Importing the Angular Material Fonts and Theme. Consequently, open the app.component.html file, define the mat-icon directive, svgIcon="" attribute with usericon label. Ergo, Import the MatIconRegistry from @angular/material/icon plus also import DomSanitizer from @angular/platform-browser. 6) go on browser and try to run the application with the below URL: By default, angular project run on port 4200, you can change it as per your need if required. 3) Now in this step we will try to create the new angular project from scratch, this project will not be a material project that we have to add later by installing the material dependency inside our project. Let's check out how to implement vector-based material icons in angular app. Step 1: Create New App You can easily create your angular app using below command: ng new myApp Step 2: Add Material Design Now in this step, we need to just install material design theme in our angular application. Download source code using download link given below on this page. Create Custom SVG Icons with Angular Material 11 MatIconRegistry Service Suppose if you require to use custom svg icon in your angular project. The list should be given an aria-label that describes the value or values being selected. MatButtonModule; MatToolbarModule; MatIconModule; MatCardModule; Add them in material.module.ts file 3. The font-awesome is a toolkit for web and mobile applications that provides icons and social logos. 5. We can use font ligature as an icon by putting the ligature text in the <mat-icon> component. I am using Angular for this demo. Icon sets allow grouping multiple icons into a single SVG file. ng add @angular/material icons. Connecting 12V WS2811 RGB LEDs to Arduino Uno & 5V Power Source (Breadboard needed?). It creates the list item with a checkbox and its label. In angular, we have material library which can be used to developer and design our application fast and using the in build tags for designing purpose. But first, have closer look at the internal working of the material icon in details, so lets get started; 1) MatIconRegistry: first we have MatIconRegistry which is a registry, and it is an injectable service that helps and supports us to associate icons name and define aliases for CSS. We can use font ligature as an icon by putting the ligature text in the