abnormal behavior google scholar

Coping with personal problems. Szasz, T. (1961). 1991 ; Turner and Lewis 2003 ; Turner et al. Abnormal Behavior. ), The classification of behavior disorders (pp. The present study examined 12 abnormal psychology textbooks to determine whether Rosenhan's classic study, "Being sane in insane places," was covered, and if so, the nature of that coverage. Zubin, J., & Spring, B. The only direct experimental evidence as to whether stereotypies are malfunctional or maladaptive comes from our work in songbirds. Extinction learning, however, is affected by processes other than extinction. GJ If seen in the wild as well as captivity, is the behavior performed in inappropriate circumstances (e.g., infanticide in mice), or performed excessively (e.g., screeching in parrots)? (1997). (Ed.). in the field and provide online access to the researchers worldwide without any restrictions or Follette, W. C., & Houts, A. C. (1996) Models of scientific progress and the role of theory in taxonomic development. H Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed., rev.). (1994). Whishaw Lariviere Hurst DSM-IV literature reviews: Rationale, process, and limitations. The journal is directed at scholars, practitioners and researchers who are involved in such topics of scientific research. 1.4 The Validity, Reliability, and Replicability of Modeling Wild Animal Behavior in the Laboratory. In earlier experiments, we used extinction learning as a measure of recurrent perseveration. We found stereotypy in parrots similarly correlated with perseveration and inappropriate rapid responding ( Garner et al. 1990 ; Wrbel 2001 ). Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement within that system, including a more open-minded evaluation of the feasibility of the medical model, as opposed to a classification system based on classification theory and models, and more empirically based decision making. of California, San Diego, Construct validity of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale: Further evidence using confirmatory factor analytic approach, Proposal for a cognitive model to the treatment of pathological gambling, Parenting style in relation to mental health among female adolescents, The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral intervention in pathological gambling treatment, Systems psyche: Its structure, operation and possible molecular links, The effectiveness of stress management training on hardiness in patients with breast cancer, The effect of person-centered narrative therapy on happiness and death anxiety of elderly people, Transcranial magnetic stimulation for anxiety symptoms: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis, Factors affecting HIV positive status disclosure among people living with HIV in west Showa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia; 2013, Romanian pathological Gamblers psychologyA review, Surveying the gap of generation between two generations of mothers and high school girl students in Bushehr City regarding their commitment towards religious beliefs and values, Facebook addiction disorder: Is Facebook really addictive, Rumination and academic hardiness as predicators of suicidal ideation among nigerian adolescents, Clinical application of dynamic gait index-brazilian brief version, Social behavior: developmental timing defies puberty, The Brain-body-microbial communities: A crosstalk and stress exchange beyond the Gut hypothesis, Observing the effects of mindfulness-based meditation on anxiety and depression in chronic pain patients, The impact of maternal eating disorders and spousal support on neurodevelopmental trajectories in their toddlers. KS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35465-1_2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35465-1_2, eBook Packages: Behavioral ScienceBehavioral Science and Psychology (R0). The chapter examines the behavioral problems associated with mental retardation and drug abuse, as well as those associated with mental illness. MH Abnormal behavior Known as: behaviors problem, Behavioral changes, Problem Behaviors Troublesome or disruptive behavioral displays. Robbins Furthermore, the hypothesis is directly testable by extrapolation from human studies. Google Scholar 3. Cooper JJ, Mason GJ. Capitanio American Journal of Psychiatry, 132, 11931197. Handbook of behavioral assessment. The change in recurrent perseveration during aviary housing correlated with the change in stereotypy ( Garner et al. Psychiatric Annals, 13, 772782. - Unable to display preview. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 786795. New York: Gardner. 123-135. Szasz, T. S. (1966). Most importantly, the level of perseveration seen in nonstereotypic individuals should be the same in both enriched and unenriched animals. View Article Google Scholar 4. AJ Using this bias-corrected gambling task, we have confirmed the correlation of recurrent perseveration and stereotypy in parrots ( Garner et al. . One cannot turn to wild house mice to define a normal range because laboratory mice are complex hybrids of multiple subspecies, so no normal wild population exists ( Silver 1995 ). Thus, the commonality of this result is currently unclear. . TW Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in In addition, we found that stereotypy and barbering, stereotypy and stuck-in-set perseveration, and barbering and recurrent perseveration were all uncorrelated, confirming the specificity of the association of particular forms of perseveration with particular forms of ARB. Nevison [Google Scholar] Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and reasoning.. Cognitive psychology originated in the 1960s in a break from behaviorism, which had held from the 1920s to 1950s that unobservable mental processes were outside of . Jian L, Jin T, Peng Z et al (2016) Abnormal behavior detection for elderly based on 3D structure light sensor. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. The ultimate determination will be made in future work, but it is an empirical issue that can be assessed readily. OBJECTIVE To review the literature regarding screening psychomotor tests for the early identification of developmental problems. Harpur TJ, Hare RD. [Google Scholar] MP Druss, B. G., Marcus, S. C., Rosenheck, R. A., Olfson, M., Tanielian, T., & Pincus, H. A. 2004 a,b, unpublished data). Intercorrelation of stereotypy and measures indicative of disinhibition of response selection in bank voles ab. Lerche Sartorius, N. (1988). Baxter 1991 ; Lewis et al. Farm animals exhibit abnormalities of sexual, maternal, and other social behaviors as well as many stereotyped behaviors. CJ Toates However, disruption to these systems also affects many other aspects of behavior. The goal is to learn whether it gives up food storing (i.e., a naturalistic extinction response) or chooses to replenish its food stores. Miller . For a detailed, recent review and to understand the relationship of ARB to experimental outcomes, the reader is referred to Garner (2005) . KA vonHolst In work with C57BL/6J mice, colleagues and I have observed stereotypies in approximately 80% of individuals (unpublished data). A., & Calhoun, K. S. (1977). . Chicago: Aldine. . Although a replicable experiment does not ensure that the measures are valid, nonreplicable results may indicate poor external validity of the measures. . Marsden In H. Kaplan, A. Freedman, & B. Sadock (Eds. New York: Ronald. Overall, J. E., & Klett, C. J. The question then arises regarding how this association between ARB and perseveration might affect experimental outcomes. CJ Accordingly, we found correlations between activity, behavioral switching, stereotypy, and perseveration in bank voles ( Garner and Mason 2002 ). Journal of Abnormal Psychology. . In contrast, the goal selection system is distributed across the prefrontal corticostriatal loop, a series of brain areas. F Assessment of psychopathy as a function of age. One of the fundamental aims of enrichment, therefore, is to allow the animal to perform species-typical behaviors that return control over the environment to the animal and promote homeostasis. . Thus, ARBs in laboratory animals may compromise validity, reliability, and replicability, especially in behavioral experiments; and enrichments that prevent ARB may enhance validity, reliability, and replicability. 1996 ). Similarly, when animals are exposed to chronic aversive stimuli (e.g., cues leading to the perceived exposure to predators in an environment devoid of shelter), or an inability to perform behaviors normally essential to survival or reproduction in the wild (e.g., dispersal in mice; Latham and Mason 2004 ), they are likely to be stressed ( Olsson and Dahlborn 2002 ). Wahlsten The classic impulsive/compulsive behavior seen in mice is barbering (when one individual plucks similar idiosyncratic patterns of fur from its cagemates) ( Garner et al. [Google Scholar] Reliable measures are measurements that provide the same result either when two measurement devices (or experimenters) return the same result on the same individual (inter-rater reliability), or when the same experimenter obtains the same result from the same individual with repeated observations (test-retest reliability). 2003; 60:929-937. Doleys, D. M., Meredith, R. L., & Ciminero, A. R. (1982). 3751). New York: Wiley. B Although often confused, these three criteria are distinct. Stauffacher Lewis 2348). 4458). . Price Benjamin, L. S. (1974). Lefkowitz, M. M., & Burton, N. (1978). It mainly includes normal crowd behavior video and abnormal behavior video, such as fighting, running, gathering, abrupt, retrograde and so on, providing test data for the detection of abnormal behavior of the crowd. Sexual disorders: Theory, research, and treatment. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 258272. For example, in the food storing literature, a common paradigm is to pilfer the animal's food stores, and to examine its behavioral response. However, when the patient is then asked to stop naming the suit and to state the value of the card (e.g., ace, king, queen), the patient persists in naming the suit. 1996 ). Shakow, D. (1977). Wiggins, J. 2003b ). New York: Pergamon. Turner Abnormal Behavior. The chapter examines the behavioral problems associated with mental retardation and drug abuse, as well as those associated with mental illness. Conclusion 3 can be further divided into three key unresolved issues: (a) whether or not the differences in brain function seen in animals performing ARB are abnormal; (b) which common behavioral paradigms are affected by ARB; and (c) whether or not enrichment does improve the quality of behavioral data. Popper, K. R. (1972). (1987). PubMed This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. asthma-copd guidelines 2020 . Widiger, T. A., Frances, A. J., Spitzer, R. L., & Williams, J. R B. W. (1985). . This task has been adapted successfully for use in primates ( Dias et al. M American Journal of Psychiatry, 139, 577583. Leipoldt Washington, DC: Author. Barnekow When the term is used in this sense, abnormal behavior is troublesome behavior. Marashi When we returned them to their standard cages, we observed a reduction in stereotypy. 2005 ), indicating that the measures have poor validity. In this task, the subject is presented with a choice between two options and is randomly rewarded 50% of the time. Dufour These criteria parallel criteria in human psychiatry termed violation of norms, unexpectedness, disability or dysfunction, statistical infrequency, and personal distress, respectively (for discussion of these human criteria, see Davison and Neale 1998 ). Abnormal psychology focuses on the study and treatment of mental and emotional disorders that interfere with a person's ability to feel like themselves and carry out their day-to-day functions. With the advent of DSM-III and its multiaxial system, along with the purging of psychodynamic theory from classification in favor of operational definitions, we now have a much improved classification scheme. Rosenhan, D. L. (1973). Martin Davenport Annual review of psychology, 49, 559584. Bandura, A. Evidence for a relationship between cage stereotypies and behavioural disinhibition in laboratory rodents. C ARBs in captive animals appear to involve the same mechanisms as ARBs in human psychiatry, which reflect underlying abnormalities of brain function. Lipp Jian-hao and Li [ 9] proposed a method to identify abnormal behavior, such as robbery, fighting and chasing, in surveillance videos. Fleck, S. (1983). Work on this manuscript was supported by Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station grant 200517554. Is the behavior peculiar to a subset of individuals (e.g., barbering in mice)? JA CA Sarna Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Abnormal Psychology. Psychological Reports, 3, 635694. 293344). Willner Mental health: A report of the Surgeon General. Garner Journal of Abnormal Psychology publishes original research contributions in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Developmental Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology and General Humanities and Social Sciences. Weiss Approximately 98% of ICR (CD1) mice perform stereotypies ( Wrbel et al. . Violation of social norms is a definition of abnormality where a person's thinking or behavior is classified as abnormal if it violates the (unwritten) rules about what is expected or acceptable behavior in a particular social group. Rutter, M., Shaffer, D., & Shepherd, M. (1975). When different measures of the same property do not correlate, they fail to show convergent validity (e.g., measures of fearfulness in quail; Miller 2003 ), and when they correlate with unrelated measures, they fail to show discriminant validity (e.g., Miller 2003 ). 1999 ). A., & Friedman, A. Stereotypies appear not to develop in wild-caught adults, requiring instead an early critical period in captivity ( Callard et al. 2000 ; Cooper and Nicol 1996 ). CL American Psychiatric Association. Essen-Moller, E. (1973). Although shelters and complex cages may benefit some mice, these items may induce territoriality and hence become deleterious to others (especially group-housed males) ( Olsson and Dahlborn 2002 ). Tankersley Stengel, E. (1959). ), Behavioral assessment: A practical handbook (pp. Therefore, captive environments may affect the following aspects of an experiment: validity, by introducing abnormal animals into experiments; reliability, by increasing interindividual variation through the introduction of such individuals; and replicability, by altering the number and type of such individuals between laboratories. 4156). Washington, DC: Author. The disinhibition of behavior that leads to high rates of behavioral switching in amphetamine-treated animals also induces hyperactivity ( Lyon and Robbins 1975 ). A study of thinking. LE Title. Maladaptive behaviors reflect a normal animal in an abnormal environment: The animal is simply responding as well as it can with functionally intact behavioral mechanisms to the captive environment; the perversities of its behavior reflect those of the environment. LC JP JM 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The geometric representation of some simple structure. Therefore, (2) Is it reasonable to argue that providing a mouse with nesting material will perturb its physiology more than many other common laboratory provisions and decisions (e.g., switching from pine shaving to paper-product beddings, switching from open-top cages to ventilated cages, switching from the use of CRT computer monitors that produce ultrasound to LCD monitors that do not, or the hiring of new personnel who have different handling techniques)? The increase in physiological variation induced by captivity will decrease the reliability of any experiment affected by the physiological measure, and will increase the number of individuals needed to achieve sufficient statistical power. Because both maladaptive and malfunctional abnormal behavior potentially involve abnormal physiology, individuals performing abnormal behaviors can hardly be assumed to be good models of normal physiology ( Wrbel 2001 ). 2001; 110 (2):297-308. A description of the DSM-III-R and DSM-IV personality disorders with the five-factor model of personality. Olton Kass, F., Skodol, A. E., Charles, E., Spitzer, R. L., & Williams, J. DF pp. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35465-1_2, First Responders Guide to Abnormal Psychology, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific. 127181). A Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. ), The classification of behavior disorders (pp. CK Taguchi, P Costa, LV Alves, LK Santos, ER de Oliveira Silva, Abnorm Behav Psychol 2 (119), 2472-0496.1000119, MA Afifi, AA Jiman-Fatani, AM Tonkal, MB Jamjoom, Abnorm Behav Psychol 2 (113), 2472-0496.1000113, International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 5 (4), 143-147, S Sadeh-Sharvit, R Levy-Shiff, KD Arnow, JD Lock, Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology 1 (102), 5, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Univ. 2004 ). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64, 11201132. Pfohl, B., Coryell, W., Zimmerman, M., & Stangl, P. (1986). TW If, however, ARBs are malfunctional, then (1) ARB is the product of abnormal extremes of brain function; (2) this abnormal brain function is a major source of excessive and uncontrolled variation, and we really do need to worry about scientific consequences. Toward the integration of classification theory and methods. Zohar Potential impact of demonstrated correlates of stereotypy on commonly used behavioral measures in ethology, experimental psychology, and high-throughput phenotyping. 1996 ). . Vulnerability: A new view of schizophrenia. For example, obsessive and compulsive symptoms in obsessive compulsive disorder are correlated with abnormal brain metabolism ( Baxter et al. Northwestern University. Weisker We have begun working on the neuropsychological basis of barbering in mice. Keywords Aim and Scope. Garner British Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 393400. These distinctions are described here because the general hypothesis of this article is that abnormal behavior could potentially affect the validity, reliability, and replicability of scientific outcomes ( Garner and Mason 2002 ; Garner et al. Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology is a multidisciplinary an applied science that studies mental functions and publish original research investigations, review articles (systematic and narrative), short communications, editorials, case reports and letters to the editor on basic and clinical, concerns in medicine.The Journal also covers highly focused on the latest findings in . Persons versus situations in the real life functioning of chronic institutionalized mental patients. Toward a cognitive social learning reconceptualization of personality. Kendell, R. E. (1983). Colleagues and I have found that barbers (i.e., hair-plucking individuals) performed poorly on the task compared with controls, and that the severity of barbering (measured as the amount of fur plucked from cagemates) was correlated with stuck-in-set perseveration measured by the task ( Garner et al. However, this argument against enrichment rests on the implicit assumption that animals housed under barren standardized conditions are more normal (i.e., more representative of wild conspecifics, or of humans) than enriched animals. Interpersonal diagnosis of personality: A functional theory and methodology for personality evaluation. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 10: 123-140. Understanding disability in mental and general medical conditions. 2003a ). The gray box denotes the range of physiological variation that can be considered normal, and should be the target range for a valid study. To that end, we are investigating the effects of enrichment on stereotypy, perseveration, and experimental outcomes. H CG H ), Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology (pp. Wayne American Journal of Psychiatry, 142, 627630. . The history of psychiatry as the history of an art. R The psychiatric classification of behavior: A strategy of personal constraint. Philosophy of science. Broman, C. L. (1996). This result is consistent with the level of perseveration seen before aviary housing (i.e., possibly before enrichment) being abnormal. Behavior is also the means through which the animal can alter and control the environment to allow homeostasisof which nest building is a particularly common example. JP SN This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. SL Extinction learning is complete when the animal ceases responding to the previously rewarded side of the maze (or computer screen) and returns to choosing both options at random. Replicable results are results that can be repeated independently in different laboratories. 2003b ), and mice (unpublished data). In particular, it is currently unclear (1) whether or not the differences in brain function seen in animals performing ARB are abnormal, (2) which common behavioral paradigms are affected by ARB, and (3) whether enrichment does indeed improve the quality of behavioral data. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 19, 371394. Jones ARBs are defined as behaviors that are inappropriate, repetitive and unvarying in either goal or motor pattern ( Garner 2005 ; Turner 1997 ). Abnormal behavior therefore serves as a marker of abnormal physiology. In P. London & P. Rosenhan (Eds. eisenberg theory of prosocial behavior. Chapman (1988). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Widiger, T. A., Trull, T., Hurt, S., Clarkin, J., & Frances, A. J. Note that none of the animals show any abnormal behavior. Nitsch Wakefield, J. C. (1992a). Abnormal behavior can be divided into two mechanistic categories, termed maladaptive and malfunctional behaviors ( Mills 2003 ). S Zielinski JM Nicol JA Diagnosis and clinical assessment: The DSM-III. P Comprehensive Psychiatry, 27, 2134. 1998 ), and nesting material in the form of hay reduces stereotypy in bank voles ( Cooper et al. CM Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602-3013, Henry E. Adams,Kristen A. Luscher&Jeffrey A. Bernat, You can also search for this author in . 1978 ). Wrbel Callard The latter is expected to occur as the literature base expands, and perhaps future systems will be revolutionary not so much for their changes but for their demonstrations of the validity of earlier schemata. American Psychologist, 34, 1734. Perseveration involves a failure of behavioral control, not of cognition, will, or knowledge. RM 2003a ). Thus, stereotypies should be correlated with recurrent perseveration,but not stuck-in-set perseveration; and impulsive/compulsive ARBs should correlate with stuck-in-set perseveration, but not recurrent perseveration. 1, pp. Alternatively, if the level of perseveration seen in stereotypic animals is abnormal, then enrichment should reduce perseveration and reduce variability in experimental outcomes. Indeed, the inability to predict or control stimuli that are themselves non-life-threatening can lead to chronic states of stress that can markedly decrease immunocompetence (e.g., social disruption in rhesus; Capitanio and Lerche 1998 ) or even lead to spontaneous mortality (e.g., foot shock in rats; Weiss 1970 ). Klerman, G. L., Vaillant, G. E., Spitzer, R. L., & Mechels, R. (1984). A Archives of General Psychiatry, 44, 557563. Sandson Mills This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. To date there is little direct evidence related to the distinction described above, but a very tentative picture does appear to be emerging in which many, if not most, examples of ARB appear to be malfunctional behaviors indicative of abnormal levels of perseveration. 2003a ), and mice (unpublished data), we have identified more complex curvilinear relationships between these variables.

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