importance of mapeh in pandemic

Define important concepts and terminologies used in chemical analysis and differentiate the different methods of chemical analysis. When well designed and executed, maps can build awareness and shape smarter decision-making from the global to the hyper-local level. This might have affected the understanding and appreciation of the topics in CHE 211, placing the students in a very stressful situation. The platform reviews hundreds of millions of social media messages to interpret changes in public sentiment, the proliferation of bots and the reliability of information being shared online. Szen E., Gven U. This study was based on a survey of students who experienced online instruction using the DLPCA strategy. Physical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry courses involve a lot of calculations which must be properly taught to students. CDC twenty four seven. Accessed at. Likewise,Facebookis making anonymized mobility data available to show the extent to which physically distancing efforts are helping contain COVID-19, whileSafeGraphtracks the percentage of the population staying at home (sheltering in place) every day. 1. Table 5 summarizes the alignment of assessments and change in LOs for Physical Chemistry during the 2nd Term of AY 20192020. However, before you embark on your keep-fit journey, it is important to talk to your doctor. . Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (such as speed-walking or jogging) has been shown to help reduce the use of alcohol and other substances. Thus, it is coupled with a synchronous session using a reliable video conferencing platform. A compelling example of this is theInfodemic Observatoryproduced by CoMuNe Lab. All chemistry courses offered to Chemical Engineering students used to have at least two major exams in a semester, i.e., preliminary exam and final exam and several quizzes. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. Content type and perceived multimedia quality in mobile learning. September. This is a five-component blended learning strategy referred to as Discover, Learn, Practice, Collaborate and Assess (DLPCA). In the case of CHE 216, the first half of the semester was conducted in face-to-face instruction (before the community lockdown) and the second half of the term was conducted online. 3 Ways Global Outbreaks Impact the U.S. Economy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1. It is highly suggested that enough time is necessary to fully understand the discussions in the lecture video. Flipped classroom modules for large enrollment general chemistry courses: a low barrier approach to increase active learning and improve student grades. The quality of video lectures represents how the video lectures are designed or how it appears to the students (Lange and Costley, 2007). This observation was attributed to the various preferences of students on the type assessment. LO2. Some are more informative than others. In this manner, students will realize the importance of SAQs in achieving the desired numerical solving skills rather than simply submitting the SAQs as a gradable component. Pubic school teacher Martina Cabilbigan (left) spends her spare time at home assisting one of her two children in the latter's online classes in this time of the pandemic at home in Cotabato City. The synchronous online lectures in Physical Chemistry 1 were conducted by the individual instructors during the second term of AY 20192020, while CHE 211 was conducted through team-teaching in the succeeding term (i.e., Special term, AY 20192020). 1. The concept of cognitivism focuses on the stimulation of the students learning strategies (Acevedo et al., 2020). With this, we were given the power of stillness and the opportunity to unapologetically slow down. This measures how well a questionnaire measures a variable based on a set of questions like those in a Likert scale (Tavakol and Dennick, 2011; Glen, 2021). The instructors observations can be used to provide information on the effectiveness of flipped classroom in a qualitative perspective (Fautch, 2015). One is by evaluating the proper pedagogical model to use. The student experiences in accomplishing the assessments were examined. Infographic announcements are posted for students to be aware to the time frame for activities, Self-assessment questions are available for each topic, Assigned numerical problems in from textbook. We recommend finding physical activities that you enjoy and to share your experience with others. 2019. Some of the notable values such as creativity, risking, caring, respect, loving and responsible (there are a lot more) can be transferred over to their lives during and once this pandemic is. Audio and visual clarity of lecture videos is a concern among students in online classes because this can have a negative effect on how students perceive and comprehend instruction (Molnar, 2017; Lange and Costley, 2007). 20190. The before COVID-19 refers to the course syllabus before community lockdown during 2nd Term AY 20192020 while during COVID-19 is based on the same term after switching to online instruction. Education for Chemical Engineers. McLaughlin J.E., Roth M.T., Glatt D.M., Gharkholonarehe N., Davidson C.A., Griffin L.M., Esserman D.A., Mumper R.J. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day; pp. The survey also indicated that most of the students are satisfied with the DLCPA strategy. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to . Some students in CHE 211 expressed their frustration that exam time is too fast-paced. This was done to increase student participation and allowed them to present their alternative solutions to a problem. The usual online synchronous sessions were taught by the instructor-in-charge of the meeting (i.e., module leader) while the other instructors are also present during the synchronous session (referred as plenary sessions). It is important that as a population, we learn how to protect our mental health during this stressful and ever-changing situation, while also following the guidelines set by health authorities to protect our physical health. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of millions of Americans, but a study by the University of Houston finds that Hispanic/Latinx adolescents who had elevated levels of mental health problems prior to the pandemic actually experienced a reduction in symptoms during the early stages of the public health crisis. In addition, the time frame must also consider other factors, such as the time needed to scan and save their solutions, and the upload speed of their internet connection. Lecture videos were made simple, readable, visually appealing, understandable, and easily accessible for students. Pastor C.K.L. Although the exam questions were prepared to be similar to the one discussed in the online session, some students still find answering the quizzes (i.e., exams) stressful because the difficulty level of the questions are different from the ones discussed in the guided problems and SAQs. The students also emphasized the enthusiasm as well as the positive attitude of the instructors that was reflected throughout the recordings. Pandemic highlights important role of nurses. The percentage of students who got 1.75 nearly doubled (online=16.3 %, face-to-face=9.1 %) while those who got 2.25 more than doubled (online=25.5 %, face-to-face=11.6 %) in the online setting. Darabi A., Jin L. Improving the quality of online discussion: the effects of strategies designed based on cognitive load theory principles. By Noel Punzalan October 3, 2020, 6:49 pm. The following three major topics emerged for CHE 211: (1) questions, (2) videos, sessions, lessons, and (3) asynchronous, strategy, lecture, instructors, more, time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. The word cloud is an image made of words and the size of the word corresponds to how it often appears (frequency) the students answer in the open-ended questions. A total of four quizzes were given synchronously for CHE 211. A prominent example is theUrban Institutes map tracking where low-income jobsare being lost at the metropolitan scale. The shift to online instruction was a contingency plan to secure the continuation of the courses offered by the University and enable students to continue with their studies. Majority of students in CHE 211 (92.3 %) and CHE 216 (97.4 %) strongly agree that the videos clearly stated the learning outcomes (entry 3.1). The flipped classroom for teaching organic chemistry in small classes: is it effective? In DLPCA strategy, new information is given in a module-based approach wherein the concepts are linked and built from previous modules. a). Therefore, it is advisable that plans should be taken into consideration to promote this vital component in an online class. 1e). The Covid-19 pandemic has brought community/public health nursing practice to the forefront.. The average run time is 15min with the longest one being 36min long. Interestingly, we experienced more questioning from the students either made vocally or through the chat box of Google Meet. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has dramatically changed the higher education system in the Philippines with a distinctive shift in online instruction as an effort to limit further transmission of the virus. Reduction in substance use is also associated with improvement in the bodys ability to fight off infection. Several factors were considered in designing the appropriate teaching approach for Analytical chemistry and Physical chemistry. Have an important mechanism for handling situations related to MAPEH teaching. They are also predicting which employment sectors are most likely to be affected, implications for public transportation and mobility, and where health authorities should deploy medical services and support. Specifically, we investigated three important aspects of online instruction, namely: (i) online content delivery strategy, (ii) learning mechanisms (synchronous and asynchronous), and (iii) assessment type and strategies. Crawford R., Jenkins L.E. Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you. However, the DLPCA strategy streamlined all available online resources into an organized strategy. The frequency table and graph for suggestions for improvement are presented in Supplemental Information SI-8. a and b, respectively. Our understanding of and behavioural response to COVID-19 is profoundly influenced by maps. While there are exceptions, there are still large swathes of the world especially Africa, South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean that struggle to access even the most basic geospatial information on disease spread, health capabilities, social and economic risk factors, and their local resilience. Conduct regular "check ins" with your network and stay attuned to symptoms of. I have received countless e-mails over the past six months from . The 2014-2016 West Africa Ebola outbreak contributed to over $1 billion loss in U.S. merchandise exportsexternal icon to afflicted countries in West Africa. Please consider using physical activity and exercise as a strategy to maintain health during this stressful period. This activity trains students to extract information from the SAQs, organize solutions, communicate their knowledge, and develop a deeper level of thinking. The implementation of flipped classroom learning is expected to prepare the students to participate in more interactive learning activities that require higher-order cognitive skills (Cowden and Santiago, 2016). "Engaging with the arts in our case through making music or listening to music provides solace, awakens curiosity and allows us to be in the moment with our thoughts and feelings. The transition to online learning also presented a big challenge to decide which online technology is best suited for lectures. Olakanmi E.E. Maintain an exercise routine, even if you cant go to your local gym. The various insights and results discussed in this paper could be adapted for designing synchronous and/or asynchronous components of online, flipped, or hybrid classes. Bokosmaty R., Bridgeman A., Muir M. Using a partially flipped learning model to teach first year undergraduate chemistry. Evaluation of a flipped, large-enrollment organic chemistry course on student attitude and achievement. In asynchronous lectures, instructors record lecture videos and upload them in Blackboard learning management system (LMS) or YouTube, so that students can access them in their most convenient time. In the summer of 2022, the release of . The platform will provide first responders and service providers with timely and actionable information on their health-related capacities, social and economic determinants of population health, and ways to foster local resilience. The DLPCA strategy was presented and discussed to the students prior to its implementation. During this time of isolation, connecting face-to-face (online) is more important than ever. . Investing in global health security and improving our ability to prevent, detect, and respond to diseases could not only protect the health of Americans at home and abroad, it could avert these catastrophic costs. The impacts on sport and active living have been transformative, complex and highly uneven. Teachers Gain Knowledge and Insight into Industry. Sustaining this needs support from wonderful readers like you. Visualizing this kind of information can help policy-makers assess the extent of adherence to physical distancing and shelter-in-place measures. The overall mean of entries from 7.17.7 for CHE 211 and CHE 216 were calculated as 4.23 and 4.53, respectively. Outbreaks take hold in the worlds most vulnerable areas countries with few resources to stem the tide of infection before it reaches our shores. The response for CHE 216 is shown in blue colour. Therefore, it is important for this paper to contribute to this current information gap. If you cant stream, then calling and texting is important. STHDA . In: Teaching Innovations in Economics: Strategies and Applications for Interactive Instruction. The following constraints were considered in designing the DLPCA: Table 2 shows how each DLPCA component addresses the different constraints of the online teaching and learning, and the proposed plans to minimize these constraints. Alignment of Assessment with LOs in Physical Chemistry (CHE 216) before and during COVID-19. (2010) highlighted that teaching a large enrolment course can be a very engaging and productive learning experience for students and a rewarding experience for the instructor through effective classroom management, careful planning, and ingenuity. Since the days of Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War and Clara Barton during the Civil War, nurses have been an integral part of the care and treatment of the sick and wounded. This may also lead to students feeling disconnected from their instructors and be less motivated. (a) contains 11 videos with an average run time of 24min and the longest video of 50min and 35s. There are 30 lecture videos prepared for Physical chemistry 1 playlist as shown in Fig. It can increase our immune systems, reduce stress and improve our mental well-being. DLPCA provides a cohesive strategy where students know what to prepare before going to class and are reassured knowing that any questions that they would have will be answered during the synchronous sessions. An effective blended online teaching and learning strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic, GUID:4A0B2824-8F66-4942-BC72-A9FEDF9FC77B. Limiting the time of unsupervised assessment format restricted the amount of time for any potential collaboration. Ltd. All rights reserved. Another great benefit for the DLPCA strategy is that synchronous sessions were recorded and uploaded in Blackboard for their exclusive use, and these capture the instructors presentation, class discussions and the participations as they occur. (Szen and Gven, 2019). Just last week, a conspiracy video that regarded the coronavirus as a "plandemic" spread rapidly on YouTube, partly through coordinated linking by QAnon groups (a far-right conspiracy theory community) on Facebook. There were 4 computational exams given and 2 conceptual assessments given in the form of a quiz bee. Hence, this strategy is considered a manageable and effective alternative that can be adapted to full online instruction to other undergraduate Chemistry lecture courses. Clarity of presentation is essential to ensure student engagement and ultimately learning. This sudden change to online instruction raised concern among many teachers and students because a large segment of the population have unstable internet access and limited electronic devices (Pastor, 2020; Mirandilla-Santos, 2016). Making pedagogy tangible: developing skills and knowledge using a team teaching and blended learning approach. The total participant surveyed for Analytical chemistry and Physical chemistry are N=91 and N=77, respectively. Essential services like medical healthcare, traffic department, the police, banks, etc. The pandemic would be a big factor in finishing requirements by students, which in normal times are easily done. A common PowerPoint template design, and font type were used to ensure uniformity in all lecture videos for each Chemistry course. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. This feedback is important because this will allow students to set their expectations in the new learning environment and will give them an impression of order and continuity (Table 7 Development of a new educational package based on e-learning to study engineering thermodynamic process: combustion, energy and entropy analysis. Krathwohl D.R. Koo C.L., Demps E.L., Farris C., Bowman J.D., Panahi L., Boyle P. Impact of flipped classroom design on student performance and perceptions in a pharmacotherapy course. The commission released its final report, titled Inspired to Serve, in March 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when public servants, military service members, volunteers, and national . Tavakol M., Dennick R. Making sense of Cronbachs alpha. LO2. Oh what a difference a team makes: why team teaching makes a difference. By removing uncertainties, they are also empowering, helping us move from a posture of alarm to one of action. Teachers of Lucnab Elementary School in Baguio City prepare modules, one of the alternative learning modes adopted due to the covid 19 pandemic, for distribution to students of school year 2020-2021. TRAVEL AND TRADE: As has been seen with the COVID-19 outbreak that began in 2019, the fallout from wide-spread outbreaks and pandemics can have harsh consequences for travel, tourism, and imports. Hence, a video editing software was used to ensure the images, videos and sound are as clear as possible before using the videos to deliver information. Tm: Text Mining Package. The following is Supplementary data to this article: aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, bResearch Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences, Manila, Philippines, cLeeds Institute of Medical Research, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Word cloud analysis on further improvements in the online teaching and learning in (a) CHE 211 and (b) CHE 216 courses. Most students appreciated the online strategy and commended their instructors for providing course materials that were sufficient to understand the topics fully. Bergmann et al. In order to help meet these needs, theSecDev Groupis designing a data-driven platform to assist local governments and health providers, especially in lower and middle-income settings. The production quality and the delivery of the content by the instructor are crucial for engaging the students. The balanced online strategy also increases students sense of responsibility for learning (entry 7.6). Liou W.K., Bhagat K.K., Chang C.Y. To address this potential drawback, problem-solving based SAQs were given at the end of each lecture video to promote the students commitment in completing the lecture. Another impressiveinventory of country-level mappingefforts and theirunderlying data sourceswas recently made available by ESRI. Internet and time were also the second most frequent words in the feedback. COVID Near You, a voluntary self-reporting platform designed in the US, helps individuals track symptoms. However, preventive measures must be in place to prevent unauthorized student collaboration and internet searching. Ensuring that analytical platforms are sufficiently high resolution for city-level authorities is also essential. Studies have also shown that students reported a higher level of engagement and expressed strong preference for multimedia created by their own instructor in an online course (Xu and Jaggars, 2014; Briggs, 2005). The COVID-19 pandemic undeniably accelerated the process of transition to full online instruction and provided opportunities to carry out effective online teaching. Experts from the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health put together these tips and resources on how to protect your mental health during these tryingtimes. This problem was resolved by effective collaboration and task distribution between the authors in developing the lecture videos and other online learning materials, such as handouts and SAQs for each topic. In addition, these problem-solving SAQs present prospects for inquiry and personalisation of learning and avoid the passive watching of videos (Nerantzi, 2020). Unlike in some developed countries where teaching is designed with the assumption that all the students have equal technical and cultural resources to access academic materials, developing countries, such as the Philippines, must give high consideration on the socio-technical constraints of all students when designing the course content and delivery. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. To further verify the observed changes from the grade distributions between online and face-to-face, Welch t-test was used to analyse the data. What the crisis has already shown is that companies are willing to act. Others live in apartments with no yards. Problem sets are regularly given to students because solving relevant problems is indispensable to the understanding concepts, practice of numerical skills, and deepening knowledge of chemistry. Flores N., Savage S.J. The authors are grateful to the university administration for their support in providing trainings in online instruction. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. Overall, the majority of students in CHE 211(Mean=3.88) students agree and CHE 216 (Mean=4.48) students strongly agree that our self-assessment questions SAQs and exam strategy is sufficient and effective in assessing the understanding of the students of the topics in both calculations and theory. Now you should make better, healthier choices. These announcements reminded students of the specific topics, new materials uploaded, and changes in schedule or exams, if any. Try to eat at regular times and opt for nutritious foods whenever possible. Music education should be a part of a general education in everybody's life. Students participate in the lectures and are able to ask questions vocally or via live text chat. Students expressed their desire to continue with the DLPCA strategy and credited their teachers for the commendable efforts made in their online class. While there are a number of well-known organisations within Australia that offer online formal qualifications, Open Colleges being one of them, not all schools were prepared to make the shift to a fully online learning environment. Hence, synchronous lecture sessions were conducted using Google meet (Google Meet, 2019) or Zoom (Zoom, 2019). Check out some ideas at, Crises offer a time for community cohesion and, If you have children, talk to them honestly about what is going on in an age-appropriate manner. The role of instructor, student and LMS The respondents were optimistic as they enjoyed the learning strategy and emphasized the efficiency of content delivery and the ability to control the pace of learning. Our global health security work focuses on building public health systems that work hand-in-hand to help countries detect and contain public health threats. (2013) and Tucker (2012) highlighted that watching videos is not enough to make flipped learning effective. The difficulty of the provided assessment must be balanced with the given time frame. The frequency table and graph for worst experience are presented in Supplemental Information SI-7. The participants responded in the survey anonymously. Narrations or discussions were recorded using Microsoft PowerPoint and was saved as MP4 file. Hence, DLPCA combines a balance of synchronous and asynchronous components to engage the diverse personalities of students in a more inclusive way and maximizes opportunities for self- and guided learning. During the initial shift to online instruction, course syllabi were reviewed and modified accordingly to ensure that students will still be able to complete their course (refer to Section The class time is devoted to further reinforce the topics through problem solving examples, interactive activities and detailed discussions (Pienta, 2016; Rau et al., 2017). 4b) showed the most frequent keyword none for their worst experience. Contact them to ask about remote services. The different constraints and difficulties experienced by students and instructors alike were first identified. The shift to distance teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a real challenge for both instructors and students. In general, CHE 211 students agree while CHE 216 students strongly agree that our pre-recorded lecture videos are effective in delivering the learning outcomes, engaging, and useful in their online learning. To promote academic integrity, the instructors modified the dissemination quiz questions for the succeeding quizzes. Moreover, respondents in CHE 211 (66 %) agree (mean=3.88) and CHE 216 (87.1 %) strongly agree (mean=4.23) that they can work independently on typical word problems after watching the videos (entry 3.10). It is encouraging that most of the respondents in CHE 211 and 216 responded just right when asked about the level of difficulty, amount of work, and run time for the recorded videos. Word cloud analysis on the best experiences in the online teaching and learning in (a) CHE 211 and (b) CHE 216. Through the instructors perspective, the DLPCA strategy also showed great impact on the students learning. Sohrabi B., Traj H. Implementing flipped classroom using digital media: a comparison of two demographically different groups perceptions. Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection,,,,, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. On the other hand, constructivism focuses on the idea that students acquire new information by building on their previous knowledge and experience through a series of various activities and assessments (Ripoll et al., 2021). On the other hand, former radio broadcaster-turned-teacher Krezel Dianne Sampani . The students were informed about the purpose of this questionnaire and were aware that the data would be used only for research and academic purposes. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active. Thereafter, the topic to be discussed is introduced and expected learning outcomes are mentioned before proceeding to the actual discussion. Feinerer I., Hornik K., Meyer D. Text mining infrastructure in r. Fitzgerald N., Li L. Using presentation software to flip an undergraduate analytical chemistry course. Good quality, sufficient sleep not only helps to support your immune system but also helps you to better manage stress and regulate emotions. The implication of this research is to find out the importance of how teachers of MAPEH especially the non-majors become aware of learning and dealing with teaching challenges. At the same time, there is also evidence to suggest that exercise can be helpful to mood even if the act of doing the exercise is not as enjoyable. Negovan V., Sterian M., Colesniuc G.M.

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