angular material number input hide arrows

Additionally, QgsFeatureRequest now supports setting ordering for Server 2003 x64, Jrgen Fischer:OSGEO4W: installation from local package dont Extensions like layouts, renderers, and so on use ele.scratch() namespaced on their registered name. components, Jrgen Fischer:compile fails attempting to generate - dialog for specifying sort ordering of fields. QGIS Similar to the source and target fields of edges, the parent field is normally immutable: A nodes parent can be specified when the node is added to the graph, and after that point, this parent-child relationship is immutable via The root node (selector or collection) for which the centrality calculation is made. A custom function that returns the distance between nodeP and nodeQ. Number of (b 1) nonspecific and (b 2) specific H-bonds emerging during simulation using the (1110) model. Other outputs may hang the browser until finished, especially for a large image. Whenever the layout is started, the layoutstart event is emitted. and $perimeter functions. Gets whether the element is active (e.g. The value for this within the test function. Get a new layout, which can be used to algorithmically position the nodes in the graph. This function allows you to step directly to a particular progress of the animation while its paused. Get the elements that match the specified selector. the complexity of the expression as well as the provider for the layer). Get the outer width of the element in model dimensions (includes width, padding, & border). Iterate over the elements in the collection. Set the scratchpad at a particular namespace. basic state that could alternatively be represented with selectors (e.g. [foo >= 'bar'] or [num >= 2]). Get whether the element has been removed from the graph. The collection of elements being iterated. Set or get scratchpad data, where temporary or non-JSON data can be stored. Add this script before the closing tag of your file, You will be able to configure Mobiscroll with ease in your app with the CLI, Run the following command in the root folder of your React project, You will be prompted to log in with your mobiscroll account. This function returns the plain JSON representation of the element, the same format which is used at initialisation, in cy.add(), etc. The collection of elements being filtered. This function directly returns the numerical closeness centrality value for the specified root node. {\displaystyle {\vec {p}}} Get edges (and their targets) coming out of the nodes in the collection. This is unspecified if Cytoscape.js is run headlessly. A plain object which is passed to the handler in the event object argument. Services, OWS (WMS, WFS, WCS), name is based on the name used in the layer Two edges are said to be parallel if they connect the same two nodes. This makes panning, zooming, dragging, et cetera more responsive for large graphs. A collection contains a set of nodes and edges. For example, consider a book at rest upon a table. App-level scratchpad data should use namespaces prefixed with underscore, like '_foo'. Non-animated nodes are positioned immediately when the layout starts. The raw height of the element is returned, independent of whether the element is visibile. meetings, maintain project infrastructure and fund bug fixing efforts. Matches element with the matching ID (e.g. autounselectify : Whether nodes should be unselectified (immutable selection state) by default (if true, overrides individual element state). This allows for specifying the distance matrix directly, forgoing attributes. The mass of an infinitesimal portion depends upon the fluid density, and there is a net force upon it if the fluid pressure varies from one side of it to another. single dialog! Grab the relevant parts and drop them into your TSX and CSS files. g distance from the camera. JPEG compression will make your images (especially edge lines) blurry and distorted. use it to display pictures or webpages directly into QGIS. Considering only the elements in the calling collection, calculate the closeness centrality of the specified root node. This offers means to add more information to the calendar that could be valuable to users. Birthday: installer, Jrgen Fischer:OSGEO4W: Dependencies are not tracking on Windows 1 If the default value seems too fast or too slow on your particular system, you may have non-default mouse settings in your OS or a niche mouse. Consulting. expression return wrong date resulting in data loss of [116][117] With the concept of energy given a solid grounding, Newton's laws could then be derived within formulations of classical mechanics that put energy first, as in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations described above. In addition to specifying the value of a property outright, the developer may also use a mapper to dynamically specify the property value. supported file types (eg GML files). This option is set to a sane value that works well for mainstream mice (Apple, Logitech, Microsoft) on Linux, Mac, and Windows. [foo *= 'bar']). as well as for legend components of the QGIS composer. A nodes position can be set manually, or it can be set automatically using a layout. If you want to use the hardwares actual pixel ratio, you can set pixelRatio: 'auto' (default). functions, Jrgen Fischer:Virtual layers not working in This function returns a plain object of the form { left, right, both } where. (, Added RandomSignedInteger(min,max) and RandomUnsignedInteger(min,max) to ON_RandomNumberGenerator (, PointCloud: Added ON_PointCloud::m_V member which holds an array of double values, such as intensity (, RDK: Allows clients to remove the Name and Type UI sections (, Added support for converting bump map to normal map (, Updated nuget packages to require NET Framework 4.8 (, Added ObjectAttributes.CustomMeshingParameters property (, RhinoCommon: EtoCollapsibleSection supports custom title font and divider color (, Added TextureMapping method to create surface parameter mapping (, BrepFace.Split() is changed to duplicate the surface when a face is split (, Allows to access ViewInfo of a selected NamedView widget (, Added .NET SDK access to get the C++ SubD vertex tags (, Added RhinoPointCloudRandomSubsample for subsampling point clouds (, SubD: CRhinoSubDObject::SizeOf() estimates more accurate memory use (, ConvertDots: Alignment should default to Center and Middle for text output (, MatchSrf: Average option did not hide both input surfaces in preview (, Analysis:EdgeContinuity: Analysis EdgeContinuity: Only works once in a Rhino session (, Dark Mode: SelName list was not Dark Mode compatible (, Display: Raytraced mode did not work on the Mac (, File IO: PDF Export - Raster output printed blank on A4 or larger papers with 600 DPI (, Window > Floating Panels > Show layout and detail layer information Panel caused problems (, Object type description did not update right after grouping/ungrouping (, Pop up in the top panel was slow to display on Mac (, RDK: SafeFrame On/Off did not work properly with multiple modeling windows (, Rendering: Post Effect: Bloom slider labels in odd place on Mac (, Rendering: Texture Mapping: WCS mapping constantly toggled back and forth in Rhino 7 for Mac (, SelectionFilter: "Curves" and surface edges in commands (, Libraries: Libraires: Empty path was allowed that caused crashes (, SDK: GhPython: GhPython script editor was broken in 7.5 release candidate (, Display: Clipping plane caused artifacts in shaded modes on MBP since 7.4 release. This is analogous to the more common ele.scratch() but for graph global data. . This layout sets the concentric value in ele.scratch(). @kimaidou. in the QGIS configuration. The core provides several functions to access elements in the graph. To hide the right arrow icon on clickable elements, set the detail property to false. {\displaystyle m_{1},\ldots ,m_{N}} a file selector will open at the default path (if set). For an unbundled bezier edge, the point that joins two successive bezier curves in the series is given by the midpoint (mean) of the two control points. arcs or lines). Birthday: Creates arcs from a file of points. Rhino will automatically update, unless updates are disabled. The first, filter by expression, allows users to set an expression for The Coulomb force that a charge Note that this function performs fuzzy c-means clustering on only the subset of the graph in the calling collection. The date picker has five built-in display modes that can be controlled through the display option: . twice, Jrgen Fischer:Extra space in IS NOT operator makes the (descendant selector) The filter function that returns truthy values for elements to include and falsey values for elements to exclude. A truthy value enables autounselectifying; a falsey value disables it. {\displaystyle p} Degree : For a node, the degree is the number of edge connections it has. The numbers indicate a position relative to the nodes position. [?foo]). on user tap, grab, etc). Return a new collection, empty or with new elements in a removed state. Elements from the calling collection matching this selector will not be in the resultant collection. === cy || === someEle). (, Grasshopper: Context menus displayed at wrong location on Big Sur (, UI Cleanup: Top panel justification was incorrect on macOS Big Sur (, Core Architecture: "Auto Point On" caused models to be modified (, Grasshopper: Hanged with custom preview (, Installer: Zoo-licensed deployments incorrectly reset license file (, OSnap: Sometimes lost activation that caused tooltip to disappear (, PluginManager: Options dialog could be closed while picking plug-in to install (, SDK: RhinoScript: Loading material from file to layer did not work (, Rendering: Textures: Message was cut off in DownloadLibraryTextures dialog box (, SubD: opennurbs!ON_FixedSizePool::AllocateDirtyElement Access Denied (, Rendering: Cycles: Texture baking was slow (, Properties: Scrolling did not work in the panel (, Text of labels, checkboxes, and expanders did not display the overridden color (, Dimension line and leader landing might stick into frame around text (, Dimensions would not stick to Extrusion profile centers on History update (, Annotation: Hatch: Rotation & scale settings were not disabled for Solid patterns (, Annotation: Styles: Changing text height did not update existing text and leaders (, Bold and Italic did not work with Cambria Math and Arial Black fonts (, A font being marked not installed could not be changed to the substitution of missing fonts (, BooleanDifference: Brep face was incorrectly selected (, CMYK color wheel did not set black to zero if it is 100% (, ConvertDots: Did not make a new group from grouped dots (, Texture on UV Editor rectangle was black (, Pressing Apply Now in Custom Lighting Setup of display modes caused changes not to stick (, Symmetry settings controlled appearance of Radiate parent, but Reflect child (, Colors of Reflect and Radiate objects were slightly different (, Explode: Caused a crash on a specific model (, DWG Export - Lost dimension unit and suffix overrides (, DWG Import - Some hatch planes were flipped (, DWG/DXF Export - Text in block instances was incorrectly scaled (, FBX import - Duplicate copies of a material were imported (, OBJ Export - Saving objects as polygon meshes failed to save curves when only curves were selected (, FindText: Text strings in dimensions could be found, but could not be replaced (, GrasshopperPlayer: Get Integer did not support undo (, Gumball: Did not display scale grips when it aligned to a clipping plane (, History: Dimensions created with projected object snaps might not update (, InsertPoint: Added extra vertices at the snapped vertex (, LoadPlugin: Only one plug-in was loaded on Rhino start when a bunch were installed via the package manager (, MergeFaces: Did not allow selecting faces when faces were filtered out in selection filters (, MeshSplit: Never finished because of an infinite loop (, NamedSelections: ExtractSrf command unexpectedly made copies of selection sets (, NamedView: Should not restore to locked viewports (, OSnap: An object behind another in a block could not be snapped (, OSnap:From: Status bar did not show distance for start point of Polyline command (, PackageManager: Could not run inside other commands (, Line width was incorrect when printing model viewports (, Properties: The scriptable command set RGB colors instead of RGBA (, Face loop range selection did not work on SubDs (, RDK: Intel Denoiser UI showed information string "Rhino.Render.Variant" or NULL instead of empty string (, RPC: Caused short delay at the first Undo (, Reflect: Sub-object selections were cleared after manipulating Gumball along reflection plane (, Embedded files were identified as missing the first time a model was loaded (, Switch Transparent background on and off might not change the Raytraced viewport (, Viewport resolution was incorrectly based on DPI pixel scale instead of physical screen resolution (, Dragging RMTL onto Material editor took far too long (, Pressing Enter to accept renaming made setting UI empty (, Rendering: Realtime SDK: Renaming a material caused Raytraced mode to restart (, UV meshes for unwrapped SubDs did not pay attention to custom render mesh settings (, Was not simulated correctly for PBR materials (, Rendering: Textures: Deleting missing texture images caused a long delay (, Revolve: History did not update correctly when revolving around CPlane-Z direction (, RhinoSdkBlend::SurfaceBlend failed where BlendSrf command succeeded (, Rhino command-line displayed integers in scientific notation (, GeometryEquals() did not work for surfaces (, RenderTexture.PixelSize was not virtual (, Transparency not available/not reported correctly via object attributes (, Transparency not available/not reported correctly via layer color attributes (, Target name conflicted with Grasshopper NuGet package (, Crossing selection incorrectly select faces behind camera when sub-object filters were enabled (, Dimensions made brush selection extremely slow (, Polyline option was ignored when RealTimeSelection=Yes (, Select: Window-selection incorrectly selected SubD in Ghosted display mode (, Picking object in V7 was slower than V6 (, SelWindow and SelCrossing nested in commands did not select correctly (, Emission material caused unsaved model state error (, Stitch: Edit or Control Point stitching removed SubD faces (, SubD: Radius of SubD cylinder did not match input when Solid=Yes (, SubD Editing: A sub-selected single vertex could not be moved (, Sometimes incorrectly marked components as primary motif components (, Reflect - Overlapping faces resulted in when two straddling input faces became overlapping after reflection (, TextField: DetailScale function did not preview and save correct values to PDF (, TruncatedCone: Preview of second diameter was incorrect (, UDT: Rigid groups did not flow correctly (, Undo: Kept only one action when "Max memory used" was set to 4096 MB (, UserText: Columns were not wide enough to display contents (, WeldEdge: Did not merge overlapping SubD edges (, File IO: PDF Export - Resizing the Export PDF dialog box caused a crash (, PointCloud: Transforming a large point cloud several times caused memory leak and crashed Rhino (, No longer requires selecting annotations (, Will not run when no text or dimensions existing in the model (, Grasshopper 2: Now exports icons as PNG (, Rendering: Cycles Viewport: Added Sharpness and Response settings for speeding up rendering and view manipulation (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Added a method to verify SubD component index existence and so on (, Added topology SHA1 to ON_SubD for determining type of symmetry update (, Radiate base plane is now constrained on CPlane (, Sweep1: Now options stick between sessions (, Rendering: Textures: Allows gathering image files to a new folder (, SubD Symmetry: New RemoveSymmetry command that removes any kind of symmetry from selected SubD (, Annotation: Dimensions attached to polysurfaces did not update (, Annotation: Styles: Changing font did not update existing text (, Block: Drag and drop usually highlighted a wrong block instance (, Some faces of Reflect child did not display while editing (, Grasshopper preview in Rendered display mode was incorrect (, NamedView: Dropping a named view onto a viewport failed to restore the view (, PolygonCount: Counting was slower than expected (, RDK: Environment in viewports did not interact in real time (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Curve.CreateBooleanDifference did not work in Rhino 7 (, Unwrap seams on 3D objects did not highlight when UV meshes were selected (, OpenNURBS: RhinoPointCloudRandomSubsample is moved to openNURBS (, SDK: Added Curve.CreateMatchCurve which calls the new RhMatchCurve C++ function (, Added SubD.ToBrep() with default option argument (, Added MeshFaceList.MergeAdjacentFaces method for merging two triangular mesh faces (, Display: Settings of Reflection are renamed and made working with Radiate command (, Rendering: Textures: Tooltip display is improved in "Missing image files" dialog (, TextField: "Active Layout" in LayoutUserText function now lists key-value pairs (, Bridge: Should not project object snaps (, Annotation: Styles: Changing style did not update dimensions (with overridden properties) pasted from another model (, Display: Reflection environment did not update until viewport redraw (, Grasshopper: Right-click did not bring up context menu on secondary monitor (, Libraries: Arrow buttons in the panel showed blank in dark mode (, Preferences: Themes icon looked bad in dark mode (, Color button crashed when using Substance plugin on Mac (, Material editor showed wrongly that the current renderer did not support materials (, Rendering: Content Panels: Double-click did not make an Environment current on Mac (, Advanced texture preview could not be enabled (, Rhino took forever to resolve missing textures when pasting objects on Mac (, Tooltips display behind the Missing image files dialog on Mac (, Tooltips in Missing image files dialog display in front of the dialogs opened from it (, Tooltips in Missing image files dialog flickered (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Plug-in Support for Mac said "v7 WIP" (, Text: Copied from another window was not editable in current window (, Layer: : Color could not be changed from popup (, Preferences: "Restore Defaults" button was missing in Color settings (, SDK: Added plug-in types support to wizard application (, BlockManager: Exporting a single block did not save the file with the block name (, Display: Importing options did not trigger viewport display to update (, Grasshopper: Button got the .PNG image size wrong (, Installer: Requested to reboot computer before installing all packages (, Layer: Delete key deleted the selected layer when the Layer panel is not active (, NamedSelections: The scriptable command had to load the panel (, Rendering panel did not use icon from .NET rendering plug-ins (, Clarity slider did not display percentage value (, Vertical scrolling shifted content section left and right (, Rendering: Cycles: Failed to render substance materials (, Tooltips in Missing image files dialog display in front of other apps (, Missing image files dialog lost focus when some dialogs were closed (, SDK: RhinoScript: FindDuplicatePoints did not work correctly (, ScriptCompiler: Compiling rhp trimmed off the last character (, SelectionFilter: "Filter" status bar pane did not turn blue when "Sub-objects" was enabled on Selection Filter toolbar (, Grasshopper: Now ignores font substitution when running headless (, Grasshopper: Components: Geometry Pipeline threw exception (, Selection: Selecting long text was lagged by Properties panel (, Annotation: Redundant missing font warnings for each imported layout (, Annotation: DimLinear: History update did not rotate dimensions with parent objects (, Arc: Mouse pick did not apply distance constraint as pressing Enter (, ArrayCrv: Objects were not consistently spaced (, BoundingBox: Cumulative=No hanged Rhino (, Curve-curve intersection: Did not find intersection between duplicate lines (, Sub-object face highlighting did not work on fully reflective materials in Rendered mode (, Transparency from texture did not show base color correctly in Rendered mode (, Shade command - DrawWires option did not affect SubD (, Block attribute calculation made Rhino unresponsive (, Dragging SubD vertices reverted smooth/flat modes (, Shadows were lost for transparency mapped materials (, Drag: Alt-copy a single group member created a one-object group (, Handle unexpectedly displayed on opposite end of surface (, SVG Export - Text colors were not exported correctly (, Prompts should be removed when importing files into a headless document (, DWG Export/Import - Hatch patterns shifted when they round-tripped back into Rhino (, DWG Export/Import - Leader text size did not round-trip (, OBJ Export - UseRenderMeshes option was missing in scriptable version (, DWG/DXF Import - AutoCAD special characters did not import as corresponding symbols (, DWG/DXF Import - Dimensions might be viewed from behind (, FindText: Did not remember "Match case" and "Whole word" settings (, Grasshopper: Components: Fuse created ragged intersection edge with gaps (, No output contextual components in definition (, Polysurface faces could not be selected when GetGeometry component only accepts surfaces (, History: Render meshes of Edge Softening did not update (, MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Did not cleanup object snap locations (, Mesh: Extreme density on extrusion objects (, NamedSelections: Failed on points from multiple objects (, NamedView: List view scrolled to top when a named view was restored (, OpenNURBS: ONX_Model::AddDefaultDimensionStyle threw exception (, Patch: Behaved differently when same edges were selected differently (, PerFaceDisplayColor: Typo in RemovePerFaceColors command's feedback message (, Detail views using Rendered mode did not print (, Tiled with 300 PDI Raster & Artic display modes (, Raytraced mode required a viewport wiggle to show changes of baked textures (, Constant material updates from ChangeQueue prevented Raytraced mode from rendering (, Constant material updates from ChangeQueue prevented ProRender from rendering (, Assigning material changed material base color (, Failed to load in Rhino 7.7 on Windows 8.1 (, Rendering: RenderOpenRenderImage command did not open window with correct size (, EXR environment texture was rotated in Raytraced mode (, Sometimes rendered a sharp shadow fuzzy (, Color mask for Picture material did not work with Cycles (, Basic environment using background color did not work correctly with Skylight (, HDRi with high dynamic EV were underpowered (, Sun size was different between sessions (, Objects were not selected/deselected properly after dropping a material (, Metal bump textures did not show up in Rendered mode (, Sphere preview thumbnail gave wrong info (, PBR normal map and environment were mixed (, Filename did not stick with an unhandled exception (, Rendering: Post Effect: Gaussian Blur caused overexposure effect (, Rendering: Realtime SDK: Restoring snapshot did not trigger skylight change event in ChangeQueue (, Object properties showed incorrect mapping type (, Repeat of Grit texture did not display properly in Rendered mode with Advanced texture preview enabled (, Advanced texture preview caused progressive baking in Raytraced mode (, Base color channel was baked unexpectedly (, Models with lots of baked textures took a long time for second load (, Raytraced mode baked bump channel twice on SubD objects (, Stock bump textures did not update properly (, Baking high resolution textures used up a huge amount of disk space (, SDK: RhinoOffsetCurveOnSrf did not work across seam of closed surface (, SDK: GhPython: Intersect caused memory leak in Grasshopper (, RhinoWindows.Controls.RenderContentUserControlCollapsibleSection did not work in Visual Studio Design mode (, RhinoObject.CommitChanges() returning false in headless Rhino Document (, GumballAppearanceSettings CreatePointer() caused memory leak (, Selection: Selecting sub-objects in blocks caused out of memory (, SetOneDaySunAnimation: Frames switching between hard and soft shadows (, Display and selection were extremely slow for dense SubD objects (, Radiate did not work properly with 2 segments (180) (, Subobject Selection: Deleting SubD sub-objects worked differently between Shaded and Wireframe modes (, UDT: Flow - Dimensions in groups caused the result skewed (, UVEditor: Did not work well with Advanced texture preview in Rendered mode (, Undo: Did not update perface material display when Displacement plug-in was loaded (, UnrollSrf: UnrollSrfUV - Prompt did not include text dots and points (, ViewCaptureToClipboard: Shadows were clipped when view capture was scaled at 4 (, Repeated renderings ran out of memory and crashed Rhino (, Frame around text pays attention to print width settings (, SelDimOverride command now selects any annotation, not only dimension, that has a style override (, Color Picker: Added RGB sliders to HSV, HSL, CMYK wheel modes (, Connect: ExtendOtherCurvesBy=Smooth is made not to add control points (, Document User Text now hides keys added by Guides of modeling aids (, Document User Text now hides keys added by BoxEdit (, STEP Import - Reports unit and tolerance in command history (, PDF Export - Lines are printed with rounded end caps (, OBJ Export - New Export as triangles option (, AI Import - Uses PDF import options for PDF-based .ai files (, SKP Import/Export: Added support for SketchUp 2021 files (, PDF Export - Exported selected now hides layout printing settings (, SVG Export: Saves files without UTF-8 BOM to improve readability for other apps (, Inset: Added Group mode for multiple selected SubD faces (, Layout: In the overlapped region of detail views, double-click close to the center of a detail view to activate it (, Lights: Shadow intensity of Spot, Point and Directional lights now changes shadow softness (, MatchProperties: Added "Texture mapping" option (, Modeling Aids: Elevator mode now instantly updates preview when typing a distance (, NamedSelections: Objects made into a block will be removed from selection sets (, Options: Added ExportDocumentUserText advanced setting that decides if Document User Text will be exported or copied to Clipboard (, Panels: NamedCPlane, NamedView, NamedPosition, Snapshot items can be sorted by ascending, descending, or custom orders (, Picture: Texture display will not change when Picture plane is split and shrunk (, Properties: Column width in Attribute User Text can be remembered in a Rhino session (, Reflect: Control points across the reflection plane can be edited (, Rendering: Stops testing tangents when edge display is turned off to speed up startup time (, Rendering: Cycles: Works with more than one display card (, Added Yes to All button for assigning a material to objects inside a block (, Assign to object prompts to keep or override sub-object materials (, UntrimAll: UnTrimAll: Supports removing holes in hatches (, UserText: "Paste key and value to all layouts" now skips existing keys (, Rendering: Textures: New RenderReportImageFiles command (, Annotation: DimCurveLength and DimArea did not allow selecting curves in non-active detail views (, FindText: Did not find text strings in dots (, Rendering: Cycles: Texture mapping errors in Render versus Rendered mode (, Texture baking froze Rhino while manipulating Rendered view (, SelBrush: RealTimeSelection=Yes did not work with points, curves, and meshes (, Developer Tools: Added dotnet new templates (, Allows adding objects to inactive layouts (, Added change event watcher for document user text (, Expanded enum for GripType now includes EditPoints (, Exposed RhinoGetDibAsTextureFileReference (, Added .NET SDK access to get the C++ SubD vertex faces (, ApplyDisplacement: Is changed to a hidden command (, Reflect: Option RemoveExistingSymmetry is renamed to RemoveExistingReflectSymmetry (, Eto: Named item panels were not selected until mouse button was released (, RDK: Subsurface radius and Displacement Map need more decimal places (, Block: Annotations in blocks lost style when blocks were pasted into a new model (, Grasshopper: Crashed when opening Preferences (, Groundplane: Setting a negative height crashed Rhino (, ImportPreferences: Failed to import preferences (, Menu: View capture commands missing from the Viewport menu (, PropertiesPage: Light properties did not allow values grater than 100 (, Rendering: Textures: Missing textures made model not open (, Eto: Opening a model caused instant crash on Mac (, Allows a damaged 3DM to open on Mac so it can be reverted to a valid version (, 3DM - Added Do not show this again checkbox to Auto Save disabled warning when opening an old version 3DM (, Templates: Annotation styles are updated to use Arial font to avoid font missing on Windows (, ExtractIsocurve: Added History support on Mac (, Shaded controls were missing in new display modes (, OpenGL 1.1 did not display half-transparent curves (, DocumentProperties: Some render settings were not scriptable (, Several dialogs were a lot larger than necessary (, ComboBoxCell did not function correctly (, Gumball: Gumball not working in this model (, Failed to download .NET 4.8 for offline installation packages (, Offline installation of Rhino 7/8 failed (, Pipe: Twisted on rounded corners along the path (, Print: Some views were partially clipped (, QuadRemesh: Worksession output remained in the inactive file (, Rendering: Texture Bake Quality was not set correctly in Render options (, SDK: Dialog with warning blocked python script (, SDK: RhinoScript: Rhino.idl and RhinoScript.idl reported 6.0 instead of 7.0 (, SpaceMouse: 3D Connexion did not work properly on Rhino.Inside Revit (, BlockManager: Special characters in block names are exported as underscores (, Fullscreen: Settings now stick across sessions (, Interface: Added InactiveTabBackground advanced setting for changing color of inactive tabs (, Layer: Allows deleting layers with the keyboard delete key (, Rendering: Textures: Unloads low resolution texture backing when higher resolution one is loaded (, SystemInfo: Added information about OpenGL Capping Level (, Align: Did not work with control points (, Annotation: Hatch: Some settings were incorrectly disabled in properties (, Block: Inserted block turned into display haywire (, BlockManager: ERROR of no geometry found after running a script (, Color Picker: Pressing Enter moved selection in color list instead of closing dialog (, Curves with curve piping were drawn in wrong place when selecting object (, Curve piping in Rendered mode caused artifact (, Objects with color transparency disappeared when they were made into a block (, Visibility checkbox of Show clipping planes was missing in Technical/Artistic/Pen mode options (, Background of Pen display mode displayed brighter in inactive detail views (, Curves with color transparency were invisible in blocks (, SubD shaded display did not persist through Tab key smooth/flat toggle (, Feedback was updating slowly when SubD and clipping plane coexisting in shaded viewport (, DraftAngleAnalysis: The "Set" button needed an extra click to activate rhino document (, DupEdge: Curves created from grouped SubDs were included in the group (, EndBulge: Preview in Shaded viewport did not draw wireframes when editing in Wireframe viewport (, STEP Import - Failed to read many surfaces in a STEP file from Solidworks (, PDF Export - Dimension text using single-line fonts did not print in vector output (, PDF Export - DPI 1200 printed skylight shadows worse than DPI 600 (, DWG/DXF Import - Dimensions were imported with incorrect round-off (, PDF Export - Had excess page padding in print preview (, FBX Export - Bad meshes caused writing plug-in failure (, Point component - Set one point rejected pre-selected single point object (, Wrong version date and old copyright on the About splash (, Unnamed objects were found when converting empty strings to shapes (, Offset Curve component required Plane input on RH7, not RH6 (, Simplify error of An entry with the same key already exists (, Mesh Surface component had a bug when Equalize=True (, Volume component did not work on open Breps (, Object Details component did not work for points (, Gumball: Did not stay at center of the edges selected by SelChain command (, Editing objects with all History children deleted should not show History break warning (, Deleting parents with all children no longer existing still showed break warning (, Parent and child objects created by some commands lost connections on import (, Did not work when Sweep1/2 input were pre-picked and contained edges (, Flipped angle dimension to opposite side (, MatchProperties: Inconsistent for material properties (, MeshRepair: Reported increasing total naked edges for multiple selection (, Picture: Texture mapping incorrect in Raytraced mode when picture plane was trimmed (, Extents option had unwanted horizon line in Rendered display (, Vector output had extra lines in preview (, Rebuild: "Preserve end tangent directions" did not work when rebuilding with a master curve (, RecordAnimation: Did not work with Raytraced mode (, Rendering: Gamma post effect should be disabled when renderer doesn't support Linear Workflow (, Bump texture did not work with decals in Raytraced mode (, Material thumbnails and Raytraced viewport flipped upside down (, Gradient environment flipped in Raytraced mode and rendering (, Rendered display mode did not show decals (, Preview thumbnail became blank after undoing deletion (, Problem with distance from camera channel (, Rendering: Texture Mapping: SubD had black lines between faces (, Proxies appeared in UI after instancing Render Content (, Progressive baking in Rendered mode took a while to start (, Baking of gradient textures caused high memory consumption and crash (, Rendering Texture: Modal editor failed to render preview (, Raytraced mode required view rotation to update baked textures (, Trimming Picture plane caused a bug in texture baking (, RibbonOffset: Sweep2 method created distorted surface (, SDK: Brep.CreateFromOffsetFace was slow with loose offset (, Unable to set InstanceDefinition.SkipNestedLinkedDefinitions property (, Item templates were in the wrong category (, No way to assign a material to an objects attributes directly (, Selection: Text dots should not be culled by visibility culling (, Thumbnails from previous models were used (, SpaceMouse: Automatic camera target for points and lines was broken (, Split: Created single segment polycurves when a two-segment polycurve was split at joint (, SplitMeshWithCurve: Edge could be selected as cutting curve (, Radiate command - Segment count should be session sticky (, RadiateFind command failed to identify two-segment radial symmetry (, Added SubD SDK tool to automatically mark the primary motif in RadiateAdd (, Edge continuity options unavailable when surface edges were pre-picked as rails (, Text: Wrapped strings duplicated when saving to V5 3dm (, Trim: Trimming surfaces closed Rhino with no error messages (, ViewCaptureToFile: Failed with 4-color gradient background (, Cap: Rejects self-intersected input and shows a warning (, EndBulge: Works with Zebra, EMap, CurvatureAnalysis, and DraftAngleAnalysis (, Gumball: Added SetScaleHandles option to GumballRelocate command (, Moving parent and child together keeps connection between them (, Parent and child objects will stay connected if they are cut/copy-pasted together (, All option of HistoryPurge command no longer counts deleted objects on undo stack (, HistoryPurge command - All option reports a message about hidden objects (, InsertControlPoint: Keeps SubDFriendly state (, MeshSplit: Infinite plane can be set as cutting object (, RDK: Exposed Material in light properties for plug-in development (no effect on Rhino rendering) (, Skylight intensity can be edited in Lights panel (, Render Preview commands use 10 samples and 2 for all bounce settings (, Updating sample count in Rendering panel did not update sample count on HUD (, Changing advanced settings in Rendering panel restarts raytracing (, Rendering: Textures: Texture baking supports multi-thread processing (, Lists per-face materials when Sub-objects filter is turned on (, Allows to select sub-objects when Sub-objects filter is turned on (, Split: Added EdgeLoop option for splitting SubD (, RadiateFind command finds better primary motif faces (, ON_Symmetry::Type::Rotate is changed to use new radial symmetry code (, TextField: Volume function allows to calculate open objects (, Rendering: Materials: New RenderMergeIdenticalMaterials command (, Print: Vector output did not print polylines (, RDK: Added option to show only certain categories/types in ShowContentChooser (, SDK: Allows to enable history update on changes of object properties (, Exposed ON_InstanceDefinition::SetLinkedComponentAppearance (, Added Target Edge Length to QuadRemeshParameters (, Added sample code of how to pull SubD edit points (, Added ZebraAnalysisSettings setting class and ZebraAnalysisSettingsState state class (, Menu: Added "Split at Edge Loop" to SubD -> Edit Tools menu (, Added Hatch Scaling macro and fixed Toggle hatch scaling macro (, Right-click of Reflect button now runs RemoveSymmetry command (, Added Continue=No to left macro of all Dim* command buttons (, ViewPropertiesPage: "Autofocus on selected objects" has been removed from Focal Blur (, Annotation: Hatch: Did not remember the dialog size (, Eto: Toolbar buttons not properly displayed when expanded (, File IO: PDF Export - Might print differently between Windows and Mac (, Substitutions should be turned off for Grasshopper panels (, White scroller digits were not readable in dark mode (, Drawing Relay, Group, and Placeholder out of canvas bounds dragged down performance (, Preferences: Had too much dead space on macOS Big Sur (, Rendering: Cycles: Could not type more than one digit in Rhino render advanced settings in Rendering panel (, Keeping texture as child when changing texture type did not work (, SDK: GhPython: Components compiled on Windows did not run on Mac (, SDK: Python: OnMouseDown failed with GetPoint (, SDK: RhinoCommon: ViewCapture.CaptureToSvg() added an extra rectangle on Mac (, Tutorials: File list in Tutorials panel was not expandable on OS X Mojave (, Rendering: Materials: Changing name caused crash (, Libraries: Improved display of long material names in Libraries panel (, Alerter: Help button does not open the topic (, Color Picker: Dialog got hidden behind other apps when losing focus (, File IO: Save dialog truncated some names (, Geometry Pipeline locked filter was broken (, Selected components did not show wire preview (, Gumball: Edit box height was not correct at high DPI scale (, No Repeat of bitmap texture in PBR materials did not work (, Rendering resolution larger than the viewport changed the view (, SDK: RhinoSmoothMesh ignored bFixBoundaries parameter (, ScriptCompiler: Failed to build plug-ins on French OS (, ZoomExtents: Failed in detail views after an object was selected and deselected (, Licensing: Cloud Zoo: RHINO_TOKEN environment variable can be accessed by third-party plug-ins and scripts (, Workspace Editor: Allows multi-line macros (, Annotation: Text wrapping caused a problem with stacked fractions from text fields (, Scale and rotation settings of non-solid patterns were disabled on creation dialog (, Gradient hatches in layouts were at wrong scale in viewport and print (, Command dialog was closed before applying rotation value (, Annotation: Styles: Setting font printed a debug message to command-line (, Behavior of uniform size editing was unexpected (, ClippingPlane: Editing Layout view list switched to model view list (, Switching between Rendered and Raytraced modes shifted two point perspective view (, Blocks did not pay attention to draw order (, ExtendSrf: Surface extended in wrong direction (, PDF Export - Match viewport aspect ratio did not display viewport boundaries in preview (, PDF Export - Layout did not preview correctly (, DWG/DXF Export - Some dimensions had wrong length factors (, FilletEdge: Entering a number, while adding handles, did not set radius and ended the step (, Grasshopper: "Import 3DM" component locked 3DM opened by another Rhino (, Group: RemoveFromGroup command - Copy=Yes did not work with lights (, Gumball: "Align to object" might not work for multiple selected SubD faces (, Layout: View manipulation lagged when Layouts panel was visible (, Libraries: Icons on options page looked grayed out (, Loft: History update twisted the surface (, Make2D: Did not respect dimension formatting (, MeshRepair: Reported a mesh as good and invalid at the same time (, NamedView: Clicking thumbnail label to rename did not always work (, OpenNURBS: An error in opennurbs_point.cpp (, Installed package did not show custom icon (, New named item did not get selected and focused (, Selecting thumbnails with Shift key worked unexpectedly (, Vector output did not work properly for hatches with color transparency (, Linetypes in blocks did not display in detail views (, Copied layout was printed more than once (, Render Content mistakenly allowed invalid field names (, RenderContent.Filename did not work for existing RenderContent (, Eto UI - Dialog was super-wide if the dialog size was not found in the settings (, Reflect: Extra faces were added at reflection plane while editing (, Environment mapping on objects was wrong in Raytraced mode (, Ground plane underside was always visible (, Rendering: Decals: Did not render correctly in blocks (, Changing type between Custom and Emission did not keep the emission color (, PBR base color texture set to no repeat did not work properly in Rendered mode (, PBR displacement did not use PNG images with alpha correctly (, The environment of material thumbnails was not updated to use more HDRI range (, Colors in PBR materials did not update when restoring snapshots (, Rendering: Textures: Initial texture preview did not respect "Preview local mapping" setting (, NurbsCurveKnotList.RemoveMultipleKnots returning value bug (, Fixed some issues in ON_Squisher::GetMesh2d and ON_Squisher::GetMesh3d (, Cannot set point cloud extra value using PointCloudItem class (, Layer.PlotColor returned incorrect value (, Smooth: Right-clicking on an axis checkbox did not clear the other two axes (, Settings were hard to read in dark mode (, Import from 3dm ignored object properties (, Dragging to make the panel floating caused a crash (, Material assignment did not restore correctly (, SoftEditSrf: FixEdges=No did not preview correctly (, Deleting an edge changed what faces were in primary region of a Radial symmetry SubD (, Subobject Selection: Did not work correctly with PointCloud including hidden points (, TextField: Units below "Miles" on the list were not set correctly for Volume, Area, and Curve Length (, Toolbar: "Rotated dimension" button missing the left macro (, Tutorials: Bad link in Tutorials and Samples > Level 1 Training Manual (, TweenCurves: Initial preview was missing (, ViewCaptureToFile: Transparent background made gradient hatches transparent (, WireCut: Created bad objects with multi-cutting curves (, AutoSave: A model made Rhino for Mac stop responding (, File IO: DWG Export - ExportAll command crashed Rhino (, Grasshopper: Dots component crashed when changing size of many points (, Rendering: RenderWindow, RenderPreview related commands crashed (, Fixed length extension works with angle dimensions (, Extension line extension works with angle dimensions (, BoxEdit: Performance of editing a large amount of objects is improved (, CSV (Object Properties) Export - x, y, z values of point coordinates can be separated by spaces (, Grasshopper: Added "Caps" option to the MultiPipe component (, History: Works with curves in blocks as Sweep1/2 input (, Picture: Shrinking control points of trimmed Picture plane keeps texture mapping unchanged (, Print: Improved draw order of hatches, annotations, and geometries (, Reflect: SubD Symmetry: Reflect command displays reflection plane when picking manually (, Rendering: Cycles: GPUs no longer initialize in Rhino safe mode (, VariableOffsetSrf: Applies trims/holes from input, allows to add a series of handles and move added handles (, Explode: Converts value of BlockAttributeText text field to text (, Rendering: New BatchRenderNamedViews command (, Radiate command allows existing Reflect object as input (, Reflect command supports two-direction reflection (, Panels: Deleting many named items at once was very slow (, Annotation: Styles: Did not update existing Radial dimensions (, BoxEdit: Uniform size did not work correctly (, Join: Preselect changed linear degree 3 curves into degree 1 segments (, Added RhinoArcLineArcBlend to C++ SDK and RhinoCommon (, RhinoDivideCurveEquidistant is made to select planar curves faster (, Added MergeAllCoplanarFaces function for SubD and Mesh objects (, ObjectTable.Replace override that accepts ignoreModes flag (, Added an ArchiveVersion property to File3dm (, RDK: Clarifications about hidden render contents (, SubD Symmetry: Gumball extrude handles are disabled on SubD edges and faces in non-primary regions (, Annotation: Changing style did not apply font setting on text and leader creation (, Baked meshes from Grasshopper broke display on M1 Macbook Pro (, Importing preferences did not trigger viewport display to update (, Eto: Buttons with colors did not show correctly on non-retina screens (, PDF Export - ExportAll command using vector output failed to print text (, PDF Export - Text location shifted in preview of vector output (, Layer: Color swatches in Layers panel did not indicate color transparency (, Double-clicking a layout to make it current triggered name editing of another layout (, Layouts panel could not be shown by -Layouts command (, PackageManager: Clicking the "X" button did not clear the search box (, Rendering: Render content updates failed to update to new file (, Rendering: Cycles: "No Repeat" of bitmap texture in PBR materials did not work (, Rendering: Materials: Preview thumbnails did not update on Mac (, Repeat: Only current curve was visible when some curve commands were repeating (, SDK: Dialogs with warning blocked python script (, SelMaterialName: Dialog did not display text correct in dark mode (, SetPt: Right-clicking an axis checkbox did not clear the other axes (, Undo: Did not work correctly for matching materials on Mac (, Eto: Render window crashed after moving up the splitter (, PDF Export - Crashed on printing layouts (, Headless import of a GDF file crashed on Mac (, UserText: Aborting key name change crashed Rhino (, Layer: Visibility changes did not take effect while a command was running (, BoxEdit: Continuous editing was not smooth (, Display: Per face color slowed down performance in shaded display modes (, NamedSelections: Scriptable command did not save selections in Worksession (, Picture: Transparency mask on "Picture" did not work with Apple M1 (, RDK: Renaming viewport title did not update "Specific Viewport" list (, SDK: Header messages were not updated for v7 (, SDK: GhPython: Some component parameters were converted to strings instead of objects (, SmartTrack: Tapping Ctrl key did not add/remove smart points while Alt key was down (, Snapshot: : Used 10,000 GDI objects that locked up Rhino (, Annotation: Text: Input Stalled Out at Previous Input (, BoxEdit: Input was added to the existing size (, Display: Casting and receiving shadows were ignored in linked blocks (, EditPtOn: Did not display edit points on a specific curve (, STEP Import - Cones imported with incorrect seams (, PDF Import - Scripting import of a specific page caused file reading error (, OBJ Import - Commas as decimal separators failed (, DWG Export - Text object was saved with incorrect annotation style (, PDF Export - Scale values did not update properly (, Read-only warning popped up when scripting a file opening (, Grasshopper: Components: "Component ID conflict" dialog showed instead of "File Conflict" on multiple conflicts (, Missing scale handles when aligning to text object (, Activating the scale handle was harder in V7 (, Locking children did not allow editing dimension properties (, All option of HistoryUpdate command did not update history children that were locked, hidden, or on locked layers (, Link to dimensions was broken without a warning when editing converted an extrusion to a polysurface (, Layer: Not turned off when moved under an off-layer as a sub-layer in layout viewport (, MeshFromLines: Failed when some input curves did not form polygons (, NamedSelections: Drag and drop to reorder was broken (, Options: Caused unnecessary render mesh re-creation (, Hair left on screen when Display hair was turned off (, Print: Preview drew text with wrong colors (, QuadRemesh: Display conduit stuck when remeshing multiple objects (, RDK: Child content was not instanced with instanced parent content (, Rendering: Single color texture using object color did not render (, Hidden materials caused confusion in object properties (, Rendering: Textures: Mesh objects used low-resolution simulation of procedural textures in Rendered display (, Grasshopper template in v7 did not generate a new GUID (, Project template did not ask about WinForms/WPF (, Bug in Rhino.Geometry.Transform.GetHashCode (, ScriptCompiler: Compiled GH Script using cached values (, Pressing space bar did not directly accept unchanged settings (, Pressing x, y, z keys did not toggle the checkboxes (, Trim: Object being cut remained selected (, File IO: CSV Export - Saves attribute user text of top level blocks (, Keyboard: Arrow keys are able to select through items in named panels (, NamedSelections: SubD faces and edges in selection set can be post input for commands (, RDK: Material type conversion is improved (, Rendering: Materials: Improvements in PBR texture import dialog (, BrepFaceList.ShrinkFaces() method was broken for certain multiface breps (, Added overload to volume massprop calc to include tolerance (, SelFontUse: Only lists fonts used by annotations (which are not locked, hidden, or selected) in current model/layout space (, SubCrv: Copy=Yes and Mode=MarkEnds support History (, SubD Symmetry: Reflect command allows existing Reflect object as input (, Rendering: Cycles Viewport: Raytracing repeatedly restarted in parallel views (, Rendering: Materials: Tree mode list kept collapsing (, Rendering: Texture Mapping: Value boxes in XYZ size section did not have enough width (, File IO: PDF Export - Vector output failed on Mac if custom size * dpi was too large (, Picture: Transparency mask did not work on Apple M1 processor (, ToolPalettes: Added an advanced setting for specifying commands that do not hide floating tool palettes (, Keyboard Shortcuts: Added Ctrl+Q to quit Rhino (Exit command) (, LoadScript: Supports Windows environment variables in file paths (, Double-clicking on the name of an advanced setting copies it to clipboard (, Updates and Statistics page now shows the current version (, SDK: RhinoScript: Enhancements about alpha value of colors (, Flipped between angle and reflex angle when moving the whole dimension (, BlockEdit: Messed object attributes (instance) (, Check: Objects were identified as bad until move and undo (, Lights on layers hidden in a detail still cast shadows (, PointClouds were always drawn in front of objects in Raytraced mode (, Object always appeared as semi-transparent with edges despite display mode (, Skylight shadow shading issues when selecting objects (, Selecting Other settings in Technical mode options removed all technical display attributes (, PBR displacement didnt match between Rendered and Raytraced modes (, Sub-objects using a wrong mapping channel in Rendered mode (, EditText: Non-native Windows fonts could not be set italic for text in groups (, Faces in child segment of a single reflect symmetry could be selected (, Should not allow to select child segment faces of Radiate, Radiate+Reflect, and Reflect+Reflect symmetries (, SketchUp Import - Group materials were assigned to objects that did not have materials (, KMZ Export - World Y was always mapped to North (, Gumball: Left-click proceeded (not canceled) value input (, History: Showed false breaking warning when editing converted parent from Extrusion to polysurface (, InsertPoint: Allowed to modify child motif on duplicated Reflect symmetry (, Licensing: Cloud Zoo: .NET Framework out of memory error on startup (, Match: Scriptable command missing options when matching to edge (, NamedSelections: Did not work with light objects (, OffsetSrf: Corner=Sharp created bad objects (, Named item might not be re-selected by first click (, Print: Text Shifting When Printing Vector (, Clicking on the Material icon in object properties caused memory leaks (, Eto UI - Libraries initial custom folder did not work in Rhino Options (, Displacement map amount not working in Rendered display mode (, Normal map had incorrect mapping on ground plane (, varies of sliders in PBR materials did not work correctly (, PBR Displacement amount incorrect in Rendered mode (, PBR Displacement worked differently between Rendered and Raytraced modes (, PBR Displacement texture separated objects (, Duplicate material acted as if the texture is instanced (, Deleted PBR Emission still emitted lighting from curve piping meshes (, Rendering: Post Effect: Fog Post Effect - Point picking for color, distance or area returned wrong values (, Rendering: Texture Mapping: Custom object mapping UVW repeat wrong on SubD when Advanced texture preview was disabled (, Loops of texture baking failures froze Rhino (, Advanced Texture Preview made textures look worse (, Displayed black when objects were pasted to a different model (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Bug in the copying of SubD objects (, Selection: Objects in selection shown through shaded objects but could not be dragged (, SmartTrack: Rotate command did not place a smart point with no snap (, Radiate command missing the RemoveExistingReflectSymmetry option (, RemoveExistingReflectSymmetry option in Reflect and Radiate should not end the command (, UnrollSrf: Trims in surfaces caused errors (, ViewCaptureToFile: Pen lines were invisible on transparent background (, File IO: Solidworks Import - Crash after reading sldpart file (, PackageManager: Null reference exception (, ComputeVertexColors: Faster and supports texture mappings, transforms, channels, and RDK materials (, Displacement: Supports "No Repeat" in mapping settings of textures (, Display: Caches analysis meshes for EMap (, Updated SketchUp SDK to the latest version (2021-1-279) (, CSV Export - Saves text fields as evaluated values instead of formula strings (, SketchUp Import - Better approximation of SketchUp views (, SketchUp Import - Pops up a warning about risk of running of memory when " Trimmed planes" is selected (, Plane controls work with distance, angle, direction, and ortho constraints (, Remembers mouse dragged distance/angle/scale values for next click input (, Added preview step to the scriptable command (, Modeling Aids: Distance constraint - Draws the tracking line while typing a number (, Rendering: Textures: Added mapping controls to "Resample Texture" type (, Selection: Selection Menu lists viewport camera points with different names (, SubD Editing: New SubDExpandEdges command (, Radiate command flips cheese wedge display when cursor moving across object bounding box center (, Radiate and Reflect now warn about non-compatible pre-existing symmetries that will be removed (, Radiate command - Added UseLastAxis, Axis, and CPlane-Z options (, Radiate command - Added pie slice feedback display for Reflect+Radiate symmetry (, Added Flip option to Reflect, Reflect+Reflect, and Reflect+Radiate symmetries (, Radiate now uses a cleanup tolerance (based on documents absolute tolerance) when creating child motifs (, Reflect command - Automatically adjust reflection plane direction, while picking, towards SubDs bounding box center (, InsertPoint command is allowed to modify only primary motif (, TextField: Exports evaluated values instead of formula strings (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Added ability to crease/smooth SubD edges to Rhino 7 grasshopper (, Selection: Selection Menu lists named view widgets with names (, SubD Editing: SubDExpandEdges command supports variable offset (, BlendSrf: Preview surface did not display Zebra analysis as the input surfaces (, FilletEdge: Control points stacked together (, Block: Added SDK functionality to determine which original objects created the instance definition (, Added support for manipulating per-face materials without having to know the details (, Added CreateVertexColors to C++ and .net SDK (, SDK: RhinoCommon: Added abilities to convert angles between quaternion and Euler angles (, Context Menu: Right-clicking in another model did not make it active and commands on context menu ran in current model (, File IO: PDF Export - Failed when exporting some, but not all, layouts (, Grasshopper: Some icons on context menus were not scaled properly (, Content Editor - Multiple selection did not work in tree grid view (, Renaming viewport title did not update Specific Viewport list (, Rendering: Render window was closed after choosing not to cancel (, Rendering: Content Panels: Quick preview was initialized slowly (, Rendering: Realtime SDK: Raytraced mode failed with multiple documents (, Resizing multiple resulted in Varies on Mac (, Tile texture size was set differently from what was typed (, Preview stuck on screen even after Rhino was closed (, Dark Mode: Crash when changing between light and dark modes (, Keyboard: Delete and backspace keys both delete items in named and render content panels (, Preferences: Double-clicking on the name of an advanced setting copies it to clipboard (, Preferences: Added advanced setting to suppress tool palettes reappearing after command completes (, Grasshopper: CMD+A did not select all text in Scribble component (, Docking: Did not wrap selection filter checkboxes properly (, STEP Export - Failed with some folder names in Japanese/Korean (, PDF Export - Preview did not update when switching from Window to Multiple Layouts (, Options: Libraries page did not allow changes to be cancelled (, Rendering: Materials: Value change looked like not accepted when Enter was pressed in PBR settings (, Tone mapping histogram missing Before and After colors (, Final Pass section of Render window was blank (, Rendering: Realtime SDK: C++ sample for realtime display mode integration no longer works (, SetPt: Right-click did not directly accept unchanged settings (, Undo: Did not work with material changes made by RhinoScript (, IncrementalSave: Now "saves small" by default (, Annotation: Leader and Text command dialogs did not open with editing box on focus (, Help: Added simplified Chinese V7 for Windows offline help (.

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