apply your spell resistance to the effect. Instead of becoming fatigued after raging, wearer takes 1 damage each round for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. These lenses make it easier to keep an eye on someone. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 units of unholy speed ammunition per day. Unless a cost is given for a material component, the cost is negligible. I can confirm this is still just fine. Furthermore, as passwall is susceptible to dispel magic, a perfectly timed dispel effect can separate a party, potentially over several (possibly as-of-yet-unexplored) areas of a dungeon. In addition, once per day, the wearer of this robe can make all enemies in a 30 feet radius pass a Will saving throw (DC 30), on fail they lose their minds, become hostile to everybody and start attacking targets indiscriminately for 1 minute. Act 1, Tirabade Residence (Succubus loot). This check is a free action. Other polymorph spells might be subject to this restriction as well, if they change you into a form that is unlike your original form (subject to GM discretion). This means that the part of aspect of the falcon that applies to criticals doesnt stack with those effects, but it doesnt prevent someone with Improved Critical from receiving the competence bonuses on attack rolls and Perception checks. Act 2, Reliable Redoubt; Act 2, Drezen, Citadel. if you have to have a sword and board, you have to be a riding build and just wear the shield for fashion. A touch spell threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful critical hit. This +4 flaming burst quarterstaff grants its wielder a +2 bonus on attack rolls and to caster level for all Evocation school spells. This is. For 1 minute you gain a +8 bonus to all ability scores and become immune to mind-affecting effects. * Or Master Shapeshifter to get some free stats. This +5 vicious rapier deals 2 damage to a random ability on hit. If the spells center is in the antimagic area, then the spell is suppressed. This necklace grants its wearer a +2 bonus to AC. This +5 holy warhammer grants its wielder the ability to move without provoking attacks of opportunity. It's them trying to represent the "Diminished spellcasting" change. We dont want to convert Geniekinds, so we can use Lust and occasionally a ring. Whenever the wearer of this +1 breastplate uses the charge combat maneuver and hits an enemy, they deal additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and the enemy has to pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 17) or become prone. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Combination wild talents can be taken at their appropriate level if at least one of their elements is a primary element. This ring grants its wearer a +2 bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons. Effect can be applied once per creature. Repeated castings of create food and water can provide numerous meals, and by spending a few days, a party can create a stockpile of rations for a trip. This +4 chainmail barding grants its wearer DR 6/piercing. This weapon is a +5/+5 double axe. In this case, the objects special effects apply (including effects from its materials), and if the object is a weapon, you must be proficient with it and able to wield it with one hand; otherwise, the item deals damage as a one-handed improvised weapon for a creature of your size. You can see how it plays on stream, if you are interested in how it plays. If the skill check fails, the character cannot attempt to read that particular spell again until the next day. This +5 axiomatic light crossbow ends the barbarian's Rage on hit. This belt grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. This +2 thundering light hammer grants the wielder sonic resistance 10. Once per day, whenever your HP falls below 0, your HP is restored by twice your character level, and the ring summons 1d4+2 undead skeletal champions around you for 2 minutes. It also increases the DC of spells from Witch spell list and Hexes by one. If the wielder is a Lich, spell cast from this wand ignore any spell resistance the target might have and also require two successful consecutive saving throws instead of one. Act 5, Enigma, Hit Areshkagal (Acid form) with Scorpion Sting dagger. If a spell is used to create a curse in your game, calculate the DC using the casters ability score and the spell level as normal. 1 horse vs like 5 levels of investment. This +2 halfling sling staff grants its wielder a +2 morale bonus to Dexterity, and a +5 luck bonus on Mobility skill checks. For the duration, whenever you make a melee attack, it deals 6d6 acid damage to every enemy within 30 feet radius (DC 30 Reflex saving throw to halve the damage). Whenever the wielder of this +3 mithral double sword lands a hit on an enemy, the target must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 23) or suffer ability damage: one blade deals 1d3 damage to Strength, while the other deals 1d3 damage to Constitution. This tower shield grants its wielder a +3 bonus on saving throws against blindness. Empower Spell: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those rolls. This weapon is a +2 adamantine furious longsword. o.0 Do Sensei actually get spells? Class Skills: A photokineticist adds Disguise and Knowledge (nature) to their list of class skills. Whenever this +5 anarchic greataxe confirms a critical hit, it also deals its normal weapon damage to all creatures in melee range, including the wielder and their allies. The build is mostly buffing and crowd control. Whenever this +1 speed estoc confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the wielder gets +2 morale bonus to Dexterity, and each attack they make deals additional 1d4 piercing damage, for 2d3 rounds. Another insidious use of this magic is to subvert the loyal animal companions of foes. Touch of chaos: You imbue the target with chaos. Creatures that are immune to effects that require a Fort save (such as constructs and undead) are immune to pain effects. This ring grants its wearer a +5 deflection bonus to AC, immunity to emotion effects, immunity to fear, immunity to confusion, and a continuous effect of freedom of movement spell. This belt grants +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. This is a +5 brilliant energy heartseeker weapon. A cone-shaped spell shoots away from you in a quarter-circle in the direction you designate. Multiple bleeding effects stack. It can be wielded only by chaotic evil, chaotic neutral or neutral evil characters. Persistent Spell: Whenever a creature targeted by a persistent spell or within its area succeeds on its saving throw against the spell, it must make another saving throw against the effect. And yes, I am a Seeker Oracle, lvl 8 at the moment. Spell areas that include both an antimagic area and a normal area, but are not centered in the antimagic area, still function in the normal area. Whenever the wearer of this ring deals a sneak attack damage for the first time in a fight against an enemy, that enemy becomes filled with paranoia. Compare the new spell to other spells in the same category and at or near the desired spell level. You can designate a number of creatures or objects equal to your Constitution modifier. Act 4, Middle City, Demodand Mob Leader next to Ten Thousand Delights; Act 4, Woljif's shop. In addition, the wearer's animal companion gets a +20 bonus to maximum Hit Points. This robe grants its wearer a +3 resistance bonus on Will, Fortitude, and Reflex saving throws and the ability to cast blindness spell once per day as a 5th level wizard. A creature with spell resistance must voluntarily lower the resistance (a standard action) in order to be affected by such spells without forcing the caster to make a caster level check. This +5 light wooden shield grants its wielder immunity to being paralyzed and the ability to cast shout, greater spell three times per day as a 7th level wizard. Double dips CHA to Armour Class (AC) and dumps DEX, so any gear with extra opportunity attacks is pure gold for this one. Whenever the wielder successfully disarms a trap, they get a +4 bonus on damage rolls for 5 minutes. This +2 chainshirt protects its wearer from blinding effects. Basic Manipulation: A hydronineticist gains basic hydrokinesis. Basic Utility: An aerokineticists gains basic aerokinesis. * Or Paladin 12 for Stun Mercy if you run. The ability to use magic that is malevolent in nature. If the form grants a lesser ability of the same type, you gain the lesser ability instead. Act 3, Midnight Fane (Near Playful Darkness (Per 28 check)). Reach Spell: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range by one range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long. Most spells that affect an area function as a burst, an emanation, or a spread. Some compulsion spells determine the subjects actions or the effects on the subject, others allow you to determine the subjects actions when you cast the spell, and still others give you ongoing control over the subject. Whenever the wielder of this +4 shocking burst starknife lands a sneak attack on an enemy, the enemy loses 5 spell resistance for 1 round. Water: Spells that manipulate water or conjure creatures from water-dominant planes or with the water subtype should have the water descriptor. It's difficult to see through them, thus the wearer suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Whenever an enemy confirms a critical hit, lands a sneak attack or attack of opportunity against the wearer, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 27) or become devastated by hitting such beauty. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 30 units of ammunition. As a note, since all of the rays are fired simultaneously (in the case of scorching ray), you would only provoke one attack of opportunity for making the ranged attack, even if you fired more than one ray. Unexpected barriers can change the dynamic of combat or wilderness exploration, so be sure to have a basic understanding of the consequences of using these spells in areas primarily made of stone or wood. With such ease comes danger, however, as a summoned daemon is even less likely than an impetuous demon (and far less likely than devils, who enjoy crafting contracts and bargains) to sit idly by while the caster outlines a proposal. Assuming we cats selective sirroco and spam chain lightning wouldn't it make sense to add elemental barrage, as we already have two ascendant elements? Every enemy that enters a 10 feet area around the wearer must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 37) or suffer 4d6 cold damage, lose 10 base speed and receive a -4 penalty to Dexterity score as well as a -3 penalty on Reflex saving throws for 3 rounds. All enemies caught in the wave suffer 4d6 sonic damage. This +2 hide barding grants its wearer cold resistance 10 and a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against movement-impairing effects. The ability to control the speed of winds is a useful tool in hampering foes that rely on flight or ranged attacks. Success on this check reveals the details being sought, while failure reveals no information, though the researcher may continue to study in the same library, as noted above. Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0. Positive admixtures damage is half positive energy, and half the chosen blasts type. Pet: Bracers of Armour +8, Mask of the Most Worthy. Souls trapped in this +2 quarterstaff grant the wielder +4 profane bonus to Intelligence. Has maybe 10 minutes of full force fighting at the top end. This amulet makes all ward abilities and spells (those which have the word "ward" in their names) grant +1 additional AC, and become extended as though using the Extend Spell feat. This ring grants its wearer a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. If both attacks hit, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or take additional 2d6 cold damage and become staggered for 1 round. His high Intelligence score might allow him to prepare a few extra spells. Despite the lengthy 1-round casting time, successfully casting antilife shell can buy precious rounds of protection to cast other spells. 20 - Conjuration Dual Casting: Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges its effects, increasing duration and casting cost. The Healing Hands spell does not heal Serana. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. Riftcarver is a +5 adamantine oversized unholy bleed scythe. A successful saving throw means that some lesser effect occurs. Your body becomes painfully hot. Assume you have all you need as long as you have your spell component pouch. This condition lasts until the end of the battle. Whenever the wearer of this ring lands any touch attack against the enemy, this attack deals additional 1d6 holy damage and whenever the wearer heals a target via touch spells, the spell heals for additional 1d6 points.

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