cultural relativism anthropology quizlet

Erving Goffman would refer to this behavior as an example of: Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupants of a particular status are called: Which of the following represents an ascribed status? A) a holistic and comparative approach to problem solving B) cultural means of adaptation C) social institutions, such as the state, that Which was one of the roles discussed by Simmel? They identify all of the following reasons EXCEPT, keeping members glued to storytelling devices, such as televisions, The theory of structural-functionalism, as used by Radcliffe-Brown, believed that social structures, functioned to maintain social stability over time. being puzzled by how people in another country greet one another and then thinking about why they might do it that way, Which of the following is an example of using one's sociological imagination?a)being in unfamiliar surroundings and imagining being in a more comfortable place. Emma runs into her former aerobics instructor, whom she hasn't seen in several years, and her instructor offers to put her in contact with an engineering friend of hers. Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider's view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider's view Other Quizlet sets. In cultural anthropology, the term "belief" refers to. Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as. Ethnographic writing techniques have changed dramatically since Malinowski, Mead, and Evans-Pritchard published their books in the early twentieth century. Which of the following is an example of a negative relationship? Although some criticize rap music for its violent lyrics, many rappers defend it by saying it emerges directly from their experiences. If I say "here the drink bring," I have violated a(n) ________ rule of our language. a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among branch of anthropology dealing with human races, their origin, distribution, culture, etc. During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? Chapter 5 Book Problems - ACC-307. (Q003) Climate change has evoked a politically polarized debate in the United States. In the book, Malinowski also provided guidelines for anthropologists conducting fieldwork, an approach that today is still called participant observation. This image depicts the involvement of an anthropologist in the U.S. military's Human Terrain Systems program. You are there with your same-sex spouse of eight years. Analyzing a cultural practice by examining how it fits into the recent economic practices of a region, The tendency to view one's own culture as more important and correct than any other culture is called, Margaret Mead's book Coming of Age in Samoa (1928) provided an example of cultural determinism in that, the stress and anxiety of American adolescence were not experienced by Samoan youth, who grew up in a different cultural environment, Malinowski is known to have done all of the following EXCEPT, After studying Hopi language, linguistic anthropologists Sapir and Whorf concluded that, Hopi speakers understand time in a fundamentally different way than English speakers, The research technique in which an ethnographer records their own observations and thoughts, as well as what they do while engaging in daily community activities, is called, Suitable field sites for conducting ethnography include. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. Which of the following best describes the difference between the I and the me in George HerbertMead's theory? Okay?"? Today, though, Facebook is many people's default way of staying in touch with family, friends, and colleagues through messages, posts, likes, and event invitations. How do biological anthropologists know what they know?, What is true about social All of the following statements about language are true except: d. Men accommodate more to topics women raise. b.All anthropologists work in academic institutions. This could be a problem for which of the following characteristics of good social research? Ch. with better communication systems, people often read what is written about them, adherence to defined techniques (participant observation, field notes, interviews, mapping, etc.). Which of the following errors is illustrated in this statement? Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group. Why do the authors of this chapter decide to talk to a patron of a coffee shop? Ordinary people could learn the "truth" through observation and experience, Jane Goodall's work with nonhuman primates highlights the value of. In anthropology, methodical cultural relativism a: is not a moral position, but a methodological one b: is both a moral and a methodological stance toward other cultures c: is synonymous with moral relativism d: is another version of ethnocentrism e: is a political position that argues for the defense of human rights, regardless of culture During Jane Elliott's workshop, people with __________ eyes were bombarded with discriminatory rules and behavior. Social institutions often appear monolithic and unchanging. b.All anthropologists work in academic institutions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements best defines the term personality? Which of the following illustrates stereotyping? 10 terms. 44 terms. Which of the following methods would an ethnographer use specifically to collect data on important relationships that form the foundation of the society? Which mode of production has these three central features: private property is owned by a business class; workers sell their labor power to survive; and surpluses of wealth are produced? He approaches a Tlingit leader and explains the project and develops an appropriate way to ask people whether or not they wish to participate. Rarely, foraging groups may become sedentary instead of nomadic. Identify whether or not these activities define engaged anthropology. One medical use of DNA testing is the identification of __________ gene variations that put women at very high risk for breast cancer. Anthropologist Philippe Bourgois lived with Puerto Rican crack dealers in East Harlem in order to find out, why pockets of extreme poverty persist in the United States. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Identify whether or not the following are systems of power and meaning that anthropologists study through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives., For centuries, explorers, missionaries, and others gave accounts of different cultures that they encountered around the world. ____________________ first photographed Mayan hieroglyphs in the 1880's. Identify the statement that best describes anthropology. Sandra is doing research to determine how common cheating is among students at Duke University. Assuming that this is due to the way these rare events are covered by the media, this would be considered: The I is one's sense of agency; the me is how we believe others see us. In anthropology, the process of learning culture as it is transmitted by others is called, Clifford Geertz, a post-modern anthropologist, stressed the importance of, language, as a means of transmitting symbolic knowledge in public contexts, The term primitive is a term that implies all of the following EXCEPT, an objective and neutral approach to newly encountered peoples, "Going native" means that an anthropologist, participates more fully in local life than an observer, becoming romantically or sexually involved with Native people and/or taking on leadership roles in society. Seen in this light, government is a: as a social institution, education tends to reinforce existing inequalities. "It's a 'girl' thing for women in Chapter Six illustrates. C. climatic Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? a) It is a set of relatively enduring behavioral and cognitive characteristics, traits, or predispositions that people take with them to different situations, contexts, and interactions with others, and that contribute to differences among Which of the following is true about a gesture-call system? they are more likely to introduce us to new information and ideas. People and groups who influence our orientation to life and our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are: Because military boot camps and prisons are places that control all of the basics of people's day-to-day lives, they are known as: Who developed role theory as a way to examine social interaction? felony hit-and-run a. have more than one commonly accepted definition. Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider's view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider's view. Why were some anthropologists angered by the participation of their colleagues in this program? What research method will Elizabeth most likely use? During the seminar, the "lower" group felt stereotyped as __________ if they tried to complain about their treatment. and more. The primary difficulty with this idea is that it, (Q014) When fears of contagious diseases such as avian flu and Ebola arise, public health officials encourage people to replace greetings involving close contact (handshakes, hugs) with an elbow bump. Because they were stereotyped as greedy, and "not smart", the lower group children were forbidden from having __________ at lunch. EXAM 1 REVIEW. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (Q001) Material culture includes a. values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. c. anything from the natural environment. The in-depth study of everyday practices and lives of a people is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). Both of these approaches are an attempt to ensure that kids "fit in" at school, indicating that parents of all classes shy away from difference. many believe this is an unethical weaponizing of anthropological research strategies and knowledge. Place the definitions of the two data-gathering approaches on the correct area in the diagram. Pages 17-18 1.4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements best defines the term personality? The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? Which theory did "armchair anthropologists" of the late nineteenth century apply to their work? EMIC-understanding a community on its own terms. Some factors are called moderating variables because they: A person who intentionally drives a wedge between two others is termed by Georg Simmel as: Visit more schools so that her sample is more representative, Ava's has data from an elite school, but wants to make general claims about college preparation, The main reason achieving high response rates and limiting selection bias are important is to. Which element is not included in this "I" language statement? d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. can lead to, Misunderstandings that revolve around emotive, equivocal, and relative language can all be clarified by. What phrase does Bob Myers use to encourage his students to appreciate that anthropology happens all around them? (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? As the number of people vaccinated against measles increases, the occurrence of measles decreases. In the book, Malinowski also provided guidelines for anthropologists conducting fieldwork, an approach that today is still called __________. EXAM 1 REVIEW. a. multicultural b. culturally uniform c. slowly changing d. traditional, What's the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together make up the way of life for a group of people? The role of the IRB is to and more. Who wrote the book commonly known as Al Rihla, considered to be among the first examples of early pre-anthropological writing? Which theorist argued that other people provide us with a social mirror and that our interpretations of this mirror affect how we see ourselves? Which of the following is true about anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski? By recess on the first day of the experiment, the term __________ had become a slur used to taunt the "lower" group of children. On top of it all, she needs to meet with her advisor to plan out classes for next semester. (Coles). Identify whether or not the following are systems of power and meaning that anthropologists study through intensive fieldwork and the observation of people's everyday lives. Founder of North American Cultural Anthropology, challenged evolutionary school. "I am having a really hard time concentrating when the TV volume is so loud.". Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? d. It doesn't describe the speaker's interpretation of the behavior. Cultural Anthropology Midterm Chapter 4. Identify whether or not later anthropologists found the following statements problematic about E. E. Evans-Pritchard's study of Sudanese communities during the 1930s, detailed in his ethnography The Nuer (1940). Today, in the United States, some of the key predictors for student performance include. According to __________ from Ancient Egypt Research Associates, the fine tools and blades recovered from the huge garbage pit on the edge of the last city are evidence of highly skilled workers. What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? How do anthropologists understand the concept of The Other? A conflict theorist might argue that dress codes advance the interests of those in power. D. In the Upper Paleolithic period the state used corvee labor as a means to build monumental architecture. Ethnography. as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. This technique will ensure that Sean will ________. Her research found that, men tend to use styles that show status and competitiveness, while women tend to use styles that are cooperative and assert equality, The oralist approach to the education of Deaf and hard-of-hearing people, attempts to prevent Deaf children from using signed languages and teach them to blend in to the hearing community by lip reading, The hypothesis of linguistic relativity promotes the idea that, one's cultural environment and one's language are so interrelated that the way a person speaks may influence the way they see the world, Digital communication has had all of the following effects, EXCEPT, confusing students in terms of which register to use when speaking to people in their communities, Globalization has had all of the following effects EXCEPT, Dialects spoken by people in small communities are gaining in popularity, A minimal unit of meaning in a language, that may be bound or unbound, is a, The general idea of Chomsky's Universal Grammar is that, all normally developing human infants have an innate ability to acquire the language(s) used around them, Benjamin Whorf's research into the Hopi language led to, The communication of animals using sounds and visual cues (such as color changes, expressions, or body movements) is referred to as a, The minimal unit of sound that can make a difference in meaning, but that does not carry meaning itself (such as /b/ in "bit" or /p/ in "pit") is, The use of __________ may be combined with sound to produce meaning in a gesture-call system, The shift from Old English to Middle English occurred when, French conquerors from Normandy invaded England in 1066 AD, Maya hieroglyph expert ____________________, the youngest ever recipient of the MacArthur genius award, discovered that the language was extremely complex with multiple phonetic substitutions spelling exactly the same word in slightly different ways. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. The citizenry, as best as can be determined, is highly regimented in daily life, without access to outside information, and suffering frequent famine. According to Dr. Harald Meller, prehistoric farmers used celestial sky maps like the __________ to know when to plant their crops. There are three levels of style. a. George Herbert Mead c. mile Durkheim b. Karl Marx d. Max Weber, Johann is from the United Kingdom. Identify whether or not these are examples of a zero. b. language operates as a perceptual schema. C. psychology. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. He sees that women in Afghanistan are often expected to wear head scarves, but women in the United Kingdom are Identify whether or not these activities define engaged anthropology. Jane Elliott estimated that it took about __________ for the children to begin discriminating against one another. Which of the following is NOT a major subfield of anthropology in the United States? According to research by Annette Lareau(2003), parents of different social classes socialize their children differently. The revival of Adam smith's classic economic liberalism, the idea that governments should not regulate private enterprise and that free market forces should rule; a currently dominant intervention philosophy. Sociologically speaking, the leadership of North Korea is, (Q016) Facebook surpassed 1 billion monthly active users in 2012, and that number has continued to climb. Which of the following anthropologists is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern North American anthropology, with its focus on fieldwork and cultural relativism? Participants engage in the process of buying, wrapping, and giving gifts to celebrate personal social relations within a sphere of monetary exchange, When something is given or traded with the expectation that something of equal value will be returned within a specified time period, it shows. Their numbers frequently overwhelm nearby towns and cities, including the Mt. According to Georg Simmel, which of the following groups is the most fragile? Which subfield of anthropology aims to solve specific practical problems in collaboration with governmental, non-profit, and community organizations? cultural relativism. c. the consequences of the other person's behavior. C. psychology. Identify whether or not these are examples of a credible way to establish ethnographic authority. Gifts that are given without agreeing upon the exact value of the gift, nor the time frame within which it should be returned, demonstrates. The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. b. The finches that Darwin had brought back from the Galapagos were very similar except for their __________, which were adapted to the environment in which they were found. He believed in Historical Particularism and Cultural Relativism. EXAM 1 REVIEW. Which of the following is the lowest-level abstraction? A sociologist finds a strong relationship between education and income. He calls this: Two young men are on an elevator together. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. Both of the answer choices are possible hypotheses(correct), The bipedal position of humans, in contrast to the quadrupedal locomotion of other animals, led to some changes in the vocal anatomy. Reading review (Berger, "Invitation to Sociology"). Which of the following does NOT describe culture? Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider's view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider's view Other Quizlet sets. first-degree man slaughter. This image depicts two men who have sold their kidneys on the illegal global market, the subject of Nancy Scheper-Hughes's fieldwork about the dynamics of globalization. The __________ is considered the most primitive living mammal because it lays eggs and is, therefore, a link between reptiles and mammals. You identify as a liberal independent, but you are interested in the process from different perspectives. Of the following, which is the LEAST likely position for an applied anthropologist to hold? Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. How are animal call systems different from human language? What are their interests? d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. Darwin delayed publishing his theory for many years until he received a paper by __________ outlining a similar theory, but lacking Darwin's 20 years of research and supporting evidence. Ethnography. Humans share a number of non-verbal communication forms with non-human primates who use a gesture-call system. In a pastoralist society, wealth and status are measured by, The mode of exchange that is characterized by regulation by supply and demand and transactions that are often impersonal (with strangers) but may be personal (with acquaintances or family members) is, Foragers have a broad spectrum diet, that is, they have a diet based on a wide range of food resources, The four modes of subsistence recognized by anthropologists are, Foraging, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, use the fur and wool of animals for warmth and clothing. Although it may seem that climate change is a matter of science, underlying the disagreement are attachments to opposing, (Q004) Suppose you are part of a research team stationed in Uganda to do sociological surveys. Modern DNA analysis is so detailed that science can demonstrate how a __________ taken from a jellyfish can be transplanted into a mouse, turning the mouse luminous. urban environments, such as a city in the U.S. Our interpretations of how others see us are more important than the reality of how others see us. The "gold standard" of DNA testing is identifying the _____ _____ _____, short strings of DNA's letters that repeat. During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? Establishing ethnographic authority is an essential part of the anthropologist's job. How could you increase the power of the statement "I, uh, think I'd be a little happier if you could make it on time. Anthony Kwame Harrison argues that anthropology places taken-for-granted notions of progress within the broader context of human culture. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis.Place the following descriptive accounts of other cultures in order from first to most recent.

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